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1、 Indicates an exercise to complete in your case study group 注意! Take note! / NB手册每页留出空白以便您记录下学习要点。The workbook has been purposely designed with wide margins and lots of space for you to make your own notes and reminders of learning points.培训目标/Objectives任何培训课程都有目标,我们希望您能够阅读此学员手册,参加培训并完成练习,在培训结束之后,您将

2、能够:All workshops and sessions need to have formal objectives, and we hope that by reading the workbook, attending the workshop and taking part in the related exercises, you will be able to: 解释在您的职责范围内对组织培训和发展所起的作用Explain your role for organising training and development of people within your area of

3、 responsibility 在您的职责范围内,发现培训和发展的需求以满足相关的经营需要Identify training and development needs within your area of responsibility to meet the strategic issues for the relevant business plan 设定培训目标并运用不同的方法以达到理想的结果Set learning objectives to achieve desired outcomes using a variety of development methods 为部门和个人建

4、立培训计划并进行沟通,该计划包含完成期限并能满足您职责范围内的优先需求Build and communicate a plan for a specified time period, to meet priority needs in your area, for both groups and individuals 解释如何评估培训与发展活动Explain how to evaluate training and development activity简而言之,此培训课程是为了帮助您在您职责范围内管理员工的发展以获得他们对部门,对酒店经营以及对自己的最好的最佳结果。In short,

5、an important part of coming on this workshop is to help you to manage the development of people within your department or area of responsibility, to get the best out of them for your department, the business and for themselves.而且,每次培训后你都会记得一起参加课程的学员,以便今后建立联系。As always, when attending workshops, it c

6、an be helpful to remember who was there with you in case you want to contact each other afterwards. 您可以记下共同参加此次培训的学员信息:You might like to make a note here of the other people attending your workshop:姓名 /Name 酒店/Hotel 联系电话/Contact Number我们希望您能够喜欢运用这本学员手册,充分享受这次培训。如果您有任何问题,请随时与我联络。 We hope you will enj

7、oy using this workbook, and attending the workshop. If you have any questions at all, then please do not hesitate to ask your tutor/facilitator.目录/Contents页数/Page1目标介绍/Introduction & objectives of the workshop第一部分Section One Sessions61、介绍培训与发展/Introduction to Training & Development112、明确角色与职责/Who do

8、es that? Roles and Responsibilities143、创建合适的环境/How people learn Creating the Right Conditions224、运用系统的方法/Where do I start? Applying a Systematic Approach255、识别培训需求与优先顺序开始计划/Identifying business needs and priorities Starting to Plan446、制定计划 为部门和个人/Making a plan Planning for Groups and Individuals497、

9、实施培训与发展/Implementing Training and Development548、回顾与评估/What difference did it make? Reviewing & Evaluation60个人学习笔记/Personal Learning Log第二部分 案例分析/Section Two Case Study Exercise61案例分析练习 Case Study Exercises第三部分 回到工作岗位/Section Three Back-to-work69联系到工作岗位的练习活动 Back-to-work Activities 以上所有的内容都包含在学员手册中。

10、在培训过程中,您可能需要在某些方面多花些时间,其他地方少花些时间。这是因为课程的培训员希望满足所有学员的需求。The content above can all be found in this workbook. You might find that on your workshop you spend more time on some areas, and less time on others. This is because your trainer will try to meet the needs of your group. 在培训之前,先花点时间思考一下您为什么要参加这个

11、培训以及在培训结束后您希望有什么收获?你的个人目标是什么?Before you start on the rest of the content, it is worth spending some time thinking about why you are attending, what you would like to gain as a result. What are your personal aims for the workshop?请把您的想法写下来:Write them in here: 在培训结束后我们再来看一看这次培训是否达到了您的目标Return to them

12、at the end of the workshop and check if they have been met.第一部分SECTION 1第一章Session One介绍“培训与发展”Introduction to Training &介绍/ Introduction作为一名部门培训协调员,您要在很多方面承担起责任以帮助部门更好的运行,并为酒店的成功经营作出贡献。In your role as a departmental training co-ordinator, you will be responsible for many factors that help your depa

13、rtment to run smoothly and contribute to making the business successful.在您所能控制的范围内,最为昂贵的项目 至少是最昂贵的之一 就是劳动力成本。劳动力成本有很多因素组成,直接成本如工资、员工离职及替换成本等。Within the areas of your control, one of the most if not the most expensive items you control will be the cost of employing people. The costs are made up of ma

14、ny things. There are direct costs such as wage costs, and the costs of labour turnover and replacing people.但更多是非直接成本 如员工犯错误、顾客不满意、员工对工作不能尽心尽力等。There are also many and varied indirect costs such as the costs of mistakes, costs of dissatisfied customers, costs of people not giving their best commitme

15、nt to the job etc. 考虑到那些潜在成本和希望经营获得最佳产出的愿望,部门内每个员工都能有最佳表现是非常重要的。事实证明对培训和发展的有效管理是我们达到上述目标的一种有效工具。Because of the potential costs, and to gain the best results for the business, it is important that all departments are able to get the best from the individuals within the team. It is a proven fact that

