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1、【答案】D中国遏制新冠肺炎传播付出的努力,将在不久的将来提高世界控制其危害的能力。考查动词辨析。imagine想象;invent发明;insist坚持;improve提高。根据句意理解可知,这里与ability能力搭配的应该是“提高,改善”,英语是improve,故选D。3.Sorry, you cant take the dictionary away, Vicky. I _ it.A. used B. am using C. have used D. was using【答案】B对不起,你不能把字典拿走,薇琪。我在用它。考查动词时态。used一般过去式;am using现在进行时;have

2、 used现在完成时;was using过去进行时;根据句意理解及前句Sorry, you cant take the dictionary away可知,这里表达的是“现在正在使用”,所以这里用现在进行时,故选B。4.Jenny just wondered _Angela already knew about the event.A. how soon B. how many C. how often D. how much珍妮只是想知道安吉拉对这件事情知道多少了。考查宾语从句引导词。how soon多快;how many多少,接可数名词;how often多长时间一次;how much多少

3、,接不可数名词。动词wonder后面是宾语从句,根据“knew about the event”可知表达的是“知道多少”,表达的是抽象的概念,是不可数的,用how much。故选D。A. could B. must C. need D. may【答案】A到琳达八岁的时候,她会读英语和法语。6.When Henry first came to Nanjing in 2010,it was all_ to him, but he soon learnt his way around.A. smooth B. slight C. strange D. successful当亨利在2010年第一次来南

4、京时,对他来说一切都很陌生,但是他很快就熟悉了周围的环境。考查形容词辨析。smooth光滑的;slight轻微的;strange陌生的;successful成功的。根据When Henry first came to Nanjing in 2010及but he soon learnt his way around,可知,当他第一次到南京时,一切都很陌生,但很快他就熟悉了周围的环境,所以空格处填strange。故选C。7.What a terrible experience! _, lucky us, we are safe now.A. Anyway B. Otherwise C. For

5、example D. As a result多么糟糕的经历!无论如何,我们很幸运,我们现在安全了。考查副词。anyway无论如何(转换话题、结束谈话或回到原话题时说);otherwise不然的话;for example例如;as a result结果。前面对经历进行评价觉得很糟糕,“lucky us, we are safe now”可知是在总结,用anyway表达“不管怎样,无论如何”。故选A。8.The poster says Basketball Computer Game_. FOR SALEBasketball Computer Game24 playersBought last m

6、onthPlayed onceworks perfectlyPhone Jack: 3665444A. is designed by Jack B. is only suitable for younger playersC. is almost new and in good condition D. does not work on the sellers computer海报上说篮球电脑游戏几乎是新的,并且运转良好。考查常识辨析。is designed by Jack由杰克设计的;is only suitable for younger players只适合年轻玩家;is almost

7、new and in good condition几乎是新的,并且运行良好;does not work on the sellers computer在卖家电脑上不能运行。根据Bought last month. Played once works perfectly“上个月购买。玩了一次运转很好”,可知,这个篮球电脑游戏几乎是新的,并且运转良好。9.Nanjing Zijinshan Insect Museum, which will be open to the public soon, was formed at the foot of Zhongshan _ April 2nd.A.

8、in B. on C. at D. from马上要开放的南京紫金山昆虫博物馆4月2日在钟山的山脚下形成。in用在年、月的前面;on用于具体的某一天或具体某一天的上午,下午或晚上;at 用于具体的时刻前面;from从。April 2nd指的是具体的4月2日那一天,用介词on。故选B。10.How delicious! Did the students make the fruit salad all by _?A. they B. them C. their D. themselves好美味!学生他们自己做的水果沙拉么?考查反身代词。they他们;them他们,宾格;their他们的;thems

9、elves他们自己。此处用by oneself表示“靠某人自己”,根据“the students”可知此处用themselves。11.Which bicycle should I choose, sir?It _ what you want to use it for.A. takes on B. carries on C. puts on D. depends on先生,我应该选择哪一辆自行车?这取决于你想用它做什么。考查动词短语辨析。takes on承担;carries on继续;puts on穿上;depends on取决于。根据Which bicycle should I choos

