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1、(2017年南京卷)Who threw the empty bottles on the floor? I dont know. Theyre not . Ask Max, please. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 【解析】D。谁把空瓶子扔到地板上了?我不知道。它们不是我的。请问问Max。此处指我的空瓶子,名词性物主代词mine相当于my bottles。故选D。 【例6】(2017年临沂卷)Paul went to the bookstore with some friends of . A. he B. him C. himself D. hisPaul和他的一些朋

2、友去了书店。名词性物主代词可用在of后面作定语,相当于“of+名词所有格”,表示带有部分概念或有一定的感情色彩。 【小贴士】his既是一个名词性的物主代词又是一个形容词性的物主代词。 三、考查反身代词 【例7】(2017年南充卷)Your uncle is very good at cooking! How did he learn it? He learned it by . A. him B. himself C. her D. herself你的叔叔非常擅长做饭!他怎么学得?他自学的。 oneself“自学”,前面的主语是he,故用反身代词himself。 【例8】(20

3、17年德州卷)Did you enjoy in Chengdu last week? Yes, I had great fun there. A. myself B. yourself C. ourselves D. themselves 【解析】B.句意:上周你在成都过得愉快吗?是的,我在那里玩得很愉快。Enjoy oneself“过得愉快,玩得高兴”。myself“我自己”;yourself“你自己”;ourselves“我们自己”; themselves“他们自己”。根据主语是you,所以反身代词用yourself。结合句意及结构,故选B。 【拓展】反身代词的固定搭配:teach one

4、self =learn by oneself自学;enjoy oneself过得愉快;help oneself to随便吃;lose oneself in沉浸于;by oneself独自等。 四、考查指示代词 【例9】(2017年天津模拟卷)一Look! Do you know man under the tree? 一Sorry. Its too far to see clearly. A. this: him B. that; his C. this; her D. that; him看!你认识树下的那个人吗?对不起,太远了,我看得不清楚。that远指,this近指,前面的man说明后面用

5、宾格him。 【拓展】that常用在比较等级中,代表前面提到的名词,以避免重复。 五、考查不定代词 考点一:考查复合不定代词前置及意义 【例10】(2016年来宾卷)Dear classmates, may I have your attention, please? I have to tell you. A. important something B. important anything C. something important D. anything important亲爱的同学们,请注意。我有重要的事情告诉你们。不定代词的修饰语要后置,因此排除A、B;在肯定句中,不能用anyt

6、hing,排除D。 【拓展】类似的不定代词前置的常见考点还有:something interesting/wrong, nothing serious, someone else等等。 【例11】(2016年济南卷) Sir, called you just now. I told him to phone again 20 minutes later. OK. Thanks, Nancy. A. someone B. nobody C. anyone D. everyone 【解析】A。先生,刚才有人打电话给你。我告诉他二十分钟后再打过来。好的。谢谢你南希。由对话中Nancy所说的话没有提到

7、打电话者的姓名及身份信息可知,她只是说有人打电话来,someone“有人”;nobody“没有人”;anyone“任何人”;everyone“每个人”。故选A. 【例12】(2016年泉州卷) How is Lily in the new school? She is doing very well. There is to worry about. A. nothing B. something C. anythingLily在新学校情况如何?她做得很好,没有什么可以担心的。nothing“没有事情”,something“某事”;anything“任何东西”。根据句意,故选A。 考点二:so

8、me和any 【例13】(2016年南充卷) I have two soccer balls, what about you? Oh, I dont have . A. some B. no C. any D. much我有两个足球,你呢?哦,我没有一些。some“一些”;any“一些”;no“没有”;much“许多”o some多用于肯定句或含有情态动词的疑问句中,而any多用于问句、否定句和条件句中,在肯定句中是“任何的”意思。 【例14】(2016年呼和浩特卷) There is no salt left. Jim, would you like to get ? OK. Mum. A.

