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1、在花园里,有一种树,它的花很美。this kind of+ 单数/复数名词+复数动词e.g. This ki nd of trees are rare now.这种树很罕见。These/Those kin ds of+ 单数/复数名词+复数动词e.g. Those kinds of fruit(s) are cheap.那种水果很便宜。3.The most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold思维拓展mean to do=intent to do 有意做某事e.g. I didn t mean to hurtyou.我并不是

2、有意伤害你的。even tC n. 比赛项目e.g. track events 经营项目happen偶然发生e.g. A car accide nt happe ned yesterday.昨天出了一次车祸。ancient n.( 前面与 the 连用) 古代人,古希腊人,古罗马人kind adj. 仁慈的;善良的;好 心的 ki nd to an imals 爱护动物She was ki nd to me whe n 1 was un happy.当我不高兴的时候,她对我很 好。weather , planting in spring and harvest in autumn.

3、最古老的节日是庆祝寒冷冬天的结束、春天的耕种和秋天的丰收。harvest in autu mn 秋天的丰收harvestC;U n. 收获e.g. harvest time 丰收时节4.They would starve if food was difficult to find.如果食物很难找到,他们将会挨饿。starve vt.&vi. 挨饿,饿死e.g. Thousands of people will starve if food doesn t reach the stricke n city.如果食物无法到达这座受灾的城市,成千上万的人将会饿死。5.They lit fire an

4、d made music because they thought thesefestivals would bring a year of plenty.他们点起篝火,奏起音乐,因为他们认为这些节日将会带来富足的一 年。light (lit , lit or lighted , lighted) vt. 点燃,照亮e.g. light a cigarette 点一根香烟make music 创作音乐make a film 拍一部电影a year of ple nty 富足的一年ple nty n ./pr on. 足够;大量e.g. years of peace and ple nty 太平

5、丰收年There is ple nty of room in my bag.我包里还很空。6.Some festivals are held to honor the dead , or satisfy andplease the ancestors , who could return either to help or do harm. 一些节日之所以举办是为了表示对死者的尊敬, 或是让祖先高兴,因为他们有可能回来帮忙也有可能对现在的人不利。the dead=the dead people 死者e.g. the rich 富人; the poor 穷人ho nor vt. 尊重或尊敬sat

6、isfy vt. 使某人感到满意please vt. 使某人咼兴either.or. 在连接主语时,注意就近原则e.g. Either you or I amgoing to attend the important meeting.你或我将要出席那个重要的会议。do harm to sb. or sth. 对某人或某物有害e.g. Modern farming methods have done considerable harm to thecoun tryside.现代的农业对农村造成了极大的损害。7.when people should go to clean the graves a

7、nd light incensein memory of their an cestors.这时候,人们去扫墓,点上香火祭奠祖先。memory C usually plun. 表示所记住的事情,记忆harvest vt. 收割(庄稼),收获e.g. harvest rice 割稻子starve to death 饿死全析提示light vi. 引着,着(火)e. g. The wet wood doesn tlight easily.湿木头不容易着。lighted(p.p.) 点着的e.g.a lighted can dle一枝点着的蜡烛ple nty of+ 可数或不可数名词 e.g.ple

8、 nty of books or waterthe+形容词:表示一类人honor n.尊敬,敬意,荣誉,、(/ 光荣satisfy vt. 说服,使相信 v.满意,确保neither.nor. 既 不 也不do harm/good to sb.=do sb. harm/good对某人/某物有害/有利e.g. memories of the war 对战争的记忆happy memories of his stay in London对在伦敦幸福的记忆8.1 ead the an cestors back to earth把祖先带回到地球lead sb. to. 把某人带到 e.g. He led

9、 us to his home.他把我们带到他家。9.People are grateful because their food is gathered for the win ter.人们感激上苍,因为冬天的食物已经收集好了。be grateful 有感激之情的e.g.I am grateful to you for helping me.感谢你的帮助。10.On this important feast day , people might eat food in theshape of skulls , and cakes with bones on them.在这种重要的宗教节日上,

