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新进阶3 综合Unit 4.docx

1、新进阶3 综合Unit 4New Progressive College English Book III UNIT 4 Emerging Adulthood 课程名称 大学英语(三) 使用教材 全新版大学进阶英语 综合教程(3) 授课内容 Text: Is 30 the New 20 for Young Adults? (精读) Reading: When Are You Really an Adult? (泛读)授课学时 6 教学 目的1. Have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically;

2、2. Build up an active vocabulary to talk about growing up and adulthood and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly; 3. Discuss the important aspects of becoming an adult; 4. Compare American and Chinese views on emerging adulthood; 5. Talk about changes in expectations of

3、young adults and changes in the degree of independence from their parents young adults are able to achieve in todays world; 6. Write an essay about their views on emerging adulthood. 教学 重点与 难点1. Analyze the structure and grasp the main idea of Text 2. Master the key language points and grammatical s

4、tructures in the text 3. Learn some techniques in writing 4. Critical thinking 教学 方法 与 手段1. Audio-visual method and audio-lingual method. 2. Task-based language teaching method 3. Communicative approach 4. Using CAI, PPT 5. Smart teaching (using online tools or materials) 1 / 13 教学 过程 1. Lead-in Act

5、ivitiesStep 1. Warm-up activities Step 2. Discussion about adulthood 2. Global Reading Step 1. Approaching the theme Step 2. Analyzing the text organization 3. Detailed Reading Step 1. Understanding the text in a deeper level Step 2. Learning useful expressions Step 3. Learning difficult sentences s

6、tructures Step 4. Learning new words 4. Comprehending Reading 1 Step 1: Skimming the text Step 2: Explaining the difficult sentences of the text Step 3: Doing sentence translation 5. After Reading Step 1. Viewing and Listening Step 2. Speaking Step 3. Assignment 作业 :Assignment 1. Read the text in Re

7、ading 2 and finish the exercises. 2. Write a composition about your views on emerging adulthood. 3. Preview the next unit.Emerging Adulthood Unit 4 1. Teaching Objectives: Students will be able to 2 / 13 A. have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically; B. build up an act

8、ive vocabulary to talk about growing up and adulthood and know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly; C. discuss the important aspects of becoming an adult; D. compare American and Chinese views on emerging adulthood; E. talk about changes in expectations of young adults and c

9、hanges in the degree of independence from their parents young adults are able to achieve in todays world; F. write an essay about their views on emerging adulthood. 2. Time Allotment: stPeriod: 1Lead-in Activities (Warm-up activities; Discussion about adulthood) nd Period: Global Reading (Text: Appr

10、oaching the theme; Analyzing the text organization) 2rd Period: 3Detailed Reading (Understanding the text in a deeper level; Analyzing difficult sentence structures) th Period: 4Detailed Reading Continued (Learning new words; Summarizing good usage) th Period: Comprehending Reading 1 (Skimming the t

11、ext; Explaining the difficult 5sentences of the text; Doing sentence translation) th Period: 6After Reading (Viewing and listening; Speaking; Assignment) 3. Teaching Procedures: 3.1 Lead-in Activities Step 1. Warm-up activities The teacher leads students to figure out the five stages of life (infanc

12、y, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age) and tells them a new life stage “emerging adulthood” has been proposed by psychologists to describe the period of time between adolescence and adulthood. Method: PPT, communicative approach. Step 2: Discussion about adulthood The teacher has students

13、 work in pairs and discuss the questions in Opener about their own criteria for reaching adulthood. The teacher reminds students to refer to the helpful words and expressions given below the pictures. 3 / 13 Method: Using task-based language teaching method, communicative approach. 3.2 Global Readin

14、g Step 1. Approaching the theme The teacher has students know the background information about the term “emerging adulthood” in Culture Notes. Emerging Adulthood: Starting in 1995, psychologist Jeffrey Jensen Arnett interviewed 300 young people aged 18 to 29 in cities around the nation over five yea

15、rs, asking them questions about what they wanted out of life. Working from those interviews and examining broad demographic indicators, Arnett proposed a new period of life-span development he calls “emerging adulthood”. 从1995年开始,历时5年,心理学家杰弗里阿内特在美国许多城市访谈了300位18-29岁的年轻人,就他们想从生活中得到什么进行提问。基于研究结果,阿内特提出了

16、人生发展的一个新阶段,即“成年形成期”。 Method: PPT; communicative approach. Step.2 Analyzing the text organization The teacher tells students that the text can be divided into four parts which have been given in the Text Organization. Then students should summarize the main idea of each part and compare notes with ea

