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1、全国各地高考英语阅读理解题汇总2008年全国各地高考英语试卷阅读理解题汇总(安徽卷)第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 AWhen I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a farm, in the winter especially, we wear quite out off from the outside

2、 world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However, I soon discovered that my life has its too. One big disadvantage is money. It costs so much to go out, not to mention basics like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from asthma(哮喘), and t

3、he air is so that I am afraid to go outside. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car, I seldom use it became of the traffic jams. One choice is to go by bicycle, but that can be quite dangerous. Of course there are advantages. First, there is so much to do in the city, wh

4、atever you tastes in culture or entertainment(娱乐活动). Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the variety of goods is very surprising - and , what is more, shops are often only a short walk away. Is life bette

5、r then, in the city? Perhaps it is , when you are in your teens(十几岁)or twenties. However, as you get older, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. I certainly hope to move back there soon.56. What was the writer always thinking about when he was

6、a child? A. Staying on the farm. B. Moving to the countryside. C. Leaving home for the city. D. Running away from the school.57. Which of the following is true about the writer? A. He is very old now. B. He is in good health. C. He prefers driving a car. D. He lives in the city now.58. In the passag

7、e, the writer tries to _. A. express his opinions about way of life B. describe his life in the countryside C. an interest in the outside world D. persuade the reader to live in the city59. How is the passage mainly developed? A. By inferring. B. By comparing. C. By listing examples. D. By giving ex

8、planations. BPart-time Front Desk Position, a book development company, is looking for a part-time front desk office worker. This position is perfect for a person who is cheerful, dependable, and pleasant to work with. Also, you should be able to welcome guests, redirect phone call, and take message

9、s. More importantly, you can stay cool under pressure. You are expected to work 5:00-6:00 pm weekdays. You need to fill in some forms if you are interested. Forms can be collected at 866 United Nations Plaza, #525 New York, NY 10037 Important Points to Remember When SwimmingWait at least an hour aft

10、er meals.Follow the advice of lifeguards.Dont dive into unknown waters. Always swim in line with the Find out at the seaside when and where it is safe to swim.Dont use floating toys on the water. Wind can easily sweep them out to sea.Get out of the water if you feel tired or cold. Cold can kill even

11、 strong swimmers. Help Telephone:212-543-5902 Atlantic City Beach OfficeArrive on time.Introduce yourself in a polite manner.Read company materials while you wait.Have a firm handshake.Listen.Use body language to show interest.Smile and nod to the interviewers.Ask about the next thing you should do.

12、Thank the interviewer.Write a thank-you letter to anyone you have spoken to. For more information, please visit 368 Cooper Square, New York.60. If you want to work in an office, where can you get the forms to fill in? A. B. Atlantic City Beach Office. C. 368 Cooper Square, New York, NY D. 866 United

13、, New York, NY 10017.61. What does a person need most to be the one-hour weekday job? A. He should he cheerful, dependable, and easy-going. B. He has to work from Monday to Friday. C. He can remain calm in a difficult situation. D. He can welcome guests and deal with phone calls.62. According to the

14、 above information, what is the right thing to do when you? A. To keep close to the beach. B. To dive into unknown waters. C. To use floating toys on the water. D. To swim soon after lunch.63. The best title for the last piece of information would be_. A. Tips on Showing Interest in a Job B. Stops t

15、o a Successful Interview C. Advice on Introducing Yourself Politely D. of Body Language in an Interview C People believes that climbing can do good to health. Where can you learn the skill of climbing then? If you think that you have to go to the mountains to learn how to climb, youre wrong. Many Am

16、ericans are learning to climb in city gyms(体育馆). Here, people are learning on climbing. The climbing wall goes straight up and small holding places for hands and feet. How do people climb the wall? To climb, you need special shoes and (保护带) around your chest to hold you. There are ropes(绳索)tied to y

17、our. The ropes hold you in place so that you dont fall. A beginners wall is usually about 15 feet high, and you climb straight up. There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you to stand on and hold on to. Sometimes its easy to see the new piece of metal. Sometimes, its not. The most difficu

18、lt is an your fear. Its normal for humans to be afraid of falling, so its difficult not to feel fear. But when you move away from the wall, the and the ropes hold you, and you begin to feel safe. You move slowly until you reach the top. Climbing attracts people because its good exercise for almost e

19、veryone. You use your whole body, especially your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout. When you climb, both your mind and your body can become stronger.64. What can we infer from the passage? A. People are fairly interested in climbing nowadays. B. It is impossible to build

20、up ones body by climbing. C. People can only learn the skill of climbing outdoors. D. It is always easy to see holding places in climbing.65. The most difficult thing to do in wall climbing is _. A. to tie ropes to your B. to control your fear C. to move away from the wall D. to climb straight up66.

21、 The word “workout” underlined in the last paragraph most probably means _. A. settlement B. exercise C. excitement D. tiredness67. Why does the author write this passage? A. To tell people where to find gyms. B. To prove the basic need for climbing C. To encourage people to climb mountains. D. intr

22、oduce the sport of wall climbing D Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes, fewer and fewer people will buy books and newspapers. Why read an article in the newspaper, when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures? Why read t

23、he life story of a famous man, when a short television program can tell you all that you want to know? Television has not killed reading, however. Today, newspapers sell in very large numbers. And books of every kind are sold more than ever before. Books are still a cheap way to get information and

24、enjoyment. Although some books with hard covers are expensive, many books are printed today as paperbooks (平装本), which are quite cheap. A paperback collection of short stories, for example, is always cheaper than an evening at the cinema or the theater, and you can keep a book for ever and read it m

25、any times. Books are a wonderful provider of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every home. Every home should have a good dictionary. A good encyclopedia (百科全书), though expensive, is useful, too, because you can find information on any subject. Besides, you can have such boo

26、ks as history books., science textbook, cookbooks, and collections of stories and poems. Then from time to time you can take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favorite poets.68. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. TV programs are a chief provider

27、of knowledge B. cinemas are the best choice in getting information C. reading is a cheap way of learning and having fun D. newspapers are an expensive way to enjoy oneself69. What does the sentences “Television has not killed reading, however ” underlined in the second paragraph suggest? A. People o

28、nly need reading, though. B. Reading is still necessary today. C. Reading is more fun than television. D. Watching television doesnt help reading.70. What can we learn from the passage? A. Fewer and fewer people will buy books. B. A good dictionary should be kept in every home. C. Books with hard co

29、vers sell better than paperbooks. D. More people like TV programs about famous men. E The small number of newborn babies, which has been caused by high prices and the changing social situation of women, is one of the most serious problems in Asia. When people talk about it, you can hear a word inven

30、ted in Japan. which means Double Income Kids(小孩). In many major Asian cities like Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo, the cost of a * is extremely high. A young couple who want to buy their own house may have to pay about $3000,000 (though prices have fallen). For a flat with one bedrooms, one dining-room,

31、 a kitchen, and a bathroom, the couple will pay about $900 a month. Whats more, if they want to have a child, the childs education is very expensive. For example, most kindergarten charges are at least $5.000 a year. In such a situation, its difficult to afford children. The number of married women

32、who want to continue working because they enjoy their jobs. However, if they want to have children, they immediately have serious problems. Though most companies allow women to leave their jobs for a short time to have a baby, they expect women with babies to give up their jobs. In short, if they want to bring up children properly, both parents have to work, but it is hard for mothers to

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