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1、3. Im frtesggstintat a specil boad_to eiehe probem .文档交流 仅供参考. A est u B. wl be stu C.must be st p .ha o b e up.文档交流 仅供参考.4. The diabe childen dmany thin, but_, tey eed lo.文档交流 仅供参考. A. frst ofal Bnot at al C.ateral Al in all.文档交流 仅供参考.5.The coa industry ithenorof Chin isnbarly h i_siz.文档交流 仅供参考. .

2、Foml Bforer Catte D. later6. The ball plar is oping to_tonoher eam soo.文档交流 仅供参考. Transfer Branspt ansplat trnsct.文档交流 仅供参考.7.tdn, he old mnnt to hve a est.文档交流 仅供参考. A. aveen watered . Waterng C. aig aer D. Bng wated.文档交流 仅供参考.r_to the ob e her witverylittlefee tm.文档交流 仅供参考. A. devoo B.t C.ust .ier

3、es9 The childrenave been _ince r fahe left.文档交流 仅供参考. A.out of stye B.underonto .outofcontro Din stye.文档交流 仅供参考.10.It s eported _ great changehaebe made wit th acaion ofhe new oicy. .文档交流 仅供参考. A.wih B.tha C.whi D.ha11. Th mange pomsd to keep me _ ohwhe prect ws gingon.文档交流 仅供参考. A beinrmed . nfomed

4、 C. fm .informing.文档交流 仅供参考.12. He nnouned tathe ompnyhadbeen transferrdo city.文档交流 仅供参考. anoer . hes C he ther .one another.文档交流 仅供参考.3 Ageat cher en um t crow as they caght _ of the heo.文档交流 仅供参考. . vision B.viw C. ig .glance 14hysic_myaorite sue wen I studied in the uiesity.文档交流 仅供参考. A Wr B

5、 .are 15. _we can scceed or notdepends n hw wll weooperatith thers.文档交流 仅供参考. A. B. Tus C. What . hther6. 1 led you te bok _ou retrn it to e n tie.文档交流 仅供参考. A. o ntion at B case C.n orerth .sotat.文档交流 仅供参考.17.MrBrown is spposd to _ fr taly lst month.文档交流 仅供参考. A beeaving B.haeleft C.leve Dae beeeft

6、.文档交流 仅供参考.1. -Did you the TVprogam last ngt?-No, _ot. A. articulay Bobiosly C.surprisiny .nrmly.文档交流 仅供参考.19. We ediappontd estery bcaus it at uch oddnner_shehad pomied us.文档交流 仅供参考. Ba C hic Dha0.Sh walkedaongth pah, _her daughtercose behind.文档交流 仅供参考. A. folloing B.flow C. to follow D. was f

7、lwed.文档交流 仅供参考.1She istedtat te sats it theater_ in adanc to sre bett vew.文档交流 仅供参考. A. bookd boed C. ac ooked . we to book.文档交流 仅供参考. eare sotis _ of elfshes n r lis,thouh we ac mostly geners persnalty.文档交流 仅供参考. A.misbleB. ey Cuilt D.oy23. hetecher doesnt alow hs stt _ on the exam.文档交流 仅供参考.

8、Aceated B.heating C.ceat Docha.文档交流 仅供参考.2. Thre s a otof evidene_ to ch tess isprtly resnsiber theieae.文档交流 仅供参考. A.t .which . s .tt2. “_everyones e,” shaid,“es begi odicushe otio totpobls.文档交流 仅供参考.we hae foun. “ As faras . Now that C. S r .y r.文档交流 仅供参考.2. Moscompuer users r _ threfrom comuter vi

9、russ.文档交流 仅供参考. A. withi B. upon . towas D.undr27. matte how _ , is impssbl that h hneverlos mne.文档交流 仅供参考. A. usimsmarts . a businessani sart .文档交流 仅供参考. . smat s a buinesman D mat a busiesman is.文档交流 仅供参考.8Dvidoldthe truth _to anno her, and hewas angy r ben btrayeyher good.文档交流 仅供参考.fiend. A. n pu

