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1、Cbroke into; belonging to Dwas broken into; belongs to【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查被动语态和主动语态。这所房子昨晚被拆了,它属于我的姑妈,但她已经不在那里住了。第一空,根据last night 及句意可知句子用一般过去时态的被动语态,break into“破门而入”,答案为was broken into;第二空,belong to“属于”,无进行和被动语态,结合句意可知句子用一般现在时态,答案为belongs to。故选D。4No decision _A_ about any future appointment until all th

2、e candidates have been interviewed.Awill be made Bis madeCis being made Dhas been made【答案】A试题分析:考查时态,主语是decision和动词make是动宾关系,所以用被动式,因为后面的句子about any future appointment可以知道动作未发生,所以用将来时,句子意思“关于未来会议没有做出任何决定直到所有的报考者已经被采访”,所以选A考点:考查时态点评:做时态题时,首先看时间状语,由时间状语来确定句子的时态;如果没有时间状语,可以根据隐含的意思来确定句子时态。5It was the na

3、tural disaster, rather than human errors, that _ for the death of so many innocent people.Aare blamed Bwas to blame Cwas blamed Dwere to blame【答案】B考查主谓一致以及be to blame的用法。是自然灾害,而不是人为错误,应对这么多无辜人类的死亡负责。be to blame for表示“应受责备,应对负责”时,固定短语,因此排除A、C项;这里强调主语the natural disaster,是一个强调句,谓语动词应与主语保持一致,即与the natu

4、ral disaster保持一致,因此用was to blame,故选B项。6Usually Beijing Roast Duck _ together with special pancakes, green onions and sweet sauce.Awas served Bwill serveCis served Dserved【解析】考查时态和被动语态。通常北京烤鸭配上特制的薄煎饼、青葱和甜酱。句子说的是一般情况,要用一般现在时态;句子主语Beijing Roast Duck是单数第三人称,和谓语动词serve之间是被动关系,所以推知句子要用一般现在时态的被动语态,故答案为C。7M

5、ike, did you see Mr. Chapman in the office just now?Yes, he _, and he looked a little bit nervous.Ahad interviewed Bwas interviewedCwas being interviewed Dis being interviewing【解析】考查动词时态。迈克,你刚才看到Mr. Chapman在办公室吗?是的,他正在接受采访,他看起来有点紧张。表示刚才正在进行的动作用过去进行时,句中he和动词interview是被动关系,所以此处用过去进行时的被动,故选C。8-Have you

6、 telephoned your father?- Yes, he back next week.Ais expected BexpectsCwill expect Dwill be expected-你给你的父亲打电话了吗?是的,他有望明年回来。这里sb be expected to do现在现在盼望明年回来,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,这里he应指的是父亲。根据句意故选A。考查动词时态及语态的用法。9The film “Schindlers List”, was _ by a real person, named Oskar SchindlerAinspired BpromptedCris

7、ed Dinsured考查过去分词。A. inspired鼓舞;B. prompted引起,提示;C. rised上升;D. insured确保。电影辛德勒的名单的灵感来自一个真实的人,名叫奥斯卡辛德勒。结合句意可知此处用被动语态,故答案为A。10Various efforts _ in the past decades to protect the environment.Ahad made Bhave madeCwere made Dhave been made在过去的几十年里,为保护环境做出了各种努力。根据in the past decades可知句子用现在完成时态,efforts是句子

8、主语,复数形式,和谓语动词make之间是被动关系,所以此处用现在完成时态的被动语态,故答案为D。11You cant move in right now. The house _ now.Ahas painted Bis paintedCis being painted Dis painting考查语态。你现在不能搬进来,房子正在被粉刷。根据句意可知,此处应使用现在进行时的被动语态。故C选项正确。12103When you visit our town next August, a modern sports center _, for the National Games are to be

9、 held then.Awill be constructing Bwill have been constructedChas been constructing Dis being constructed【解析】考查将来完成时态的被动语态。明年八月当你访问我们城镇的时候,一个现代化的体育中心将已经被建成,因为那时全国运动会将被举行。根据时间状语next August,排除C,D两项,再根据a modern sports center和construct是被动关系,排除A项,用将来完成时态的被动语态。故选B项。13 Did he decide to take part in the comp

