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1、Good morning, everyone. Its our great honor to be the first group to take the speaking exam. Today we are going present a little informal debate. And our proposition is that this house believed that China should provide financial incentives to rural families who bear and raise daughters. First wed l

2、ike to introduce some background information of our proposition, as its kind of Chinese-style. In ancient China, women are severely discriminated. And now this kind of discrimination is not that obvious but in rural, this phenomenon still exists. As far as I know, some rural families just threw thei

3、r baby away if it was a girl. Others may sell their daughter to some terrible place. So here comes our topic. We will talk about whether the government should provide financial incentives to rural families who bear and raise daughters for any kind of purpose. I am Evelyn, I will be on the affirmativ

4、e side. I am Lotus, and I will be the negative. So here we starts. Now I am the first affirmative.I persist that China should provide financial incentives to rural families who bear and raise daughters.My first point is that this policy can weaken the concept that boys are superior to girls. This co

5、nclusion can be drawn by analyzing the two reason why daughters are not as favorable as sons in rural China. First, boys can bring in more incomes and help raise the family. Typical rural families make their livings mainly by physical labor, such as cultivating and building. As men are physically st

6、ronger than women, its commonly believed that men are more capable of earning money. Rural families usually lead a needy life, and gainings are primary to them. So in this instance, most families would rather a boy than a girl. Secondly, boys can support their old parents while girls usually can not

7、. Its a long-lasting tradition that when a girl gets married, she has to live in and care for her husbands family, instead of herselfs. For parents who only have daughters, they have to take care of themselves when they grow old. To make things worse, the pension scheme in China is far from mature a

8、nd old people in rural usually have no source of income. So parents without a son may spend their later life in a lonely and poor way. And thats why most parents feel it necessary to raise at least one son. Take these two reasons into consideration, no wonder some parents even think that raising a d

9、aughter is a huge burden to them. Its not these families dont like girls, its life that pushed them to think this way. But these problems can be solved by financial incentives. Once these practical living problems are solved, these parents will be more than happy to raise a daughter. And the concept

10、 that boys are superior to girls will be shaken to some extent. My second point is about the tragedies caused by child gender discrimination. Girls in rural district really suffer a lot from the deep rooted discrimination that they are desperate for help. Id like to ask a question, do you know what

11、percentage of abandoned babies in China every year are girls? 99%. And according to official statistics,the reason why boys are abandoned is theyre disabled or born with some kind of deadly disease. But the majority of the abandoned girls are healthy. That is to say, they are abandoned simply becaus

12、e they are girls. Its horrible. But fortunately, these kind of things are less and less common nowadays. However, problems still exist, in both countryside and cities, that some parents do not value their daughter as much as their son. Many families choose to have a second child after their first ch

13、ild turned out to be a girl. Although its sometimes against the one child policy in China. If they are lucky, their second child would be a boy as they wanted. Then the boy would become the apple of the parents eyes, while the elder daughter is suspected to give ground in every aspect. And the simpl

14、e thought that my son is more important than my daughter, can change the girls whole life. Men and women are equal, and girls should not be treated in such a cruel way. So from this perspective, I strongly support the idea that financial incentives be provided to rural families who bear and raise da

15、ughters. At least, this policy will remind them the fact that their daughters are of same importance and they should be treated much better. First, I want to emphasize that this gender discrimination is cause by the national condition and cant be changed in a short period of time. We all want the re

16、al equality that is truly accepted by the public, but reformation takes time and in this duration, many girls can be hurt. So even this policy is contemporary and kind of compelling, it can actually help girls right now. Then I want to exemplify for rural girls suffering nowadays. One of my roomie i

17、n senior high has a younger brother for the reason I have mentioned above. As a child, my friend somehow sensed that her parents had a preference for her brother. So she tried really hard to behave well. And she ended up with excellent grades. But still, when both the brother and the sister wanted t

18、o buy some extra books, her parents always satisfied the brothers needs first. Even when she was busy preparing for the college entrance examination, her parents would ask her to help her brother with his study. She was quite upset, and she told me that what her parents cared about was her brothers

19、future and career and they just expected her to be a housewife. I think its so unfair. She could have had a brighter future, but her whole life had to give way to her brother. So have she done anything wrong? No. If there indeed is something wrong, it will be that she is who she is. Isnt it ridiculo

20、us? 篇二:不要盲目减肥 英文课堂pre不要盲目减肥Dont slimming down blindly肥胖是影响健康的一大因素。很多女生常常说着要减肥,然而盲目的减肥不但不能达到让自己更健康、外形变好看的目的,反而会对身体造成伤害。所以我们要对盲目减肥说不。 Obesity is one of the main factors that affects health. A lot of girls often say they want to lose weight, however, slimming down blindly cant make them healthier or mo

