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1、I understood that she was unable to buy the food due to lack of enough cash. I decided to give her a treat of the same items we 4_(order) . Before going to our table, I went to the woman who 5_(sit) at the far end. I placed a plateful of foods before 6_. When she found out the plate was for her, she

2、 thanked me 7_(sincere) with tears shining in her eyes and a big smile on her face. And she said she would not forget my 8_(kind) forever. I was 9_(thank) that I had the courage and ability to fulfill someones one small desire. As for our treat, it tasted even 10_(good) that day than it had ever bef

3、ore. 1. A. 2. Tasting 3. When 4.had ordered 5. Was sitting 6. Her 7. Sincerely 8. Kindness 9. Thankful 10. Better 语篇填空专项训练(二)In my third year of college, I had a chance to study and work in my desired destination. Being granted this opportunity, I 1_(choose) two very different environments. The firs

4、t semester, I studied at once of the partner universities in the United States, 2_ for the second semester I went to Asia to experience a culture very different from my own. Studying in America, I was able to put the knowledge _(obtain) during my study years into practice. When I was in California,

5、I lived in a host family, and I _ (treat) like their own child. Additionally, I have gained numerous friends, who are _(help) and enthusiastic, and I will go back to visit _ the next year. After my exchange semester, I wanted to try something _(complete) different. Therefore, I went to Beijing, Chin

6、a. My tasks varied from teaching English to high school students to _(promote) Chinese education. This experience provided me _ a wonderful opportunity to live and work in a different society from my won. In my opinion, going abroad is one of the best _(decide) you can make. It broadens the mind, an

7、d it offers a unique insight into other cultures. 1. Chose 2. And 3. Obtained 4. Was treated 5. Helpful 6. Them 7. Completely 8. Promoting 9. With 10. Decisions 语篇填空专项训练(三)I have been told that I am wise beyond my years on many occasions. As a kid, I never understood why anyone would think like that

8、, 1_ as an adult, I have come to realize that living wit my grandmother for over 20 year of my life had had an impact 2_ me like no other. My grandmother was an 3_(energy) woman. During high school and through her college years, she make it her goal 4_(be) the captain of every sports team. Shed mana

9、ged to influence the whole neighborhood by 5_(become) the manager at a local Community Center. She made sure that I was always up to something. Because of my grandmother, I have played almost every sport. Also, I have participated in all kinds of art 6_(compete) , taken up acting and singing lessons

10、. My favorite thing ever was the oratorical contests, for 7_ Id have to practice constantly for hours at a time. 8_(sad) , my loved grandmother is not as active as she used to be. As she gets older, I 9_(remind) that she is not a superhero; though, I always thought she was. It is not easy, but I hav

11、e spent a lot of time 10_(take) care of her now. 1. But 2. On 3. Energetic 4. To be 5. Becoming 6. Competitions 7. Which 8. Sadly 9. Am reminded 10. Taking 语篇填空专项训练(四)Kids have big dreams for their future. Many of 1_ want to be an astronaut or a fireman. I have always wanted to be a writer. Though m

12、y handwriting was careless, my head was filled with other words and characters 2_ I wanted to tell people about. I was told by my teachers that my work was 3_(amaze) . I wrote a lot but I never published anything. I thought I was too young and at the time all I could do was to practice. After 4_(gra

13、duate) from college, one day, I decided to 5_(random) select a few publications and submit a few articles to them. The first 6_(respond) I received was a rejection of everything I had submitted to the magazines. That was the last straw for me. I knew I had no choice but 7_(abandon) my dream and conc

14、entrate on something else. One day, I came home from my sales job and opened the mailbox. Inside was a letter from another publication. I sighed, preparing myself 8_ another rejection. However, to my surprise, my work 9_(accept). Before I knew it, I had five articles up for publication in two months

15、! I 10_ (official) became a published author, what I have always wanted to be. 1. Them 2. That 3. Amazing 4. Graduation 5. Randomly 6. Response 7. To abandon 8. For 9. Was accepted 10. Officially 语篇填空专项训练(五Yesterday, I was on my way home. In the street, I 1_(approach) by two children that asked me i

