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1、 Have some low-risk conversation openers ready. For example:Think of a recent news story not to serious, e.g. a story about a film star or sports star.Think of things to tell people about your studies. Think of “safe” things you can ask peoples opinions about music, sport, films, etc.Think of topics

2、 that you would avoid if you were talking to strangers and avoid talking about them! That way, you dont damage your confidence!Develop your listening skillsListening is a skill which most people lack, but communication is a two-way process it involves speaking AND listening. Always remember you wont

3、 impress people if you talk too much. Here are some ideas to make you a better listener:DoShow that you are listening by using encouraging noises and gestures smiling, nodding, saying “uh-huh” and “OK”, etc.Keep good eye contactUse positive body languageAsk for more information to show your interest

4、DontLook at your watchYawnSignLook away from the person whos talking to youChange the subjectFinish other peoples sentences for themAlways remember the words of Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister in the 19th century: “Talk to a man about himself, and he will speak to you for hours!”Learn the

5、rulesIf you go to a social occasion in another country, remember that social rules can be different. In some countries, for example, you have to arrive on time at a party; in other countries, you dont need to. In addition, you need to know how long you should stay, and when you have to leave. Some h

6、osts expect flowers or a small gift, but in other places, you can take things, but you neednt if you dont want t. remember also that in some countries, you mustnt take flowers of a certain colour, because theyre unlucky. In most places, you dont have to take a gift to a party but find our first!The

7、Wrong Kind of Small TalkEsther Greenbaum was a saleswoman for a firm of fax machines and business supplies. But she was also the most outspoken human being in the world well, Westchester County, at least. Her motto was “Every time I open my mouth, I put my foot in it.”Esther Greenbaums major shortco

8、ming was that she had a complete absence of small talk. No, that not quite true. She had small talk, but it was the wrong kind. In fact, she had never learnt the basic rules of social communication, and as a consequence, she made systematic mistakes every time she opened her mouth. It was no coincid

9、ence either that she wasnt a very good saleswoman.One day during a meeting, Esther was introduced to an important customer, a mature woman. “Nice to meet you,” she said. “How old are you?” The customer looked awkward.“Forty? Forty-five?” said Esther. “You look much older. And your friend shes older

10、than you, but she looks much younger!On another occasion, Esther teased a typist, “Hey! Whens your baby due?The typist went red and contradicted Esther. “Actually, Im not pregnant,” she said.“Oh, sorry,” said Esther without any apology. “Just putting on a little weight, huh?Esther was never cautious

11、 about other peoples feelings. One of her acquaintances, a salesman in the firm, was going through a very messy divorce and was very depressed. She tried to cheer him up.“Forget her! She was a complete fool. No one liked her anyway.”Much of the time, Esther said the first thing to come into her head

12、. One day at work, a clerk came into the office with a new hairstyle.“Nice haircut,” said Esther. “How much did it cost?The woman replied, “Id rather not say.”Esther replied, “Well, anyhow, either you paid too much or you paid too little.”She met a very famous writer once. “Hey, what a coincidence!”

13、 she said. “Youre writing a book and Im reading one!The trouble with Esther was she said what she thought, and didnt think about what she said. A young man was trying to modest about his new job many miles away.“I guess the company chose me so theyd get some peace in the office,” he smiled.“No, I gu

14、ess they chose you to discourage you from spending your whole career with us,” Esther replied sweetly.Once, Esther went to a brunch party to meet some old school friends on the anniversary of their graduation. She greeted the hostess.“Do you remember that guy you were dating? What happened to him?”

15、she asked. “You know, the ugly one.”At the moment, a man came up and stood by her friend. “Esther, Id like you to meet my husband,” she said, “Charles, this is”Esther interrupted her, “Hey, so you married him!Making Friends in the USAIn the USA, conversation is less lively than in many other culture

16、s, where everyone talks at the same time. When someone talks, everyone is expected to listen, no matter how dull the persons speaking may be.If youre not sure what to talk about, you can ask what people do. Were defined by our jobs and were usually happy to talk about them, unless youre spy!Some peo

17、ple say that Americans talk about their feelings more than Asians, but are more secretive about factual matters. You can safely ask questions about families, where you come from, leisure interests, as well as the latest movies. Were interested in peoples ethnic background too. But its best to avoid

18、politics, religion and other sensitive topics.A highly personal conversation can take place after a very short period of knowing someone, but this doesnt mean that youre close friends, or the relationship is very deep. But a lot of people are very friendly and hospitable, and the famous invitation “

19、If youre ever in Minneapolis / San Diego / Poughkeepsie, do call by and see us!” is never made without a genuine desire to meet again.But while few Americans will worry about the questions you may ask, particularly if you clearly show youre aware of cultural differences, they may hesitate before the

20、y ask you similar questions. In fact, its a sign that they dont wish to violate your private life. So, many Americans will talk about safe topics because they dont dare to be too curious or personal, but will happily talk about more private matters if you take the lead.Generally we dislike arguments

21、, and we avoid topics which lead to disagreement. Its easy to return to discussing the weather: “Do you like the USA?” How do you like the weather?” or making compliments: ”What lovely flowers and what a beautiful vase!” “Thats fabulous dress youre wearing.” You should accept compliments graciously

22、and say “Thank you!There are a couple of dangerous topics of conversation: age and money. Age is not treated as something very special, unless someone is very old: “Isnt she wonderful for her age!” and there are no special rules or signs of extra respect for elderly people. Anyway, Americans always

23、want to look younger than they really are, so dont expect an accurate reply!Income is a very private matter, and youd do well to avoid asking how much people earn, although some people may not only be open about it, but show off their wealth. We dont ask how much things cost, either.But what we dont

24、 like is silence, and almost anything is better than the embarrassment for a quiet party and silent guests.The AAAIt is estimated that 80% of all conversation in English is small talk. A very important function of small talk is to establish a relationship between people who dont know each other very

25、 well, or dont know each other at all.Psychologists say that the most successful formula for small talk between people like this is the AAA model. AAA = answer, add and ask. This is how it works.Imagine a situation where two strangers are talking to each other after someone they both know has left t

26、he room, or the caf or party, etc. the first person asks a question:A: Do you live near here?The second person replies by answering the question, adding some extra information and then asking another question:B: (Answer) Yes, I do.(Add) In an apartment on Brown Street.(Ask) Do you live nearby too?Th

27、e first person does the same, answer, add and ask: (Answer) No, I live in Bristol.(Add) Im just visiting London.(Ask) Have you lived here long? (Answer) Not so long.(Add) I moved here three years ago.(Ask) Whats the purpose of you visit to London?The speakers may have difficulty at first, but they s

28、oon realize that the important thing is that they are saying something. By continuing with the AAA model, the conversation continues. Because the thing they both want to avoid is an embarrassing silence.The conversation can continue in this way for a long time. However, something can happen that com

29、pletely changes the atmosphere. Why do you live in Bristol? Im studying there. History. Are you a student? Yes. And I know some people who are studying at Bristol. Do you know a girl called Helen Brown? Helen Brown? Yes! Shes one of my best friends! How do you know her? Shes my cousin.At this point, the AAA model stops. Because they used this very useful technique, they found something they have in common at last.你的社交技能有多高?你是否看见认识的人以后,故意过马路以避免与其说话?你愿意参加聚会并自信的和每位来宾交谈吗?你想结交更多的朋友,但是又缺乏与陌生人交谈的信心

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