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1、2. Whats the temperature? Its ten degrees.3. be scared of sb./sth.4. There will be=There is/are going to be【教学难点】 课前准备图片, PPT 教学过程1.课堂导入:通过小小预报员引出“天气”话题 “Doyouwanttobeareporter?CantalkabouttheweatherinEnglish?”给学生设置任务“用英语谈论天气”, 进而引出本课的语言主题“天气”。2.学习新知(1)复习snow,wind,rain,cloud,sun首先利用网站中“单词袋袋裤”中的“温故”栏

2、目出示天气图片, 学生看图片猜单词, 从而复习snow,wind,sun,cloud,rain这几个单词, 同时板书单词。【设计意图:学生复习snow,wind,rain,cloud,sun几个名词, 引出cloudy,rainy,snowy,sunny, windy的学习, 并为对比名词和形容词做准备。】整合点:运用网站展示图片使教学内容更直观、更形象, 从而帮助学生更好的掌握有关天气的单词。(2)学习新知snowy,windy,rainy,cloudy,sunnyT:Pleaselookoutofwindow.Thesuncomesout.issunny.Itswarm.板书sunny,和

3、sun对比。学生小组讨论在snow, wind, rain, cloud的后面做怎样的变化形成本课所要学习的形容词。此时充分调动学生的学习主动性, 小组派代表汇报结果, 同时板书单词, 之后通过网站中“单词袋袋裤”的“知新”栏目查找这些单词的汉意, 教师指导学生进行单词的朗读。学生通过比较, 初步了解本课中的天气词汇与上一课学习的名词的联系。(3)通过网站自学第一部分点击网站的“看图识天气”栏目播放课文第一部分的flash课件, 学生结合具体情境进行一对一的跟读模仿。通过一对一的跟读模仿, 培养学生自主学习的能力。通过网站播放学习内容, 将静态的文字转化成动态的情境, 刺激学生的多种感官, 有

4、利于学生更好的模仿和实践。(4)填一填通过“填一填”栏目, 复习本课形容天气的词汇, 学生输入答案, 回答正确与否会有相应的提示音。通过操练, 培养学生正确运用天气词汇。(5)学习句型Howstoday?_.学生先整体感知, 自主学习网站上的视频对话, 进行一点一说的学习, 跟读对话。然后结合实际情况教师提问:“Hows(月份)?”师生对话、生生对话, 充分练习此句型。学生学会使用Hows_.句式问答天气。学生通过网站的视频资源自主学习, 充分发挥了学生的自主能动性。3.巩固操练(1)点击“智力大冲浪”栏目, 出现相应的日期和天气情况, 生生操练句型“Whatdayit?(2)然后点击网站中的

5、“天气转转转”栏目, 转出相应的城市天气, 师生对话、生生对话, 讨论此城市的天气状况。在轻松愉快的气氛中, 学生巩固运用本课描述天气的词汇和句型, 做到学以致用, 语言输出。利用网站, 学生自己亲自操作电脑, 师生对话和生生对话, 使英语课堂变得丰富多彩, 增加趣味性。(3)找规律, 学习字母组合ir,ur,er,or在单词中的发音将这些不同字母组合的单词打乱顺序, 学生将这些单词分类, 然后指导学生读一读, 找到规律后, 尝试读新的单词。通过找规律、总结, 学生掌握字母组合在单词中的发音。学生在电脑上通过拖动完成单词分类, 实现了人机互动, 激发了学生的学习兴趣和参与热情。4.自我展示这节

6、课我们学习了五个描述天气的形容词, 但是在实际的生活中, 天气情况远不止这些, 学生通过网站拓展栏目查找foggy等更多描述天气的词汇, 然后通过中国天气网, 观察图片, 选择某一城市结合之前学过的句型WhatWhatdowear?及本课新句型创编对话。5.结束课堂Homework:选一个季节, 和同学或父母谈论这个季节的天气情况。略。Lesson 2 Its getting warmer!Talking about weather and spring.Talking about outdoor activities.The new words and language points: ne

