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1、s the same thing. No worries, okay? Theres four handouts. Theyre in the back. If you havent already gotten the handouts because you came in and you sat down, dont worry. You can pick them up on the way out. Theyre the same handouts. Theyll still be there. So just a quick introduction. Thats what the

2、 first four handouts actually give you. They give you a little bit of an introduction to the class, what were gonna cover, some logistics for the class and some other stuff. Im gonna go over all that today so we can sort of get a good idea for where were at, okay?So just a quick show of hands before

3、 we get into a bunch of things in the class. This is kind of an intro-programming course; well, it is. I shouldnt say its kind of an intro-programming course. It is an intro-programming course. And its always good to get an idea as to how much familiarity you may have beforehand, okay? So just quick

4、 show of hands. How many people can recognize a computer thats on? Good, good. Thats the prerequisite for this class. So if youre worried about how much previous experience youve had or your friend who, like, worked their way through high school by programming for Google or whatever, dont worry abou

5、t it because all you need to know in here is basically either how to turn a computer on or to recognize a computer thats on if you were to walk up to it and it were already to be on, all right?So but a little bit more seriously, how many people have actually used a computer for anything? All right.

6、I would expect most of you. So now, we begin to bump it up a notch. How many people have used it for word processing? Okay. Most folks. How many people have done web browsing? Yeah, I wont ask you what you look at, all right? Its just I dont wanna know. How many people have actually created a web pa

7、ge? Okay. Fair number. How many people have done any kind of programming before? Fair number. All right. How about how many folks have done actually programmed in Java before? All right. A few folks. How about another language, C, C+, BASIC, anyone program in BASIC? Yeah, oh, I love ?that was the fi

8、rst language I learned, and it was kind of like the warm and fuzzy, and I felt good. There was actually people who argued that if you learn BASIC as your first language, youre brain damaged, then youre just beyond help. But if thats the case, were all in the boat together because Im probably brain d

9、amaged as well. The truth is I probably am, but thats a whole different story. All right. So one thing you should know kind of up front is actually this course is gonna be provided eventually somewhere down the line as part of Stanford School of Engineering Free Course Initiative, which means not on

10、ly are we recording this course to broadcast to a bunch of companies and industry who are watching this course, but were eventually gonna provide it free to the world. So how does that impact your life? And on the average day, it doesnt at all. The only way it does impact your life is just so you sh

11、ould know, the lawyers told me to tell you that your voice, should you ask a question, may actually be recorded as part of the video. As a result, your voice may end up going out to thousands of people or millions of people in the world. If you have an issue with that, come talk to me. If you dont,

12、everything is just fine, all right?Dont worry. Were not gonna put your picture up or anything like that. You might wanna be on the video, like, Hey, ma, Im on TV. We decided that were just gonna not show anyone actually on the video, but your voice may actually get recorded, okay?Now, along those li

13、nes, you may also notice there are some microphones in the room. So when you wanna ask a question, please make sure to use the microphone because thats not only good for people in here to be able to hear your question, its also good for all the folks that this is getting broadcast to because not onl

14、y are we gonna broadcast to the world, but theres actually some folks who are sort of watching this live now in various companies in Silicon Valley. So its real important that you actually use the microphone, so just remember that. And every once in a while, I might get on your case and be, like, Pl

15、ease use the microphone. Im not trying to be argumentative or anything. I just wanna make sure we pick up all the audio, all right?So with that said, a little bit of an introduction. Thats kind of a way of background. I didnt give you any sort of introduction. So just to introduce myself, my names M

16、ehran Sahami. Im the professor for the class. Dont call my Professor Sahami, way too formal. Dont call me Mr. Sahami. That, I think of my dad. And dont call me Mrs. Sahami, or were gonna have issues, all right? So just call me Mehran. Well get along. Its just fine, all right?s to keep things a littl

17、e bit more informal, but that way its a little bit easier to discuss stuff as you go along. There is also a head TA for the class, Ben Newman, whos standing up there. Get to know Ben. He has all the real power in this class. Im just kind of the monkey that gets up here and gives the lectures. But Be

18、n really is the one whos got all the power. Along with the head TA for the class, we have a large section leading staff. So the section leaders here, could you stand up if youre here? Theyre kind of all over the place, some over here, some over there, and some over there. As you can see, theres a pr

19、etty large number of folks. And this isnt even all of them. We sort of have more ?we just cant stuff them all into the room ?who are section leaders for the class, and these folks are all here to make sure that everyone in this class has as good an experience as possible when were sort of going thro

20、ugh the class. And the best way to reach all of us is email. So on Handout No. 1, you get my email and Bens email. Well tell you how to sign up for section. Thats how youll meet your section leader and get your section leaders email. That will all be coming soon. But email really is kind of a happy

21、form of communication to get a hold of us, okay?So with that said, I wanna tell you a little bit about this class and kind of what were gonna do in here and what you should expect and make sure that you dont feel scared off by this class, okay? Because it really is meant to sort of be an interesting

22、 time. But one question that comes up is why is this class called Programming Methodology, right? Why dont we just call this class, like, Programming with Java? And the real reason for that is that programming methodology is about good software engineering principles. Its about something thats much

23、larger than just programming. So some people, like, theyll go and get a book somewhere and theyll think they learned how to program by just reading the book. And theyOh, I know how to program. Isnt that great? And its, like, yeah, you might know the mechanics of the language, but the mechanics of th

24、e language are nothing compared to understanding the software engineering principles that go into actually developing a software system. And thats what youre gonna learn about in this class. Youre gonna learn a lot of those principles. But in order to be able to use those principles and apply them,

25、you also need to have the language to program in, and that language that were gonna use in this class is Java. So the way I like to think about it and the way I tell a lot of people is writing a good program or learning how to program is like learning to be a good essay writer. And youOh, but part o

26、f the reason Im taking this class, Mehran, is that I dont like writing essays. Thats fine. Its okay. Trust me. I didnt like writing essays either. But the whole point is that when you write an essay, its not a formulated kind of thing. YouWell, what about five-paragraph essays? Yeah, just block that

27、 from your mind. That was a bad time, right? That was just, like, 70s education at work. Its not a formulated kind of thing. s an art to writing an essay, right? In order to write an essay, you need to know a language. You need to know English or German or Hindi or whatever language you wanna use, b

28、ut then you use that language to write an essay. Just knowing the language doesnt make you a good essay writer though. Being a good essay writer makes you a good essay writer. So thats the same difference in programming and software engineering. Knowing the language, in order to be a good programmer

29、, like a good essayist, you need to know a language to write your programs in, whether that be Java or C or C+ or whatever. Here were gonna use Java. But just knowing the language doesnt make you a good software engineer and doesnt make you understand what the principles are of writing good software, which is what youre also gonna get in this class in addition to the language, and thats kind of a key thing to stress. re sort of worried, if you were kind of looking around and you saw a bunch of people raising their hands when I asked, Do you have any previous program

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