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任务型教学法Taskbased English teaching methodWord格式文档下载.docx

1、Different teachers and writers use different definitions of the term “task”, such as: 1a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing or interesting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on the meaning rather on the form. The

2、 task should have a sense of completeness, being also to stand alone as a communicative act in its own right. (Nahan, 1989,15) 2any structured language learning endeavor which has a particular objective appropriate contents, a specified working procedure, and range of outcomes for those who undertak

3、e the task . (Breen via Brown, 1994, 83) 3an activity which is designed to help achieve a particular goal . A number of dimensions of tasks influence their use in language teaching. (Richards Etal, 2000, 468) Most people would probably agree on certain basic characteristics: 1Tasks are activities in

4、 which students work purposefully towards an objective.2The objective may be one that students have set for themselves or one which has been set by the teacher.3Tasks may be carried out in competition with other or(more often) in collaboration.4They may be carried out individually or (more often) in

5、 groups.5The outcome may be something concrete( . a report or presentation) or something intangible. agreement or the solution to a problem). The main area of disagreement revolves around the relationship between tasks and communication. Some teachers and writers do not see this relationship as cruc

6、ial. They define a language learning task as including almost anything that students are asked (or choose) to do in the classroom, including formal learning activities such as grammar exercises and controlled practice activities, provided the objective of the activity is related to learning the lang

7、uage. Within this broad definition, some writers distinguish subcategories such as communication tasks and enabling tasks according to the extent to which they involve communication or focus on form.Many other teachers and writers use a more restricted definition. They exclude activities where the l

8、earners focus on formal aspects of the language (such as grammar, pronunciation or vocabulary) and reserve the term “task” for activities in which purpose is related to the communication of meanings. Willis (1996, is one writer who adopts this definition. In this book tasks are always activities whe

9、re the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome.Activities which focus upon and practice specific elements of knowledge, skills and strategies needed for the task are called exercises. The same distinction between tasks and exercises is

10、 supported by Ellis Nunan and Skehan. Skehan, for example, describes the criteria for a task as follows:1meaning is primary; 2there is some communication problem to solve ; 3there is some sort of relationship to real-world activities; 4task completion has some priority; 5the assessment of the task i

11、s in terms of outcome .The definition reflects the methods interaction but we cant make a clear-cut distinction between “task” and “exercises”. This will be discussed in the next section. Communication, Tasks and Exercises.As weve seen, one of the key features of a communicative task is that centers

12、 focus on communicating meanings rather than learning or practicing forms. However it is not usually simply a question of learning focusing either on meaning or on form. More often, it is a matterof degree. For example, there are some activities in which the learner may focus mainly on the productio

13、n of certain forms that are being practiced, but he or she ma still be using these forms to convey meanings to somebody. This would be the case in, for example, this “Questionnaire survey” activity, in which the students needs to use “can you” in order to find classmates who can do certain things, s

14、uch as: who can speak three languages/ use a computer/ make cakes/ ride a bike/swim In this activity, although the students have a communicative purpose (to find classmates with particular skills) it is also clear that they are practicing specific forms. At other times, the emphasis on communicating

15、 meanings may increase but students may still pay attention to the forms they are producing (and which indeed, they may just have been taught). This might be the case in this role play if students are asked to perform it shortly after learning how to make enquiries and give information about hotel a

16、ccommodation. Each student has one of the following role cards: student A: You arrive at a small hotel one evening. In the foyer, you meet the manager(ess) and 1. Ask if there is a room vacant. 2. Ask the price, including the breakfast. 3. Say how many nights you would like to stay. 4. Say what time

17、 you would like to have breakfast; student B: You are the manager(ess) of a small hotel that prides on itself on its friendly, homely atmosphere. You have a single and a double room vacant for tonight. The prices are: 100 for the single room, 160 for the double room. Breakfast is 15 extra per person

18、. For guests with cars, there is a free car park. Since it is impossible to draw a clear dividing line between activities where the focus is on form (exercise) and activities where the focus is ion meaning (task), it is useful to think of a continuum with varying degrees of focus on form and/or mean

19、ing. Activities can then be classified according to where they lie along this continuum. The continuum is divided into five sections. From section to section , the content from forms to meaning is becoming stronger and .Non-communicative learning. Focusing on the structures of language, how they are

20、 formed and what they mean, . through exercise, “discovery” and awareness-raising activities. 2. Pre-communicative language practice.Practicing language with some attention to meaning but not communicating new messages to others, . in “question- and- answer” practice. 3. Communicative language pract

21、ice. Practicing language in a context where it communicates new information, . information gap activities or personalized questions. 4. Structured communication. Using language to communicate in situations where elicit pre-learnt language but with some unpredictability, . in structured role-play and

22、 simple problem-solving. 5. Authentic communication. Using language to communicate in situations where meanings are unpredictable, . in creative role-play, more complex problem-solving and discussion. The activities at the top are obviously “exercises”. Those at the bottom are obviously “tasks”. Tho

23、se in the middle (2-4) have features of both. From Non-Communicative Learning to Authentic Communication. The section will elaborate on the previous one by giving examples of activities from five parts of the continuum from “focus on form” to “focus on meaning”. In the terms discussed above, this co

24、rresponds also to a progression from clearly defined exercises” to clearly defined “tasks”.1. Non-Communicative Learning.It is in this category that there is the least element of communication. Here, for example, students are involved in “discovering” a rule of grammar on the basis of examples. In t

25、he examples below, look carefully at the position of the adverbs “always”, “often”, “sometimes”, “usually”, and “never”.What are the rulesA. We are usually hungry when we come home.John is always late.His parents were often tired in the evening.I never sure whether this word is correct.B. I sometime

26、s go to the cinema on Fridays.We never eat much in the morning.Jane often arrives at school early.They always come home late at night.C. They have never written to me again.You can always come and visit me.I will never know why he did it.Pat has often seen him with two dogs.The students are then req

27、uired to apply this rule to a new set of examples: Put the adverbs into the right places in the sentence below. We play football in the evening (often).I can catch the first bus in the morning (never).Jack and Jill are very happy (always).They visit me (sometimes).You write very good English (usually). They have been to Jinan (often).We drink tea for breakfast (always).You are cheerful (usually).John can keep a secret (never).He has refused to speak to me (sometimes)2. Pre-Communicative Language Practice.In this category the focus is

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