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1、Like my friend Warren Buffett, I feel particularly lucky to do something every day that I love to do. He calls it “tap-dancing to work”4. My job at Microsoft is as challenging as ever, but what makes me “tap-dancing to work” is when we show people something new, like a computer that can recognize yo

2、ur handwriting or your speech, or one that can store a lifetimes worth of photos, and they say, “I didnt know you could do that with a PC5! ”But for all the cool things that a person can do with a PC,there are lots of other ways we can put our creativity and intelligence to work to improve our world

3、6. There are still far too many people in the world whose most basic needs go unmet7. Every year, for example, millions of people die from diseases that are easy to prevent or treat in the developed world.I believe that my own good fortune brings with it a responsibility to give back to the world. M

4、y wife, Melinda, and I have committed to8 improving health and education in a way that can help as many people as possible.As a father, I believe that the death of a child in Africa is no less poignant or tragic than9 the death of a child anywhere else, and that it doesnt take much to make an immens

5、e difference in these childrens lives10.Im still very much an optimist, and I believe that progress on even the worlds toughest problems is possible and its happening every day. Were seeing new drugs for deadly diseases, new diagnostic tools,and new attention paid to the health problems in the devel

6、oping world.Im excited by the possibilities I see for medicine, for education and, of course, for technology. And I believe that through our natural inventiveness, creativity and willingness to solve tough problems, were going to make some amazing achievements in all these areas in my lifetime.译文:比尔

7、我一直是个乐观主义者,我想这是因为我深信创造力和智慧能使世界变得更美好。在我的记忆中,我喜欢学习新东西、解决难题。所以当我七年级时第一次坐在电脑前时,我立刻被吸引住类。那是一台笨重的旧式电传打字机,跟我们今天的电脑相比几乎什么事都不能做。但是它却改变我的一生。30年前我和朋友保罗艾伦创办微软的时候,我们预见到一个 “每个办公桌和每个家庭都会有一台电脑”的时代。在那个计算机像冰箱一样大的时代,这听起来也许太乐观了一点。但是我们相信个人计算机会改变世界。而它们真的做到了。30年后的今天,计算机仍然会激发我的热情,好像我又回到了七年级的年代。我认为计算机是能满足我们的好奇心,激发我们创造精神的最神奇

8、的工具,它能帮助我们解决最聪明的人都不能独自解决的问题。计算机改变了我们的学习方式,为世界各地的孩子们提供了一个学习各种知识的窗口。它帮助我们就我们所关心的事情建立一个交流的场所,并且与那些我们认为对我们有重要意义的人密切相处,不管他们身在何处。和我的朋友沃伦巴菲特一样,我每天都在做着自己喜欢做的事,对此我感到非常幸运。他说这就像是 “跳着踢踏舞工作”。我在微软的工作一直非常具有挑战性,而当我们向人们展示我们的新成果( 比如计算机能识别手写体或语言,或者能储存一生的珍贵照片) 人们说没想到你们能用个人计算机做出这样的成就时,那感觉的确像是“跳着踢踏舞工作”。除了我们能用计算机做的所有神奇的事情


10、疗、教育和科技发展的美好前景使我激动万分。我坚信,以我们与生俱来的发明精神、创造力和乐于解决棘手问题的精神动力,我们一定能在这些领域做出惊人的成绩。我希望我能亲眼见到这些成绩。Study Helps Predict Big Mediterranean QuakeScientists have found evidence that an overlooked fault in the eastern Mediterranean1 is likely to produce an earthquake and tsunami every 800 years as powerful as the o

11、ne that destroyed Alexandria2 in AD3 365.Using radiocarbon dating techniques, simulations and computer models, the researchers recreated the ancient disaster in order to identify the responsible fault. We are saying there is probably a repeat time of 800 years for this kind of earthquake, said Ms Be

12、th Shaw, an earthquake scientist at the University of Cambridge, who led the study. Scientists study past earthquakes in order to determine the future possibility of similar large shocks.Identifying the fault for the AD 365 earthquake and tsunami is important for the tens of millions of people in th

13、e region, Ms. Shaw said. The fault close to the southwest coast of Crete4 last produced a big enough quake to generate a tsunami about 1300, which means the next powerful one could come in the next 100 years, she added in a telephone interview.Ms. Shaw and her colleagues calculate the likely interva

14、ls by measuring the motion of either side of the fault to find how often such large earthquakes would have to occur to account for that level of motion, she said. Their computer model suggested an 8 magnitude quake on the fault would produce a tsunami that floods the coastal regions of Alexandria an

15、d North Africa, the southern coast of Greece5 and Sicily6 all the way up the Adriati7 to Dubrovnik8. This would be similar to the ancient quake in AD 365 that caused widespread destruction in much of Greece and unleashed a tsunami that flooded Alexandria and the Nile Delta9, likely killing tens of t

