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1、在这个专业里,你要学习什么课程?Principle of management, Marketing management, Financial management,Economic law,Human resources management and so on. 包括以下专业: 管理学原理、市场营销、财务管理、经济法、人力资源管理等。What does your major mean?How much do you know about your major?你的专业决味着什么/你对你的专业了解多少?Business administration is a discipline whic

2、h research profit organization management activities rule as well as enterprise management theory,methods and techniques. It is a popular major in China now,many companies need the talents about this major.It has a great develop space. 工商管理学是研究盈利性组织经营活动规律以及企业管理的理论、方法与技术的学科。What will you do in USA?Wh

3、at is your purpose to the USA?What is your purpose for the visa?你去美国做什么?你去美国的目的是什么?你签证的目的是什么?Study in America and get the bachelors degree. 在美国学习取得学士学位 What are you studying now?你现在正在学什么?I study English at home,prepare for my visa interview. 学在家学英语。准备去面试 Why did you choose /select this major?Why do

4、you like your major?Why does this field interest you?你为什么选这个专业?你为什么喜欢你的专业?你为什么对这个专业感兴趣?I m interested in it,but I found what I learnt is limited,so I want to go to America to pursue further education. After I finish my study in America I think my competitiveness will be greatly improved in China. An

5、d I will realize self-worth. 0 Why do you want to study in USA?你为什么想去美国学习?1. The United States offers me a good opportunity to communicate with people and also improve us to develop many abilities. Also, to study with students from different countries make me learn more. These abilities will help me

6、 in my future work and life. 2I want to study more about economic management, business management and the oral English. At last I choose America as the place to continue my study, I think it is the best study place for me Why your specialty/major is important to China?为什么你的专业对中国来说很重要?My major has a

7、lot of develop prospect in China,and China needs the talents about this field. Whats your favorite subject and why?你最喜欢的科目是什么,为什么?I like music best,for example,pop music.Because,I am interested in it,it can make me more passionate. What is your ultimate academic goal?Which degree do you want to purs

8、ue?你是最终学术目标是什么?To get the bachelors degree. 取得学士学位 Why do you want to pursue a bachelors degree?你为什么想取得学士学位?The academic degree is the proof of education level. Now, many companies wanna to hire a well educated talent.No degree can not find a good job, so I want to get a bachelors degree. Can you ta

9、lk something about the course XX?你能说一下XX课程吗?Which school will you go to?你要去哪个学校?State University of New York College Technology at Alfred. Where is the University you will study located?这个学校地址是?It is located in 10 Upper College Drive Alfred, New York. City:Alfred State: New York How do you know this

10、 University?你是怎么知道这所大学的?1)I attended the International Educational Exhibition and knew this university and they gave me an exam and then they told me I can apply for this university. 2)I search information from Internet,I found this university suits me ,whatever from its loaction and academic course

11、.so I choose this university. Please give me the reasons why you select this university!给我你选择这所大学的理由?First,the university is a good comprehensive public university,and is has a good reputation in America. Second,my major is good in this university,I believe I will learn more advanced and useful know

12、ledge from there. Third,the location is suit me.My dream is study there.and the campus life is attracted my best. How many universities have you applied? How many of them admitted you? How many of them give you financial aids?你申请了几所大学?几所录取了你?几所给了你奖学金?I havent apply other Universities,I think State U

13、niversity of New York College Technology at Alfred is good enough for me. How much do your know about this unversity?你对这个大学知道多少 It is one of the 64 New York State University which is mainly focus on Vocational education, including Applied Technology, Engineering Technology, Business, Health, Agricul

14、ture and other courses. And it is one of the best 50 universities in the North region. The Engineering Technology and Construction Management are very famous. 纽约州立大学阿尔弗雷德分校,是64所纽约州立大学系统中的一所,以职业需求为导向,主要提供应用技术、工程技术、商科、健康、农业及文理课程。是全美北部50所最好的大学之一。工程技术、建筑管理颇有名气。How do you apply this university?你是怎么申请这所大学

