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1、32、 Can trees talk? Yes, but not in words. Scientists have reason to believe that trees do communicate with each other. Not long ago, researchers learned some surprising things. First a willow tree attacked in the woods by caterpillars (毛虫) changed the chemistry of its leaves and made them taste so

2、terrible that they got tired of the leaves and stopped eating them. Then even more astonishing, the tree sent out a special smell-a signal causing its neighbors to change the chemistry of their own leaves and make them less tasty. Communication, of course, doesnt need to be in words. We can talk to

3、each other by smiling, raising our shoulders and moving our hands. We know that birds and animals use a whole vocabulary of songs, sounds, and movements. Bees dance their signals, flying in certain patterns that tell other bees where to find nectar (花蜜) for honey. So why shouldnt trees have ways of

4、sending message?(1)、Its implied that caterpillars do not feed on leaves that have an unpleasant taste.A:TB:F答案:A(2)、The willow tree described in the passage protects itself by growing more branches.A:TB:F答案:B(3)、The willow tree was able to communicate with other trees by giving off a special smell.A

5、:TB:F答案:A(4)、It can be inferred from the passage that bees communicate by making special movements.A:TB:F答案:A(5)、The author holds that the incident described in the passage must be checked more thoroughly.A:TB:F答案:B33、 The year was 1932. Amelia Earhart was flying alone from North America to England

6、in a small single-engined aeroplane. At midnight, several hours after she had left Newfoundland, she ran into bad weather. To make things worse, her altimeter (高度表) failed and she didnt know how high she was flying. At night, and in a storm, a pilot is in great difficulty without an altimeter. At ti

7、mes, her plane nearly plunged into the sea. Just before dawn, there was further trouble. Amelia noticed flames (火焰) coming from the engine. Would she be able to reach land? There was nothing to do except to keep going and to hope. In the end, Amelia Earhart did reach Ireland, and for the courage she

8、 had shown, she was warmly welcomed in England and Europe. When she returned to the United States, she was honored by President Hoover at a special dinner in the White House. From that time on, Amelia Earhart was famous. What was so important about her flight? Amelia Earhart was the first woman to f

9、ly the Atlantic Ocean alone, and she had set a record of fourteen hours and fifty-six minutes. In the years that followed, Amelia Earhart made several flights across the United States, and on each occasion she set a new record for flying time. Amelia Earhart made these flights to show that women had

10、 a place in aviation and that air travel was useful.(1)、Her engine went wrong when Amelia Earhart was flying alone from North America to England.A:TB:F答案:A(2)、When Amelia Earhart saw flames coming from the engine, she changed her direction and landed in Ireland.A:TB:F答案:B(3)、According to the passage

11、, Amelia Earharts reason for making her flights was to show that aviation was not just for men.A:TB:F答案:A(4)、Amelia Earhart was the first woman who succeeded in flying across the Atlantic Ocean alone.A:TB:F答案:A(5)、A Dangerous Flight from North America to England would be the best title for the passa

12、ge.A:TB:F答案:B34、 Mark Twain was a famous writer. He wrote many famous stories which are still popular in many countries today. Mark Twain was also famous in his day as a public speaker. In his public speeches Twain liked to tell stories. He also liked to listen to funny stories and to play jokes on

13、his friends. One day, one friend, John, lost his wallet and asked Mark Twain to pay his train fare for him. But I dont have enough money to pay both your fare and my fare,Mark Twain said. John didnt know what to do. He was worried. We can do this,said Mark Twain.We can get on the train and when the

14、conductor comes to take the tickets, you can hide under my seat. Later, however, on the train, when the conductor came, Mark Twain gave him two tickets - one for himself and one for John. Then in a loud voice, Mark Twain explained: My friend here is a strange man. When he travels on a train, he pref

15、ers to lie on the floor under the seat. He doesnt like to sit on the seat. Of course, everyone in the train then looked at the poor friend under the seat and laughed at him.(1)、The passage states that Mark Twain is famous not only for his writing but also for his public speeches.A:TB:F答案:A(2)、According to the passage, Mark Twain didnt buy train tickets for his friends.A:TB:F答案:B(3)、Mark Twain didnt have enough money to buy a ticket for John.A:TB:F答案:B(4)、Mark Twain gave the conductor some money in order to help John.A:TB:F答案:B(5)、John lied

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