7、ither; nor; boot; jasmine; blossom; sunshine; swingSpring has arrived in Shijiazhuang. I see many people in the park exercising.1) 区分 arrive 与 reach 2) neither nor e.g. I need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots now!Ask and describe the weather of spring.1. What is spring weather like?2. It be

8、comes warmer. The temperature goes up!【预习案】 (10分钟)1、大声朗读课文, 理解课文大意, 在文中划出生词和下列句子并背诵。.It was quite warm and the air was fresh.I need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots now!.The days are getting longer and the sun rises earlier in the morning. We will have a basketball game next week.2、独立完成自测题。

9、A.课本Lesson2 Lets Do It! B. 选词填空并翻译。boot swing blossom sunshine jasmine neitherThe flowers .Shall we play on the ? Bill nor his parents are at home.The are too big for me.Why do plants need ?On my way to school, I saw some winter blossoming.【探究案】(20分钟)【知识点探究】1.I need neither my heavy winter coat nor

10、my boots now!我既不需要厚重的冬天外套也不需要穿靴子了!Neither nor 意为“既不也不”其含义是否定的, 可连接任意两个并列的成分。 但当连接两个并列主语时, 谓语动词应遵循“就近原则”。例如:Neither my parents nor I am at home today.其反义词组为:bothand2.The days are getting longer and the sun rises earlier in the morning.句中get 作系动词, 后跟形容词, 意为“变得”。Our country is getting richer and strong

11、er. 我们的国家变得越来越富强。3.Every morning, I see lots of people exercising in the park.每天早上, 我看见好多人在公园里锻炼。see sb. doing sth. 表示“看见某人在做某事”。 例如:I see him going out of the classroom. 我看见他正从教室出来。同样, hear sb. doing sth. 表示“听见某人在做某事”。Every morning, we can hear students reading in the classroom.而 see/hear sb. do st

12、h. 意思为看见/听见某人做了某事。4.Others sing and dance. 其它人唱歌, 跳舞。Other 表示泛指, 意为“其它的人或物”, 与“ other+名词复数”同义。The others 表示特指, 与“the other+名词复数”同义。Some children are playing football, others are playing basketball.一些孩子在踢足球, 其它的孩子在打篮球。Two boys will go to the zoo, and the others will stay at home.两个男孩将去动物园, 其余的留在家里。【检

13、测案】(8分钟)1我喜欢荡秋千而他喜欢练太极。I enjoy and he enjoys 。2下周我们要去乡下远足。Next week we go on to the countryside.3. He is not the right person to be the monitor. I am not the right person to be the monitor ,either.(将以上两句合并为一句)he I the right person to be the monitor.5.There was a shower yesterday.(用tomorrow改写)There a

14、 shower tomorrow.6.How strange the weather is!(用what改写句子)7.They London last night.A.Arrived B. got C. reach D. reached8.The weather in Kunming is too cold too hot, people like to live there. A. either, or B. both, andC. neither, nor D. not only, but also9.-which do you like better, skating or skiing

15、?- of them. I like running.A. All B. Both C. Either D.Neither【训练案】1.A1-A6背诵本课单词短语。2.练习册lesson2 A1-A4全做。A5-A6做 I-II.Lesson 3 The sun is rising!本课是冀教版Book4的第三课, 是一首关于春天的歌曲。本课通过歌曲、诗歌等形式让学生学习单词、词组, 体会春天的美景, 讨论春天的活动, 锻炼学生的语言运用能力。1.学习词汇:melt,hillside,wind,gently;学习短语:onebyone。2.巩固合成词的构词法, 能认清合成词并能猜测大意。3.通

16、过歌曲等形式, 学生能谈论并表达春天的活动。八年级的学生已经具备了一定的语言基础和一定的语言分析能力, 也具备了对所学内容进行整理归纳的能力, 能用简单的语言描述自己或他人。但在表达能力方面, 八年级的孩子不再像七年级一样乐于表达。因此如何让八年级的孩子们乐于开口说英语、用英语做事情是我们英语教师的重任。1.鼓励学生敢于用英语进行表达。2.有英语学习的愿望和兴趣, 乐于参与英语实践活动。词汇、短语的学习。合成词的巩固学习。培养学生通过歌曲等活动, 用英语表达及用英语做事情的能力。Warming up(Before class)Play the song“The Sun Is Rising”.T

