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东北师范大学16秋大学英语一高起专16秋在线作业2满分答案 2Word格式.docx

1、ElderlyOlderA4:I _ his face when he opened theletter.should like you to seewould have liked you to be seenshould like you to have seenwould like you to seeC5:_ Nat Turner who led a revoltagainst slavery in Virginia in 1831.Where wasIt wasHe wasit was him6:Most of his savings _ in theXin Hua Bank.has

2、 been keptis being kepthave kepthave been keptD7:Everyone _ the cake becausethere wasnt even a small piece left.must likemust have likedmust have been likinghad liked8:After several days hardworking, we have made _ on thedesign.much improvementseveral improvementsmany improvementsome improvement9:Yo

3、u must follow the directionsexactly and if you become _, you must take thetime to go back again and reread confuseconfusingconfuseconfused10:In the experiment we kept a watchfuleye _ the developments and recorded every detail.inatforon11:Only when you have obtainedsufficient data _ come to a

4、 sound conclusion.can youyou canwould youyou would12:If he had followed the directionscarefully in taking the medicine, he would have feltbetter _.much quickermore quickmuch quicklymore quickly13:The reason I plan to go is _ ifI dont.because she will be disappointedbecause she will have adisappointm

5、entthat she will be disappointedfor which she will be disappointed14:The young doctor could not sleep atnight, his thoughts _ him no peace.gavegivingbeing givento give15:The manager accused one of the hotelservants _ stealing the money.withofabout16:When the three boys met one another, they found th

6、ey looked very much _. Then they knew they weretriplet.likealikelikelyliked17:It is fitted with a smalltransformer, by means of _ the voltage of thecurrency can be adjusted.whomwhichwhatthat18:Painting in _ is one of theirspare-time activities.oilan oiloilsthe oil19:Those of us who wear glasses shou

7、ldhave _ eyes examined at regular intervals.theirourhisher20:I started my teaching career at theschool. That was more than twenty years ago, and I_ there ever since.washad beenwill behave been21:It is four months since I last sawKeats Mrt Smiths ,the book sellerat my aunts, Mrs Palmersat my aun

8、ts, a book sellerat Mrs Palmers, the book sellers22:_,wecould not have finished the work on time.If they do not help usWas it not for their helpShould they offer to help usBut for their help23:Children should be taught how to getalong with _.anotherotherothersany other24:_ is worth doing at all is w

9、orthdoing well.ThatWhateverWhicheverHowever25:I intended _ the matter withyou, but I had some guests hen.discussdiscussinghaving discussedto have discussed26:he attempted _ to set up acompany of his own.with vainon vainin vainof vain27:Some of my students study a lot,_ just dont care.anothersthe oth

10、ersome other28:Id be gladif you_ give me an account of the fact.shallshouldwouldmay29:Those of us who are over fifty yearsold should get _ blood pressure checked regularly.theirsours30:Give the message to _ is at thetable.whomeverwhoseverwhoever31:The center of gravity of the humanbody _ behind his

11、joint.locatedlocatingto locateis located32:“Youd likesome tea,_?”wouldnt youshouldntyouhadnt youdidnt you33:You think youre funny, _?are youdont youdo you34:All the people at the conference are_.mathematic teachersmathematics teachersmathematics teachermathematic’s teachers35:He was eager to m

12、ake some extramoney, since during these years he could hardly live onhis_.little wagefew wagewagewages36:I should very much like to have goneto the party but I not invitedwas not invitedshall not be invitedam not being invited37:This room is _.the editors-in-chiefs officethe editor-in-chief off

13、icethe editor-in-chiefs officethe editors-in-chiefoffice38:The United States is a majorconsumer of coffee, yet it does not have the climate togrow any _ its own.to39:Not until I shouted at the top of myvoice _ his head.that he turneddid he turnhe didntturnhe had turned40:Tuition at American university runs_ one thousand dollars a high asas high toas high asas higher than

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