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1、教师应提醒学生认真地选择要点、明确地表达要点,并且有计划地排列要点。下面是以“鸟巢”的主要特色为演讲话题的四个要点:Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the features of Chinas National Stadium, commonly known as the Birds Nest.Central Idea: Chinas National Stadium, commonly known as the Birds Nest, features a seating bowl, an outer steel frame, co

2、ncourses, and a retail development.Main Points:I.A red concrete seating bowl holds more than 80,000 spectators.II.A distinctive steel frame around the outside of the bowl looks like a birds nest.III.Spacious concourses are accessible at different levels of the stadium.IV.A large mixed-use retail dev

3、elopment lies beneath the stadium.这四个要点构成了演讲的基本框架。如果“鸟巢”有四个主要特色,那么演讲就应该顺理成章地有四个要点。应该如何去选择要点呢?教师可以告诉学生,有时要点会在具体目的陈述句(specific purpose statement)中凸显出来。比如,如果演讲的具体目的是:To inform my audience about the styles, dancers, and repertoire of classical ballet,那么演讲显然会有三个要点:第一个要点有关古典芭蕾舞的风格,第二个要点有关古典芭蕾舞演员,而第三个要点则有关

4、古典芭蕾舞的剧目。如果用提纲的形式来表现,应该如下所示: To inform my audience about the styles, dancers, and repertoire of classical ballet. Classical ballet embraces different styles, nurtures the worlds best dancers, and performs the greatest works in the ballet repertoire.I.Classical ballet embraces styles that originated

5、in different cultures.II.Classical ballet nurtures the best dancers in the world.III.Classical ballet performs the greatest works in the ballet repertoire.教师可以提醒学生,尽管有时具体目的中没有明确地指出演讲的要点,但也会很容易从中找到线索。比如,演讲的具体目的是:To inform my audience of the ve major lm and television versions of A Dream of Red Mansio

6、ns,那么红楼梦的这五种主要的电影和电视版本就会各自成为演讲的一个要点。 To inform my audience of the five major film and television versions of A Dream of Red Mansions. There are five major film and television versions of A Dream of Red Mansions. I.The first film version was produced in Shanghai in 1944.II.A Yueju opera version was m

7、ade into a movie in 1962.III.The first CCTV television version was created in 1987.IV.The second film version was produced by Beijing Film Studio in 1989.V.The latest Beijing TV television version was released in 2010.教师在讲解如何选择要点时可以和第四章内容结合,提醒学生演讲的具体目的(specific purpose)、中心思想(central idea)和要点(main po

8、ints)是密切相关的。在写演讲稿时,只有三者都确定下来,并且互相紧密对应,才能算是构建了演讲的核心框架。在撰写要点时可以适当增减,但最后需要确保所有要点都能涵盖中心思想。演讲要点的组织方法(Strategic Order of Main Points)教师可以告诉学生,在确定了演讲的要点后,就应该考虑决定用什么顺序来展示这些要点。当然最佳的组织方法取决于三个要素演讲的话题、演讲的目的和将要面对的听众。课本的第13章和第14章将具体讨论如何组织信息性和说服性演讲的要点。下面简单地介绍一下演讲者常用的四种基本要点组织法。时间顺序法(Chronological Order):按时间顺序法组织的演讲

9、采用的是时间性模式。这种演讲往往是根据事件发生的顺序来进行叙述。例如: To inform my audience of the four major stages in the history of Tsinghua University. Tsinghua University has gone through four major stages in its history.I.Tsinghua was established in 1911 as a prep school.II.Tsinghua was expanded into a university in 1925.III.T

10、he school was renamed National Tsinghua University in 1928.IV.Tsinghua was given its current name in 1949.时间顺序法也可以用于解释一个过程或演示如何做一件事情。 To inform my audience of the basic steps in directed brainstorming. There are five basic steps in directed brainstorming.I.First, each participant is given a sheet of

11、 paper and told the brainstorming question.II.Second, participants are asked to write one response on the sheet and then stop.III.Third, participants are asked to swap their answer sheets with one another.IV.Fourth, participants are asked to improve on the idea they receive.V.Fifth, participants are

12、 asked to repeat steps three and four until the best ideas are generated.从上面的例子上可以看出,时间顺序法尤其适用于说解性演讲。空间顺序法(Spatial Order):以空间顺序法为组织结构的演讲采用的是方向性模式。也就是说,演讲的要点按照由上至下、从左到右、从前到后、从里到外、从东到西等空间顺序排列。比如: To inform my audience about the ancient central axis of Beijing. The ancient central axis that runs throug

13、h the heart of Beijing begins at Yongdingmen Gate in the south, continues through Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, and ends at the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower in the north.I.The central axis of Beijing begins at Yongdingmen Gate in the south.II.The axis runs straight through Tiananmen Squa

14、re and cuts the Forbidden City in half.III.The axis ends at the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower in the north of Beijing.再例如: To inform my audience about the layout of the Yonghe Lama Temple. The Yonghe Lama Temple consists of five main halls.I.The first main hall of the Yonghe Lama Temple is the Hall

15、of Heavenly Kings.II.The second main hall of the Yonghe Lama Temple is the Hall of Harmony and Peace.III.The third main hall of the Yonghe Lama Temple is the Hall of Everlasting Protection.IV.The fourth main hall of the Yonghe Lama Temple is the Hall of the Wheel of Law.V.The fifth main hall of the