10、etition? Yes, of course. He _ to.Ahas been encouraging Bhad been encouragedChas been encouraged Dwas to be encouraged他决定参加比赛吗?是的,当然。他已经被鼓励参加比赛。根据he和动词encourage之间的逻辑关系分析,此处应该使用被动形式,故先排除A 项。再和第一句话的一般过去时态结合起来分析, 此处应该使用过去完成时态的被动语态。故选B。14Do you know why a meeting by the middle school teachers last Sunday

11、?To demand smaller classes of no more than 25 to 30 students in each class.Awas held Bhad been heldChas held Dheldmeeting是hold逻辑上的宾语,故用被动语态,再由时间状语last Sunday可知用一般过去时。故选A。你知道为什么上星期日中学老师召开会议吗?要求更小班,每个班不超过25-30个学生。15If we had taken such effective measures much earlier, the river so seriously now.Ais no

12、t polluted Bwould not be pollutedChad not been polluted Dwould not have been polluted选B句意:如果我们早采取有力措施,现在河水就不会污染这么严重。主句表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,用would加动词原形。16Its so humid these days!Dont worry! The rain _ to stop from tomorrow.Awill expect BexpectsCwill be expected Dis expected【解析】考查动词时态与语态。这些日子天气潮湿。不要担心!这场雨预计

13、明天就会停止。根据语境,“expect”表示现在发生的事情,用一般现在时,“停止”的动作发生在明天,且主语The rain与expect之间是被动关系。17Later Mrs Smith decided to buy that kind of cloth because she_ that the cloth _very well.Ahas been told; washes Bhad been told; washedCwas told; was washed Dhad been told; was washed考查时态与感官动词。主句时态为过去时,而从句时态发生在主句之前,即过去的过去,故

14、用过去完成时。像feel, smell, look, wash等表示感官的动词不用被动语态,直接用主动语态,结合前面时态可知,应选washed。句意: 随后史密斯夫人决定买那种布,因为有人告诉她那种布很好洗。18Will Uncle Peterson come to my birthday party tomorrow?Pity he _ to Zimbabwe as a volunteer teacher.Awas sent Bhas been sentChad been sent Dwould be sentPeterson叔叔明天会来参加我的生日聚会吗?很可惜他已经被派到Zimbabwe

15、去做志愿教师了。由语境可知,Uncle Peterson被派到Zimbabwe这是发生在过去的事情,这个动作对现在产生了影响,故该空应用现在完成时态。且主语he和send之间是被动关系,故该句要用被动语态。综上,B选项正确。19 A human case of H7N9 was reported in 2014 when a woman_ to be infected with the bird flu virus.Aconfirmed Bhad been confirmedCwas confirmed Dhave confirmed一例人感染H7N9病毒的报告发生在2014年,当时,一名女性

16、被确诊感染了禽流感。Confirm证实,确认,根据was reported in 2014可知,是过去的事情,先行词是2014,定语从句也用一般过去时,排除B、D;woman与confirm是动宾关系,即她是被确诊的,故选C。考查时态与被动语态20Are the repairs finished yet?Yes, they _ when I came back home.Awould be completed Bwould completeChad completed Dhad been completed【解析】考查被动语态。上句:修理被完成了吗?下句:是的,当我回到家的时候它们已经被完成。

17、根据句意可知句子用过去完成时态的被动语态,故选D。21The coach, together with his players, _ to the party held last Friday night, aiming to celebrate their win in the match.Awas invited Bwere invited Chas been invited Dhave been invited考查主谓一致与一般过去时的被动语态。这个教练,和他的队员一起,被邀请去参加上周五晚上举行的聚会,目的是庆祝他们赢得比赛。根据句中的“last Friday night(上周五晚上)

18、”可知,这句话应使用一般过去时。句子主语为The coach,为第三人称单数形式,“together with”介词词组作主语的伴随状语,不能算作主语,所以谓语动词应与The coach保持一致。【点睛】主谓一致是指句子的谓语动词与它的主语在人称和数上必须保持一致。简单来讲,即在英语组词成句的过程中,主语的人称、数、格发生了变化,谓语也必须跟着变化,保证主语和谓语之间关系的协调一致。在英语语法中,这属于基本的知识点。主谓一致要遵循三个原则,语法一致原则,意义一致原则和就近一致原则。其中语法一致原则指的是主语是单数形式,谓语动词也用单数形式;主语是复数形式,谓语动词也是复数形式。当than,wi

