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1、6、尽量用无磷洗衣粉,减轻水质污染。As far as possible with phosphorus free washing powder to reduce water pollution.7、我怎么能因为蝎子有蜇人的天性就放弃我爱的天性呢?How can I because the scorpion sting human nature to give up my nature to love?8、不应以救护之名把自然中的动物幼仔抓来饲养,夺人之子。Should not be in the name of the rescue of the nature of the young a

2、nimals to catch, the son of man.9、对动物不要过于亲密,以防把你的病传给它或它的病传给你。t get too close to the animal in case you pass it on to it or its disease.10、野生动物也是这个星球的居民,保护野生动物,否则,我们的子孙将是这个星球上孤独的居民。Wild animals are also the inhabitants of this planet, to protect wildlife, otherwise, our descendants will be on this pl

3、anet lonely residents.11、关爱野生动物,保护美好家园!Care for wild animals, protect the beautiful home!12、动物有难时热心救一把,动物自由时切莫帮倒忙。Animal when it is difficult to put an enthusiastic, animal free to help.13、保护鸟类保护野生动物人人有责。To protect birds and wild animal.14、同在蓝天下人鸟共家园。The blue sky with a total human bird homes.15、请爱护

4、人类最亲密的朋友。Please take care of the closest friends of human beings.16、护鸟光荣,打鸟可耻。The bird is glorious, the bird is shameful.17、莫去江河钓鱼,不与水鸟争食。t go fishing with rivers, water birds.18、们是同一个星球上的一家人,我们生命应该是平等的!We are one family on the same planet, and our lives should be equal!19、保护动物,维护生态平衡。Protect animal

5、s and maintain ecological balance.20、不吃田鸡,保蛙护农。t eat a frog, Rana Paul agricultural protection.21、关注候鸟,保护环境。Attention to migratory birds, environmental protection.22、我们是同一个星球上的一家人,我们生命应该是平等的。We are one family on the same planet, and our lives should be equal.23、见蛇就打三分罪。See the snake for three minute

6、s.24、关爱生命,停止杀戮,我们拥有一个共同的地球。Love life, stop killing, we have a common earth.25、拒食野生动物,维护生态平衡。Eating wild animal, to maintain ecological balance.26、假如动物穿上你的皮!If an animal put on your skin!27、一边看着小羊的无辜眼神,一边嚼着它母亲的尸体,你和魔鬼有什么区别?While looking at the innocent eyes of the sheep, while chewing its mothers bod

7、y, what is the difference between you and the devil?28、爱护鸟儿吧!不要让树木感到孤独。Take care of the birds! Dont let the trees feel lonely.29、小鸟想回家了,你想回家吗?关爱动物,关爱我们共同的世界。The bird wants to go home. Do you want to go home? - love animals, love our common world.30、做保护志愿者,积极举报违法者。Do volunteer protection, and activel

8、y report illegal.31、不买珍稀木材,保护动物家园。Do not buy rare wood, protect animal homes.32、野生动物是人类的朋友!Wild animals are humans friends!33、尽量不看驯兽,马戏等违反野兽天性的表演。Try not to look at the animals, circus and other beasts in violation of nature show.34、人类为自己可有可无的边际需求额外贪欲,而去剥夺野生动物的身家性命根本利益,是种族歧视、暴殄天物。The human for his n

9、ot essential marginal additional demand for greed, and to deprive the fundamental interests of mans life and family possessions of wild animal, is racial discrimination, Bo Tim Tin Mat.35、动物也需休息,请勿肆意打扰,大呼小叫。Animal also need to rest, do not bother to shout and wrangle.36、无数事实证明,人类与动物共存亡。Countless fac

10、ts have proved that human and animal survival.37、动物是人类的朋友,保护动物,也是保护人类共同的家园。Animals are friends of human beings, animal protection, but also to protect the common home of mankind.38、你也只是动物。如果你愿意做禽兽。Youre just an animal. If you want to be a beast.39、保护野生动物,实现人与自然和谐共处!Protection of wild animals, to ach