10、e及what you want to use it for,可知,选择哪一辆自行车,要取决于用自行车来干什么。句中陈述的是客观事实,且主语it是第三人称单数,所以空格处填depends on。12.Now waste from daily life in the city of Shanghai _ to be separated into four different groups.A. is requiring B. is required C. was required D. required现在,上海市日常生活垃圾被要求分为四类。考查被动语态。is requiring要求,现在进行时;

11、is required被要求,一般现在时的被动语态;was required被要求,一般过去时的被动语态;required要求,一般过去时;根据句意理解可知,句子主语waste与谓语动词require之间是被动关系,所以应该用被动语态;句中的时间是now,所以应该用一般现在时的被动语态,故选B。13.Maria is always full of _ because she takes exercise every day.A. energy B. talent C. humour D. wealth玛利亚总是充满着精力因为她每天锻炼。考查名词。energy精力;talent才能;humor幽

12、默;wealth财富。根据“she takes exercise every day”每天锻炼,可知她充满着精力,用名词energy。14.Many Chinese characters symbolise their meanings, unlike English words which are spelt out according to how they sound. The underlined word “symbolise” in the sentence is a(n) _.A. noun B. verb C. adjective D. adverb很多汉字代表着它们的含义,不

13、像英语单词是根据读音被拼写出来的。考查动词。noun名词;verb动词;adjective形容词;adverb副词。题意问的是划线的单词是什么词性。画线单词后是名词短语,由此推测symbolise是句子的谓语动词,意为“象征,代表”。15.It was a fantastic trip. So, which city did you like best, Wuhan, Chengdu or Chongqing?_. There were good things and bad things about them.A. No problem B. It is hard to sayC. Enjo

14、y yourself D. You must be joking这是一次美妙的旅行。那么,你最喜欢哪个城市,武汉,成都还是重庆?很难说。他们都有好的一面,也有不好的一面。考查情景交际。No problem.没问题;It is hard to say.很难说;Enjoy yourself.玩得开心;You must be joking.你一定是在开玩笑吧。根据答语中“There were good things and bad things about them”可知,说话人很难从三个城市中做出选择。二、完形填空请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答

15、题卡上将该项涂黑。All in all, these two strategies are sure to help with fear of public speaking. With proper practice and audience empathy (共鸣), it is _25_ to overcome the fear of public speaking and deliver a successful speech. So there is no need to fear public speaking any more.16. A. Luckily B. Suddenly

16、 C. Sadly D. Terribly17. A. Unless B. After C. Until D. Before18. A. nervous B. scared C. comfortable D. difficult19. A. objects B. activities C. signs D. instructions20. A. found B. sold C. cleared D. watched21. A. cause B. problem C. way D. purpose22. A. surprise B. scream C. suppose D. succeed23.

17、 A. confidence B. challenge C. humour D. service24. A. poor B. good C. weak D. free25. A. necessary B. important C. interesting D. possible【答案】16. A 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D 21. C 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. D本文介绍了两种克服公共演讲恐惧的两种方法:1.适当的练习;2.来自观众的正能量。【16题详解】句意:幸运的是,这种恐惧可以通过两种简单的办法来克服:练习和利用来自观众的正能量。luckily幸运地

18、;suddenly突然;sadly悲伤地;terribly严重地。根据this fear can be overcome (克服) with two simple methods,可知,这种恐惧可以通过两种简单的办法来克服,这是一件幸运的事,所以空格处填luckily。【17题详解】写演讲稿的任务完成后,演讲者必须练习,练习,练习。unless除非;after在之后;until直到;before 在之前。根据the task of writing the speech is complete及speakers must practice,可知,写完演讲稿后再练习演讲的内容,所以空格处填afte