16、housands of people, she said科学家研究预测地中海地区大地震公元365年,东部地中海地区发生特大地震和海啸,摧毁了亚历山大市,科学家们已经找到了证据证明:那里存在的一直被人忽视的断层,每隔 800年就有可能就引发一次强地震和海啸。通过运用放射性碳素技术和计算机仿真模型,研究者们重建了古代那场灾难,以便证实是断层引发了地震。“我们认为每 800年就会出现一次这种类型的地震。”负责此项研究的剑桥大学地震学家贝丝肖恩女士说道。科学家们研究以往的地震,为的是确定未来出现同种大地震的可能性。肖恩女士说:对于地中海地区上千万的居民来说,确定是断层引发了公元 365年地震和海啸非常

17、重要。她在一次电话访问中进而补充说:克里特岛西南海岸附近的断层最后一次引发足以引起海啸的大地震是在公元 1300年左右,这就意味着下一次强地震将在未来的 100年中出现。肖恩女士说,她和她的同事测量了断层两侧的震动强度,并确定大规模地震多久发生一次才会引起这样的震动强度,从而推算出地震产生的大致间隔时间。根据其计算机仿真模型显示,如果断层产生 8级的震动,那么它引发的海啸就会淹没亚历山大市和北非的沿海地区、希腊和西西里岛的南部海岸、以及从要费里亚海到杜布罗夫尼克的广大地区。这个近似于公元 365年摧毁大部分希腊地区的地震,当时地震引发的海啸吞噬了亚历山大市和尼罗河三角洲,造成工上千万人死亡。T

18、he Northern LightsThe Sun is stormy and has its own kind of weather. It is so hot and active that even the Suns gravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check1! Energy flows away from the Sun toward the Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around a million miles per hour2. The

19、se particles are called plasma, and the stream of plasma3 coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun, the stronger the solar wind.The solar wind constantly streams toward the Earth, but dont worry because a protective magnetic field surrounds our planet. The same magnetic

20、field that makes your compass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north and south poles. The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earths magnetic field, the magnetic field first gets squeezed and

21、then the magnetic field lines break and reconnect. 4The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into the Earths atmosphere at the poles. As the electrons fall to the Earth, they collide with gas molecules in the a

22、tmosphere, creating flashes of light in the sky. Each atmospheric gas glows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky, they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.Watching auroras i

23、s fun and exciting, but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada. The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate, flicker, or even move like waves. During solar maximum, 5 auroras are seen as

24、 far south as Florida, even Mexico! 6Auroras often seem to be very close to the ground, but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground, a distance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly. Atypical aurora band can be thousands of kilometers long, a few hundred ki

25、lometers high, but only a few hundred meters thick.We hope you are able to travel to far-north places like the Arctic Circle and see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime, We know you will never forget it!北极光太阳是狂暴的,有它自己独特的气候。太阳太热,其活动又太剧烈,以至于无法控制它自己的大气层。热量以电粒子流的形式逃离太阳,流向地球,时速高达100万英里

26、。这些粒子叫等离子体,来自太阳的等离子流叫太阳风。太阳活动越剧烈,太阳风越强烈。太阳风不断地流向地球。但是 不必担心,因为有一个保护性的磁场包围着我们的地球。使指南针指向北方的相同的磁场也把来自太阳的粒子导向地球的南北两极。这些受控的粒子被吸附在地球周围的磁场。当强大的太阳风侵入地球磁场时,首先磁场受到挤压,接着磁场磁力线断开又闭合。磁场磁力线的断开和闭合产生叫作电子的原子粒子,被截留在磁场,落入地球两极的大气层。等离子流的电子进入地球,与大气层的气体分子发生碰撞,在天空中产生光芒。每一种大气层的气体产生不同颜色的光。氧和氮发红绿光,氮气发蓝紫光。当这些不同的颜色在夜空中闪烁跳跃时,就 形成了

27、北极光和南极光。观赏极光是很有趣也很令人振奋的。然而通常只有在遥远的北方,像阿拉斯加州和加拿大等地方才能看到。横过天空的极光移动速度通常很慢,有肉眼就能很轻易地观测到。而它们还能跳动、闪烁甚至像波一样流动。在太阳风暴达到最高峰的期间,明亮的北极光甚至在位于靠近南方的福罗里达州乃至墨西哥都能看到。极光似乎很接近地面,但是最靠近地面的极光离地面也有100公里,比云层都高,飞机也无法到达。一条典型的极光带有数千公里长,几百公里高,但是只有几百米厚。希望你在有生之年至少去遥远的北方地区如北极圈旅游一次,观赏到北极光。这些经历将使你终生难忘。Stage FrightFall down as you come onstage. Thats an odd trick. Not recommended. But it saved the pianist Vladimir Feltsman when he was a teenager back in Moscow. The veteran cellist Mstislav Rostropovich tripped him purposely to cure him of pre-performance panic,2 Mr. Feltsman said, “ All my fright was gone. I

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