17、he students can enjoy the song and sing with it gently.通过课前歌曲的播放, 既让学生熟悉了本课内容, 又让他们提前热身, 激发兴趣。Step1:Leading in 3(Stop the song and show a picture of spring) Free talkT,“Doyou like the song?” “Whats the song about?”“Whats the weather like in spring?“How about the temperature?”“How do you feel about t

18、he air?”Ss give the answers.Ss describes pring in English.通过自由交谈, 学生可以自然而然地开口说英语, 并承上启下, 为下面的词汇学习做铺垫。Step2:Word learning 101.a.melt(Show a picture)T,“The weather is warm in spring.So the snow is melting.”Ss guess the meaning and read the word.b.windwindy(Write the month Bb)c.stronglygentlygentled.hi

19、llsidehill+sideWord building:Compound wordsThen let Ss do some exercise about compound by one T,“OK,lets read the new words one by one.”Ss guess the meaning and then they make up sentences with it.2.Ss read the new words and use the new words and phrase to describespring.通过图片和言语形成的语境把词汇和

20、短语自然交织在一起, 相互关联, 既让学生自己体会出意思和用法, 又有助于他们记忆。同时, 本课的重点“巩固学习合成词”也自然地呈现出来, 让学生在表达中学习, 在运用中理解。Step3:Enjoy the song 91.Listen to the song again and put the pictures in correct order.(Part 1of Lets Do It)2.Readthesongaloudbythemselves.Thenaskfourstudentstoreadaloud.3.Sing the song.First follow the tape gent

21、ly.Then follow the tape loudly.Next sing the song together without the tape.At last,choose some one to sing it alone.前面的词汇学习已为学生的听力扫清了障碍, 学生们通过听、读、唱等形式达到开口说英语的目的, 并进一步激发热情, 为下面的活动部分做铺垫。Step4.Project 12(Show pictures about activities in spring)1.Ask and answer in lineT,“What a beautiful song! The sun

22、 is rising.Spring is coming. Its a good time for us to go out to play.What do you like to do in spring?”S1S2SnPairworkAsk Ss to ask and answer in pairs and then ask some pairs to show their dialogues.ProjectLet Ss finish the chart of the project.First,write down the activities the Ss like to do in t

23、he green part.Then let them discuss with their friends around them about their friends favorite activities. Finish the chart. At last,choose some one to give a report.先借助链式问答和成对问答让学生对春天的活动来个小热身, 再借助课题活动进一步突破重点和难点, 达到让学生用英语做事情的目的。Step5: Dig in 91.Enjoy the poemT, “Spring is also a favorite theme for

24、songs and poems in all languages.”Then show the poem“Spring Dawn”.Let Ss try to say it in Chinese.And then show some other poems and proverbs about spring and enjoy them together with students.2.GameT,“Well, there are so many poems and proverbs about spring.Lets try to write something about spring.L

25、ets play a game with the word spring.” Then show the example about “SPRING” (Part2ofLetsDoIt). Let Ss try to use each letter in spring to start a sentence and to describe spring.通过有关春天诗歌和谚语的拓展与赏析, 陶冶学生的情操, 拓展学生的视野, 进行语言文化的熏陶及语言潜移默化的输入。通过造句游戏进一步强化语言的运用, 培养学生语言的综合运用能力和创造力。Step 6: Homework 21.To previe

26、w Lesson4.2.To write a composition about spring and the activities you like.50-60 words.通过小作文, 进一步强化训练, 巩固重难点。板书设计Unit1 Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising1.melt melt S2.windwindy P3.stronglygentlygentle by one Lesson 4 The Spring City).Tolearnhowtodescribethespringintheirhometowninaproperway.2)Tolearnnewvocabularies:nearly,plenty3).Tolearnnewphrases:longfor/feellike/allyearround/plentyof/becauseofbyreadingandlisten

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