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1、17. numerous/ a great deal of / a great many of/ a variety of 18. The automobile industry ushers in the spring and the number of automobile is proliferating in an exploding way.19. The bloody scenes of accident sites and the death of promising lives have so deeply impressed the public that some peop

2、le propose that drunk driving be made a crime.20. irretrievable and incalculable loss21. under the laws and regulations22. the habit of getting something for nothing 不劳而获23. with no gratitude 毫无感激而言24. Many people consider university education as a springboard towards better jobs or higher salary.25

3、. the transition from schools to society26. acquaint with27. providewith a platform 28. study specialized and in-depth knowledge29. cultivate / foster/ develop30. become incompatible with31. the world is developing by leaps and bounds32. cutting-edge 尖端的33. an increasing deal of work 越来越多的工作34. than

4、ks to 35. Study is like sailing against the current; either you keep forging ahead or you keep failing behind. If we master a foreign language to be knowledgeable, operate a computer to be efficient, and drive a car to be swift, well be qualified for the modern society.36.strike a balance between 达成

5、平衡37. We should bear in mind that we cannot sell the cow and drink the milk.38. steal some time and energy from work.39. undeniably 不可否认40. take a second look at41. quantity is with preferential treatment42.First things first One should never forget thatis another important thing.43. When asked abou

6、t, the overwhelming majority of people believe that44. Now there is a growing awareness of the necessity to45. While many people attach great important to this issue, no real effective actions have been taken to solve it. Therefore, we should do our utmost in doing something to solve it.46. ultimate

7、 goal47. No matter how beautiful and how wonderful it is, this world can only exist in games.48. The university education provides students with a platform on which they can fully exert their potential.49. make a stage/ create a platform50. it all comes down to employment所有问题的核心还是就业51. Dont try to g

8、et certificates for certificates sake.52. Outstanding as Bill Gates is, he does not have a MBA degree.53. have little time to, let alone54. provide food for thought55. all-round knowledge 全方位知识56. from this perspective/in terms of 从这个角度57. spare no efforts to do sth. 不遗余力58. the cradle of 摇篮59. make

9、 best use of advantages and bypass the disadvantages 扬长避短60. You should stand on the shoulders of giants if you want to see further.61.avoid the detours and failures that our predecessors have already experienced.62. Mechanical application of knowledge in books always results in failure.63. life-lon

10、g process64. We should not just stay there and wait for pennies from heaven.65. Chance favors only the prepared mind.66. It is imperative that drastic measures should be taken to end.67. substantial 大量的,可观的,重要的68. Just as a high-rise building cannot be erected without a solid foundation and sound fr

11、amework.69. a variety of 多种的,大量的70. It is widely shared that./ It is universally acknowledged that71. feel inclined to/ be keen on 喜欢72. there is little point in doing 做没有多少意义73. due to/ result in/ lead to/ account for74. a range of 广泛的75. be repelled by 对.感到反感76. firsthand experience亲身经历77. be adam

12、ant about 对抱坚决态度78. devoid of 缺乏79. give precedent to 优先考虑80. get in the way of 妨碍81. have a bearing on 与有关82. if left unchecked 如果不加以控制83. if worse comes to worse84. in the final analysis 归根结底85. lay the foundation for 为打下基础86. weather the test of time 经受住时间的考验87. the list goes on and on 这样的例子举不胜举8

13、8. no guarantee of 没有保证89. sky-rise apartments and modern shopping centers90. with a chronicled history of more than 5000 years有五千年的历史记载91. Many of the countrysoldest historical monuments have already been lost to modernization. (give way to)92. on account of 因为93. Even in developed nations like the

14、 United States and Japan, thousands of citizens continue to94. be flooded with充满95. by no means incompatible 不矛盾 Eg:Success and wealth are by no means incompatible.96. ups and downs, joys and sorrows, highs and lows97. bricks-and-mortar stores 实体店98. e-shopping99. free up valuable time 节省宝贵时间100. st

