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1、2、情感、文化目标1)在教学过程中培养学生学习兴趣,帮助他们树立信心。2)使学生在学习过程中能够注意并理解他人情感。3)体会婉拒他人的礼貌的表达方法,并在实际生活中运用。三、重、难点1、充分了解并掌握下列句子。Would you like ? Yes, please. No, thanks.d like What about ?Heres a/an for somebody.2、了解英语语言文化习惯。当对方向你提供某种物品或帮助时,如何进行委婉地拒绝。No, thanks.四、教学辅助手段1、水果、饮料和食物等物品的实物和图片;2、一个用于游戏的小布袋;3、多媒体教学课件-Flash版五、教学

2、过程 Warming-up1.Draw a picture of the teacher with fruits. - Apple in the mouth.2.Sing English songs.a)An apple a day. b)Bingo.c)Head, shoulders, knees and toes.d)Teddy bear.e)1-2-3-4-5.3.Lets play a game. Simon says.Simon says: Touch your head. Touch your nose. Snap your fingers. Clap your hands. Wa

3、ve your arms. Shake your body. Stand up. Turn around. Come to the front. Touch the floor. Show me your apple/orange/banana.Preparation1.Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please.2.Greetingsa)Im Mr. Tian. Whats your name, please? Nice to meet you.b)Look at the pictures. Here are th

4、e boys. And here are the girls. This is a hill. Just now you did a very good job. So you can get a tree.Presentation1.Ia.I have two trees here, an apple tree and a pear tree. What would you like, an apple tree or a pear tree? An apple tree. OK. Id like an apple tree. Id like an apple. ( Put Id like

5、an apple. On the whiteboard. Show the topic.)b.Read the topic twice. 2.Would you like ? Yes, please.a.Show some fruits and ask them how to read these things in English. (Look. I have many fruits here. Whats this in English? Its a pear. -Put a tree on the hill. Whats an orange. Thats right. Put a tre

6、e on the hill again. )(Put apple, orange, bananas-实物 onto the whiteboard.) b.Put a pear in a bag and ask a pupil come to the front. Touch and guess: Whats in the bag? A pear. Thats right. Hey, would you like a pear, ? Yes. If you want to say yes, please say: Yes, please. Would you like a pear ? Yes,

7、 please. Excellent. Heres a pear for you. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. Bye. Go back to your seat.(Put the sentence Would you like ? Yes, please. on the whiteboard.Reading practice. (Would you like, would you like, would you like a pear? Yes, please. Yes, please. Yes, please. Here you are.

8、 Here you are. Here you are. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.) 3.Would you like ? No, thanks.a.Put a bad apple in the bag and ask a pupil to come to the front. Touch and guess: Hey. What Touch and guess. A banana. Yes, youre right. Would you like an apple? No, thanks. What woul

9、d you like? Id like Heres an orange for you. Here you are. Thanks. Youre welcome.(Put Would you like ? No, thanks. on the whiteboard. )Reading practice. Would you like, would you like, would you like an apple? No, thanks. No thanks. IContinue the game one more time.b.Practice in groups with the obje

10、cts or pictures on their desks.c.Act it out. 4.What about ?a)The teacher asks a pupil:d like an apple. What would you like? Would you like a banana? Yes, please. Heres a banana for you. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. Point to another pupil. Hey, what about you? What would you like?d like Ve

11、ry good. Then put What about ? on the whiteboard.b)Reading practice. What about, what about, what about you? IIId like a banana.c)Continue the question. Id like a pear. What about you?d)Let pupils practice with the pictures on their desks.e)Chain game. Id like an apple. What about you? 5.Show the mo

12、vie.a)Now look at the screen. Whos this man?s Mr. Tian. Yes. Whos this girl? Is this Lin Xinru? Is this Wangfei? Is this Snowwhite. Yes, this is Snowwhite. Shes at home. And look! The seven dwarfs are working there. Now lets see whats happening.b)Give the task(questions)-What would the dwarfs like,

13、a pear, an apple or an orange?c)Show the movie for the second time.d)The teacher asks pupils the question.What would the dwarfs like, a pear, an apple or an orange?An apple and an orange. Thats right. Consolidation1.Reading practicea)In chorus after the tapeb)In chorus after the teacherc)Read in cho

