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1、ll be here soon,and then well eat. 注意节奏和连读3 Well, shell be here later. Shehas to work late tonight.注意连读4 I hope its pasta. 注意连读5 Oh, it was no trouble. 注意弱读6 Im late for dinner at my house. 注意节奏7Where does she live? 注意弱读8 With a family in the Bronx.注意弱读9 The train is just up the street. It wont take

2、 me long at all. 速读,注意节奏10 It might be a little cold.注意弱读1冰淇淋的量词: Scoop of2胶卷的量词: 8 Rolls of film3不辞辛劳的: Took the time and trouble to.4好的,谢谢(接受对方的建议):d appreciate that.5只能(以前偶用 just 比较多): I can only stay a few minutes.6地铁就在 前面:The train is just up the street. eg: Two miles up the road.路的前方两英里处7 花时间:

3、 take sb long eg: It wont take me long at all.pasta 通心粉Episode 2 The Blind Date 相亲1Dont worry about being late. Its fine. 弱读加连读2Are we too late for our dinner reservation? 连读表达方式:1距离的简洁描述: Wooster Streetis two blocks. 还有两个街区 The 83is about two house2左转: make a left turnmake left at green streetturn

4、to the left3靠左的: The 83 is to the left4(口语) 对妇女的礼貌称呼 (夫人 , 太太 , 女士 , 小姐 ):maam5为某一状况而抱歉的简洁表示: Excuse the mass.6和某人很熟: I know the owner very well.手边的电话是: Hi, Betty. Ill be at 555-1720辨音:I am on the top floor I am on the top four单词:红绿灯: Traffic light 停车: Parking1Any friend of Miss Stewarts is welcome

5、at Somsaks.连读,弱读2Its our first date. 弱读3Ill phone you.连读表达方式:1 nice to meet you 的另一种说法: Please to meet you.2 表示赞同(我也是 ): I do too.3点菜 (我要 ):# Id like a glass of tea#Ill have .4推荐某物: # would you like.#May I bring you.5我去准备了:ll take care of everything.6饿的另一种说法: Starving.I know europe CPA.I know you re

6、 a CPA.姜: ginger 蒜 garlic 葱: shallot淡啤酒,麦芽酒: ale酥炸,煎: Crispy fried花瓣: petal会计: cpa = certified public accountant.注册会计肚痛: stomachache1 You orderedenough for three or four people, 连读2 Your downstairs neighbor let me in3 Its a bonsai tree for your new apartment.4 Does that mean that I can see you again

7、?连读5 well go out to dinner. 弱读 连读6 I wont leave early./ 注意语气和节奏1 什么都没吃 #Didnt get a thing to eat .# Didnt eat anything. 语气略有不同2 表示原因的另一种说法: I think its important for me to be there since(因为) her mother died. 因为她妈妈去世了。老实说 . #As a matter of fact.# To be frank# To be honest# Frankly失陪: Excuse myself.不介

8、意: #Not at allm not complaining6 关系好: You two must be close.7偶尔: Oh, I date occasionally8忙于某事的另一种说法: my work keepsme busy9时光流逝: With time.10早起: I have an early start tomorrow11时间过得好快: Where did the time go?12路上小心: Have a safe trip home.13试探人家是否有异性朋友: Is there anyone else in your life?盆景 bonsai tree

9、肚子疼(不严重的) tummy acheEpisode3 grandpas Trunk 祖父的行李箱ACT 1 速读句子:At six oclock this evening.连读Are we picking himup at the station?It just takes time to feel comfortable in a new place连.读4 Wont he miss being in Florida? 弱读But I think hell like being here with the family. 弱读6Ill put together somephotos of

10、 Grandpa 连读,失音7Grandpa is tells us hell get here by himself.粘连8But Im sure he has (his) a few bagswith him(withinm) on the train.连读9I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpas closet.弱读10 hows everything here? 连读1咖啡好了: Theres coffee ready2去接某人: pick sb. up at somewhere3收拾房间: set the room4说的也是:

11、 Thats for sure.4 好主意的另一种说法:neat idea. 绝妙他了不起: He is something 汤姆真是个了不起的人物。【口语要素 1】 Tom is really something.cant leavetill tonight口语用 till 较多单词 trunk 大衣箱,用扣的大行李箱grandpa速读句子 :1A man next to me was smoking, 连读2Im fromTitusville, too. 连读, m 不发音3 Some peopledont mind being alone. 连读, t 不发音theater -Seatt

12、le表达方式 :这个座位有人吗? Is this seat taken帮人做某事, help witheg:let me help you with this我比较喜欢某物一些: I like sth better受不了某事: sth really bothers sb4 问候的另一种说法: pleased to meet you5抽空: take time couldnt take time off to go to Beijing with me6准确地说 : to be exact7在某处作了多久 He started with them almost forty y

13、ears ago.8慢慢来 Take your time.9在这呢 : here it is10 表示没错,确实如此,确实 indeed11 现在确定为时尚早 its too early to know for sure.单词 :大工程 : big stuff 女用小包 Purse 传教士: preacher grandpa1 lets give him our presents 连读, h 弱读 our 发单音2 she call to say the plan was delayed.注意节奏3 she looks just like grandma that age 弱读4 unpack