15、的?I download the application form from its website. And then I sent my materials to the university, then Im waiting for the offer. 我在网站下载了申请书。给学校发了。然后等他们给我通知书 Whats materials?有什么用具 including the application form, bank document, a form of bank deposit, transcripts, resume, personal statement, recomme

16、ndation letter, diploma and bachelors degree and the passport copy. 包括申请便。存款证明。成绩单。个人简历。个人陈述。推存信,毕业证明。护照复印件 What is your academic background?/Where did you graduate from? what is you major?你的学术背景是什么?/你从哪里毕业的?你的专业?I graduated from Beijing University of Economic and Technology in July 1,2010. My major

17、 is economic management 我毕业于北京经济技术专修学院。Where did you graduate from your high school?你毕业哪个高中 I have not enter high school,when I finish my middle school,I enter technical secondary school,Yanbian university normal college in June,2004,and graduated in July,2007. 我没上高中。我毕业中学后直接上了中专。What kind of this s

18、chool? ?你的学校是什么类型的?(接着上面的问题) It is a technical secondary school,but I can learn the knowledge the same as high school,and I will learn more professional knowledge. Talk about the college you graduated?谈论下你所毕业的学校?(随便介绍一下即可) Do you apply for transfer credits?你申请转学分了吗?Yes,I university will t

19、ransfer parts of credits according my grades. Have you any scholarship?你有奖学金吗 No,I dont have. Who is your sponsor?and where is your funds from?谁是你的支持者,你支持者的资金来自哪里?My parents.from their savings and salaries. How much do you earn now? How much will you earn if you come back?你现在赚多少钱?你回来之后能赚多少钱?I havent

20、 work now, I graduated from Beijing University of Economic and Technology this year,and I cant sure how much will earn after I come back,I think about 10,000RMB per month. Please show me your bank document/bank deposit/bank certificate. 请出示你的存款证明。Yes ,here you are. How much is your bank deposit?你的银行

21、存款证明有多少钱?It is 500,000RMB How long will you study in USA?你要在美国学习多长时间?24 months What your study plan in U.S.?你在美国的学习计划?First,I will attend the ESL course,then,thuniversity will proviede us a test,when pass the test,I will attend professional learning. What is your plan? What will you do after graduat

22、ion? What is your plan after you come back to china?你是计划是什么?你毕业之后要做什么?你回国之后的打算是什么?After I finish my undergraduate study in the U.S., I will come back to China and find a job in a global company.Because I have the language advantage(I master Chinese,Japanese,Korean and English), and I have learnt adv

23、anced professional knowledge in America,I believe I will find a satisfied job. my plan has two steps,first,I will find a job in a global company;second,after I have a lot of work experience,I will run a company by myself. Give me three reasons that you will come back to China? Why wont you stay in t

24、he US? How can you convince me that you will come back?给我三个你会回国的理由?你为什么不待在美国?你如何说服我相信你会回来?The biggest reason is my family are in China,I was the only daughter, I must comeback to take care of my parents. Another,I will get the bachelors degree in America, after returning to China,I think I will have

25、 great develop space. Third, my family has good social relations which can help me to develop my career better and faster. 4) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didnt come back?你能解释一下为什么90%的中国学生都不回来吗?Really? I have never heard about it before. I wonder whether it is true. Maybe their advisors

26、recommend some jobs for them? I dont know. Anyway, I only need to responsible for my own future and one thing for sure is that I will come back to China because Ive already made my career plan here in China and I dont want to change it. And I think I will have a very bright future I only can tell yo

27、u I will make no hesitate to come back to China. You said you will go to study in the US because there are more advanced techniques and facilities, and more able professors. Then why will you come back to China after your graduation?你说你会去美国是因为那里有先进的技术和设备,有能力的教授。你为什么毕业之后还要回来呢?After you finish the study in the U.S.,Do your want to continue studying and get the higher lever degree?在你完成你的学业后,你还是否打算继续学习获得更高一层的学位呢?No,I will come back to China,w

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