9、 it B. one C. some D. any没有盐巴了。吉姆,你能去买点儿吗?好的,妈妈。it代指前面所提到的同一个物体;one代指前面所说的同一类物品;some指所说物品中的一些,通常用于肯定陈述句,但如果语气委婉,希望对方给予肯定回答时也用some; any则常用于否定句和疑问句中。根据句意是希望得到肯定的回答。 【例15】(2017年乐山卷) When shall we go hiking again? Make it day you like. Its all the same to me. A. either B. any C. one我们什么时候再去徒步旅行?只要你喜欢那天都

10、行。对我来说都是一样的。any用于肯定句,表示“任何一个”。 考点三:all, both, either, neither, none的区别 【例16】(2017年临沂卷) Do you plan to watch a talent show or a sports show tonight? 一 . I cant stand them. I plan to watch a sitcom. A. Neither B. Both C. None D. Either由下句的I cant stand them. I plan to watch a sitcom.可知上文提到的watch a tale

11、nt show or a sports show两者都不选,neither表示“两者都不”;both表示“两者都”;none表示“三者或三者以上都不”;either表示“两者中选一”。故选A。 【例17】(2017年郴州卷)There are many tall trees on sides of the river. A. both B. all C. either在河的两边有许多高树。河有两边,排除all“(三者或三者以上)都”,sides用了复数。故用A。 【例18】(2016年滨州卷) Dont be angry with your kid when he makes a mistak

12、e again, will you? No, I wont. I know that of us are perfect after all. A. none B. neither C. each D. all 【解析】A o none“(三者或三者以上)都不”;neither(两者)都不”;each强调个体“每个”;all“(三者或三者以上)全部”。由语境可知,此处表达“毕竟我们都不是完美的。”这里的us指三者以上。 【例19】(2016年宜昌卷) When are we going to see the movie ZooTopia, this afternoonor tonight? 一

13、 is OK. Im free today. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All我们什么时候去看电影疯狂动物城,今天下午还是今天晚上?都可以,我今天没事。由题干中的is可知排除答案C和D;由答语中的Im free today“我今天没事”,可推知今天下午和今天晚上都可以。 考点四:few, little, a few, a little的区别 【例20】 (2017年白银卷)Let us move a little faster. We do not have time left, said the tour guide. A. few B. little

14、C. many D. much“让我们走得快点。我们只剩很少的时间了,”导游说。由上句的move a little faster可知时间少,little修饰不可数名词,表示否定的含义。 【例21】(2016年绥化卷)I have friends, so I feel sad. A. few B. a few C. little我的朋友很少,因此,我感到悲伤。由下句的sad可知朋友少,空格后friends为可数名词复数形式,few修饰可数名词的复数,表示否定含义。 【拓展】与quite, just, only等副词构成短语时只能用a few, a little。 考点五:others, the

15、other, other, another, the others的区别 【例22】(2016年哈尔滨卷)Which of the two T shirts would you like to choose? Both. Then I can give one to my brother and leave to myself. A. another B. the other C. other这两件T恤衫你想要选择哪一件?两件我都要,这样我可以给我哥哥一件,给自己留一件。“两者中的另一个”常用the other指代。【例23】(2016年乐山卷)I dont understand what y

16、ou said. Would you please give me example? A. another B. other C. others【解析】A。another指“(三者或三者以上中的)另一个”或者“不确定的一个”。 other泛指“别的,其他的”,作形容词修饰限定名词;others后面不加名词。这里指另外举个例子。【拓展】图解other系列不定代词one(一个)the other(另一个)one(一个)another(其余的任一个)the others(其余的全部)some (一些)others(其余的一部分)some(一些) 考点六:考查it用法 【例24】(2017年黄石卷)C

17、hinese people find our duty to help develop African countries along the Belt and Road(一带一路). A. it B. this C. that D. these在find it +adj./名词短语+to do sth.中,it用作形式宾语,真正的宾语是其后的动词不定式,类似的动词还有think, make等。 【例25】(2017年安徽卷)Is this iPad yours? 一Yes. My parents bought for my language learning.A. one B. it C.