14、rus by themselves.d)Lets chant. (Would you like, would you like, would you like a pear? Enough reading practice of the chant. Act the chant.)2.Practice in groups. (Show pictures of fruits, food and drinks. Let pupils practice in groups. )3.Act with the pictures on their desks. Developmenta.Boys and

15、girls, now its time to do our information sheet. Look, here is a piece of information sheet. Well, that boy, would you please stand up? My names Would you like an apple?s an apple for you. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome. Tick. Cross.b. Now, please take your information sheet and the stickers

16、. Let go and offer the food to your partners or teachers.c.Show one pupils work. End the class.1.Let2.Lets sing a song. If youre happy. Say Bye-bye. 六、板书设计 根据对话内容改编的英语节奏训练内容Lets Chant.A:Would you like, would you like, would you like a pear?B:Yes, please. Yes, please. Yes, please.Here you are. Here y

17、ou are. Here you are.Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Would you like, would you like, would you like an apple?No, thanks. No, thanks. IAn orange, an orange, a big orange for you.Hey, what about, what about, what about you?IIIA banana, a banana, a banana for you.全国小学英语教学观摩暨研讨会说课

18、稿各位专家、领导、大家好!我是来自广东顺德大良实验小学的田湘军。很高兴能够参加这次全国小学英语教学观摩暨研讨会的活动。下面,我将结合自己参赛的情况进行说课。主要从说教材、说学生、说教法和说过程等四个方面来谈谈自己的对这堂课地认识、看法和设计。首先,说教材。这次我授课的主题是:d like an apple. 表现的主题内容是询问对方喜欢或要某种水果与否。该课的重难点主要表现在以下句型的使用上。它们是:Would you like a pear?(其中主要的操练词汇是以水果类为主的单词。而这些内容是学生在三年级就已经学过的。这为重难点句型的操练奠定了一个良好的基础。) 接下来,说学生。参加这次上

19、课的学生目前就读四年级。他们在三年级学过一年人教社的PEP Primary English, 掌握了一定量的关于水果、饮料和食物方面的单词。但他们毕竟年龄小,接触英语的时间不长,英语语言学习的兴趣和习惯还有待于进一步加强和培养。第三、说教法结合教材和学生的特点,在本节课的教学方法设计中,我主要是依据英语课程标准- 新课标的精神,在教学过程中从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,科学安排教学内容,合理设计教学任务,开展形式多样的教学活动,让学生亲身体验、大胆实践、积极参与、共同合作与交流,帮助学生在任务性的教学途径下,发展综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维

20、和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。也就是说,关注每一个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心;突出以学生为主体的教育思想,尊重个体差异的不同;关注教学过程中的评价活动,以激励学习兴趣和培养自主学习能力发展为主目标开展教学活动。第四、说过程在教学过程中,我根据学生的特点和教材的难易程度,分阶段、逐层递进、由易到难地设计了形式多样的教学活动。如在课前热身阶段,我有意识地安排了教师画自画像引出苹果,再由苹果引入到歌曲An apple a day, 之后通过游戏竞赛的形式展示出本节课的课题。在呈现部分,我采用先分后合的形式,根据课文重难点的情况,先通过T

21、ouch and Guess 这一游戏活动呈现 Would you like a pear? Yes, please. 再通过一个 bad apple 的安排,呈现出 Would you like an apple? No, thanks. 之后,组织同学们有节奏的朗读重点句子,既巩固当前所学的知识,又为下一步将要开展的 Lets chant. 做准备。在呈现完What about you? 这一语言点之后,又组织学生开展 Chain game 的游戏,让学生在游戏活动中积极参与,大胆实践,巩固所学内容,受到了良好的效果。当重难点句型在这种科学合理的安排下完成之后,我又结合学生的年龄、性格、爱

22、好等方面的特点,将枯燥、单调的对话巧妙地转化成为美丽、善良的白雪公主与七个小矮人之间的问答,并通过多媒体卡通动画的形式,将对话内容生动活泼的展现在学生面前。在操练巩固这一环节,我不仅安排了常规性的 Reading Practice, 而且,还有目的、有选择的将对话内容改编成语言节奏鲜明、英语气氛活跃、符合学生年龄特点的 Lets chant. 在这一过程中,学生们在电子琴节拍的伴奏下,由老师指挥,通过身体语言、实物展现,饶有趣味的操练着对话内容。在语言操练足够的条件下,我在发展提高阶段设计、安排了拓展性的活动。一个是将学生分成小组,然后给学生们提供水果、饮料和食物等不同类别的主题,让学生在更为