11、ieve harmony between man and nature!40、别让人类成为最孤单的生命!t let man be the loneliest of life!41、地球没有了动物,就如蓝天没有了白云。The earth without animals, like the blue sky without clouds.42、保护动物,人人有责。Animal protection, everyones responsibility.43、爱护动物光荣,虐待动物可耻!Take good care of animals, shame on animals!44、尽量少用杀虫剂,除草剂

12、等化学药品。Try to avoid pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals.45、保护动物就是保护我们自己!To protect animals is to protect ourselves!46、保护野生动物,是人类更好的选择!It is a better choice to protect wild animals!47、保护野生动物就是保护人类自己!The protection of wild animals is to protect themselves!48、保护动物维护生态平衡。Protection of animals to m

13、aintain ecological balance.49、保护鸟类,保护生物多样性。Protect birds, protect biodiversity.50、是先有鸟还是先有蛋,你不知道,我不知道,只有鸟知道。是鸟先消失还是蛋先消失,你知道,我知道,只有鸟不知道。Is the first bird or egg, you do not know, I do not know, only the birds know. Is it a bird that goes away or an egg disappears, you know, I know, only birds dont kn

14、ow.51、小鸟想回家了,你想回家吗?52、假如动物,穿上你的皮!If an animal, put on your skin!53、爱护动物,珍惜生命。Love animals, cherish life.54、与动物和谐相处,共同构建和谐社会。Live in harmony with animals and build a harmonious society.55、关注候鸟保护环境。Concerned about migratory birds to protect the environment.56、请勿轻率地将动物拿回家,若养不活既摧残生命又伤害童心。Please do not l

15、ightly be animal to take home, if you keep not to live not only ruined lives and hurt the heart.57、保护鸟类,为环境增姿添彩。The protection of birds, add luster for the environment.58、爱的力量是伟大的我相信爱可以融化我们冰封的心。The power of love is great and I believe our love can melt the frozen heart.59、动物是人类亲密的朋友,人类是动物信赖的伙伴。Anima

16、ls are close friends of human beings.60、保护动物,善待生物。Protect animals, treat creatures.61、维护生态平衡,保护动物。Maintain ecological balance and protect animals.62、爱护动物,让人类不孤单!63、同一片天空,同一个家园。One sky, one home.64、张网捉鸟,下套捕兽,是滥杀无辜,是造子孙孽。Net to catch birds, under the trappers, is innocent, is made the descendants evil

17、.65、愿动物的爱永远伴随着你成长。May the love of animals grow with you forever.66、世界因有动物而美好,我们也是动物,为什么不能美好呢?The world is beautiful because of animals. We are animals. Why cant we be beautiful?67、不要让我们的孩子,只能在博物馆里才见到今天的动物。Do not let our children, only in the museum to see todays animals.68、动物和咱是一家,保护动物靠大家。Animals an

18、d we are a family, to protect animals by everyone.69、儿童的玩伴,小伙子的帮手,老年人的安慰。Childrens playmates, young helper, comfort the elderly.70、给它们一点爱,我们唯一的家园地球才更美好保护野生动物,就是关爱人类自己。Give them a little love, our only home the earth is better - to protect the wild animals, is to care for human beings themselves.71、追

19、求绿色时尚,拥抱绿色生活。The pursuit of green fashion, embrace the green life.72、不要让人类成为最后一种动物。t let man be the last animal.73、不吃野味,莫为口腹之欲,去做饕餮之徒。t eat venison, no appetite, do greedy persons.74、关爱生灵,保护鸟类。Care for life, protect birds.75、保护鸟的栖所,就是保护我们人类的生存环境。To protect the habitat of birds is to protect our huma

20、n living environment.76、保护鸟类,保护野生动物,人人有责烹饪家养动物人人有责。The protection of birds, wild animal protection, is the domestic animal is cooking.77、保护动物就是保护我们的同类。To protect animals is to protect our species.78、达到改善动物生存环境的理想目标。To achieve the objective of improving the living environment of animals.79、这世界上有一种鸟是没有腿的,它一辈子只停下来一次,那次就是它死去的时候。This is a bird without legs in the world, it only stopped once, that is it dead.80、为了美好的明天,请节约用水、爱护小动物、保护森林大自然。For a better tomorrow, please save water, care for small animals, protect the forest nature.

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