16、f I could buy them some food, and they 2_(special) stressed that they were not asking for money. They just wanted some food, 3_they had nothing to eat. At first, I wanted to tell them the4_(true) was that I did not have any money to help. However, what got to me was when the boy said that if I could

17、nt buy food for them both and if it was possible for 5_ to buy some food for the girl that was with him. I dont have much money myself and have found myself going through the day without 6_(eat) as well, so there was no possible way for me 7_(ignore) the feeling inside me when they reached out for h

18、elp. Then I found there was 8_pizza store across the street that sold slices for a dollar each. SO I decided to take then across the street for a slice of pizza each. Although I knew it was not much and that they might be still 9_(hunger), I didnt turn away. At last, they were all 10_(grate) for my

19、kind offer. 1. Was approached 2. Specially 3. Because 4. Truth 5. Me 6. Eating 7. To ignore 8. A 9. Hungry 10. Grateful语篇填空专项训练(六)Two years ago,one day, when I woke up, I had a feeling of ambition, as if I needed to do something that day. I 1_(play) tennis for three years and considered 2_(me) prett

20、y good. So I volunteered 3_(teach) the kids in the Roundenbush Community Center. I will never forget my first class. I had absolutely no idea how to fill the time. I ended up 4_(use) half the time to show them how to hold the racket and swing 5_(correct). When the class was over, I walked away, thin

21、king I had failed miserably, but I was determined not to quit. The next week, I began again, but in an 6_(entire) new way. I abandoned traditional teaching methods and adopted a more 7_( create) and fun way to share the sport. By creating an environment that the kids enjoyed, I was able to improve t

22、heir skills in a surprising fast pace.Words can not describe how good it feels to see a simple smile 8_ someone finally gets the ball over the net or to have parents telling you that their children love the classes. It is the looks of anticipation and 9_(excite) I get each week, the little comments

23、like “10_we need to stop? Or “This is so fun,” that make teaching tennis worthwhile. 1. Had been playing 2. Myself 3. To teach 4. Using 5.correctly 6. Entirely 7. Creative 8. When 9. Excitement 10. Do 语篇填空专项训练 (II)(一) I think everyone has a hero somewhere. Whether that hero is a famous civil rights

24、leader, a pop star , or a certain member of your family is up to you. 1_(ask) several times who my hero is during my school year. I have replied that my hero does not 2_(actual) exist, at least not in the physical sense. I started writing when I was ten. I became addicted to 3_(create) new stories a

25、nd new characters, and I loved them all. But there was one character 4_was very special. She became a leader, a fighter and my secret friend. As the years went by, I slowly realized I had made her everything I wanted to become. She was like a teacher, 5_(guide) my path while I was confused. Of cours

26、e, it is easy to be perfect when your hero is not 6_ real person. But what I loved most about my hero was that she was not perfect. She made mistakes, just like anyone else. The 7_(different) was that she didnt let it slow 8_down. I used my hero to guide my own steps, considering 9_ (careful) what s

27、he would do. Through her and my writing, I became a better, 10_(strong)_ person. 1. Asked 2. Actually 3. Creating 4. Who 5. Guiding 6. A 7. Difference 8. Her 9. Carefully 10. Stronger (二)Back in freshman year, I found myself wondering whether it should really be called “volunteering”,. If students o

28、nly do it because they have to. I could 1_(vivid) remember the sighs and expressions of my fellows who had done that before, and we 2_(tell) that we were required to volunteer. I ended up volunteering at the Wayrich Health Center, 3_(help) elderly patients with daily tests. The screeching of wheelch

29、airs annoyed me. I wanted to quit. Why did I have to waste my time? Meeting new people was never 4_(comfort) for me, and I felt lost. Then one rainy day, I met Colonel Hemsworth. He invited me 5_ his table and asked for help. I regarded this as another boring task. However, 6_I heard his stories, I

30、learned that he was a brilliant war veteran. Later, I met with many learned senior citizens who shared their experiences and 7_(wise) , I found myself enjoying communicating with these people as I learned their stories. Then no longer did I walk 8_ (aimless) down the hallways. Now, I enjoy volunteering very much, 9_(surround) by seniors who bring their stories alive for me. By connecting with 10_, I have developed into an optimistic person. 1. Vividl

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