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人教PEP五年级英语上册Unit 4测试.docx

1、人教PEP五年级英语上册Unit 4测试五年级英语上册Unit 4测试姓名 班级 口语训练一、说说你会做什么家务。 Model:I can wash my clothes I can water the flowers二、讲一件你们学雷锋的事情。三、分角色朗读表演下面的小故事。 Mouse:Im very helpful! Cat:Sure? What can you do? Mouse:I Call cook the meals I can water the flowers And what can you do? Cat:I can eat you! Mew!(Mouse runs)听力

2、训练四、听读句子,并在相应的空格中打“”。1. Mike canA. empty the trash.B. wash the clothes.C. set the table2. Sarah canA. sweep the floor.B. wash the windows.C. clean the bedroom3. John canA. make the bedB. set the tableC. cook the meals.4. Amy canA. use a computer.B. wash the windows.C. wash the clothes.五、听读句子,连线。 put

3、 away the clothes make the bed play chess empty the trash wash the windows use a computer 六、根据听到的内容写出句子所缺的单词。 1A:Can you ? B:Id like to 2A:What can you do? B:I can 3A:What can you do?B:I can 笔答训练七、根据提示画画。1Cat can run 2John can clean the windows 3I can make the bed 4Uncle Li can cook the mea八、根据提示写出句

4、子中所缺的单词。 Model:john can wash the clothes 1What c they do? 2Jone earl make the b 3Mike call s the table 4I can d the dishes 5Can Miss White L1Se a c ?九、连词成句。1bedroom,earl,clean,you,the? 2the,John,clothes,can,wash 3you, can, what, do? 4Can, I , a, use, computer 5meals, can, you, the, cook? 十、根据图中所给的提示

5、造句。1 I Can 2 I Can 3 I Can 4 I Can 十一、阅读理解。 Kate: Robot,can you do the dishes? Robot: Yes,I can Mike: Can you put away the clothes? Robot: Yes,I can Kate: Can you make the bed? Robot: Yes,I can Mike: can you cook the meal ? Robot: Yes,I canKate,Mike:Thats great! You are very helpful Mother is ill Ca

6、n you help us (我们)? Robot:No problem!(没问题!) 根据短文判断下列各句,正确的打“”,错误的打“X”。 ( )1Robot can put away the clothes ( )2Robot can make the bed ( )3Robot can wash the clothes ( )4Mother isnt ill ( )5Robot can cook the meal十二、请你想象一下未来的机器人会帮你做些什么事情,并且画出来,在图的下面注上英文解释。 My robot: 十三、用括号里的词的正确形式填空。 1Can you (sing)an

7、d (dance)? 2What can he (do)?He can (help)his mother with housework 3Would he (like)some tea? 4Does she (like)tea?5Their teacher often (play)football with them 6Id like to (have) a try 7My sister and I (be)very helpful at home 8What can she (do)?She can (wash)the clothes 9 (do)your mother (sweep) he

8、 floor every day? 10 (do)you often (do)the dishes?十四、选择。 ( )1Can I interview you the class newspaper? A in B about C for D of ( )2A robot do the dishes A can B often C is D are ( )3Lets go and help A she B him C he D his ( )4She often her face after she gets up A does B washes C do D wash ( )5Can th

9、e dog run? A NO,让call B Yes,让can C NO,让isnt D Yes,让isnt ( )6 I in Red Star Sch001 Astudy Bread Cgo Dcome ( )7Are pears your favourite ? A food B friend Cfruit D animal ( )8Call you tell me your school? A for B about C in D on ( )9Can the students sweep the floor? A Yes,they call B NO,they can C Yes,

10、he can D NO,she can ( )10Please your hands before you have dinner A do Bwatch Cwash D brush ( )11Can l have water? Sure Aany Bmany Ca Dsome ( )12My father often TV at home Awatchs Bwatch Cwatches Dwatching ( )13Id like shopping Ato go Bgoing Cfor Dto going ( )14Would you like cakes? Asome Bany Cmuch

11、 Da ( )15I can work my computer Afor B in Cwith D at十五、阅读对话,补充下列的短文。 Sarah:Excuse me,can l interview you for the class newspaper? Mike:Yes,sure Sarah:What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays? Mike:I often read books and do sports Sarah:Can you play football? Mike:SureI am a football fan Sarah:Can you

12、 play ping-pong? Mike:Yes,but l can play it very well Sarah:Your English is very goodCan you speak Chinese? Mike:Sorry,I cantCan you teach mc? Sarah:Oh,Id like to Mike:often books and sports on weekends He Call and He can speak , but he cant speak 、十六、根据上句写出下旬,或根据下旬写出上句。1 A: B:I can wash the window2

13、 A:Can you draw a picture? B: 3 A:What can the rabbit do? B: 4 A: B:Yes,I can cook the meals5 A: B:No,it cant do the dishes十七、填空。 1A dog run,but fly 2A fish walk,but it swim 3A monkey climb the tree,but it sing 4A bird swim,but让 fly 5A panda ride a bike,but it make the bed十八、向你的同学询问下面的一些问题,并完成表格。问题会

14、做的事情姓名调查结果(填写会做多少家务)Can youSweep the floor?Cook the meals?Water the flowers?Empty the trash?听力材料Unit 4 What Can You Do? 四、听读句子,并在相应的空格中打“”。 1 Mike can empty the trash 2 Sarah can wash the Windows 3 John can cook the meals 4 Amy can use a computer五、听读句子,连线。 1 The boy can play chess 2 Amy can put away

15、 the clothes 3 My aunt can make the bed 4 The teacher can wash the Windows 5 The man can use a computer 6 The robot can empty the trash六、根据听到的内容写出句子所缺的单词。 1A: Can you do the dishes? B: Id 1ike to have a try. 2A: What can you do? B: I Can clean the bedroom 3A: What can you do?B: I can wash the clothe

16、s答案:Unit 4 What Can You Do?听力训练四、1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A六、1do the dishes,have a try 2clean the bedroom3wash the clothes笔答训练七、(略)八、1can 2bed 3set 4do 5computer九、1Can you clean the bedroom? 2John Call wash the clothes 3What can you do? 4I can use a computer 5Can you cook the meals?十、1I can sweep the floor 2 I

17、 can wash the windows 3 I can wash the clothes 4 I can do the dishes十一、1 2 3 X 4 X 5十二、(略)十三、1sing,dance 2do,help 31ike 41ike 5plays 6have 7are 8do,wash 9Does,sweep 10 Do, do 十四、1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 B 9 A 10 C 11 D 12 C 13 A 14 A 15 C十五、reads,does,play ping-pong,play football,English,Chinese 十六、1What can you do? 2 Yes,I CanNo,I cant 3The rabbit can jump and run 4Can you cook the meals? 5Can the robot do the dishes?十七、1can,cant 2cant,can 3can,cant 4Cant,can 5can,cant十八、(略)

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