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1、我渴望过新的生活。I dont have many regrets, but 27 years later, thats one of the decisions I do regret, because I didnt get to share this day with the people who loved me and supported me.当时我没有感到过多的遗憾,但是27年过去了,不得不说这是我做过的后悔的决定之一,因为我没能与爱我和支持我的人分享这人生中重要的一天。That might also explain why I have 15 members of my fam

2、ily here today. And why my 90-year-old father in Dubuque, Iowa is watching on the livestream right now.这也是为什么今天在座宾客里有15位是我的家人的原因。我90岁的父亲也在爱荷华州的迪比克观看着同步直播。Thats a life lesson that took me a while to learn: its important to reflect and celebrate, and to be grateful for those who bring learning and lov

3、e into your life.自省和庆祝非常重要,还有要对那些在你生命中给予过知识和爱的人心怀感激。这是我花了一些时间才懂的人生道理。In fact, how about we all show our appreciation for the people who helped you get here: your families, friends, mentors, and loved ones. Graduates, please stand up, lets hear it for them!说到这,不如让我们一起在这里对帮助过你的人:家人、朋友、导师和爱人表示感。各位毕业生,请

4、起立。让我们听听他们的欢呼声!Today, Id like to share three pivotal chapters from my life.今天,我想和大家分享我生命中三个重要的故事。The experiences themselves may not be universal, but the lessons of failure and resilience, of passion and purpose, and of loss and renewal may be. And theyre united by an overarching belief, one that I

5、hope I can convince you to share.这些经历本身可能并不普遍,但这其中关于失败和抗逆,激情和目标,受挫与重建的问题却是你我都会遇到的。他们都受到同一个信念的支配,我希望你们能在这次分享中对这个信念有所感悟。The belief is this: there has to be a better way.这个信念就是:一定会有更好的方法。故事一:从农家穷小孩到伊利诺伊大学(UIUC)读书The first chapter opens in Menominee, Illinois; population 248. Downtown Menominee has a ch

6、urch, a firehouse, a four-room schoolhouse, and of course, a tavern.第一个故事发生在仅有248人的伊利诺伊州梅诺米尼。梅诺米尼的市中心有一座教堂,一个消防站,一个四间房的校舍,和一家小酒馆。I grew up on a small dairy farm, the youngest of five. The farm was a great place to grow up, although it wasnt without its, ahem, character building moments.我在一个小奶牛场长大,是家

7、中五个孩子中最小的。虽然这个地方没什么特别的,但却是一个成长的理想之地。我的性格也在那时候塑造。A key feature of the dairy farm is the cow yard. A key feature of the cow yard is, of course, cow manure. Lots and lots of it. When you add in spring rains, its a thick soup. One particularly soggy day when I was about 12 years old, my job was to walk

8、out through the cow yard to open the pasture gate for our cows.这个农场最主要的特点就是奶牛场了。奶牛场最主要的特点,当然就是牛粪。无尽的牛粪。当春雨降临时,它就如浓汤一般。在12岁时,一个特别潮湿的日子,当时我的工作就是穿过牛场给奶牛打开牧场门。Every step I took I sank in deeper and deeper, until I was finally near the middle and completely stuck. Up to the top of my boots. Cow poop thre

9、atening to seep over the top. Not quite able to get them out. I yelled for help, but no one could hear me except the cows. And they didnt really seem interested.我每走一步都越陷越深,直到走到中间时已经完全不能动弹。牛粪已经淹没过我靴子的顶部,我无法拔出双脚。我开始大喊寻求帮助,但是除了奶牛没人能听到。显然它们看起来并没有兴趣。I started to panic a little, but then a remarkable calm

10、 came over me. It was very Zen. I saw my future: it was filled with cow manure.我开始有点惊慌,但又突然冷静下来。当时我头脑一片空白,仿佛看到了我的未来:被牛粪“淹没”。Dont get me wrong. Farming is a worthy and noble way of life, if youre passionate about it. But it was in that moment I knew I would need to find my purpose elsewhere.别误会。在农场工作