18、other D. another 【解析】这个iPad是你的吗?是的。我的父母为我的语言学习买得它。it指代上文提到的iPad,故选B。 【拓展】it和one辨析 it常用来特指上下文提到的同类事物,用来指可数名词或者不可数名词;one泛指上下文提及的同类事物中的一份子,用于代替可数名词。 考点七:考查疑问代词who, which, what等 【例26】(2017年孝感卷)一 will you ask for help when you are in trouble? 一My parents, I think. A. Who B. What C. Where D. When当你陷入困境的时候

19、你会向谁请求帮助?我的父母,我认为。由答句的my parents可知用who“谁”提问。 【活学活用】 1. (2017年怀化卷)Excuse me. Is this ruler? No. Its her ruler. is in the pencil box. A. your; My B. yours; Mine C. your; 2. (2017年南京卷)Linda and Kitty will go to Greenery Theme Park by next Sunday. A. they B. them C. their D. themselves 3. (2017年温州卷)Did

20、anyone call me when I was out? Yes. A man who called Tom. A. myself B. himself C. herself D. yourself 4. (2017年天津卷)Is this computer? Yes, its . My mother bought it for me. A. you; me B. your; my C. yours; mine D. your; mine5. (2017年兰州卷)Do you think acceptable for a group of women to dance to loud mu

21、sic on the square near your house? A. it B. that C. this D. its 6. (2017年兰州卷)I asked to do schoolwork by .A. him; his; himself B. her; her; itself C. her; myself D. him; herself 7. (2017年盐城卷)Jackie Chan won an Oscar after 56- year- long career in the film industry. A. he B. his C. him D. himself 8.

22、(2017年苏州卷)Dad doesnt always come to you. You have to fight and save ! A. yourself B. himself C. myself D. herself 9. (2017年青岛卷)Can I come today or tomorrow? 一 is OK. fm busy today and tomorrow. A. Either B. Neither C. Each D. None 10.(2017年邵阳卷)She is new here. I dont know name. A. hers B. her C. she

23、 11. (2017年武威卷)Did you do the homework ? A. you B. yourself C. your D. yours 12.(2017年宜宾卷)Is this your book?s not . Its . A. my; his B. mine; hers C. me; 13. (2017年襄阳卷)Would you like some milk or coffee, sir? 一 . Just a glass of water, please. A. Both B. Either C. Neither D. None 14. (2017年河北卷)Is th

24、is Kates bicycle? No, is under the tree. She put it there this morning. A. his B. hers C. mine D. yours15. (2017年孝感卷)Everyone makes mistakes in life. The key is not to repeat again. A. it B. this C. that D. them16. (2017年乐山卷)Mike has some difficulty in finishing the task by . Couldyou help him? No p

25、roblem. A. him B. himself C. his 17. (2017年长沙卷)Is there anybody who can lend me a hand? Im afraid not. You know you are supposed to depend on .A. myself B. yourself C. themselves18. (2017年成都卷)Mike lost his school and this morning. He is looking for now.A. it B. him C. them 19. (2016年齐齐哈尔卷)Who was hu

26、rt in the traffic accident? .A. None B. No one C. Nothing 20. (2016年常州卷)Though Kongfu Panda 3 is popular with teenagers, it wont be liked by .A. nobody B. somebody C. everybody D. anybody 21. (2016年乌鲁木齐卷)There is bread at home. Would you please get for us? A. no; some B. not; some C. few; some D. li

27、ttle; any 22. (2016年厦门卷)What a great thing to have a robot at home! Robots are usually useful. One day they will help people do almost . A. something B. everything C. nothing 23. (2016年镇江卷)After chatting happily with the new student in my class, I gave her my QQ number and she gave me .A. she B. hers C. her D. herself 24. (2016年铜仁卷)Do you know the children over there? 一Y

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