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1、Hey,this dinosaur isnt tall! I m taller than this one.嘿,这只恐龙一点都不高!我比这只要高。Oh, yes .How tall are you? Im 1.65 meters. How tall are you? Im 1.61meters. Oh!Im taller.Youre older than me, too. 你也比我年龄更大。Those shoes in the window are nice!Lets have a look.那些在橱窗里的鞋子太漂亮了!我们去看一看吧。What size are your shoes, Mik

2、e? Size 7.Size 7?Thats so small.七号?那太小了。In China I wear size 38 shoes. 在中国我穿38号。Oh!Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37.噢,你的脚比我的要大。我的鞋子是37号。Really?You look taller than me. 真的吗?你看起来要比我高。But I think you are heavier. How heavy are you?但是我认为你比我更重。你体重多少?Im 48 kilograms. 我体重48公斤。Yes,youre

3、heavier .Im 46kilograms.是的,你更重。我有46公斤。How heavy are you , Jim? 吉姆你有有多重?Im 52 kilograms. 我体重52公斤。Youre heavier than me .你比我更重。Unit2【clean】cleaned 【stay】 stayed 【wash】washed 打扫 停留 洗 【watch】watched 【have】had had a cold 【sleep】slept 看 有 感冒 睡觉 【read】read 【see】saw last yesterday before drank【drink】 读 看见 上

4、一个 昨天 在. 之前 喝 show magazine 【well】better 【fast】faster hotel 演出 杂志 更好的 更快的 旅馆 【fix】fixed broken lamp loud enjoy stay修理 破损的 台灯 大声的 喜爱 逗留Hi,grandpa. How are you?How was your weekend?嗨,爷爷。你好吗?周末你过得怎么样?Im fine,Mike. It was good,thank you.我很好,迈克。周末也过的好,谢谢。What did you do?你做了什么?Well,I stayed at home with y

5、our grandma. 我和你奶奶待在家里。We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.我们喝了下午茶,还看了电视。I watched TV,too.I watched some childrens shows on TV.我也看电视了。我在电视上看了一些儿童节目。Thats nice.Did you do anything else?那太好了。你没做其他事了?Yes,I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.做了,我打扫了我的房间还洗了我的衣服。You are a good boy!你真是个好孩子。 It

6、was fine,thanks. I stayed at home and watched TV.Hey,Amy. Lets go to the bookstore.I want to buy the new film magazine.嘿,艾米。我们一起去书店吧。我想买一本新的电影杂志。Oh,I read it last weekend.噢,我上周末看过了。Was it interesting?它有趣吗?Yes,it talked about a lot of new films.What did you do last weekend?嗯,它讲了很多新电影。你上周末做了什么?Did you

7、 see a film?你看电影了吗?No, I had acold.I stayed at home all weekend and slept.不,我感冒了。我整个周末都待在家里睡觉。Oh, Im sorry. Im happy you feel better now.噢,太遗憾了。我很高兴你现在感觉好点了。Thanks.Lets go by bus.Its faster than walking.谢谢。我们做公交车去吧。它比走路要快点。What did you do last weekend? I saw a film.Did you like it? Yes,I did.It was

8、great.Unit 3【go】went went camp went fishing 【ride】rode 去 野营 去钓鱼 骑【马;自行车】【hurt】hurt 【eat】ate 【take】took took picture 【buy】bought 受伤 吃 拍照 照相 买gift 【fall】fell off Labour Day mule Turpan till礼物 摔倒 落下 劳动节 骡子 吐鲁番 直到【can】could beach basket part 【lick】licked 【laugh】laughed 能 海滩 篮 角色 舔 笑 What happened? I fel

9、l off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.上星期六我从自行车上摔下来伤到我的脚。Thats too bad! Are you all right? 太糟糕了!你还好吧?IHoliday. 我现在很好。过来看看我劳动节的图片。Where did you go?你去了哪里?Mt.Tianshan,Xinjiang. I rode a horse.Look,its very small!Oh,yes. It looks like a mule!Did you go to Turpan?Yes,we did. 是的,我们去了。We saw lots of

10、 grapes there, but we couldnt eat them. They wont be ready till August.它要到八月才可以吃。Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park.What did you do there?I rode a bike.你在那里做了什么?Where did you go over the winter holiday?My family and I went to Sanya.我和我的家人去了三亚。 Did you like it? Yes,it was so warm

11、.Hainan is far from here.How did you go there?海南离这里很远。你们怎么去的?We went there by plane.我们坐飞机去的。How was the beach? What did you do there?沙滩怎么样?你们在那里做了什么?It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures,and I also went swimming.沙滩很漂亮。我拍了很多照片。我还去游泳了。Sounds great!Can I see your pictures sometimes? Sure.听上去不错!有时间我

12、可以看看你的照片吗?当然。How was your summer holiday,Yifan? It was good.I went swimming every weekend and took lots of pictures.Unit 4dining hall grass gym ago cycling go cycling 饭厅 草 体育馆 以前 骑自行车运动 去骑自行车ice-skate badminton star easy look up Internet 滑冰 羽毛球运动 星 容易的 查阅 互联网different active race nothing 【think】thou

13、ght 【feel】felt 不同的 积极的 赛跑 没什么 想 感觉 cheetah trip 【wake】woke dream猎豹 绊倒 醒 梦Wow, a library!There was no library in my old school.哇,一个图书馆!我以前的学校里没有图书馆。Tell us about your school,please.请给我们讲讲您的学校吧。There was only one small building on a hill.Could you see srarts at night? Yes ,I liked the stars.Me too.One

14、 day Im going to visit the moon.我也是。将来我要去看看月亮。The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.1969年美国人花了五天时间就去到了月球上。How do you know that? Easy ,I looked it up on the Internet. 我那时候没有电脑也没有网络。There was no gym in my school twenty years ago.二十年前我的学校没有体育馆。Now theres a new one in our school.s old

15、photos!约翰过来看看迈克的旧照片!Thats funny,Mike!Youre wearing a pink T-shirt.迈克,太滑稽了!你穿着一件粉红的的T恤。Yes,but I dont like pink now!是呀,现在我一点都不喜欢粉红色。Right. Before ,I was quite .Now,Im very active in class.How about you?对啦。以前我很安静。现在课堂上我很活跃。你呢?Well,I was short ,so I couldnt ride my bike well. 我以前个子小,自行车骑的不好。Now ,I go cycling every day.I like it very much.现在我天天骑车。我非常喜欢。Thats good exercise. 那是一种很好的锻炼。I didnt like winter before. 我以前不喜欢冬天。I thought it was too cold,and I couldnt go cycling.我觉得太冷了,而且我不可以骑单车。How about now?那现在呢?Now I love to ice-skate,so I like winter.现在我爱溜冰,因此我喜欢冬天了。

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