11、是一种有价值又高尚的生活方式,只要你对它有足够的热情。但那一刻我知道我的志向并不在此。For me, there had to be a better way to find fulfillment and a different future, and that meant going to college. My parents believed in education, but they could only afford to pay for the first year of college. After that, it was up to me.对我来说,有一条更好的路实现自我

12、价值和追逐更好的未来,那就是去上大学。我的父母重视教育,但他们只能付得起我第一年的学费。之后,我必须靠自己。At the time, I had an uncle and a much-older brother who were both working in accounting jobs in “the big city,” Chicago. I thought their work with then-cutting-edge computer programs was impossibly cool, so I started lobbying my parents for a co

13、mputer.当时,我的一个叔叔和哥哥都在大城市芝加哥做会计工作。我觉得他们对着计算机程序工作实在是太酷了,于是我开始游说我的父母给我买电脑。An Apple II at the time was about $3,500about the equivalent of one years earnings on the farm. But my mother used her inheritance from my godfather, all of it, and bought me that computer.当时的一台二代苹果电脑大约需要3,500美金,相当于农场一年的收入。但我妈妈还是

14、用我监护人留下的全部遗产,给我买了那台电脑。Being a precocious kid, I wasnt happy enough to just use it. I had to take it apart, and “soup it up.” My parents were horrified. For me, the problem wasnt putting it back together; it was that I needed storage. I needed floppy disks, lots of them.作为一个过早懂事的孩子,我并不满足于单纯使用电脑。我需要把它

15、拆分开,然后再重新组装。这可把我的父母吓坏了。对我来说,头疼的并不是要将它按原装组装好,而是存储问题。我需要很多的软盘。Floppy disks were the thumb drives of the 1980s, except it would take over 7,000 floppy disks, or a stack 50 feet high, and cost $35,000, to equal the storage in a one gigabyte thumb drive you buy for 3 bucks today, and easily fits in your

16、pocket. Technology is really damn cool.软盘就是20世纪80年代的U盘,只不过它相当于7000软盘,堆积起来有50英尺高,花费35,000美元,储存容量相当于你今天花3美元买的一个1GB易携带的U盘。科技真是酷毙了。But, the nearest computer dealer was 15 miles away, and a box of disks cost about 10 weeks worth of my allowance for doing farm chores.但是,最近的电脑销售商在15英里以外,而且一盒磁盘的价格相当于我干10周农活

17、的收入。There had to be a better way.So my brother helped me find a distributor in Chicago where I could buy them at wholesale for myself. Then I took out ads in some very geeky computer magazines, “Byte” and “Nibble” magazines, to sell to others.我的兄弟帮我找到了一个芝加哥的分销商,我可以在那里批发。于是我就在一些异常火爆的电脑杂志上登广告售卖,比如“Byt

18、e” 和“Nibble”等杂志。I was a budding 14-year-old entrepreneur. I added other computer products over time and taught myself how to code. I bootstrapped the business out of my farmhouse bedroom into one of the first mail-order computer product companies in the country.我是一个14岁初露锋芒的创业者。不久之后,我增售了其他的电脑产品,并自学了如

19、何编程序。我依靠自己的力量将事业搬出了农场的卧室,成立了国第一个邮购计算机产品的公司。And thats how I created Amazon.这就是我创建Amazon.的经过。OK, Im kidding. Thats a different Jeff, whos now an investor in my new company, but well get to that in the 3rd chapter.呃,说笑了。那是另一个Jeff,现在是我新公司Grail的投资人之一,我将在第三个故事详细说到。That business, born out of both desire an

20、d needa better waygot me to, and through, University of Illinois. That excitement about what technology could make possible shaped the rest of my life and career.那份事业,诞生于愿望和需求这也将我带到一条更好的路去伊利诺伊大学读书。技术让一切变得可能的兴奋塑造了我今后的生活和职业。故事二:被eBay开除,成为Google副总裁Which brings me to the second chapter, which includes s

