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SUPPLIER Control PROCEDURE中英文Word下载.docx

1、3.Scope范围:3.1.This procedure applies to all DXC suppliers.该程序适用于DXC公司所有供应商。4.Reference Document参考文件4.1.Quality Manual 品质手册4.2.Purchasing Procedure 采购程序4.3.Incoming Quality Control Procedure进料品质控制程序 4.4.IQC monthly report IQC月报4.5.Sourcing Procedure. 供应商开发程序5.Definition定义5.1.AVL Approved supplier lis

2、t 合格供应商清单5.2.CPAR Corrective and preventive action request.纠正与预防措施申请5.3.P.O. Purchase order.采购订单 6.Responsibility职责:6.1.QA Department 品质部:6.1.1.Responsible for the verification of the suppliers quality management system, imposed requirement for the corrective and preventive action.负责确认供应商质量管理体系,纠正与预

3、防措施的要求。6.1.2.Responsible for the determination and verification of the suppliers quality performance and the cooperation performance according to the CPAR answer.负责确认供应商的品质绩效并通过CPAR的回复情况评估和合作态度。6.1.3.Responsible for evaluation, audit and re-evaluation the suppliers quality management system.负责评估、审核和

4、二次评估供应商品质管理系统。6.1.4.Responsible for reporting to the suppliers, purchasing department and sourcing department regarding the information on the rejected products and the suppliers quality performance. 负责向供应商、采购部、采购开发部门报告来料拒收信息和供应商品质状况。6.2.Sourcing Department 采购开发部:6.2.1.Responsible for the determinat

5、ion and verification of the competitive pricing.负责决定和确认有竞争力的价格。6.2.2.Responsible to search for the prospective supplier of the product that DXC requires.负责寻找符合DXC公司产品要求的后备供应商。6.2.3.Prepare and update the approval supplier list. 准备和更新合格供应商清单。6.2.4.Continual monitoring the relationship between DXC and

6、 supplier. 持续跟进DXC公司和供应商之间的关系。6.3.Purchasing Department 采购部6.3.1.Responsible for the selection and approval of the P.O. based on the AVL.负责在合格供应商中选择供应商并批准采购订单。6.3.2.Responsible to purchase products only from the AVL. 负责仅向合格供应商清单中的供应商采购产品。6.3.3.Responsible for the communication between DXC and the su

7、pplier. 负责推动DXC和供应商之间的沟通。6.3.4.Responsible to follow the material on time delivery according to the PO.负责跟进供应商按PO规定的交期准时交货。6.4.D&D Department 开发部6.4.1.Responsible to evaluate the suppliers samples. 负责评估供应商所提供的样品。6.4.2.Responsible to check the supplier technology and verify that the supplier can meet

8、 DXC requirement. 负责检查供应商的工艺水平和确认供应商是否能满足DXC的产品要求。6.5.Top management 高层管理6.5.1.Responsible to approval the new supplier, based on the scored results and the comments from the supplier audit team. 负责根据供应商审核小组的评估结果及建议进行新供应商的批准。7.General procedure一般程序7.1.New supplier development新供应商开发7.1.1.Sourcing dep

9、artment need research the potential supplier through material exhibition, internet or other ways and issue the supplier data sheet (Attachment 8.2) to the new supplier to get more information. Sourcing for second source needed for the following conditions: 采购开发部门需要通过产品展销会、英特网等方式寻找潜在的供应商,并向其发出供应商资料调查

10、表(附件8.2)以获得更多的信息,以下情况下需寻找后备供应商。 material suppliers (including the material with the long delivery time). 主要原材料供应商(包括交货期较长的物料) supplier with more than 100 delivery lots per month. 供应商每月交货批次超过100批7.1.1.3.The supplier with monthly quality performance belong to the worst five sup

11、pliers continue for 3 months. 过去3个月的品质绩效连续排名在倒数五名的供应商之列7.1.1.4.The cost of the supplier is higher than DXC expectations. 供应商成本比DXC预期的高7.1.2.Sourcing department issue the supplier self survey report(Attachment 8.3) and the material specification to the potential supplier after review the supplier fee

12、dback of the supplier data sheet 采购开发部门在审阅了供应回复的供应商资料调查表后向预备供应商发出自我调查报告(附件8.3)和物料规格说明书。7.2.New supplier evaluation新供应商评估7.2.1.Sourcing department communicates with the new supplier to arrange the evaluation on the supplier site after received the feedback of the self survey report from the supplier

13、with the score not less than 60 point, if the result of the self survey is less than 60 point, DXC will give up this potential supplier and search for another supplier. 如果供应商的自我调查报告评分不低于60分时,采购开发部门则负责和新供应商进行沟通安排供应商现场评估,如果供应商的自我调查报告评分低于60分时,DXC将放弃该后备供应商并寻找新供应商。7.2.2.The sourcing department shall coor

14、dinate with QA and D&D department to conduct the on site evaluation for the new supplier on the quality control according to Supplier check list report by DXC audit team (Attachment 8.4). 采购开发部门应当和品质部、开发部协调以便一起按照供应商品质稽核检查表(附件8.4)的内容对供应商进行现场评估。7.2.3.The result of the evaluation shall be issued by the

15、 sourcing department not more than 3 days after the audit was finished. 采购开发部门应在审核完成后的3个工作日之内发出评估结果报告。7.2.4.The new supplier shall be rank according to the outcome of the evaluation and by these rating: 新供应商应当根据评估的结果按照以下规定划分等级:Rank A:90 points. -Excellent supplier, most preferred supplier for purcha

