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1、D. allocation 配给6. To improve your work efficiency, it is necessary to make lists of what to do and _ your tasks.A. prioritize 优先处理B. simulate 模拟C. emulate 仿真D. randomize 随机排列7. The symptoms would _ if the Jackson keeps on smoking 2 packages of cigarettes a day.A. increase 增加B. pontificate 自以为是C. ex

2、acerbate 加重D. decrease 减少8. Patients uncooperative attitudes towards drug taking increase the chances of _.A. occurrence 遭遇B. appearance 外貌C. relapse 复发D. recure 痊愈9. _, which developed in 20th century, studies the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populat

3、ions, and the application of this study to control of health problems.A. Epidemics 流行病B. Epidemiology 流行病学C. Biochemistry 生物化学D. Pathology 病理学10. No one is _; were all ignorant about something.A. all-present 目前所有的B. omniscient 无所不知的C. omnipresent 无所不在的D. omnipotent 无所不能的11. I promised (him) to _ the

4、 matter promptly.A. attend up 参加B. attend with 带来C. attend upon 照顾D. attend to 注意12. More governmental _ is needed to improve deteriorating food safety.A. survey 检查B. guidance 领导C. surveillance 监督D. inspection 检验13. _ refers to structures systems, and facilities serving the economy of a business, in

5、dustry, country, city, town, or area, including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function.A. Infrastructure 基础设施B. Structure 建筑结构C. Construction 建筑物D. Equipment 设备14. The _system is a host defense system comprising many biological structures and processes within an organism t

6、hat protects against disease.A. immunological 免疫学的B. immune 免疫的C. metabolic 新陈代谢的D. circulatory 循环的15. Infectious agent such as a virus, bacterium prion, or a fungus, could be _ if it caused diseases on living creatures.A. pathological 病理的B. pathogenic 引起疾病的C. pathogenesis 发病机理D. pathogen 病原体16. New

7、s about government officials corruption often _ and becomes hot topics among the mass public.A. attack the headline 攻击头条B. hit the headline 成为头条C. occupy the headline 占据头条D. dominate the headline 支配头条17. Smoking and drinking would cause _, whose major symptom include waking at night with upper abdom

8、inal or upper abdominal pain that improves with eating.A. gastric ulcer 胃溃疡B. dental ulcer 牙源性溃疡C. influenza 流感D. panacea 万应灵药18. If you have a particular _, you become ill or get a rash when you eat smell, or touch something that does not normally make people ill.A. allergen 变应原B. allergic 过敏的C. al

9、lergy 过敏性反应D. allergenic 引起过敏反应19. An increased _ of Parkinsons disease in Australia has led to a reform in diet in the past few years.A. relevance 相关性B. relevant 有关的C. prevalent 普遍的D. prevalence 流行程度20. If there are no _, the doctor says that shell be able to come home within two weeks.A. contracti

10、ons 收缩B. regression 衰退C. contradictions 矛盾D. complications 并发症U3-U41. _ is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.A. Pharmacology 药理学B. Physiology 生理学C. Oncology 肿瘤学D. Biochemistry 生物化学2. Anaphylaxis is a severe reaction that can be life-threatening. D

11、octors use skin and blood tests to diagnose _. Treatments include medicines, immunotherapy, and avoiding the substances that cause the reactions.A. antibodies 抗体C. allergies 过敏症D. antigen 抗原3. When applying for a loan, you might come across a situation that your client may ask you to provide a finan

12、cial _ from a third party.A. support 维持B. reimbursement 退还C. guarantee 保证D. efficacy 效力4. Video cameras with night vision can be _ by movement.A. animated 有生气的B. activated 有活性的C. acted 表演D. auctioned 拍卖5. Recent medical studies confirm the _ of a healthier lifestyle, which is symbolized by more soci

13、al activities and less screen obsession.A. efficiency 功效B. efficacy 疗效C. effect 效果D. affection 情感6. Successful completion of a _ program is a requirement to obtaining an unrestricted license to practice medicine in many jurisdictions, which may be followed by fellowship or sub-specialty training.A.