14、-back注意 p 和 b 的区别5after a good nightsleep,il l enjoy breakfa st even more 注意连读及节奏6 i researched it for over the year.确证1别遗忘随身用品: please check to be sure you have your belonging.2在某处玩的开心点: have a good stay in big apple3请和我联系,请来看我们: please look us up.4温馨家庭: caring family5定日子: you name the day6记起往事: br

15、ing back memories7好梦 :pleasant dreams全美铁路客运公司: Amtrack 休假: day off难以置信: FabulousA Piece of Cake 小菜一碟1 Arent you going to theaerobics class this morning ? 弱读 (the) 连读2 The advancedclass starts at ten oclock . 粘连小事一幢:a snap,不费事的:no sweat一点事没有,没感觉: not feel a thing说定了 :its a bet马上就来m on my way over很累:I

16、ts tough很艰难:s rough有氧运动: aerobics举重:lift weight1 when was you last complete physical2 do you have any back and knee problems?I am in perfect health连读 h 弱读 ,粘连 注意 th 的发音I cant remember taking picturesof people in exercising 弱读 t弱读 of5.And dont forget to invite Susan for dinner粘.连6.Lift your arms up l

17、ike this.几个常用连读发音# waddaya = what do you do# dijia= did you# dontcha = dont you你是做什么职业的?: what do you do for a living身体很好: I am in wonderful condition排好位置 : lets get in our lines坐到地板上: hit the floor5 表达完美的,理想的,不错的另一个方法: Ideal blood pressure 发音纠正:advertising 重音在前体检: physical 景象: Scene senario0 How mu

18、ch broccoli do I need for the seven people1 Dont forget to breath 蓝色弱读2 The advanced exercise class is not easy, huh?3 Very few people last in this class for the full hour at very first time4 Skip, hop , front5the advanced exercise class 连读,蓝色失音表达方式 :1 某项约定仍然有效: sth is still on2 身体状态很好 : In great sh

19、ape3 加快节奏 :pick up the pace4几乎不 : I can barely move;I can hardly move,以及 We scarcely used the reserve generator 我们几乎没用过这台备用发动机5 坚持下来 : last The war lasted four years6 买菜 : Shop for the groceries7结束,吃完,完成 : Finish off*She finish off her education at the Sorbonne*Finish off by jogging in placeInstruct

20、or:教师,教练 hop:单脚跳skip:跳走交替的跳法scissors:夺命剪刀脚 .呵呵 .就是交叉双腿的跳法jogging: 慢跑 jog: 晃动,摇晃,颠簸broccoli: 花椰菜,甘蓝,源于意大利语cucumber:黄瓜 lettuce:莴苣叶 groceries:食物,杂货The right magic1 you going to the basball game today? 连读为: gonnas perfect day for it. 弱读 I3I have a new math program ,I want to learn how to use it. 连读 Iven

21、ue4Take him to the game today 连读弱读,重读5I am really feel bad about it. 连读,升调6 they need me at thehospital today 速读 连读 hospitalday7 may be we can spendsome time together next weekend 速读8 Ive got to run. 连读9 Youre working pretty hard these days?连读,弱读10 We didnt catch anything 弱读,失音11 fell out of the boa

22、t 速读连读12 dont you have to work 速读13 Itll be like old time for you and me 连读14 Whats the weather going to be like. 速读15 though out the midwest this afternoon.速读16 Its going t o snow some more= Itsgonna snow some more连.读正需要,的确需要: Yes ,indeed. 俚语 多到可以劳军 : Enough for an army.宜人而温暖 : nice and warm不过,话说回来

23、: she is not a pretty girl,anyway“改天 ”的表达方式 :may be you can teach mesomeday work on 和 work at:使用 和 练习钻研工作如何?还那样: Hows work? oh, the usual problems.没啥事 : Nothing much.( Wahats up )我要走了的表达方式 :ve got to run.暂缓,推迟某项工作 : my paper work will wait.天气如何 : whats the weather going to be like.速读勇敢者的家园 即美国 : hom

24、e of the brave自由女神的家园 即纽约 :home of the statue of liberty 熊猫的家乡 : home of the panda度假胜地 : a popular vacation spot.却不是这样 : not so in St.Louis.冰箱: refrigerator -refrigerate 制冷 辞源: frig 冷松脆的: crispy fragile病房: ward -childrens ward激动异常的 : thrilled宜人的(天气) : mild -a mild spring day华氏: Fahrenheit Fah-ren-he

25、it 华伦海特 -德国物理学家摄氏 : Celsius1 How do you know so much about fishing?2 I see some fish right under us, Dad. 连读3 Does he know youre here?速读4 Yes, but you did, and weve got our lunch弱.读 B5 Come on, Albert, you can help us! 连读 help 中 h,p 弱读6 Bring a blanket and my medical bag这.句超快的 .完全没有听清的说1风景太棒了的表达 (驴友经常会用到 ): It was really neat! 2 一个人 ,独自的 (形容词词组 ): all long东风破一盏离愁孤单伫立在窗口我在门後假装你人还没走 .All alone in wait by the wi

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