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1、A. Tina. 蒂娜B. Rover.车 C. Mr. Black.布莱克先生 D. Tony. 托尼5. What pet does Tony have?托尼的宠物是什么吗?A. A cat. 一只猫B. A fish. 一条鱼C. A rabbit.一只兔子D. A dog.狗TEXT AND ANSWER听力原文及答案I. Listen to the passage and decide which of the following statements are True and which are False .听短文,判断下列哪个陈述是真实的,哪些是错误的。I have a goo

2、d friend. His name is Tony.我有一个好朋友。他的名字是托尼。He has an elder sister.他有个姐姐。Her name is Tina.她的名字是蒂娜。Their parents are Mr.and Mrs.Black.他们的父母是先生和布莱克夫人。Tony also has a dog.托尼也有一只狗。Its name is Rover.它的名字叫罗沃。The Blacks are my neighbors.布莱克一家是我的邻居。We live on the same street.我们住在同一条街。The Blacks are very nice

3、.布莱克一家都很好。I am Iucky because the Blacks are such good neighbors.我很幸运因为布莱克一家是这么好的邻居。答案 I. l. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F答案 II.1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.D2 My Foreign Classmates第2课 我的外国同学foreignadj.外国的;外国来的severaladj几个的;个别的Spanishadj.西班牙的;西班 牙人的overseasadj(在)海外的,(在)国外的differentadj.不同的get along融洽相处1. There are sever

4、al foreigners in my class.1.我班里有几个外国学生。2. John is Chinese.2.约翰是中国人。3. Emma is Spanish. Shes from Spain.3.艾玛是西班牙人。她来自西班牙。4. Chen and Huang are Chinese. They are from China.4.小陈和小黄是中国人。他们来自中国。5. The students in my class get along well.我们班的学生相处和睦。II.Listen to the questions about the passage and choose

5、the best answer A, B, C or D.听短文,选择问题的最好答案A,B, C或D。1. Where does John come from?约翰是从哪里来的?A. Britain. 英不列颠B. The United States. 美国C. Spain.西班牙 D. China.中国2. Who is Chinese?谁是中国人吗?A. Chen and Huang.陈和黄 B. Emma. 艾玛C. John. 约翰D. Both Emma and John. 约翰和艾玛3. Whos from Spain?谁是来自西班牙的?A. Emma.艾玛 B. John. 约翰

6、C. Chen.陈 D. Huang.黄4. Are there any foreigners in my class?在我的班上有外国人吗?A. Yes, they are. 是的,他们是B. No, they arent. 不,它们不是C. Yes, there are是的,有. D. No, there arent. 不,没有5. Are they good friends?他们是好朋友吗?t. 不,他们不是C. Yes, there are. 是的,有 D. No. there aren2. My Foreign Classmates 我的外国同学There are several f

7、oreign students in my class. John is American.我班上有几名外籍学生。约翰是美国人。Hes from the United States. Emma is Spanish . Shes from Spain.他来自美国。艾玛是西班牙人。Chen and Huang are Chinese, but they are not from China.小陈和小黄是中国人,但他们不是来自中国。Theyre from Malaysia. Theyre overseas Chinese.他们来自马来西亚。他们是华侨。Were from different cou

8、ntries, but we all get along well.我们来自不同的国家,但我们都相处得很好。答案 I. l. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T答案 II. l. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A3.Jack and His Dog第3课 杰克和他的狗seldom adv很少,不常get together聚会alone adj,单独的;独一无二的lonely adj孤独的;寂寞的excited adj.兴奋的,激动的EXERCISlES练习I. Listen to the passage and decide which of the following st

9、atements are True and which are False.听短文,判断下列哪个陈述是真实的,哪些是错误的。l. Jack gets together with his friends very often.1.杰克经常与他的朋友们聚会。2. They sometimes go for a long walk in the street.2.他们又是在街上散步很长时间。3. Jack is often alone, so he is very lonely.3.杰克经常独自一人,所以他很孤独。4. He always tells his friends that a dog i

10、s mans best friend .他经常告诉他的朋友们狗是人类最好的朋友。5. He usually stays at home with his pet cat.他经常与他的宠物猫待在家里。II.Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A. B. C or D.II.听短文,选择问题的最好答案A,B, C或D。l. Who is Jack always with?l.杰克总是和谁在一起?A. A dog. 一只狗B. A cat. 一只猫C. A bird.一只鸟 D. A rabbit.