23、开放的思维模式下操练、使用所学过的内容。另一个是在任务型教学思想的指导下,给学生提供一张精心设计的信息表,让学生在真实的情境中使用自己学到的知识,开展调查-Make a survey. 以真正实现新课标中的让学生学到语言知识后能做什么的目的。从这堂课的实施情况来看,我深深地感受到了教师良好的语言素质、灵活丰富的教学情景、多样的学习活动,以及教师丰富的面部表情、滑稽幽默的体态语言等在教学过程中的重要性,我也从学生的反馈情况中感受到孩子们慢慢地体会到了英语语言的美,感受到了他们在学习语言的过程中获得的快乐。从事英语教学已经有十三年了,虽然在教学过程中自己总在不断的努力,但每上完一堂课,当自己静心反

24、思的时候,却总能找出这堂课中许许多多这样或那样的不足。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 我相信,在各位专家、教授的指点和同行们的帮助下,这条教书育人的道路将越走越宽广。巧编英语课堂chant创设课间语言氛围摘要:英语课程标准提出了“开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道”的教学理念。学生的生活经验、生活游戏也可以成为一种课程资源。本课例尝试从教材入手,引导学生将课堂教学内容编成chant, 用于课间游戏,增加学生的语言实践机会,培养学生的创新能力。本课例较好地体现了教师引导的过程。教学过程清晰流畅,单词教学扎实有效,课外拓展符合孩子兴趣,并在教学理念上有所创新。关键词:教学设计 chant 课间游戏教学设

25、计理念在课堂教学中,从学生感兴趣的话题入手,引导学生将本课重点单词编成富有儿童情趣的chant,并在课堂上鼓励学生将自己的 chant 以小组合作的方式,编入自己喜欢的课间游戏,如跳橡皮筋,拍手操,课间蹦跳等,让孩子的创造才能在编 chant、用 chant 中得到淋漓尽致的发挥,让孩子的课间游戏也成为语言实践的平台。课题:五年级下册Unit 2 My favorite season A 第一课时 Lets learn教学目标语言知识与技能目标: 能够听、说、读、写单词: season, spring, summer, fall, winter;能够使用句型:Whats your favour

26、ite season? 并能够根据实际情况回答。学习策略目标:培养学生根据字形记忆单词,主动探究单词拼读规律的学习策略。情感意识目标: 通过编 chant,让学生感受到英语特别的音韵美,通过用 chant 编课间游戏,培养学生的合作能力和创新能力。教学重点掌握关于季节的五个单词:season, spring, summer, fall, winter 及句型:教学准备教材相配套的教学录音带、单词卡片、信封和关于春夏秋冬主题的花、绿叶、落叶、雪花的贴纸。教学过程A. Warm-up/ Revision(热身/复习)1. 值日生学生 Daily report。2. 学生用书第 7 页的 chant

27、。(本环节复习上一单元的句型,为今天关于提问和回答跟季节有关的话题做铺垫)3. 教师和学生问答T:What do you do on the weekend?s my favourite sports? Guess.s your favourite colour?教师板书句型 Whats your favourite ?(本环节以旧带新,从学生感兴趣的话题入手,如最喜欢的运动,最喜欢的颜色等,为复习巩固本课时的主要句型 What 做铺垫,该句型在五年级上册第三单元已经学习过。)教师根据学生的回答,发给学生评价用的信封,四个信封有四个颜色系列。 红色代表春天组,绿色代表夏天组、多种颜色(colo

28、urful)代表秋天组,白色的信封代表冬天组。根据学生的喜好,把全班学生分成四组。黑板上由四棵代表春、夏、秋、冬的树来代表四个组,根据四组学生的课堂表现给树木添加花、绿叶、落叶,雪花。下课前,以哪棵树木上的东西多,作为胜利。B. Presentation1. 学习单词 summer。S: Green.T: Me too. Were good friends.(教师和学生双手互击,表现出因为有共同喜欢的颜色,成为好朋友而快乐的样子)。Theres a picture with green leaves. Look!s a picture of summer.出示 summer 单词的教学卡片,贴在黑板上。出示与 summer 单词中有相同元音组合 er 的单词卡片,让学生先读 farmerflower 在引导学生主动探究的基础上,让学生自己读出 summer,单词卡片如图:farmerflower(本环节在单词教学中渗透语

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