10、人们会吃带有头颅形状的食物和上面带有 骨头的蛋糕。feast day n. 节日,斋日,宗教节日in the shape of. 以 的形状或形式e.g. Help came in the shape of a $10 000 loan from his parents. 他父母提供帮助的形式为 10 000美元的贷款。11.They offer food , flowers and gifts to the dead.他们把食物、鲜花和礼物献给死者。offer sth. to sb.= offer sb.sth. 提供某物给某人e.g. He offered me 300 dollars f

11、or that televisi on.他出300美元向我买那部电视机。12.The festival of Halloween had its origin as an event in memory of the dead.万圣节起源于纪念已逝的人们。had its origi n as an event 起源于某事have your or its origi n=begi n 开女台e.g.Ma ny of the problems had their origi n in post-war Europe. 许多问题都起源于战后欧洲。13.They dress up and try to

12、 frighte n people.他们乔装打扮穿得古里古怪地去吓唬人。 dress up 穿上特别的衣服;乔装打扮e.g.He went to the party dress ing up as Chicago gan gster.他们打扮成之加哥的黑帮去参加聚会。14.lf they are not given anything , the children might play atrick.如果孩子们没有得到什么的话,他们就会搞恶作剧。play a trick on sb. 愚弄某人;搞某人的恶作剧The children played a trick on their teacher

13、.in memory of.为了纪念lead to 导致,通向e.g.Smok ing cigarettes leads to lung disease.吸烟导致肺病。grateful adj. 感激的;表示谢意的feast 盛宴out of shape 有错误的形状;走形offer to do sth.=be willing todo sth.愿意做某事origi nal adj. 原有的;最初的e.g.The land was returned to its original owner.土地又还给了最初的主人。dress sb. 给某人穿衣dress well 穿着时髦be dresse

14、d in+clothes 穿孩子们捉弄了他们的老师。15.Festivals can be held as an honor to famous people or to thegods.人们庆祝节日是为了颂扬名人或是歌颂神灵。honor荣誉,光荣e.g.Early this year I have the honor of meet ing the Preside ntand Mrs Cli nton.今年初,我荣幸的见到了克林顿总统及夫人。He s an honor to his pare nts.他的父母以他为荣。16.Another is Columbus Day in the USA

15、 in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in American.另一个是美国的哥伦布节, 为了纪念美国克里斯托弗哥伦布的到来。arrivalU n. 到达e.g.the arrival of the train 火车的至 U达17.the leader who helped gain India s independence fromBrita in.那位领袖,他帮助印度摆脱英国获得了独立。gain vt. 得到,获得e.g. She gained high grades in En glish and Math.她在数学和英语学科中

16、获得了咼分。18.Some people might win awards for their animals , flowers ,fruit and vegetables.一些人可能因为他们的动物,花,果实和蔬菜而赢得奖品。awardC n. 评价 报酬 奖品e.g.He has won the best actor award.他已经获得了最佳男演员奖。19.ln China and Japan there are mid-autumn festivals , whenpeople admire the moon and give gifts of moon cakes.在中国和日本都有

17、中秋节,人们欣赏明月冋时互赠月饼作为礼物。admire vt. 欣赏,钦佩e.g.I d admire to go. 我很想去。Everybody admires him for his fine sense of humor.人人都钦佩他那绝妙的幽默感。20.The most energetic and important festivals are the ones thatlook forward to the end of win ter and to the coming of spri ng.最活跃和最重要的节日就是那些期盼冬天结束和春天到来的节日。look forward to+

18、n./do ing sth. 盼望;期盼e.g .I am look ing forward to our vacatio n.我正盼望着我们的假期的到来。en ergetic adj. 充满活力的e.g.He is an en ergetic boy;he enjoys sports.他是一个精力充沛的孩子,他喜欢运动。21.The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it着样的衣服trick vt. 欺骗e.g.He knew he had bee n tricked , but it was too late. 他知道被

