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1、谢谢你指引我方向And thank you for being there谢谢你一直在那里When I need you,当我需要你时Thank you for every single day.谢谢你在我身边的每一天Now Ive been blessed with a son of my own,现在我有了自己的儿子Got my own bedtime stories to tell,我为他讲睡前故事If I can raise him half as well若我能做到像你照顾我的一半As you raised me,那样照顾他Guess Ill be doing pretty well

2、.我想我就已经足够好Thank you for your guiding hand,谢谢你指引我Thank you for making my dreams come true,谢谢你让我梦想成真Youre an extraordinary man,你是个很不凡的人And I hope youre as proud of me我好希望你以我为傲As I am proud of you.就像我以你为傲那样Thank you for giving me life,谢谢你给予了我生命Thank you for showing me good from bad.谢谢你让我知道是非黑白I guess I

3、m only really trying to say,我想我只能说Thank you for being my Dad.谢谢你做我的爸爸Even though the years drift away,尽管这么多年过去I never took the time just to say,我从未说过I love you, and I always have,“我爱你,一直如此,And thank you for being my Dad.谢谢你做我的爸爸”父亲节献给老爸的歌曲二: More Like You “更像你”V1:第一段Things were kinda shakey事情开始有点改变A

4、t seventeen years old十七岁的我You were trying to make a man开始尝试从一个孩子Out of a child蜕变成一个男人V2:第二段You spoke your words of wisdom你的话语总是充满智慧All throughout the years多年过去But its only now (that)时至今日I truly understand我才真正理解You did the best with what you had你已尽你所能做到最好CHORUS:和声Dad, are you proud of who I am?爸爸,你为我

5、骄傲吗?Dad, you are the man I am!爸爸,你就是我要成为的人You did much more than father me你为我做的远比一个父亲更多Yeah, youve always been my friend是的,你一直是我的朋友And I thank you for being my dadV3:第三段:I must have drove you crazy我一定让你很费心With all the things I did由于我所做的一切I was just a boy我只是个孩子Trying to find my way努力寻找自己的方向V4:第四段But

6、you always stood right by me你一直在我身边Following my dreams陪伴我追逐梦想Now all I am is because of you我想在拥有的一切都是因为你Through everything, I did just what youd do我所做的只是你做过的事情And so I say所以我说合唱爸爸,你为我自豪吗?你做的远比一个父亲更多When I finally found my way当我最终找到方向What they said, I saw was true:我才发现别人说的对Even though Ive wandered fa

7、r away尽管我已背井离乡It hasnt changed their view但那并未改变他们的观念I am more like you!我更像你They say I am more like you!他们说我更像你Hope my children see it, too希望我的孩子也看到这一切So theyll grow up to be所以他们长大后More like you更像你父亲节献给老爸的歌曲三:Fathers Day 父亲节Sung to:This Old Man唱起:“这个老爸”This is Dad;这就是爸爸He works hard.他努力工作Making money

8、 every day,每天赚钱Hes a neat, peat, rickety reat,他是个优雅温和Helpful, caring man.热心,体贴的人He plays with me when he can.他一有空闲就会陪我玩父亲节献给老爸的歌曲四: Everyday my papa would work 爸爸每天都工作Everyday my papa would work爸爸每天都工作To try to make ends meet尽快结束会议To see that we would eat期待我们一起吃饭Keep those shoes upon my feet帮我穿上鞋Eve

9、ry night my papa would take me每天晚上爸爸都陪着我And tuck me in my bed把我抱到我的小床上Kiss me on my head亲吻我的额头After all my prayers were said在我念完祷告词后And there were years多年的Of sadness and of tears忧伤和痛苦Through it all经过后Together we were strong我们依然坚强We were strong我们勇敢Times were rough尽管岁月沧桑But papa he was tough但父亲如此坚强Mam

10、a stood beside him all along母亲一直陪伴在他身旁Growing up with them was easy因为有他们,我的成长如此轻松The time had flew on by时光飞逝The years began to fly岁月如梭They aged and so did I他们悄然变老,我亦如此And I could tell我只能无奈的说That mama she wasnt well妈妈身体不复健康papa knew and deep down so did she爸爸知道如此,而她心中也已明了So did she她已知晓When she died当她

11、去世时papa broke down and he cried爸爸痛声疾泣And all he could say was, God, why her? Take me!他一直说道,“天呐,为什么带走她?应该带走我”Everyday he sat there sleeping in a rocking chair他每天都躺在摇椅上睡觉He never went upstais他再未上楼Because she wasnt there因为母亲已不在那里Then one day my papa said,直到有一天父亲对我说Son, Im proud of how youve grown“儿子,我十

12、分自豪你已长大”He said, Go out and make it on your own.他说,“离开这里,开创你自己的生活Dont worry. Im O.K. alone.不必担心。我独自一人应付的来。”There are things that you must do他说,“有些事你必须要去做”Theres places you must see他说,“有些地方你必须要去见识”And his eyes were sad as he他的目光如此悲伤就像As he said goodbye to me就像他再向我诀别Every time I kiss my children每当我亲吻自

13、己的孩子papas words ring true爸爸的话就萦绕在旁Children live through you.他说,“你给予了孩子们生命。Let them grow! Theyll leave you, too呵护他们成长!他们也将离开你”I remember every word papa used to say我牢记父亲曾说的每句话I kiss my kids and pray我亲吻着孩子,祷告That theyll think of me他们也将想到我Oh how I pray哦,我如何祷告They will think of me他们将想到我That way像我想到父亲那样S

14、omeday.在将来的某天父亲节献给老爸的歌曲五:He loves me and I love him too 他爱我,我也爱他He loves me and I love him too他爱我,我也爱他Theres a man who really loves me his name is daddy-o那个真正爱我的男人名叫老爸Do he love me他爱我吗YES he do当然Yes he do他爱我And he loves me a lot他很疼爱我And I love him too我也爱他Do I love him我爱他吗Yes I do我爱他我爱老爸He loves me and I love him too and that is a fact.毫无疑问,他爱我,我也爱他

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