11、一只兔子2. How does Jack feel when he is alone?2. 杰克独自一人时感受如何?A. He is never IOnely. 他是永远不会孤独B. He is always lonely. 他总是孤独的C. He is sad. 他是悲伤的 D. He is excited. 他很兴奋3. Who is Jacks best friend?3.谁是杰克最好的朋友?A. His mother. 他的母亲 B. His father. 他的父亲 C. His classmate. 他的同学 D. His dog. 他的狗4. Who is Lucky?4. 谁是

12、“幸运”?A. Acat. 一只猫B. Apet dog. 宠物狗C. A man. 一个男人D. A girl. 一个女孩5. Where do Jack and his pet sometimes go for a walk?5. 杰克和他的宠物有时去哪里散步?A. In the park. 在公园里B. On the street. 在街上 C. In the garden. 在花园里 D. On the beach. 在海滩上Jack seldom gets together with his friends.杰克很少与朋友在一起。He usually stays at home wi

13、th his pet dog, Lucky.他通常与他的宠物狗幸运呆在家。They sometimes go for a long walk in the park.他们有时去公园散步很长时间。Although Jack is often alone, he is never lonely.虽然杰克经常单独一个人,他是从不孤独。He always tells his friends that a dog is mans best friend.他总是告诉他的朋友说狗是人类最好的朋友。答案 I 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F答案 II.1. A 2. A 3. D 4. B 5

14、. A 4.Poor Amy第4课 可怜的艾米WORD BANK单词rent n租金unfortunately adv.不幸地;倒霉地depressed adj沮丧的,抑郁的landlord n房东nervous adj.紧张不安的I. Listen to the passage and dectde which of the following statements are True and which are False.听短文,判断下列哪个陈述是真实的,哪些是错误的。1. Amy cant pay this months rent.1.艾米付不起这个月的房租。2. Her friends

15、 can help her.2.她的朋友能够帮助她。3. Amy is poor, but she is very happy.艾米很穷,但是她很开心。4. When the landlord is knocking at the door, she is very nervous.房东来敲门时,她很紧张。5. In fact, no one is home.事实上,没有人在家。II.Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A. B. C or D.听短文,选择问题的最佳答案A,B, C或D。1.

16、 Why does Amy need help?1.为什么艾米需要帮助吗?A.She cant pass the exam. 她通不过考试。B. She cans rent.她付不起这个月的房租。C. She lost her money.她丢了钱。D. She is ill. 她病了。2. Who can help her?2.谁能帮她吗?A.Her friends.她的朋友。B. Nobody.没有人。C. Her parents.她的父母D. The Iandlord.房东3. How does Amy feel?3.艾米感觉如何?A. Shes depressed.她很郁闷。B. Sh

17、es happy.她很开心。C. Shes angry.她生气了。D. Shes sleepy.她困了。4. What does Amy need?4.艾米需要什么?A. Money.钱。B. A house.一座房子。C. Friends.朋友。D. A job.一份工作。5. Who is knocking at the door?5.是谁在敲门?A. Her friends.她的朋友。B. Her mother.她母亲。C. Her brother.她哥哥。D. The landlord.房东。Amy cans rent. She needs some help.艾米付不起这个月的房租。

18、她需要帮助。Unfortunately, none of her friends can help her.不幸的是,她的朋友没有人能帮她。They dont have any money either.他们也没有钱。Poor Amy is really depressed.可怜的艾米很郁闷。She has no money, and the landlord is knocking at the door.她没有钱,而房东来敲门了。Amy is very nervous.艾米很紧张。She shouts,No one is at home!她喊道,“家里没有人!”答案 I. 1. T 2.

