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1、如果Dewey先生当时在场的话,他就会尽一切可能帮助那里的人们。根据主句中的would have offered可知,这是对过去的虚拟,故条件句用had done形式。23. 2014湖南卷 _ your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.A. UnderstandingB. To be understoodC. Being understoodD. Having understood23. A考查非谓语动词。了解你自己的

2、需要和交流风格与学会表达你的喜爱和情感一样重要。此处用非谓语动词作主语,且动词后有自己的宾语,因此用主动形式。故选A。24. 2014湖南卷 As John Lennon once said,life is _ happens to you while you are busy making other plans.A. which B. thatC. what D. where24. C考查名词性从句。正如约翰列侬曾经说的那样,生活就是当你忙于制订其他计划时所发生在你身上的事情。引导词既要引导表语从句,又要在从句中作主语。故用what。25. 2014湖南卷 Ive prepared all

3、 kinds of food for the picnic.Do you mean we _ bring anything with us?A. cant B. mustntC. shant D. needn25. D考查情态动词。“我已经为这次野炊准备了各种各样的食物。”“你的意思是说我们不需要携带任何东西了?”此处neednt表示“没有必要”。26. 2014湖南卷 You will never gain success_you are fully devoted to your work.A. when B. becauseC. after D. unless26. D考查状语从句。如果

4、你不是全身心地投入到工作中去,你永远不可能获得成功。此处unless相当于if not,表示含有否定意义的条件。27. 2014湖南卷 There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, _ at the night sky.A. to stare B. staringC. stared D. having stared27. B考查非谓语动词。躺在草坪的中央遥望着夜空,没有比这更快乐的事情了。此处staring作伴随状语,与隐含的主语(说话人)构成主动关系。28. 2014湖南卷

5、 Since the time humankind started gardening, we _ to make our environment more beautiful.A. try B. have been tryingC. are trying D. will try28. B考查动词的时态。自人类开始园艺的时期起,我们就一直努力把我们的环境变得更加美好。根据since的提示可知用现在完成时,再根据语境可知,动作try从过去一直持续到现在,而且还要继续进行下去,因此用现在完成进行时。29. 2014湖南卷 Only when you can find peace in your h

6、eart _ good relationships with others.A. will you keep B. you will keepC. you kept D. did you keep29. A考查倒装句。只有当你内心感觉平和时,你才能与别人保持良好的关系。副词only位于句首,引起部分倒装,可排除B、C;根据时间状语从句中的时态可排除D项。30. 2014湖南卷 _what youre doing today important, because youre trading a day of your life for it.A. Make B. To makeC. Making

7、 D. Made30. A考查祈使句。使你今天正在做的变得重要,因为你正在用你生命中的一天与之交换。题干中逗号后是一个原因状语从句,因此前面必须是一个主句才能成立。只有用动词原形才能构成一个祈使句,才是一个完整的句子。31. 2014湖南卷 I am looking forward to the day _ my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her.A. as B. whyC. when D. where31. C考查定语从句。我一直期待着我的女儿能读懂这本书,能明白我对她的感情的那一天。关系副词when引导定语从句

8、,修饰先行词day,在从句中作时间状语。32. 2014湖南卷 All we need _ a small piece of land where we can plant various kinds of fruit trees throughout the growing seasons of the year.A. are B. wasC. is D. were32. C考查主谓一致。所有我们需要的只是一小块在一年的成长季节里能够种植各种各样的果树的土地。all作主语时,如指复数概念,动词用复数;如指单数概念,动词用单数。根据后面的a small piece of land可知这里表示单

9、数概念。33. 2014湖南卷 Its not doing the things we like, but liking the things we have to do _ makes life happy.A. that B. whichC. what D. who33. A考查强调句型。使生活变得更加快乐的不是做我们喜欢的事,而是喜欢我们必须要做的事。这里是强调句型,把its和that去掉之后,句子仍成立。34. 2014湖南卷 Whenever you_a present, you should think about it from the receivers point of vi

10、ew.A. bought B. have boughtC. will buy D. buy34. D考查动词的时态。不管何时买礼物,你都应该从礼物接收者的角度加以考虑。 根据主句中的情态动词可知“买”这一动作发生在将来,但是在时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,不能用一般将来时,而要用一般现在时表示将来的动作。故选D。35. 2014湖南卷 _ ourselves from the physical and mental tensions,we each need deep thought and inner quietness.A. Having freed B. FreedC. To free

11、D. Freeing35. C考查非谓语动词。为了避免身体上和精神上的紧张,我们每一个人都需要沉思和内心的寂静。此处用不定式表目的。Section B (18 marks) 2014湖南卷 For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The summer before I went off to college,

12、Mum stood me in her usual spot behind the ironing board(烫衣板) and said, “Pay attention: Im going to teach you to iron.”Mum clearly explained her _36_ for this lesson. I was going to be _37_ and needed to learn this vital skill. Also, I would be meeting new people, and properly ironed clothes would he

13、lp me make a good _38_.“Learn to iron a shirt,” Mum said, “and you can iron anything.”But ironing shirts was not _39_ work. It didnt make use of long muscles we used to throw a baseball,and it wasnt a _40_ operation like iceskating. Ironing was like driving a car on a street that has a stop sign eve

14、ry 10 feet. Moreover,an iron produced steam and it carried an element of _41_. If you touched the wrong part of it, youd get burnt. If you forgot to turn it off when you _42_, you might burn down the house.As for technique, Mum _43_ me to begin with the flat spaces outwards, always pushing the iron