21、re beautiful, but can cause harm to the body. So we should say no to slimming down blindly. 我们减肥的目的是为了健康和外形好看We lose weight for health and for beauty.从健康的角度来看,我们之中的大多数都不需要要减肥。以大家熟悉的BMI指数作为标准,身高165的同学体重应在50kg65kg之间,175的同学体重应在55kg75kg之间。Actually, most of us dont need to lose weight for health. Using B

22、MI as a standard, whose height is 165cm, the weight should be between 50kg65kg, whose height is 175cm, the weight should be between 55kg75kg.在一项针对大学生的调查结果显示受调查的大学生中仅有8%超重或肥胖,甚至还有22.9%的同学偏瘦。而在正在减肥的大学生中有88.7%的同学体重是正常的。这些数据表明我们并不需要为了健康而减肥。In a survey of college students shows only 8% of the college stu

23、dents are overweight or obese, even 22.9% of the students are underweight. And among the students who want to lose weight, 88.7% of them are within the standard limit. These data suggest that we dont need to lose weight for health. 而且盲目的减肥还会带来大量的健康隐患:饮食失调,低血糖,焦虑症和厌食症等等;研究发现,那些减肥不合理的人骨折的概率要高于正常人。And

24、slimming down blindly will bring a lot of health problems, eating disorders, low blood sugar, anxiety and anorexia, etc. Accord to the research, the person who loses weight improper is more easily getting fracture than others.在调查中减肥的同学中有29.1%主要依靠“节食”来减肥,还有滥用减肥药物的现象发生,这两种减肥方式本身就会对身体造成伤害。In the survey

25、 there are 29.1% of students who manage to lose weight by dieting , and some even use drugs,which will cause more harm to the body.所以我们中的大多数其实并不需要减肥,肥胖的同学则需要通过合理健康的方式逐渐减重而不是通过节食等方式盲目减肥。So most of us dont really need to lose weight for heath, obese students should lose weight by a healthy way rather

26、than slimming down blindly through diet or other way.为了外形更加好看也不能盲目减肥。For beauty, we cant slimming down blindly.我们先来看一些图片,为了更好看而减肥的她们反而因为过瘦不如原来好看。不健康的减肥方式造成的反弹和过瘦等结果显然不是我们想要的。Let me show you some pictures, they are some stars who is familiar to us, they lose weight for more beautiful, but they become

27、 too thin. The unhealthy way of losing weight may make usbecome fat again or become too thin. These result is obviously not what we want.身体的线条是由脂肪和肌肉共同决定的,女性理想的体脂率在17%25%之间,男性的在10%18%之间。The shape of our body is determined by fat and muscle, females ideal body fat rate is between 17% 25%, the males i

28、s between 10% 18%.对于体重正常的人来说,我们没有过多的脂肪,应该通过锻炼在增加肌肉的同时适当减少脂肪从而塑造好看的线条。而盲目的减肥不但起不到减脂的效果还有可能使肌肉减少,更不能达到塑造线条的目的。For people within the standard limit, we dont have too much fat, so we should build muscle and reduce a little fat at the same time. Far from helping us lose weight, Slimming down blindly may

29、even reduce muscle, thus cant achieve the goal of become more beautiful. 因此为了身体线条的好看我们更不应该盲目的减轻体重,而应选择适合自己的锻炼方案进行体育锻炼。So for better Body line, we should not slim down blindly, but choose the exercise that suitsus and keep on doing it.综上所述,无论是为了健康还是为了外形都不应盲目的开始减肥。我们应该先仔细的了解自己的身体,通过改正不良的饮食 结构和生活习惯、合理运

30、动来达到减脂、增肌、塑造线条的效果。In conclusion, we should not slim down blindly both for health or for beauty. We should first manage to know our body better, by changing unhealthy diet and living habits with rational exercise, in order to lose fat, increase muscle and make our body looks healthy and beautiful. 数据

31、来源:在校大学生对超重肥胖的认知情况及减肥行为调查 宋军 ,肖砾 ,李晓北 ,靳雪征 ,黄凯 ,张倩 ,段一凡 ,徐春燕 中国健康教育201X年6月第28卷第6期The data sources:Investigation oil awareness of overweight and weight loss behavior among college students SONG Jun,XIAO Li,LI Xiao-bei,JIN Xue-zheng,HUANG Kai,ZHANG Qian,DUAN Yi-fan,XU ChunyanChinese Health Education J

32、une 201X, 28 (6)篇三:网申开放性问题以及_参考答案为什么选择投资银行业在今天的金融市场上,投资银行业已成为必不可少的关键环节,选择投资银行业能够更加深入的了解资金融通的各个环节,把自己的知识和实际联系起来,能够学以致用,找到自己的价值。网申思路图SISC (西门子国际学生圈)1. Whats your motivation for applying for SISC?2. How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you?(1500 letters)3. How would you describe the i

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