10、rpoe B.d .inetai .at all.文档交流 仅供参考.29. e lassromis queea _ soewt aper o heflor.文档交流 仅供参考. A. xcet for .besies C.excpt .itut 30The badeaher_ the building ogram yeva k.文档交流 仅供参考. A. went o B.put n et ack Duil u 31. Tey naturally pe tat ei cice of hepla wil b _wt eschol ad rets.文档交流 仅供参考. A easng Belco

11、m . kidD. popula32Thse tw pctresars_hat itsvry difficlt to tl tm pr.文档交流 仅供参考. AexcB amiliar C.liyD. Smiar 33.These tictsor theperfoance are_until the endof the month.文档交流 仅供参考. . cceptable B.Avilble C Advisa D. picale.文档交流 仅供参考.34Please _the wter pw yu havefnhed ourwhig.文档交流 仅供参考. A.turn o.tun oftC

12、.tunoutD. turn e 35. ont associa wt bad boy _y wole life willbe ruined.文档交流 仅供参考. . OB. tC. nd D. s ht 36I hl haea comaion itheuefter all tse_ yes.文档交流 仅供参考. A. aloe B lonely singleDsimple 37. Yo _ fyou had ha ghescore in the exaination. .文档交流 仅供参考. A. t have got scholarhi .woud have t sclrhp.文档交流 仅

13、供参考. . houlget sclarship D. adot slrp .文档交流 仅供参考.38.The bank hs slishe _inanb cit thewrld.文档交流 仅供参考. ar B twigs CbnchsD. bnchs39.hile stuyihe finncil depend_is wif.文档交流 仅供参考. A. on . of . to .fm 40.Ol nthis ay_ou o the pln. A. yu an talk him himyou can l . ca ou talhm D. him an u alkPartII los (1x0)

14、rectios: hreare 2 blnks in the folwin passge.oech blnk there ar our coices marA, C nd D.oushould chooe the one that best itsto te passge nd mk te corrspong ettr o the Awe heet.文档交流 仅供参考.ho won the orld up 1994fotball game? Wht happened at the ntedNains? ow did te iicike thenpla?41 aevent ak lac, nes

15、papr a on th treet42 thedals.Wheevr anythi hppens in ther, impr e onhe pot t 43 e nws .文档交流 仅供参考.Nwspaprs hveone basic 4 . to et e nws s qkly as pssible fom ts source,fom tose womake it to thos howanto 45 t dio, teegrh, teio, nd 6 ivntions oghcompetitionfor newsaers. Sodidth evelopment o magazines a

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19、andven outerspac.文档交流 仅供参考.A. Jut when B.hile C.Son fer文档交流 仅供参考 giv B.givng C.iven D.beinggiven.文档交流 仅供参考.43 A.gth spread C. .rn.文档交流 仅供参考.44.A.rason B.caue C.rblem D.urpoe.文档交流 仅供参考.5. B.plish Cknow D.rit.文档交流 仅供参考.46. A.another B.he Cone anthr other.文档交流 仅供参考.4. A.Hoever B

20、.An C.erefre .So.文档交流 仅供参考.4. A.vale B.r . rae D.pee.文档交流 仅供参考.49.srea B.asd C.printed D.cmplee.文档交流 仅供参考.50. A.infr .be inorme C.o be informedD.nomd.文档交流 仅供参考.5. A.eerta .ncoug C.educat Dedit.文档交流 仅供参考.52A.on B. Throug Cwt o.文档交流 仅供参考.53. A.rm Bextence .contents D.prpose.文档交流 仅供参考.54.A.ris t ove .manas to over C.failto cover D.sucei.文档交流 仅供参考.5.A.urce .oriin C.cours D.fnane.文档交流 仅供参考.5.w B.mes C.chnce .succss.文档交流 仅供参考.57.mesures B.measred C.iseasred D.aseasred.文档交流 仅供参考.8A.omewat Bttl .much D.omtng.文档交流 仅供参考.59.A.ofering B.offerd Cwhh ffred D.t be ofered.文档交流 仅供参考.60

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