16、the skilful management of training and development is an effective tool to help you do this. 当然,如果您要对一个大部门负责或者手下员工数量众多,您不可能负责所有的培训。这是设立部门培训协调员的目的所在,您知道如何管理部门内的培训流程以确保满足需求,从而使公司和员工都从中得到好处。Of course, if you are responsible for a large department, or have a number of people in your team, you cannot hop

17、e to do all the training yourself. It is important in your department co-ordinator role, that you know how to manage the process of training within your department so that you are able to ensure that what needs to get done gets done, and that both the business and the people benefit as a result. 在本章

18、节中,我们将讨论:In this section we will look at: 理解培训与发展/Understanding training and development 做好培训与发展的好处/Benefits of getting it right 培训与发展的潜在障碍/Potential blockages in getting it done在本章节结束后,您将能够By the end of this section and related exercises you will be able to: 解释培训与发展所包括的主要内容及其与你的部门和你的角色的联系/Explain t

19、he key activities that are covered by training and development and how they relate to the department and coordinator 解释培训与发展的好处/Explain the key benefits of training and development 识别培训与发展的潜在障碍/Identify potential blockages to training and development activity 描述成功管理员工的培训与发展应具备的素质/Describe the qualit

20、ies required to successfully manage training and development of other people理解培训与发展/Understanding training and development良好的培训和发展活动包括作出计划/planning以给予员工/people机会学习并发挥他们的潜力/potential,最终达到工作要求的绩效/performance标准。Good training and development activities involve planning to give people a chance to learn a

21、nd achieve their potential and the performance standards that the job demands.良好的培训和发展可以用4P来概括:Good training and development activity is therefore about these four Ps: 计划/Planning 员工/People 潜力/Potential 绩效/Performance培训和发展组织得越好,我们就越有可能获得最大的好处。The better organised the training and development effort,

22、 the more likely we are to be able to make the best of the benefits.酒店内任何部门、任何岗位都包含下列内容Working in any role in any department in the hotel takes a rich mixture of 知识/knowledge 对工作的了解程度/knowing about the job 技能/Skills 做好工作所需的技能/Skills to be able to do the job 态度/Attitude 做好工作应具备的正确的态度/Having the right

23、 attitude for the job2 练习1.1 /Exercise: 1.1 考虑您部门内某些工作岗位对知识、技能、态度的要求Think of the requirements for knowledge, skills and attitudes for some of the jobs in your department工作职位 需要的知识 需要的技能 需要的态度Job title Knowledge required Skills required Attitudes required2 练习1.2 /Exercise: 1.2 如果所有培训和发展活动都开展地富有成效,对下列

24、人群有什么好处?What are some of the benefits for these groups of people if all the training and development is carried out and completed effectively?公司/酒店 顾客 涉及员工 您自己Company/Hotel Customer/Guest The individual concerned You 您可能意识到有关上述原则,理论上非常不错,但如果付诸实施就会非常复杂 特别是您将不得不依赖于其他人的帮助和支持。You have probably realised

25、that with all principles of managing people, the theories are sound, but putting it all into practice is more complicated particularly if you have to rely on others to help you.了解一些在培训和发展过程中可能涉及到的障碍对我们会有很大的帮助。It may be helpful to understand a little about some of the blockages that can be involved i

26、n gaining and maintaining enough energy and commitment for training and development. 2 练习1.3 /Exercise: 1.3 列出您作为部门培训协调员在实施培训和发展中可能会碰到的障碍:List any barriers or blockages to training and development that you may encounter in your role as department training co-ordinator: 认清存在的障碍是在部门中实施培训和发展的第一步。Knowin

27、g that certain barriers exist is the first step in managing the training and development of people in your team.完成联系到工作岗位的练习一(第71页)See Activity One in the Back-to-Work section at the end of this workbook (page 71).第二章Session Two明确角色与职责/Roles and Responsibilities您作为部门培训协调员的责任Your responsibility as a

28、departmental training coordinator要在尽可能短的时间内,以尽可能少的支出,使培训和发展活动获得成功,这需要:Your responsibility as a departmental training co-ordinator 合适的人从事/the right people doing 合适的工作/the right thing at 在合适的时间/the right time在本章节我们将讨论: 您对培训和发展的责任/Your responsibilities for training and development 其他员工和责任/Other people

29、and responsibilities 如何与酒店相关/How it links with the context of the company 用所学的知识进行案例分析/Relating your learning to a case study exercise在本章节结束后,您将能够: 描述部门培训协调员的角色和职责 Describe your role and responsibility as a departmental training co-ordinator 解释您的职责以及为什么这对酒店经营很重要 Explain that responsibility and why it is important to the hotel and the company总体而言,培训和发展的责任有以下5类:Broadly speaking, the responsibilities for training and development fall into 5 main categorie

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