19、F 3. F 4. T 5. F答案 II. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D5.She Wants to Wear Something Formal第5课 她想穿正式点的interview n.接见;面试casual adj.非正式的; 随便的worried adj.担心的,发愁的suitable adj.适当的;合适的fashionable adj时髦的result n结果refuse v拒绝;拒绝接受EXERCISES 练习I.Listen to the passage and dectde which of the following statements are Tr

20、ue and which are False .I.听短文,判断下列哪个陈述是真实的,哪些是错误的。1.Judy is looking for something nice to wear.1.朱迪再找一些好的衣服穿。2.She wants to wear something beautiful.2.她想穿得漂亮些。3. She puts on her best casual clothes.3. 她穿上了她最好的便装。4.She wants to wear new clothes for a job interview.4.她想在工作面试时穿新衣服。5.At last, she loses

21、the job.5.最后,她没得到那份工作。1. Is Judy looking for some nice clothes?1.朱迪正在寻找一些漂亮的衣服?A. Yes, he is.是的,他是。B. No, he isnt.不,他不是。C. Yes. she is.是的,她是。D. No, she isnt.不,她不是。2. What kind of clothes does she want to wear?2.她想穿什么样的衣服?A. She wants to wear something formal.她想穿得正式些。B. She wants to wear something fa

22、shionable.她想穿得时尚些。C. She wants to wear something beautiful.她想穿得漂亮些。D. She wants to wear something casual.她想穿得随便些。3. Why is Judy looking for something nice to wear?为什么是朱迪要找好的衣服穿?A. She has an interview.她有一个面试。B. She doesnt have clothes.她没有衣服。C. She will have a new job.她会有一份工作。D. She likes beautiful c

23、lothes.她喜欢漂亮的衣服。4. What kind of clothes does she have?她有什么样的衣服?A. Formal clothes.正式的衣服。B. Casual clothes.便装。C. Fashionable clothes.时尚的衣服。D. Old clothes.旧衣服。5. Whats the result of the job interview?5.求职面试的结果是什么?A. Judy gets the job.朱迪获得了那份工作。B. Judy doesnt like the job.朱迪不喜欢那份工作。C. Judy loses the job

24、.朱迪没有获得那份工作。D. Judy refuses the job.朱迪拒绝了那份工作。Judy is Iooking for something nice to wear for a job interview.朱迪正在寻找一些好的衣服在求职面试时穿。She wants to wear something formal.她想穿正式的衣服。Unfortunately,she doesnt have anything except casual clothes.不幸的是,除了休闲的衣服她没有其他衣服。Judy is worried.朱迪很担心。She has nothing suitable

25、 to wear,so she puts on her best casual clothes.她没有适合的衣服穿,于是她穿上了她最好的休闲装。She goes to the interview.她去了面试。Guess what? She gets the job.猜猜看发生了什么?她得到了那份工作。答案 I. l. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F答案 II. l. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A6My Family第6课 我的家人twins n双胞胎doctor n医生hard adv努力地special adj.特殊的;特别的I.Listen to the pass

26、age and decide which of the following statements are True and which are False .I.听短文,判断下列哪个陈述是真实的,哪些是错误的。1. This is a picture of my friends.1. 这是一张我的朋友们的照片。2. There are six people in my family.2. 我们家有六个人。3. My brother is 21 years old.3. 我哥哥21岁了。4. My mother is an English teacher.4. 我妈妈是一个英语老师。5. My parents work very hard.5. 我父母工作很努力。l. Whats special about my two sisters?1.我的两个姐姐有什么特别之处?A. They are twins. 他们是双胞胎 B. They are young. 他们是年轻的C. They are lovely. 他们是可爱的D. They are clever. 他们很聪明2. How old is one of my two sisters?2.我的两个姐姐中的一个多大了?A. She is 16. 她16岁B. She is14她岁 14. C. She is 6. 她6岁D.

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