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1、英语2基础模块期中doc2016-2017 学年上学期B(15 级中专 ) 英语期中考试试卷( )8、Where are the two speakers?A. In the shopping district. B.At a street corner. 班级 姓名( )9、What s the building across the street?第一部分:听力(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)A. City hall. B. Post office.A.听下列五段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,从所给选项中选出正确答案。 ( )10、Whatshte largest building on t

2、he left?( )1、Where has Mary been?A. A department store. B. Clothes shop.A. Australia. B. Britain. C. America.第二部分:基础知识运用 ( )2、What should they do first?A. Listen to some music. B. Do the homework. C. Play basketball.第一节:单项选择(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)( )3、Where will the woman probably go? ( )11、I paid 50 dolla

3、rs for the ticket.A. A park. B. A zoo. C. A library.A. spend.on B. C. spent.on( )12、They will fly to Beijing on National Day.( )4、Where did the dialogue take place?A. go to Beijing by airB. by plane to BeijingA. At the bus stop. B. In a restaurant. C. In the office.( )5、What is the man s jo

4、b?C. go to Beiing by a plane( )13、There will be an English party tonight.A. A football player. B. A doctor. C. A taxi driver. A. is going to haveB. is going toB.听下面一段对话,选择正确答案。AC. is going to be( )14、As we know, history by the people.( )6、How long will the ma nsohliday last?A. made B. is made C. is

5、making( )15、 the day went on, the weather got worse.A. Two days. B. Two weeks.( )7、How many countries does the man plan to visit?A. As B. Since C. While( )16、Write to me as soon as you to Beijing. A. will get B. get C. gotA. 14. B. 15.( )17、The Internet cant help you in many ways unless you use it w

6、 29 to hold up the new building? No. The new glass walls do not 30 upA. can; if B. cant; when C. cant; ifthe buildings, but they only cover up the frame made of steel.( )18、 time do you spend online every day? Have you 31 watched a new building going up? The steel frame is builtA. How man

7、y B. How long C. How much( )19、- Why cant I QQ now? first.Then the glass walls are 32 on the frame. When the building is 33 , the- Maybe the password is wrong. Try again.frame does not show. The outside looks like windows 34 walls. The glass wallsA. log out B. log in C. lag inshine in the sun with n

8、o decoration (装饰). Many people find 35 beautiful just as( )20、What colour do you like better?they are.A. prefer B. enjoy C. would rather( )21、The man named Jack is the manager of that company.( )26、 A. is B. are C. have D. has A. call B. calling C. called ( )27、 A. from B. of C. form D. in( )22、What

9、 can I do for you?( )28、 A. more B. much C. little D. less A. Can you help me?( )29、 A. enough high B. high enough C. strong enough D. enough strong B. Can I help you?( )30、 A. make B. cover C. hide D. stay C. I can help you. ( )31、 A. seldom B. ever C. never D. often( )23、Fire can be helpful if it

10、is proper way.( )32、 A. hanging B. hung C. hanged D. hang A. used to B. used in C. used for ( )33、 A. finished B. set C. started D. went( )24、He is known for a successful novel.( )34、 A. with B. without C. like D. between A. is seen B. is famous C. is said ( )35、 A. them B. that C. as D. not as( )25

11、、The National Library of China is located in the west of Beijing.A. stood B. used C. lies第三部分:阅读理解阅读下面这封信,完成 36-46 小题。第二节:完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)Dear Editor,Do you know the differences between new buildings and old ones?I m a high school student. I m a computer addict. I feel terrible. Can you help me?

12、Old buildings 26 bricks and stone walls. The walls hold up the building. In I always play computer games, and chat with my friends on QQ at night. Icities, many modern buildings look as if they are made 27 glass. Walls of dark sometimes watch movies on the Internet, too. I spend almost all my free t

13、ime on theglass reach high into the air. Many buildings are 28 than 50 stories tall. Are walls ofInternet. I don t even want to go to school. I failed all my exams.My parents are mad at me. My teachers are disappointed with me. I ry Hmowacdtoueasllyhevefeel about himself and the Internet? 46.tired n

14、ow. I want to stop at once or at least reduce the time I spend on playing computergames. However, when I do, I just lose control, and have a feeling of depression andanxiety. Now, I hate myself and I hate the Internet. But I just cannot stop.第四部分:语言综合运用第一节:利用方框中所给的单词完成对话。 (每小题 2 分,共 12 分)What should

15、 I do? I hope to receive your reply as soon as possible.robot websites online technologies visit chat search Yours faithfully, A: What do you often do _?TroubledB: Well, I often play computer games and _ with my friends on QQ. What1)判断正( T)误(F)。(每小题 1 分,共 4 分)about you? A: I often _ for information.

16、 I ve found some very good _.( )36. He never gets tired of playing computer games.B: Well, what are they about?( )37. He doesnt want to stop at once.A: Let me show you. This website is about modern _, for example, cars thatdont need drivers.( )38. When he stops playing computer games, he loses contr

17、ol.B: Wow, that s great!( )39. When he plays computer games, he has a feeling of depression and anxiety.A: Yes. And look at this! This is a _. I really want one. It can do all thehousework for me.2)再度信件,完成关于“ Troubled”的表格。(每小题 2 分,共 14 分)B: Wow, I want one too. Itll help me to do my school work!Ques

18、tion Answer第二节:从方框内选择合适的句子将对话补充完整。 (每小题 2 分,共 10 分)What does he do? 40.What does he do on the Internet? 41. A. Would you like to exchange it for another one?How much time does he spend on the Internet? 42. B. But there is a stain (污渍) in the back.C. How much is it?How is his study? 43.D. Can I help

19、you?How do his parents feel about him? 44. E. Do you have the receipt?How do his teachers feel about him? 45. F. Here is your change.G. I dlike to return this jacket.Clerk:Helen: Yes.Clerk: Is there something wrong with it?Helen: Yes, I didn tontice the problem when I bought it.Clerk: Oh, I am sorry about this.Helen: Well, to be honest, I dont ht ink this jacket is very well made. I rdather get arefund (退货).Clerk: I understand.Helen: Here it is.

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