21、omething Ive never told anyone, except my wife, Laura.这就要说到我的第二个故事,故事一些细节我从没和别人说过,除了我的太太劳拉。It starts in 2002. I was working at eBay, drawn in by founder Pierre Omidyars deep belief that he, too, had found a better way: a way to use technology to level the playing field so that the little guys could

22、compete with big companies in online commerce, a way for a mom-and-pop shop to be open 24/7, 365 days a year.2002年,我在eBay工作,被创始人彼埃尔奥米迪亚和他的理念深深吸引,找到了一个更好的方式:用技术搭建一个公平的环境以便一些小公司能和大企业在电子商务中同场竞技,一个全年365天无休店面的方式。I was a technologist who was passionate about innovation through technology, but eBay then wa

23、s increasingly focused on marketing. I wanted to keep the playing field level. The marketers then wanted to charge more for an ad with blinking text. I overstate a bit, but basically it was the plot of the HBO show Silicon Valley from a few weeks ago.我是一个对科技创新充满激情的技术人员,但是eBay却更多投入在市场营销。我想要保持竞争环境的公平性

24、。营销者当时想从夺人眼球的广告中收取更多的费用。当然有一点夸,但基本上类似几周前HBO的电视剧硅谷里的情节。I felt the dissonance pretty acutely, and I guess it showed, becauseand this is the part Ive never told to anyone, except LauraI was fired.我感觉到这种不和谐愈演愈烈,而它也确实存在,后来我被解雇了,我从没对别人说过这些,除了Laura。I thought I was going through the motions pretty convincin

25、gly, but I was still going through the motions. My heart wasnt in it, and it showed. If youre not passionate about what youre doing, then there has to be a better way.我曾经试图说服自己敷衍过去,但是我日渐感到煎熬。我的心思不在这里。如果你对你正在做的事情没有激情,那么一定会有更合适的出路。Still, getting fired was a shock and incredibly humbling. I was devasta

26、ted at the time, but it turned out to be the best thing that could have happened. That failure led me, forced me, to find a better way.不过,被人解雇的确是一个打击也让我一时之间无所适从。那段时间我伤心透了,但结果证明可能会有更好的事情发生。那次失败指引我,鞭策我,令我找到更好的出路。The way for me was Google, where I “found my tribe,” where the people I worked with believ

27、ed in innovation through technology as much as I did.对我来说那就是谷歌,在那里我“找到了我的兴趣部落”,在那里的同事们和我一样相信技术创新。At eBay, I had a fancy title and a big team, but my new boss at Google felt strongly that you really have to earn leadership. In his words: “Go in, work with the team. Show them what you can do. Show the

28、m how you are going to help them win. Be a leader.”在eBay,我有响亮的头衔和一个大团队,但我在谷歌的新老板让我深刻地感到你必须要具备领导能力。用他的话说:“去吧,和你的团队一起工作。向他们展示你能做什么。向他们展示你将怎样帮助他们获得胜利。成为一个领导者。”He was right: its vitally important to put your head down and do the work and earn it. So I did. I took a title cut and a pay cut, launched a ca

29、reer at Google in 2003, and got to work with some of the best people in the world and build the amazing things that Chancellor Wilson mentioned: Google Ads, Google Apps, Google Maps, and Google X. I found a better way for myself, for my career, and maybe for the world.他是对的:放下头衔,投入工作,从中有所获得至关重要。所以我照做了。2003年职位降低和薪资削减后,我开始了在谷歌的职业生涯,和一些世界上最优秀的人一起工作、做一些了不起的事,就是威尔逊校长提到的:谷歌广告、谷歌应用程序、谷歌地图、谷歌实验室。我为自己、职业生涯、甚至可能为这个世界找到了更好的道路。故事三:为了亡妻,跨界生物寻求癌症治愈之道Now

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