19、骗了,但是太晚了。honor vt. 尊敬e.g .I feel highly honored by your trust.你信任我,我感到十分荣幸。arrive at+ 小地点 arrive in+ 大地点gain n.财富的获取,利润e.g.No pains no gains.不劳则无获。award vt. 正式授予某物给某人作为奖品或报酬e.g.The uni versity awardedhim a scholarship.大学授予了他奖学金。admire vt. 高度评价forward 向前 backward 向后 upward 向上 dow nward 向下en ergy n. 精

20、力,精神,活力,looks as though it might be covered with pink snow.地上盖满了樱桃花,看起来就像覆盖着粉色的雪。look as though/as if. 看起来好像 e.g.He looks as if he knew everyth ing.他看起来好像他知道一切。22.People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other.人们喜欢聚在一起吃饭、喝酒和娱乐。have fu n 过得愉快funU n. 有趣的事;娱乐e.g.The children wer

21、e having so much fun , so I hated to callthem in side.孩子们玩得如此高兴,所以我不愿意把他们叫进来。What fun it is!多么有趣啊!I came here for work , not for fun.我来这里是来工作的,不是来玩的。 A Sad love Story1.Li Fang was heart-broke n.李方感到心都碎了。heart-broken adj. 感到心碎的e.g.You d better not make the girl heart-broken.你最好不要让这个女孩太伤心。2.But she di

22、dn t turn up.但是,她没有出现。turn up 出现e.g.Steve n turned up late as usual.斯蒂文像平常一样迟到了。The papers will turn up sooner or later.文件迟早会找到的。Several old friends tur ned up at the reunion.好几个老朋友出现在聚会上。3.She could be with her friends right now laugh ing at him.她可能正和她的朋友在一起,嘲笑他。laughi ng at him 现在分词作伴随状语e.g.My tea

23、cher came in ,smiling.老师微笑着进来了。4.A nd he thought she would keep her word.他认为她会信守诺言的。keep one s word 信守诺言e.g. Gail kept her word and retur ned all the mon ey.盖尔信守诺言,归还了所有的钱。5.He was not going to hold his breath for her to apologize.他不打算再等着她来道歉。物能量要点提炼as though/as if. 引导的比较状语从句往往用虚拟语气。funny adj. 滑稽可笑的

24、,有趣的e.g.They told us many funny stories.他们给我们讲了很多有趣的故 事。heart breaker n. 令人伤心的人turn up 开大e.g. turn up the oven to 220 degree cen tigrade把炉子开到220摄氏度现在分词作伴随状语, 与主语是主动关系。eat one s words 承认说错了话have words 吵嘴,争论hold one s breath 屏住呼吸;急切等待着事情的发生e.g.We held our breath while Mr Eva ns read the exam away.当伊文思

25、先生宣读考试成绩的时候,我们屏住呼吸等待着考试的结 果。I just held my breath and prayed I wouldn t sneeze.我屏住呼吸祈祷不要再打喷嚏了。apologize to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉e.g .I must apologize for the un tidy state of the room.屋子这么不整洁,实在抱歉。I must apologize for calli ng you so late.实在抱歉,这么晚给您打电话。6.He would drow n his sad ness in coffee.他将会用咖啡

26、冲淡自己的悲伤。drown淹死,淹没,用液体来元全覆盖某物drown one s sorrows 忘掉自己的悲伤 s cares in wine 以酒解忧7.It is obvious that. 很显然 e.g .It is obvious that she is very clever.很明显,她挺聪明。In deed , there are many obvious adva ntages to a five-day week.的确,实行五天工作制有许多明显的优点。It is obvious that even if we can save much energy , we can only delay the en ergy crisis.很明显,即使我们能节约很多能量,我们也只能推迟能源危机的到来。8.wait for do sth.等待某人做某事e.g.The students are waiting for their teacher to explain the difficult questi on.同学们正等待着他们的老师解释那道难题。I m waiting for James to arriv

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