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1、(液压支架 *参数化设计)英文检索式:(Hydraulic support*Parametric Design)(3) 利用各个数据库检索1. 在万方数据库中,利用高级检索,检索过程及结果如下。 检索结果:2. 在CNKI学术期刊全文数据库中,选择“高级检索”,检索过程及结果如下。3. 在维普数据库中,利用高级检索,选择题名或关键词字段,检索过程及结果如下。4. 利用Ei Compendex数据库检索本课题的相关论文,检索过程及结果如下。5. 利用ScienceDirect(Elsevier)数据库检索课题相关文献,检索过程结果如下。6.在SCI数据库中选择Web of Science,检索过

2、程及结果如下。7.在IEEEXplore数据库中利用高级检索,检索过程及结果如下。8.在springerlink数据库中利用高级检索,检索过程及结果如下。9.利用yahoo搜索引擎搜索,检索过程及结果如下:所查中文文献(7篇)1.自顶向下的液压支架三维参数化设计摘要:对液压支架三维参数化设计原理与基本方法进行了研究。明确了有关概念与设计理念。在此基础上构建了一个基于ProE软件的液压支架三维参数化模型。实践证明上述快捷方法可靠、简便易行可用于实际设计。关键词:液压支架;三维参数化;自项向下设计;骨架模型作者:张义智,郭连考作者单位:内蒙古工业大学,呼和浩特,010062期 刊:包装工程年、卷(

3、期):2005, 36(6)2.液压支架设计现状及三维建模技术主要分析了国内外液压支架的研究现状,介绍了三维建模技术和三维建模软件UG 的概念及使用方法。三维建模技术是进行液压支架有限元分析的首要任务,通过合理使用软件建立液压支架的三维模型,为液压支架的设计和受力分析打下良好的基础。代艳玲北京煤炭科学研究总院河南科技年、卷(期) :2011.083.基于特征的液压支架参数化设计系统研究介绍基于特征的参数化设计方法与核心技术。创建液压支架参数化模型。采用VB6.0对SolidWorks进行二次开发,研制出液压支架参数化设计系统,通过运动仿真和干涉检查验证该系统所生成模型的有效性与可行性。应用实践

4、表明该系统有利于液压支架产品快速更新与系列化,提高设计效率。参数化设计;特征;三维Q ;二次开发作者:钱俊梅。严广 。王建锋。江晓红作者单位:中国矿业大学,江苏徐州22mo8期 刊:煤矿机械 2008,29(0504.基于Solidworks 的薄煤层液压支架设计摘要: 主要介绍了Solidworks 软件在薄煤层液压支架设计中的应用, 利用Solidworks 软件设计的薄煤层液压支架, 达到了设计目的和要求, 证明在液压支架设计中应用Solidworks 软件是可行的。关键词: Solidworks; 软件; 薄煤层; 液压支架岳永强1, 曹连民2 , 刘海峰1山东科技大学, 山东青岛26

5、6510)年,卷(期) :2007,28(11)5. 垂直导杆型液压支架三维参数化设计与有限元强度分析液压支架是地下工程或隧道工程的关键设备之一,它主要用于支护顶板、防止顶板垮落,为施工人员和施工设备提供一个安全可靠的工作空间。随着国家工程建设规模的扩大和施工进程的加快,对液压支架的支护性能提出了越来越高的要求,因此,研制并开发新型的液压支架就具有非常重要的实际意义。首先,在分析了传统液压支架架型的基础上,通过机构演化,研究并开发了一种新架型垂直导杆型液压支架;同时在结构设计中,对顶梁结构进行了改进,设计了一种无活动侧护板顶梁。该新型支架不仅结构简单、重量轻和调架容易,而且可极大地改善液压支架

6、的受力状况,提高稳定性,具有广泛的应用前景。其次,以支架顶梁的重量作为优化设计的目标函数,结构强度作为约束条件,以Visual Basic 6.0为工具,采用随机方向法进行优化设计,使原设计顶梁的重量减少了19%,效果明显。另外,采用三维参数化的设计软件Pro/E,完成了垂直导杆型液压支架的三维参数化造型,实现了Pro/E与ANSYS软件之间的模型转换,并利用ANSYS软件对该液压支架进行了静力分析,得到了该支架在各种工况下的变形和受力云图。本文首次系统地研究分析垂直导杆型液压支架新架型和无活动侧护板顶梁新结构,创建了该架型的新型力学计算模型;并采用现代设计技术和方法进行设计,缩短了液压支架的