16、Yonghe Lama Temple is the Wanfu Pavilion.问题-出路法(Problem-Solution Order):按照问题出路法组织的演讲一般分为两大部分。第一部分表明问题的存在和严重性;第二部分提供一个解决问题的办法。 To persuade my audience that China should implement stricter law enforcement to prevent accidents in coal mines. China needs stricter law enforcement to solve the problems of

17、 underfund- ing and negligence that lead to accidents in coal mines.I.Many coal mine accidents in China result from underfunding and negligence.II.Stricter law enforcement will help prevent underfunding and negligence of Chinas coal mines.正如这个例子所表明的那样,问题出路法一般适用于说服性演讲。话题顺序法(Topical Order):如果演讲者把演讲的话题

18、分成几个次话题,那么每一个次话题就会成为演讲的一个要点。比如,演讲的话题是近代民主革命家孙中山先生。假定这个演讲的具体目的是:To inform my audience about Sun Yat-sens contributions to the Chinese revolution。针对这个具体目的,演讲者既可以采用时间顺序法,也可以采用话题顺序法。如果使用时间顺序法,演讲者可以介绍孙中山在他生命中的每个阶段为中国革命作出的贡献;而如果用话题顺序法,演讲者则可以将孙中山的贡献归为几大类, 比如: To inform my audience about Sun Yat-sens contri

19、butions to the Chinese revolution. Sun Yat-sen inspired the revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty, raised massive funds for the revolutionary cause, and championed the Three Principles of the People.I.Sun Yat-sen inspired the revolution that overthrew the Qing Dynasty.II.Sun Yat-sen raised mass

20、ive funds for the revolutionary cause.III.Sun Yat-sen championed the principles of nationalism, democracy, and socialism.教师应提醒学生在使用话题分类法时要特别注意要点之间的逻辑性和一致性。试想如果这个演讲的要点像下面的例子这样:III.In 1925 Sun Yat-sen married Soong Ching-ling, one of the Soong Sisters, in Japan.上面这三个要点之间缺乏必要的逻辑性和一致性。第一个要点说明了孙中山从精神上引领了

21、推翻清朝封建统治的革命,第二个要点陈述了孙中山为了革命事业筹集了大量的捐款,而第三个要点却将话题转到孙中山1925年在日本与宋氏三姐妹中的宋庆龄结婚,与前面的两个要点在形式上不对称,在内容上也不一致。另外,前两个要点采用的是话题顺序法,而最后一个要点采用的是时间顺序法。上面所举的孙中山的例子所指的是说解性演讲,话题顺序法也可以用于说服性演讲。一般情况下,演讲的分支话题都是具体的原因,说明为什么演讲者坚持某一种观点。下面的演讲要点主要说明为什么中央电视台应该启动一个英文版的百家讲坛栏目。 To persuade my audience that CCTV should launch an Eng

22、lish version of the Lecture Room (百家讲坛). CCTV should launch an English version of the Lecture Room because it will enhance Chinese viewers cultural awareness, encourage foreigners participation, and enrich English learners language experience.I.An English version of the Lecture Room will enhance Chi

23、nese viewers cultural awareness.II.An English version of the Lecture Room will encourage foreigners participation.III.An English version of the Lecture Room will enrich English learners language experience.由于话题顺序法适用于任何话题和任何一类演讲,因此比其他的演讲组织方法更为常用。如何准备演讲要点(Tips for Preparing Main Points)控制要点的数量(Limit t

24、he Number of Main Points)。无论演讲长度如何,如果演讲者的要点过多,听众就会感到很混乱。在大多数情况下,一个演讲大约会包含两到五个要点。教师可以告诉学生,如果发现要点过多,可以把它们进行归类。下面这一套演讲要点是关于打太极拳的好处: To inform my audience about the benefits of practicing Tai Chi. Practicing Tai Chi has a number of benefits.I.Practicing Tai Chi reduces mental stress.II.Practicing Tai Ch

25、i improves mental concentration.III.Practicing Tai Chi improves physical flexibility.IV.Practicing Tai Chi increases coordination.V.Practicing Tai Chi builds muscle strength.VI.Practicing Tai Chi requires no special equipment.VII.Tai Chi can be practiced indoors or out.VIII.Tai Chi can be practiced

26、alone or in a group.上面这个演讲总共有七个要点,要点过多。如果查看一下所有列出的要点,不难看出这七个要点中所提到的打太极拳的益处可以归为三大类:提高精力、增强体力和方便灵活。因此,演讲者可以按下面的方式排列要点:I.Practicing Tai Chi is good for the mind.II.Practicing Tai Chi is good for the body.III.Practicing Tai Chi is convenient and flexible.在确定了三个要点之后,再将打太极拳的好处分类列在三个要点之下,以次要点(subpoint)的形式出

27、现。 将要点分隔开来(Keep Main Points Separate)。演讲的每一个要点都不应当混同于其他要点。比较下面两组要点,演讲的话题是国宴的基本礼宾程式:IneffectiveI.State dinners require special dress codes.II.III.State dinners consist of military honor guards.IV.State dinners feature entertainment.V.VI.State dinners include a four- or five- course meal and speeches.

28、More effectiveVI.State dinners serve a four- or five-course meal.VII.State dinners include speeches.左边列出的要点问题出在第IV点包含了两个要点,应像右边所示,将其分为两点。要点的措辞应采用同样的模式(Try to Use the Same Pattern of Wording for Main Points)。请看下面这组说解性演讲的要点:I.Chinese culture and language are taught at Confucius Institutes.II.Confucius Institutes were established to let the world see China as a nation of etiquette.III.One mission of Confucius Institutes is to celebrate the worlds oldest continuous civilization.I.Confucius Institutes wer

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