15、retch their skills 施展才华101. Students are notoriously strapped for cash.学生没钱是出了名的102. inherit and carry forward 继承与发扬103. good for nothing 一无是处104. follow the wind 跟风105. have enormously beneficial effects on有巨大的推动作用106. blindly follow the trend 盲目追随时尚107. emerge in an endless stream层出不穷108. house re

16、nt and labor cost房租和人工费用Without the added costs such as house rent and labor cost109. Online shopping has boosted the development of electronic business platforms such as eBay and Taobao.110. advance with the times 与时俱进111. eye-opener 大开眼界The increasing information is an eye-opener, by which we can

17、easily get access to the latest news or knowledge of a certain field.112. avoid the detour to113. have a more divergent thinking mode 更加发散的思维模式114. The days when it took months or even years to hear from one or another have become history.115. in absence of/ without 没有116. catch the attention of pub

18、lic/attractive ones eyeballs 吸引了公众的眼球117. become the focus of peoples attention118. Developed countries possess advanced science and technology, with which they can effectively and efficiently protect our environment and diminish the pollution to it.119. enhance their economy and improve the living

19、standard of their people120. If developed countries can raise their peoples awareness of protecting the environment and spread the idea of it into every aspect their culture and society.121. It didnt turn out as well as expected.122. relevant laws are not strict enough to123.joint efforts 共同努力124. w

20、ell-developed 全面发展125. more often than not 更多的时候126. favorable conditions 有利的条件127. abounding with labor 人力资源丰富128. conducive to 有利于129. Stay focus, stay calm, determine your goal and the road leading to success will present itself to you.130. spiritual happiness and confront 精神上的愉悦和慰藉131. stumbling

21、 block 绊脚石132. the abundant of choice 大量的选择133. Factors contributing to the gap between students expectations and the reality134. lack of self-assessment and a clear picture about their futures135. at the thought of 想到136. This action is just a prelude to more cases of favoritism in future.137. When

22、 doing sth, sb left sth. out of account, which resulted in (leave sth. out of account 忽视了某事,没想到)138. sb, sings in adoration ofand praises139. You should avail yourself of this opportunity(avail oneself of利用,趁的机会)140. to bend ones efforts for 致力于141. to be closely bound up with 与紧密联系在一起142. to move h

23、eaven and earth to do竭尽全力地去干143. to cultivate a faculty of/for 培养的能力144. take the occasion to do抓住利用机会做Being eager to , take the occasion to do145. be prone to 易于146. be devoid of/be scarce of 缺乏147. put the screw on对施加压力148. be sensible of/ be aware of 意识到149. turn thumbs down on 反对,不赞成150. a deman

24、ding and challenging experience151. a sense of personal fulfillment152. economic standpoint 经济角度153. dead-end job 无发展的工作154. growth-oriented job 不断有所发展的工作155. enhance employability 提高就业能力156. give precedence to 优先考虑157. With respect to job stability, advancement opportunities and working environment

25、, small firmswin hand down.小公司更胜一筹158. free training courses and excellent employee benefits159. By placing an emphasis on their interests and skills, as well as job market trends, students will maximize their chances of making the “right” choice.160. basic infrastructure 基础设施161. crystallization 结晶

26、162. in a rapidly developing 21st-century China163. valuable and rewarding experience 有价值和有回报的经历164. strive for 追求165. keep our spirit high166. physical safety人身安全167. emotional wellbeing 身心健康168. interpersonal relationships 人际关系169. untrustworthy 不值得信任170. What goes around, comes around. 恶有恶报,善有善报1

27、71. Littering, wasting energy and spitting on the ground, in contrast, are examples of irresponsible actions that can have a detrimental impact on the environment at both local and global levels.172. fierce job competition 就业竞争激烈173. Whether in Beijing, Shanghai or Hong Kong, finding a movie theater

28、, karaoke hall or fitness studio is always easy and convenient.174. Urbanites can shop at a bustling mall, catch a music concert in a modern stadium, or enjoy a cup of a cappuccino at a nearby Starbucks-leisure opportunities that are simply unavailable to rural dwellers.175. high levels of air and noise pollution 严重的空气和噪音污染176. face mounting pressure 不断增长的压力177. exercise regularly and m

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