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1、她对警察生动地描述了这次事故。 比较级more vivid / 最高级the most vividThe dramatic scene is still vivid in his mind. 那扣人心弦的一幕在他脑海中仍很清晰。E) Dramatic adj.令人激动的, 扣人心弦的(戏剧性的, 生动的)Exciting adj.令人兴奋的, 使人激动的(没有dramatic那么强烈)Striking adj.引人注意的, 显著的, 惊人的F) fiction n.小说(虚构, 编造)- 集合名词, 小说的总称, 不可数novel n.小说, 长篇故事(某一部具体的小说)I prefer re

2、ading fiction to hearing about real events. 我喜欢阅读小说而不喜欢听真实的事件。 G) varying adj.不同的; vary vi.vt.改变, 变化- The weather varies from day to day. 天气一天天变化。Varying = Various(adj.不同的, 各种各样的)= different kinds of My idea is different from yours.H) medicine n.医学;I) Stack v.(整齐地)堆放, 排放 - Stack up the books. The ho

3、usewife is stacking up the clothing. Stack n.摞, 叠, 大堆, 堆栈 a stack of papers 一摞报纸 / a stack of books 一大堆书J) Underclothes n.内衣; Underclothing n.内衣, 贴身衣裤; Underwear n.内衣裤K) petrify v.使惊呆; shock vt.使震惊 n.打击, 震动dumbfound vt.使惊愕;使惊呆;使目瞪口呆Petrified adj.感到震惊的 / Petrifying adj.令人震惊的At the new I was petrified

4、.L) unsympathetic adj.不表同情的, 无动于衷的;be unsympathetic to sb. 对某人不表示同情I told him about my experience but he was unsympathetic to me.Sympathetic adj.同情的,表示同情的, 感到同情的The manager was sympathetic (to me), but he could do nothing (to help me).这位经理表示同情,但他无能为力。Unsympathetically adv.无同情心的, 冷淡的; Sympathetically

5、 adv.同情地, 怜悯地Sympathy n.同情, 同情心 In sympathy = sympatheticallyclose adj.近的, 紧密的, 亲密的 adv.接近, 紧密地(s读z)TEXT:What does a “skeleton in a cupboard” mean in English? Does it mean the same in this case? We will see it after explaining the language points.1. Respectable: socially acceptable and proved 社会认可的,

6、体面的,值得尊敬的Deserving respectShe is a respectable young woman from a good family.她是一个有良好教养的年轻女人。The tie is for respectable people only. 这条领带只适合体面的人戴。The old man is considered highly respectable.这老人被认为是很可敬的。Another few derivative words rom respect which have different meanings from it.Respected:admired

7、by many people 受人尊重/敬的;He is well respected in academic world. 他在学术界非常受人尊重。 Respectful:adj. Feeling or showing respect 表示尊敬,尊重人的, 有礼貌的;We should be respectful of other cultures. 我们应当尊重不同的文化。A respectable person is respectful to others. 受人尊敬的人也会尊敬别人的。The boy is always respectful to aged people. 这男孩总是

8、对老年人彬彬有礼。Respective adj. Separate,or individual 分别的, 各自的;All the students returned to their respective classrooms. He drove them both to their respective homes. 他驾车把他们分别送到家里。The three men were given work according to their respective abilities.这三个人根据各自的能力被分配了工作。respecting: prep. Regarding or concern

9、ing 关于,至于Problems respecting population control关于控制人口的问题in respect of: in reference to; in regard to; concerning. Decent adj.正派的, 端庄的, 有分寸的, (服装)得体的, 大方的; Graceful adj.优美的,优雅的2. Seemingly: apparently, or from appearance从表面上看来Seemingly respectable person has a skeleton in the cupboard. 表面上受尊重的人却有着告人的

10、秘密。3. Possess: have got, own, but possess is more formal and writteningThe English language possesses a vivid word to describe her beauty.英文中有非常活灵活现的词汇来描述她的美4. Dramatic: exciting or surprising 非常具有戏剧性的,很突然或令人激动的 Dramatic(exciting and sudden) changings have taken place in the past ten years.过去的10年间发生

11、了戏剧性的变化。He suddenly made a very dramatic(exaggerating夸张的) gesture. 他突然做了一个戏剧性的动作。5. Known:revealed6. Ruin: sth is ruined,it still exists but not in good quality. 泛指概念,表示毁坏的过程不是一下子完成的,与spoil接近(比spoil更严重)但The rain ruined / spoiled our holiday. (not in an enjoyable way)Destroy: damaged completely 凭借某种外

12、力破坏和摧毁sth 毁掉He tells the patient the truth is to risk destroying his hope. 对病人讲实情就是冒毁灭他希望的风险。The school was destroyed by fire. (不复存在)The earthquake destroyed almost the entire city. Damage: 侧重强调吧某事弄坏,但可修复The car was damaged, and its being repaired now.2. Ones hair stands on end: be very frightened/f

13、eel horrified 毛骨悚然I thought I was alone in the house until I heard the mysterious noise again and my hair stood on end.Make /set sbs hair stand on end 使.感到. The horror film really made my hair stand on end.Heroine: the main character in a novel or a great woman She was one of the great civil war her