16、se.A 级:90 分 -供采购首选的优秀供应商。Rank B:80 points but 90 points-Good Supplier that DXC will likely to purchase fromB 级:80分90分 -DXC较有可能选择的良好供应商。Rank C:70 points but 80 points-Supplier which are conditional accept, DXC will purchase from this supplier when there is an urgent requirement. C 级:70分80分 -有条件接受的供应商

17、,较紧急的情况下DXC会选择该供应商。Rank D:60 points but 70 points-The supplier need to improve and demonstrate compliance to DXC requirement, and need second evaluation before purchasing. D 级:60分70分 -有待改善以证明能满足DXC要求,在采购前需再次评估。Rank E : 60points- DXC will give up this potential supplier and search for another one.E 级

18、: 60分-DXC将放弃该后备供应商并寻找新供应商。7.2.5.The supplier which fails more than one time DXC will give up this potential supplier and searching for another supplier. 对于二次及以上次数未通过DXC审核的后备供应商,DXC将取消其后备供应商资格并寻找新的供应商。7.2.6.When the supplier belongs to A, B or C rank after evaluation, D&D department will follow the r

19、equirement mentioned on the new item creation form request the supplier to prepare the samples with reference specification for DXC D&D and QA department evaluation to verify the process capability.经评估后当供应商隶属A级,B级或C级,DXC开发部将按新物料诞生报告上所述规格要求该供应商提供样品并附有产品规格交DXC开发及品管评估,以验证其制程能力。7.2.7.The minimum rating

20、that the supplier will be listed in the AVL is only for rank A, B&C and each supplier ranking shall appear in the AVL. 只有A、B、C级供应商才能列入合格供应商清单,并且在合格供应商清单中注明其等级。7.2.8.The samples from the supplier must be approved and the price must be finalized between DXC and the supplier before update the new suppl

21、ier into the AVL.在后备供应商进入合格供应商清单前,其提供的样品应已获批准并且其价格已商定好。7.2.9.In case that the new supplier is a shop, trading company or without their own manufacturing workshop and the business value with DXC is less than 100 thousand RMB per year, this supplier will be considered as temporary supplier. 如新供应商没有生产工

22、厂或属商铺或为贸易公司且每年交货价值小于十万元人民币,此供应商将被定义为临时供应商.7.2.10.The temporary supplier should be listed in the Temporary Supplier List. It is not must to evaluate the temporary supplier. In case the temporary supplier will be qualified as approved supplier, the supplier evaluation must conduct. The supplier shall

23、be qualified before update it into the AVL. 临时供应商需登录于临时供应商清单,对于临时供应商不要求进行评估,如临时供应商有条件调整为合格供应商时必须经过评估合格正式登录合格供应商清单。7.3.Supplier annual evaluation 供应商年度评估The supplier annual evaluation includes two parts: Supplier performance evaluation according to the last year records and supplier annual audit, the

24、 annual evaluation is not necessary for temporary supplier. 供应商年度评估由两部份组成:即供应商进行业绩评估(根据上一年度的相关记录进行评估)及供应商年度稽核, 对临时供应商无需进行年度评估.7.3.1.Supplier performance evaluation供应商业绩进行评估 The supplier performance evaluation includes the quality performance, delivery performance, cooperation and cost. The evaluatio

25、n shall be conducted once a year (In January every year), and in charged by QA department with cooperation from purchasing and sourcing department. 供应商业绩评估包括:品质成绩、交期成绩、合作态度和成本,业绩评估应每年进行一次(在每年的一月份).此评估在采购部及采购开发部的配合下由品质部负责完成。 rating shall be subdivided into different categories as below: 供应

26、商等级应当按以下种类细分:1). Quality performance:40x(ALR1+ALR2+ALR12)/12 ALR=Accepted lots/total delivered lots x 100% (monthly) 品质成绩:ALR=合格批次/总批次 x 100% (月度)2) Cost成本: Price is reasonable价格合理=10x100% Price is not reasonable价格不合理=10x50%3) Delivery performance:30x(OTD1+OTD2+OTD12)/12 OTD=Lots delivered in time/t

27、otal delivered lots x 100%(monthly) 交期成绩:30x(OTR1+OTD2+OTD12)/12 OTD=按时交货批次/总交货批次x 100%(月度)4) Cooperation performance:20x( ROT1+ROT2.+ROT12)/12 ROT=CPAR reply On time/Total CPAR x 100%(monthly) 配合度:20x( ROT1+ROT2.+ROT12)/12 ROT=按时回复的CPAR数 /总CPAR 数x 100%(月度) IQC section shall publish the m

28、onthly lot rejection rate to the supplier and shall also be presented to the management during the monthly quality review. IQC 部门需要向供应商提供提供其每月的拒收率统计结果, 同时在公司召开品质月会时将供应商的拒收率统计结果提供给公司管理层。 rank of the evaluation will be same as the new supplier rating system. 供应商的等级评估系统和新供应商的等级评估系统一致。7.3.2.A

29、nnual supplier audit供应商年度稽核7.3.2.1.The supplier after selection shall be audited after a period not exceeding one (1) year and exemption can be made to suppliers for the following conditions: 供应商经选定后应至少每年进行一次稽核,在下列情况时可豁免: sea supplier 海外供应商7. belongs to grade A accordin

30、g to the yearly performance evaluation 年度业绩评估结果属A级的供应商7.3.2.2.The audit criteria shall be the same as the criteria from first evaluation. 稽核标准应和第一次评估时的标准一致7.3.2.3.The audit could be conducted follow the annual supplier audit schedule at the supplier site or when: 年度稽核需根据年度稽核计划或在下列情况下进行: is a new product shall be supplied to D

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