19、r。【18题详解】他们练习演讲的次数越多,讨论话题就越轻松。【19题详解】在练习时使用镜子或录像等物品,可以展示演讲者在面对观众时他们的样子和声音。objects物体;activities活动;signs符号;instructions说明。根据such as mirrors or video recordings,可知,举例说明的镜子和录像都属于物品,所以空格处填objects。【20题详解】录像是特别有用的,因为它可以观看很多次。found发现;sold售卖;cleared清除;watched 观看。as表示“因为”,根据Video is particularly helpful,可知,此处

20、解释录像特别有用是因为它可以被观看许多次,主语it与谓语动词watch是被动关系,故此句应用被动语态be done的结构,所以空格处填过去分词watched。【21题详解】另一个解决公共演讲恐惧的方法是利用观众的正能量。cause原因;problem问题;way方法;purpose目的。根据上文this fear can be overcome (克服) with two simple methods: practice and using positive (正面的) energy from the audience,可知,利用观众的正能量是另一个克服公共演讲恐惧的办法,所以空格处填way。

21、【22题详解】演讲者必须记住,观众想让他们成功。surprise惊讶;scream尖叫;suppose假设;succeed成功。固定搭配:want sb to do sth“想要做某事”,观众来观看演讲一定是希望这个演讲能成功,所以空格处填succeed。【23题详解】一些最基本的动作,比如观众的点头或微笑,都能给讲台后的演讲者带来自信。confidence自信心;challenge挑战;humour幽默;service服务。根据a small nod or a smile from a member of the audience,可知,来自观众的点头或微笑的这些正能量会给演讲者带来自信心,

22、所以空格处填confidence。【24题详解】然而紧张的演讲者很容易只会把注意力集中在演示上,利用观众的善意有助于把演讲做得更好。poor贫穷;good好的;weak弱的;free自由的。根据helps much in making a speech better及所给选词,可知,来自观众的善意才会有助于演讲者把演讲做得更好,所以空格处填good。【25题详解】通过适当的练习和观众的共鸣下,就有可能克服公共演讲的恐惧,并发表一场成功的演讲。necessary必要的;important重要的;interesting有趣的;possible可能的。根据these two strategies a

23、re sure to help with fear of public speaking,可知,练习和观众的正能量有助于克服公众演讲的恐惧,那么通过适当的练习和公众的共鸣下,就有可能发表一场成功的演讲,所以空格处填possible。三、阅读理解请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe Walla WallaWallaby FoundationWelcome to the Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation of America, Washington chapter. Here you will f

24、ind news, photos, and other resources about the wallaby. In addition, our sites unique (独特的) features for members include profile pages, discussion forums (论坛), and other contents. We are the worlds best wallaby support group. For over 20 years, the Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation has served the Wall

25、a Walla community through education and outreach on behalf of the wallaby. SearchMember LoginDiscussion ForumsMember ProfilesDonateContact Us26. The Walla Walla Wallaby Foundation is set up to _.A. sell the wallabys food B. support the wallabyC. take photos of the wallaby D. provide news about the w

26、allaby27. If you want to give money to support WWWF, you can click on the icon “_”.A. About WWWF B. Donate C. Discussion Forums D. Educational Resources28. The reading material above is _.A. a diary B. a story C. a questionnaire D. a web page【答案】26. B 27. B 28. D这是一篇应用文,主要是介绍瓦拉瓦拉比基金会的网页。【26题详解】细节理解题

27、。根据“We are the worlds best wallaby support group”可知瓦拉瓦拉比基金会的建立是为了支持沙袋鼠。【27题详解】about WWWF关于基金会;donate捐助;discussion forums讨论区;educational resources教育资源。如果想给钱支持基金会,应点击“donate”。【28题详解】推理判断题。a diary一篇日记;a story一个故事;a questionnaire一篇问卷调查;a web page一个网页。根据“search”,“Member Login”,“ Discussion Forums”以及“Cont

28、act Us”可推断是一个网页。BTea is tasty and good for you. It is also one of the most popular drinks around the world. But what is tea? And why is it so popular?All tea comes from tea leaves but tea is not always the same. There are many kinds of tea. You can drink black tea, green tea, white tea or fruit tea. Each type of tea has a differe

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