7、研发周期,提高了产品质量,降低了成本,对今后的液压支架产品的研究与开发具有指导意义和参考价值。崔汉涛; 导师:李秋生;作者基本信息:河北工程大学, 水利水电工程, 2007, 硕士6.液压支架设计软件的开发研究摘 要:液压支架是煤矿机械化综采工作面的关键设备,其性能的好坏直接影响到煤矿的安全生产和生产效率。因地质构造和煤层赋存条件的多样性,液压支架产品在结构特征和技术参数上都具有很强的专用性,其生产特征是单套小批量的模式,支架产品的设计工作量在整个产品的成型过程中所占比重较大。利用先进的设计技术开发专业设计软件是提高液压支架产品设计质量和工作效率的最行之有效的途径。本文在分析国内液压支架设计水

8、平的基础上,以 Visual Basic 环境为平台开发了液压支架设计软件。设计软件分为性能分析和结构分析两个模块,其中性能分析模块可以完成支架运动学、静力学和性能的分析计算,整个过程以人机交互方式进行,结果数据能够以报表和图形的形式反馈给工程技术人员;在结构分析模块的开发中,本文引入参数化设计的思想,将参数化设计技术与有限元分析技术结合起来应用于支架的结构设计中,实现了结构的参数化有限元分析计算。参数化有限元分析的实现是运用参数化设计语言(APDL)和VB 面向对象编程技术对有限元软件进行二次开发及封装。具体实施是通过参数化设计语言(APDL)将模型创建、网格划分、载荷施加等有限元分析的操作

9、过程编写成带参数的命令流程序;运用VB 面向对象编程技术开发用户操作界面,通过VB 文本读写操作功能实现用户程序与APDL 程序的相互嵌套,将文本框中的数据赋给APDL 命令流程序中的变量,完成参数数据的传输,并生成可执行的APDL 命令流文件;在VB 环境下调用ANSYS 软件执行APDL 命令流文件,实现结构的有限元分析计算。本文开发的设计软件具有一定的实用性,同时在结构分析模块中参数化有限元分析技术的应用为开发专业的液压支架结构设计系统提供了一种思路和方法。VB;ANSYS;APDL;参数化有限元分析张杰 学科专业:机械电子工程 授予学位:硕士 学位授予单位:西安科技大学 导师姓名:曹春

10、玲 学位年度:20107. 基于Ansys软件的液压支架参数化有限元疲劳分析讲述利用Pro/E软件完成液压支架三维参数化实体模型,在进行Ansys workbench疲劳分析时模型通过集成的参数化管理器实现驱动,浅析参数化Pro/E模型在Ansys有限元疲劳分析中的应用方法,为液压支架的结构优化快速提供参考依据。孙鹏飞 佟林阳 王宇 孟海岗 宋长娟 任相广 周俊 孙雷春 田家宝 煤矿机械 年、卷(期):2011,11所查英文文献(8篇)1. Optimal design of the positions of the hoops for a hydraulic pipelines system

11、箍筋的位置,液压管路系统的优化设计Zhangchun Tanga, Zhenzhou Lu来源:The18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-18)Abstract:This paper focuses on decreasing the vibration and improving the dynamics performances for a hydraulic pipelines system. The parametric model of the hydraulic pipelines system u

12、nder the random excitations is constructed and the dynamics characteristics are obtained by the finite element analysis, then an optimization model is presented to reduce the vibration by rationally designing the positions of the hoops in the pipelines system. The dimensions determining the location

13、s of the hoops are defined as design variables, and the dynamics performances, such as the maximum displacement, the maximum axial stress, the maximum shear stress, the maximum axial strain, the maximum hoop strain, the maximum shear strain and the failure probability of the first passage are regard

14、ed as nonlinear constraints whereas the failure probability of cumulative fatigue damage is viewed as an optimization objective. The results show that the dynamics performances of the hydraulic pipelines system are distinctly improved by the optimization procedure, such as, the maximum displacement

15、and velocity are reduced by 67.5% and 58.6%, respectively, and the maximum axial stress and strain are both decreased by 61.5% while the maximum shear stress and strain are reduced by 66.1%, and the failure probability of the first passage and cumulative fatigue damage are allayed by more than 99%,


