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1、You must have found much difference between working in company andstudying in college.Of course! Everyday, there is a deadline to meet. Bosses watching and testing me all the time, not liking in college, handed in paper months later and tested on schedule. It is so busy. But anyway, I have trying my

2、 best to be a good employee.Well, youve adapted yourself very well. Everyone in our office thinks youve made a great progress in the past two years. What is your secret?It is so encouraging to hear this remark. The secret is to make plans. Write down your goals, short-term and long-term and make det

3、ail plans for a week or a month. Then just work hard.五年内您想做到什么职位?,这是一个富有挑战性的问题。要知道,每一个公司都希望自己的员工能够芝麻开花,节节高,能够挑起更沉的担子。对这个问题的回答,能够反映出您是否富有进取心,是否具备为时代所需要的创新精神,是否能为公司作出更大的贡献。 这一课中,我们就来探讨对这个问题的回答。重点单词和句型career 事业、生涯senior manager 高级经理predict 预报、预言expert 专家、行家valuable 有价值的goal 目的、目标latest technology 最新技术e

4、ventually 最后expect 预期、期待Where would you like to be in 5 years?Where do you see yourself five years from now?对于面试者来说,这是个很棘手的问题,但它却很受主考官的青睐。因为,主考官想通过您对这个问题的回答,来了解您对未来发展的计划,更重要的是,判断您的计划是否切实可行,是否跟该公司未来的发展计划相一致。对这个问题,您可以先给出您的目标:I would like to follow the management career path我想沿着管理这条路走下去。I would like to

5、 try the secretary career track我想尝试秘书工作。您还可以给自己提出更高的要求,当然,这种要求一定得是您通过努力能够达到的,这一点,您一定要心中有数:Id like to be a senior manager of your company in five years.我想在五年内成为贵公司的高级经理。或者:Although its certainly difficult to predict things far into the future, I know what direction I want to develop toward. Within fi

6、ve years, I would like to become one of the best engineers in your company.预测未来当然是不容易的,但我清楚自己的发展方向。我想在五年内成为贵公司最好的工程师之一。您还可以说:I would like to become the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I will be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities that might be presented in th

7、e long term.我想成为别人可以依赖的专家。为此,我要作好充分的准备,以便在未来可以担负起更大的责任。除了个人的发展外,如果您能向主考官表明您会给公司带来进步的话,更能打动主考官:In five years I want to be a valuable part of this company and help it to reach its goal. I also want to manage a challenging project and bring in latest technology that will benefit the company.未来的五年里,我想成为

8、贵公司里有价值的一员,并希望帮助公司实现目标。我还想经营一个富有挑战性的项目,引进最新的技术,给公司带来效益。如果您的经验还不够充分,可以在好学这方面展示自己,比如您可以向主考官表示在他们公司里,您能学到很多东西,而且,您很愿意在该公司发展自身:In the next five years, I want to learn new things, gain more experience and increase my value to your company. I want to learn my job well and eventually to achieve a position

9、of higher responsibility within your company.未来的五年里,我想学到新东西、获得更多的经验,增加我对在贵公司的价值。我想将业务做得很精通,最终能够在贵公司挑起更重的担子。您还要给主考官一个感觉:您乐意在该公司长期干下去:In the next five years, I will not plan on moving or going back to school, I want to stay with this company for many years, and expect I would be very happy with this j

10、ob. 在未来的五年里,我不打算换工作或回到学校学习,我想在贵公司工作较长的时间,也希望工作得很愉快。这样,主考官放心了,因为每个公司都不想让自己辛苦培养出来的熟练员工很快就离开公司,这样可是要浪费公司大量的培训费用的。【网络综合 - 英文写作翻译】我的职业规划英语写作My Career PlanDuring my high school years, I have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics interesting. Actually, I am interested in many subjects such as biology,

11、history, geography, Chinese, and English. But somehow I cannot remember the historical events or the facts about geography in detail. I cannot remember biological terms well, either. On the other hand, chemistry, physics, and mathematics are easy for me because they seem logical to me. After conside

12、ring my interests and talents I feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career. I would like to study science or engineering in college. After graduation from college I hope to go for higher education overseas. Eventually I would like to return to school to teach. This is my

13、 career plan.CAREER PLAN 职业规划书(英文版范例)As a new comer enters into social surrounding, I have to plan the rest of life, especially, for the career life. In the near future of my vocational period, approximate 2 years, to practice the curriculum learned at college on the practical working. To achieve re

14、lated skills, such as communication skill, management art to myself and others (if any), cooperation with my team or colleagues, capacity of endurance for highly tense environment, I need to shift my position in various departments of company. Of course, Ill never forget making money for my employer

15、 while I am learning.Gradually, Ill concentrate on doing business both domestically or internationally, which was my dream when I was child. So I will do my best to become the dream true. On the other hand, with company together grow as fast as possible. Via 3 to 5 years growth, Ill be a manager of