14、resident 常驻的B. residency 高级专科住院实习期C. intern 住院实习医生D. internship 实习医生7. The circulatory system is often seen to comprise two separate systems: the _ system, which distributes blood, and the lymphatic system, which circulates lymph. The passage of lymph often takes much longer than that of blood.A. my

15、ocardial 心肌的B. vascular 血管的C. cerebrovascular 脑血管的D. cardiovascular 心血管的8. _, as a scientific discipline, stemmed from the work of Gregor Mendel in the middle of the 19th century. Mendel studied trait inheritance, patterns in the way traits were handed down from parents to offspring.A. Inheritance 遗

16、传B. Genetics 遗传学D. Bioengineering 生物工程9. Although Kodak anticipated the _ rise if digital photography, its corporate culture was too rooted in the successes of the past for it to make the clean break necessary to fully embrace the future.A. suitable 适当的B. inevitable 不可避免的C. vital 至关重要的D. vulnerable

17、易受攻击的10. I am quite convinced that the Iraq War of 2003 was a trillion-dollar error that provokes far deeper anti-American _.A. emotion 情绪B. hostility 敌意C. hospitality 款待D. dispute 争端11. Several _ for global warming have been suggested, all of which needs to be further proved.A. ideas 观念B. evaluatio

18、ns 估价C. hypotheses 假说D. prerequisites 前提12. _, originated in China is a treatment for pain and illness in which special needles are put into the skin at particular positions.A. Frolics 嬉戏B. Yoga 瑜伽C. Massage 按摩D. Acupuncture 针灸13. I know youre feeling sea sick, but if our boat sinks, _ will be the l

19、east of your problems.A. nausea 恶心B. vomit 呕吐C. asthma 气喘D. rehabilitation 复原14. All her pleasure and satisfaction _ playing the violin.A. sheds light on 为提供线索B. falls victims to 成为的牺牲品C. derives from 来源于D. originates for 起源于15. Nutritionists at university based research centers have also been _ abo

20、ut the so-called masters secrets in keeping fit.A. receptive 善于接受的B. prestigious 受尊敬的C. irritable 易怒的D. skeptical 怀疑性的16. According to the latest research, news stories about public health can _ third-person effect.A. fall victim to 成为的牺牲品B. fall pit to 掉进坑里C. fall hearsay to 道听途说D. fall definition

21、to 变得明确17. Many fairy tales _ history are fabricated instead of based on real historical events.A. derived of 导出B. were derived of 被导出C. derived from 采自D. were derived from 被采自18. _ is necessary for surgery; however, it does not deliver any direct therapeutic benefit.A. Anesthesia 麻醉B. Euthanasia 安乐

22、死C. Antibiotics 抗生素D. Rehabilitation 修复19. An American Journal of Epidemiology study in 1990 found that _ was a common condition affecting approximately 6.7% of females and 8.6% of males. Individuals of any age may be affected, with the highest incidence occurring in the teens and twenties.A. append

23、ix 阑尾B. appendicitis 阑尾炎C. appendectomy 阑尾切除术D. appendage 附属器官20. Master of Doctor graduates must also be numerate, because most medical researches involve _ methods and statistics.A. quality 定性B. qualitative 定性的C. quantity 定量D. quantitative 定量的U5-U71. Most people do not have to be _ for asthma or p

24、neumonia. They can take home remedy and get recovery gradually.A. hospitalized 送住院B. exhaled 呼气C. coaxed 哄劝D. articulated 有关节的2. My definition of a good _ is one where some of the patients start feeling too good to die.A. anemia 贫血症B. veteran 退伍军人C. hospice 安养院D. columnist 专栏作家3. Its simply _ to pro

25、mote and advertise such a dangerous product.A. dialysis 透析B. curative 药品C. tenet 信条D. unethical 不道德的4. _ is an accepted branch of medicine. It deals with mental or emotional disorders.A. Medication 药学B. Psychiatry 精神病学C. Physiologist 生理学者D. Purview 范围5. Gender equality and womens _ are fundamental t

26、o the global mission of the United Nations to achieve equal rights and dignity got all.A. empowerment 授权B. autolysis 自溶C. sue 起诉D. transgression 违法6. I hold to the _ that theory should be united with practice.A. transgression 违法B. terminal 终点站C. tenet 原则D. transition 过渡7. The doctor is being _. Hes

27、deciding what information the patient needs to know.A. pulmonary 肺部的B. paternalistic 专断的C. curative 医疗的D. abnormality 畸形8. His _ instruments were a knife and a pair of pincers.A. symposium 座谈会B. infertility 不育C. surgeon 外科医生D. surgical 外科手术的9. He gained the medal through his painful _.A. travail 痛苦B

28、. travale 开发C. transition 过渡D. transient 短暂的10. A trained _ designs a treatment protocol based on the needs and particular behavioural problem of an individual patient.A. clinical 临床的B. clinician 门诊医师C. paternalistic 专断的D. radiologist 放射线学者;11. It provides the physician with information that enables him to provide you with v

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