17、的失效概率减少超过99,等等。2. Two-dimensional parametric study of geosynthetic-reinforced column-supported embankments by coupled hydraulic and mechanical modeling土工材料增强型的列支持的筑堤耦合的液压和机械模型的二维参数化研究Jie Huang,Jie HanVolume 37, Issue 5, July 2010, Pages 638648Geosynthetic-reinforced column-supported (GRCS) embankmen

18、ts have been increasingly constructed over soft soil. Current design methods were developed based on different assumptions and simplifications, which lead to great variations among them. Numerical studies have been conducted to improve the understanding of the GRCS embankment system. Most of the pas

19、t numerical studies were limited to mechanical modeling only (i.e., not coupled with hydraulic modeling), which can be used to evaluate long-term or short-term behavior by using appropriate mechanical properties. However, the generation and dissipation of excess pore water pressure under GRCS embank

20、ments during and after construction make their behavior time-dependent. A two-dimensional (2D) parametric study based on coupled hydraulic and mechanical modeling was conducted to study the time-dependent behavior of GRCS embankments under various conditions. Special attention was paid to the influe

21、nce of several key factors on the performance of the embankments indicated by maximum and differential settlements, tension in the geosynthetic, and degree of consolidation. The investigated key factors include modulus and permeability of the soft soil, modulus and spacing of columns, tensile stiffn

22、ess of the geosynthetic, and average construction rate. The influence of these factors are compared and rated in terms of the degree of importance in this study.3. Hydraulic Cylinder CAD Design System Based on Product Disposition基于产品配置的液压缸CAD设计系统Yigang Hu, Yonggang Shen IFIP International Federation

23、 for Information ProcessingVolume 207, 2006, pp 658-663To adapt the requirements of the mass product-made production model, the three-dimension parametric design software about hydraulic cylinder CAD is developed. This software possesses the product disposition function for the product series design

24、 with product data management (PDM) basic idea. This design system is more useful to the mass product-made production for the customer requirements (MC, Mass Customization).为了适应群众的要求,产品制造的生产模式,三维参数化设计的液压缸CAD软件的开发。该软件拥有的产品配置功能,该系列产品的设计,产品数据管理(PDM)的基本思想。这样的设计是比较有用的质量产品的客户的要求生产(MC大规模定制)。4. Hydraulic Co

25、ntrol Systems Design题名:液压控制系统的设计Mohieddine Jelali Dr-Ing, Andreas Kroll Dr-Ing Advances in Industrial Control2003, pp 213-289The purpose of this chapter is to give a survey of basic and advanced control design methods for HSSs, including theoretical background and application to selected models deri

26、ved in Chapters 4 and 5. The benefits and limitations associated with standard control design approaches are reviewed. Recent advances in the area of control theory, involving non-linear, “classical” and intelligent control techniques (specifically fuzzy control) will be utilised and applied to HSSs

27、.本文的目的是为了给一项调查显示,包括基本的和先进的控制设计方法HSSS选定的型号的第4和第5章的理论背景和应用。与标准控制设计方法的优点和局限性。控制理论领域的最新进展,将利用非线性的“经典”和智能控制技术(特别是模糊控制)和适用于HSSS。5.The design of outrigger crane circuit hydraulic system机动飞机的数学模型和算法的参数综合控制的执行器和驱动器Tao Wu ,Xiao-feng Li Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks (CECNet), 2011 Internati

28、onal Conference on With the improvement of hydraulic components and hydraulic technology, hydraulic truck crane application became more extensive and more prominent advantages. The design is carried out under the parameters based on a certain type of crane QY16. The maximum outrigger load and the pa

29、rameters of implementation components and accessories in the hydraulic system on the basis of the maximum load is calculated. In the end, the result of the design is simulated and compared with AMESim.液压元件和液压技术的提高,液压汽车起重机的应用变得越来越广泛和更突出的优势。该设计是根据基于一种特定类型的起重机QY16的参数进行。最大支腿载荷和最大载荷的基础上,在液压系统中实现的组件和附件的参数

30、进行计算。在结束时,本设计的结果进行模拟,并与AMESim的比较。5. Design of a 3-degrees of freedom platform for the stereolithography apparatus一个3度的自由平台的立体光刻造型装置设计Florian Holzer, Georges FadelRapid Prototyping Journal?Volume: 8?Issue: 2?2002This paper presents the design of a 3 degrees of freedom build platform for a Stereo-lithography Apparatus machine (older model without Zephyr coating). The Pahl and Beitz methodology is used to systematically design such a component. The various steps are illustrated and the final design described. The impetus for the research is the need to reduce la

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