19、th,as well as,along with,together with,like,rather than,except,not,but,including,plus,besides,in addition to等加名词或代词结构在主语后面时,谓语不受这些短语影响,须和其前的主语一致。这属于语法一致原则中的一种情况。例如本题中使用了together with结构,所以句子的谓语动词与主语the coach保持一致。22Mum, is the pair of gloves _ mine?Yes. You have to wear another pair.Awashing Bhave was

20、hedCbeing washed Dhaving washed考查时态。妈妈,这双正洗的手套是我的吗?是的。你不得不带另一双了。根据下文可知,手套是正在被洗,用现在进行时的被动,故选C。23More expressways _ in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy.Aare being built Bwill be builtChave been built Dhad been built句意为:四川将建设更多的高速公路以促进当地的经济。根据时间状语soon可知,考查了将来时。英语中的时态是靠动词的变化来体现的,在具体做题时,需要关注的是时间

21、状语。因此,考生在做本题时,需要先找出时间状语soon,然后才能准确判断时态是一般将来时。通过观察选项可知,选项A是现在进行时;选项B是一般将来时;选项C是现在完成时;选项D是过去完成时。故选择B。24Beijings new international airport _ into use in September, 2019, according to the spokesperson.Awas put Bwill putChas put Dwill be put考查时态和语态。按照发言人所说,北京的新国际机场将在2019年投入使用。根据句意可知,用一般将来时态的被动语态。考查时态和语态2

22、5Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs they_ before leaving their hometowns.Apromised Bwere promisedChave promised Dhave been promised每年大量农民工涌入深圳,去寻找他们离乡前别人给他们许诺的挣钱的工作。此处农民工是“被许诺工作”,需用被动语态,故排除A和C两项;B项仅表一般过去时的被动;D项表示“已经被许诺”,故选D。26They realized that the problem Ted

23、 put forward was difficult _.Ato solve Bsolved Cto be solved Dsolving考查非谓语动词。他们意识到泰德提出的问题很难解决。结合短语be difficult to do sth.“难以;很难”后跟不定式,且在此结构中,若主语与其后的不定式为动宾关系,那么该不定式习惯上要用主动形式表示被动意义。故用to solve形式。27As we know, it will still be some years before all the metro lines in Suzhou _ into operation.Awill be put

24、 Bare put Cwill have been put Dare being put考查动词时态语态。据我们所知,距离苏州所有的地铁线路投入使用还有好几年。all the metro lines与put.into operation是被动关系,应使用被动语态;在时间状语从句中,主句是一般将来时,遵循“主将从现”的原则,所以从句用一般现在时。28Why didnt you attend the assembly this morning?But I _ anything about that.Adidnt tell Bhavent told Chadnt been told Dhavent

25、been told你为什么没有参加今天早上的集会?没人告诉我。主语I和tell之间是动宾关系,故用被动语态,又“没有告诉”的动作发生在今天早上之前,即过去之过去,故用过去完成时的被动语态,即had been done,故选C项。29Many subway stations, including the one near our school, _ at present for a better transport in the city.Aare constructing Bare being constructed Cis constructing Dis being constructed

26、许多地铁站,包括我们学校附近的地铁站,目前正在建设中,以便有更便利的交通。此处表示动作正在进行,句中主语Many subway stations和动词construct是被动关系,所以此处用现在进行时的被动,与主语一致,故选B.现在进行时的被动结构:be + being+过去分词A number of Dongfeng trucks are being shipped abroad.一批东风卡车正被运往国外。1)“be being done” 中的动词be应随主语作相应的变化。2)将现在进行时的主动语态变为现在进行时的被动语态的关键是:把be doing变为be being done.例1.

27、The students are cleaning the classroom now. The classroom is being cleaned now.现在学生们正在打扫教室。 (are cleaning变为is being cleaned)例2. The boy is counting some sheep. Some sheep are being counted.那男孩正在数羊。 (is counting 变为 are being counted)30New energy-sharing projects _ in dozens of cities across the country to fuel Chinas sharing economy in the nex

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