16、a division, at that time leading the team of mine to develop new area for my corporation.一些经典的职业规划英文内容161问:在你的职业生活中为什么这份工作适合你? 答:能胜任这份工作是建立在我广博的专业基础知识上的,我既做过海军通讯人员,又在两家软件公司工作过。作为项目经理,我能承担更广泛的责任。我已表示过我有能力既是不同团队的程序设计员又是工程师,同时又能承担主要资产预算的任务。描述你想在现有的技术和兴趣基础上去获取的经历。据你所了解的关于该职位和部门今后的发展方向尽可能具体地谈这个问题。说明为何这个职

17、位和你的个人职业目标相符合,你如何开创事业天地?Q:Why is this job right for you at this time in your career?A:This job would build on my extensive technical background both as a navy communications officer and in the two software companies where I ve worked. I believe Im now ready to assume broader responsibilities as a pr

18、oject manager. I ve demonstrated my ability to handle the responsibility for both a diverse team of programmers and engineers and for major apital budgets. 162问:比你现在这个职务更高的追求是什么?除了作为销售助理,我认为我能从销售分析、品牌管理到部门管理不断地进步。我发现做这一行需要发展多种技能,而且我认为在你们的继续教育项目和我自己要求进步的动机下,我相信在机会来临时,我已做好了准备,这就是为什么我从基层做起的原因。 再次提醒,不要谈

19、论具体的职务,顺其自然对你来说是合理的。如何做这份工作才会对公司有利?然后把话题转移到手头上的这份工作来。如果你对这份工作外的东西过分感兴趣,那么面试官会担心你在这个岗位上呆不久。What are your aspirations beyond this job?Beyond this job as a marketing assistant, I see myself moving up through marketing analysis into brand management and eventually running a category. I m aware that ther

20、e are several skills I need to develop in the interval, and I believe with your continuing education program and my own motivation for self improvement, Ill have those skills when the pportunities arise for greater responsibility. Thats why Im determined to learn from the ground up, starting as a ma

21、rketing assistant163问:你喜欢什么样的挑战?我在服务业做了八年,而且逐步地在更大、更有知名度的酒店工作。我熟悉食品与饮料方面的业务和酒店管理的业务,我相信能做好会议营业经理这项工作。根据上一份工作中所学的来谈你下一步自然要发展的技能。你认为下一步要处理好什么事情?尽可能详细地谈及你所了解的有关这份工作和部门在目前或日后的发展方向。What new challenges would you enjoy?I ve worked in the hospitality industry for over eight years and have progressively work

22、ed in larger, more prestigious hotels. Ive learned the food and beverage side of the business and the hotel management side, and now I believe Im ready to be a convention or conference sales manager. 164问:如果你能再从头开始,你会选择哪种职业?一直以来我喜欢销售这一行,因为我不断进步。回首往事,我希望在职业生涯早期能积累更多的市场调查经验,因为这对于了解定量模型类型和专业研究技巧很重要,而这对

23、于地区营销经理来说很重要。 面试官想知道你的职业方向(包括这次面试)对你来说是否不太称心。谨慎地表明你喜欢这个领域。展示你的见识,这些见识能让新手少走弯路、少费时间等等。If you could start all over again, what direction would your career take?I ve always enjoyed consumer sales as Ive moved up in my career. Looking back, I wish Id gotten a bit more experience in market research earli

24、er in my career, because it s important to understand the types of quantitative models and technical research techniques that are now important for a regional sales manager to know.165问:工作中你在哪些方面还没有得到发展?我在我公司的财务部门已经取得了很大的成就,这是家大公司。还在不同类型的两家工厂做过财务主任,在大公司办公室和商业规划领域做过资金预算工作。但是,至今我还没有机会在财政部工作。我学过金融专业,而且

25、有几年金融经验,我相信现在我有能力担任这项职务,我下一步的目标就是要为成为顶尖的财政官员而不断努力。描述一下你想担任的但没得到的职务。你认为接下来要着手处理什么事情?谈谈你为何没机会担任那项职务,注意不要说得消极。描述一下你为达到目标所付出的不懈努力。问问自己,现在的雇主是否认同你已有能力担任这项职务。What achievements have eluded you?I ve achieved considerable success at the finance department of my company, a large corporation. Ive worked in two

26、 different plants as the director of finance. I ve worked in capital budgets at the corporate office and in the business planning area. Unfortunately, I ve never had the opportunity to work in the treasury department. Based on my graduate finance education and my several years finance experience, I

27、m now convinced that I m ready to handle this responsibility and that itl be the next step in my learning curve toward a top finance executive position.166问:你认为要在这个行业有所发展,还需多久?我个人认为对工作发展的衡量,主要是看获得的新技巧、新知识和新的专业见识。只要能按这种方式来衡量发展,我就是成功的。我相信要让自己的工作得以发展就要不断学习本职工作以外的相关领域的知识。这个问题跟“5年内你想做到什么样的职务?”是相类似的。根据你对这个职务所了解到的情况来回答这个问题,尽可能详细地谈。不要提你下一步想得到的职衔,否则面试官会怀疑你是否会专注这份工作。How long do you think you d continue to grow in this job?My own personal measure of growth in a

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