14、oines. The heroine in this novel is an artist.If we describe a great man or the main male character in a novel we use hero. 3. It is all very well for sb .常与But连用:表示不赞成或不满意的一种反语说法“好倒是好,但是” “就算.但是”用让步的形式表示转折 “Even if such things can happen in fiction, (but few people of us have a skeleton in the cupb

15、oard ”It is all very well for you to suggest picking a few days rest, but how can we finish our work in time.你建议休息几天好倒是好,可是我们怎样能及时完成工作呢。It is all very well for them to ask me to do it but I am too busy. 他们让我做这事好倒是好,可我太忙。4. Occur / happen (describe sth unexpected)指某事出乎意料的发生,Occur较正式 happen较口语。而take p

16、lace指事情根据安排发生或举行。Is used to describe sth planned or arranged, but occure and happen are used to describe unexpected.The court will decided what really occurred. 法庭会做出决定到底发生了什么(正式)。When did the accident happen / occur?All kinds of unexpected things might happen.各种预想不到的事情都可能发生。The ceremony will take p

17、lace in the garden. (安排好的) When will the wedding take place?It occurred to sb that . / to do5. To varying degrees: (to different degrees) 从不同的角度讲Wear all involved, only to different degrees. 我们都被卷入进来了,只是程度不同而已。I agree with you to a /some degree / a certain degree. 在一定程度上我同意你的观点。6. Learn:(find out ab

18、out secret)得知,了解某事实,学习某种知识,技能;I learned that I had passed. Where did you learn the news? 从哪知道的 know:知道某个事实,具有某方面的知识,了解某人的为人(状态动词,不用于进行时) She knows about computers. Study: to learn by regular educational course I am studying for my master degree.正攻读 7. Stand link v(in front of sth) petrified 站在.前目瞪口呆

19、 We stood still, listening to the argument in the other room. Petrified: too frightened to think / to do any thing(stun / stupefy) 恐惧到么偶有能力思考或采取行动的地步We stood petrified as we fled the earthquake began. 当我们感觉到地震时都吓得呆呆地站着。Frightened: 在某个特定场合下,受到惊吓 I was frightened by the large dog.Terrified: badly frig

20、htened惊吓的程度更加强烈,感到恐惧 I was terrified when the tiger ran towards me.Afraid: 表示一种状态,永久性的恐惧The girl is afraid of a dog. Are you afraid of dogs?10. Give sb the impression that. (同位语从句) It gave me the impression that he would help me every day.11. Be about to do sth=be on the point of doing sth 即将,就要(暗示动

21、作就要发生)I was about to go to bed when there was a knock on the door. Er were about to leave when you rang. 12. Leap out at sb / leap off the page: to be immediately obvious or immediately get your attention 立刻引起注意,特别显著His name just leapt off the page at me. 他的名字一下子就引起了我的注意。13. Sebastian: Christian Mar

22、tyr in Rome usually depicted as a nude use 古罗马基督教的殉道者,一般被刻画为裸体。Usually a phrase has two meanings, one is literal meaning and the other is figurative meaning引申意义. This text employs an idiom which has a figurative meaning to describe a real story, yet the idiom is used literally instead of figurativel

23、y. 课文中使用了一个具有引申意义的成语, “a skeleton in a cupboard” 来讲述了一个真实的故事,而讲述的事借用了成语的字面意义。课文中用了几次a skeleton in a cupboard这词语,看看他们哪些是隐身用法哪些是字面用法。1. The terrible secret is called a skeleton in the cupboard. Here is to introduce the meaning of the idiom. So it is used Figuratively. But in 2, 3, 4 it is used literal

24、ly.2. we all have secrets which we do not want even our closest friends to learn, but few of us have skeletons in the cupboard.3. The only person I know who has a skeleton in the cupboard is George Carlton。4. This was worse than a terrible secret; this was a read skeleton!The whole story is actually

25、 both upon a play of the words literal and figurative meaning, and it is not a horror story. But anyway what a strange man George was! But maybe when hes a medical student, he used the skeleton to find out the secret of human bodies. Now he was a detector story writer, he kept the skeleton in order

26、to find out the secret of human minds.(基督教中确实有这样一个传说: 有个圣人叫Sebastian, 多次起死回生(come back to life) ), George named his skeleton such a name, maybe he thought the skeleton would make what he had done come back to life. 1. seemingly: apparently 2. concealed: hidden3. vivid saying: a memorable expression4

27、. reputation: a good name 5. ruined: destroyed6. fiction: invented stories7. to varying degrees: sometimes more, sometimes lessII. Read the passage two or three time. Make sure you understand it. And then in not more than 80 words describe what happened from the time when the car got past the boulde

28、rs to the moment it stopped in the shallow pool (Para3). Use your own words as far as possible.1. Write a list of points (in note form).2. Connect your points to write a rough draft of the summary. Try to use your own words as far as possible, not only making extracts (摘抄) from the passage. Dont cou

29、nt the number of the words until you have finished the rough draft. 3. In the rough draft, you are likely to go well over the words limit. Correct your draft carefully, bringing the number of words down to the set limit. III. Summary-writing pointsStarted to unpack-shirts and underclothes in drawers-decided to hang suit-cupboard2. Opened cupboard -stood petrified3. Skeleton-dangling in front of him- swaying -leap out?4. Dropped suit-dashed downstairs-downstairs-

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