15、forward into wrinkled(有褶皱的) parts. Collars had to be done right. Mum said they were close to your face, where everyone would _44_ them.Over the years, Ive learned to iron shirts skilfully, which gives me a sense of _45_ .Whatever failures I suffer in my life, an ironed shirt tells me I am good at so

16、mething. _46_, through ironing Ive learned the method for solving even the most troublesome problems. “_47_ wrinkles one at a time,” as Mum might have said, “and before long everything will get ironed out.”36. A. reasons B. rulesC. emotions D. methods37. A. helpful B. confidentC. powerful D. indepen

17、dent38. A. conclusion B. suggestionC. impression D. observation39. A. useful B. easyC. special D. suitable40. A. direct B. singleC. smooth D. strange41. A. doubt B. pressureC. surprise D. danger42. A. went away B. fell downC. jumped off D. looked up43. A. taught B. choseC. forced D. sent44. A. touch

18、 B. designC. see D. admire45. A. honesty B. freedomC. justice D. pride46. A. Instead B. BesidesC. Otherwise D. However47. A. Make up B. Deal withC. Ask for D. Rely on【要点综述】 本篇是一篇夹叙夹议类文章。即将上大学独立生活的作者在妈妈的教导下学会了熨烫衣服,这给作者带来了很多好处。36. A根据第二段的后两句可知,这些都是妈妈要给作者上这一课的原因。37. D根据第一段的“The summer before I went off

19、 to college”可知,作者就要上大学过“独立的”生活了。38. C穿上熨烫过的衣服能使作者给别人留下美好的“印象”。39. B本段从熨烫衣服的力度、速度和注意事项等几个方面谈到熨烫衣服的难处,可见这不是一件“容易的”工作。40. C此处谈到熨烫衣服的力度。根据空后的like iceskating可知,熨烫衣服既不像投掷棒球那样需要大块的肌肉,也不像滑冰那样“平稳”。41. D根据下文的语境“如果你碰到了不该碰的地方,你就会被烫伤”可知,熨斗产生蒸汽,可能使你看不清楚而导致“危险”。42. A根据上下文可知,忘记关掉熨斗可能会烧坏房子。这个过程需要很长一段时间,因此,应该是“离开”时忘记

20、关掉熨斗了。43. A本段谈到妈妈所教的技术。妈妈告诉作者,从平坦的地方向外熨,慢慢熨到有褶皱的地方。第一段的“Pay attention:m going to teach you to iron.”是提示。 44. C衣领靠近面部,是大家都会“看见”的地方。45. D多年来,作者学会了熟练地熨烫衣服,这给作者带来了“自豪感”。46. B这种自豪感表现在两个方面:一方面是无论生活中遇到什么失败和挫折,熨烫衣服告诉作者他还有某种强项;另一方面,通过熨烫衣服,作者已经学会了解决那些最为麻烦的问题的方法。此空是指第二个方面,用besides表示“除此之外”。47. B此处表示上文提到的解决问题的方法

21、:一次“对付”一个褶皱,用不了多久,所有的褶皱都会被烫平。deal with对付,处理;make up编造,化妆;ask for请求,要求;rely on依赖,依靠。Section C (12 marks) Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.We can choose our friends, but usually we cannot choose our neighbours. However, to get a happy hom

22、e life, we have to get along with _48_ as well as possible.An important quality in a neighbour is consideration for _49_. People should not do things _50_ will disturb their neighbours unnecessarily. For example, television sets need not be played at full volume(音量) _51_ loud pop music should not be

23、 played very late at night. By avoiding things likely to upset your neighbours, you can enjoy _52_ friendly relationship with them.An equally important quality is tolerance. Neighbours should do all they can to avoid disturbing other people, _53_ there are times when some level of disturbance is una

24、voidable. _54_ neighbours want to get along well with each other, they have to show their tolerance. In this way, everyone will live _55_ peace.【要点综述】 本篇是一篇议论文。邻居们想要和谐相处,就要为他人考虑,也要有一定的容忍度。48. them此处指代上文中的our neighbours。49. others相对于“我们”来说,应是为“他人”考虑。50. which/that这里是一个定语从句,先行词为things,在定语从句中充当主语。51. a

25、nd 这里是两个例子的并列。电视机的音量要小一点,并且大声的流行音乐不能在深夜播放。52. a此处修饰relationship,表示“一种友好的关系”。53. but邻居应该尽可能地避免打扰别人,“然而”有些时候某种程度的打扰不可避免。这里前后为转折关系。54. If/When所填词引导条件或时间状语从句,表示某种假设或时间。55. inin peace 和平地。如果邻居们想要相处得好,他们就应该互相容忍,这样大家都能和平地生活。Part Reading Comprehension (30 marks) Read the following three passages. Each passa

26、ge is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AWant to improve your writing skills? New Writing South is directing the way!Towner Writer Squad

27、(班组) for kids aged 1317Led by comedy and TV writer, Marian Kilpatrick, Towner Writer Squad will meet once a month at the contemporary art museum for 11 months, starting 12 October, 2014.The FREE squad sessions will include introductions to a wide range of writing styles, from poetry to play writing

28、and lyrics(抒情诗) to flash fiction, to support the development of young writers.Application & SelectionIf you would like to apply to be part of the Towner Writer Squad, please send a sample piece of your writing (about 500 words), responding to the title“LUNCH”,with your name, age, address and email address to: debo.Once all applications are in, you will be invited to an open selection event on 17 September, 45 pm, at the gallery of Towner. This will be an informal opportunity to meet the Squad Leader, Squad Associate and other young people.Y

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