17、ch other. Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas Part One Para. 1Todays twenty-somethings seem like a whole new breed. Part Two Paras. 2-7Five typical features of emerging adulthood Part ThreeParas. 8-10 Advantages and disadvantages of the rise of emerging adulthood Part Four Paras. 11-12 Suggestions for paren

18、ts on how to deal with emerging adults Method: skimming and scanning, communicative approach 3.3 Detailed Reading 3.3.1 Procedure 1) Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and for each paragraph (sometimes two-three paragraphs), invite students to answer questions related to the deta

19、ils of the text and the difficult sentences. 2) Help Students find out the good usage in the text and underlined them. 3) Learn new words in details. 4 / 13 Purpose: Further understand the text and train scanning ability to learn difficult sentence structures as well as new words and expressions. Me

20、thod: Reading the text together; Using task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach. Step 1. Questions related to the details of the text Para. 1 Q: What is the average age of entering marriage now in the U.S.? A: Today the average age o

21、f getting married is 26 for women and 28 for men. Para. 1 Q: Why do young Americans change jobs much more frequently than their parents did? A: Because they expect a lot more out of work. They want to find that work is personally fulfilling and is itself an adventure. Para. 2 Q: What do the authors

22、refer to by “emerging adulthood”? A: By emerging adulthood, they refer to a new life period which runs typically from age 18 to 25. Paras.3 -7 Q: What are the five features typical of emerging adulthood? A: Identity explorations, instability, self-focus, feeling in-between and a sense of possibiliti

23、es. Para. 9 Q: Why do the authors say the rise of this new life stage is a good thing? A: Because they think that young people can make use of the freedom of emerging adulthood to have experiences, otherwise they couldnt have no matter when they were younger or older. Para. 10 Q: What is the disadva

24、ntage of this new life stage according to the authors? A: Some emerging adults feel overwhelmed by the challenges of this life stage. Para. 11 Q: What do the authors suggest parents do? A: Be patient with emerging adults. Para. 12 Q: What is the benefit of seeing emerging adulthood as a normal stage

25、 of life? A: It can help ease our anxiety and may allow us to appreciate their energy, optimism and appetite 5 / 13 for life. 3.3.2 Language Focus Difficult sentences: 1) as they search for work that is personally fulfilling, not just a job but an adventure. (Para. 1) Paraphrase the sentence

26、: as they look for work that can satisfy themselves and be viewed as not only a job, but also an adventure. Translate the sentence:他们寻找的是能使自身满足的工作,是一种带有风险的探索,而不单单是一份工作。 2) Your 18-year-old may head for college with pre-med in mind . (Para. 3) Paraphrase the sentence:Your child may consider majoring

27、in medicine when he/she goes to college at 18 . Translate the sentence:你那18岁的孩子上大学时,想的是念医学预科 3) Its important to them to carve out a space where they can make their own decisions. (Para. 5) Paraphrase the sentence: Its important to the young people to strive to free themselves from adult control in

28、certain areas of their lives where they wish to make their own decisions. Translate the sentence: 重要的是要开拓能够由自己做决定的空间。 4) And most are in no particular hurry, although nearly all get there eventually. (Para. 6) Paraphrase the sentence:And most often emerging adults are not very anxious to become an a

29、dult, though they will certainly grow into adulthood one day, whether they like it or not. Translate the sentence:并且,多数人并不特别着急,尽管几乎所有的人最终都要进入成人期。 5) something they regard with mixed feelings. (Para. 6) Paraphrase the sentence: something about which they feel uncertain because they see both the good

30、and bad in it. Translate the sentence:而在这一点上他们的心情很矛盾。 6) But theres a downside as well. (Para. 10) Paraphrase the sentence: But we can also see the disadvantage brought on by this new life stage. Translate the sentence: 但也有不那么理想的一面。 7) Sometimes parents are surprised and dismayed to find that the em

31、otional and financial responsibilities of parenting last for many years longer than they had anticipated. (Para. 10) Paraphrase the sentence: Sometimes parents are surprised and alarmed to find that they have to support their children emotionally and financially for more years than they had expected. Translate the sentence:有时候,他们的父母亲发现其养育责任无论在情感上还是在经济上都6 / 13 比他们预期的要多持续很多年,这让他们感到吃惊乃至沮丧。 8) Encourage them and provide support when they seem open to it, but learn when to step back and let them make their way on their own . (Para. 11) Paraphrase the sent

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