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1、 LearningObjectives Making complaints and claims Handling complaints and claims Writing letters for complaints and adjustments Follow-up PracticeFollow-up Practice Writing TaskWriting TaskWeneedtodiscusssomequestionsaboutwhatwearegoingtolearninthisunit.Sure,thatllhelpusunderstandbetteraboutwhatweare

2、askedtodo.Introductory Remark In business,if the buyer can prove that it is the sellers responsibility for the loss of the goods,he can make a claim.The seller is obligated to compensate the buyer.Generally speaking,claims arise because the wrong goods may have been delivered;the quality may have be

3、en found unsatisfactory;the shipment may have been found damaged,short,missing,late;the prices charged may be excessive or not as agreed.There is also another kind of claim.It is made by buyers who find fault with the goods as an excuse to escape from the contract,either because they no longer want

4、the goods or because that they can get them cheaper elsewhere.If a claim has to be made by the buyer,the matter should be investigated in detail and these details should be laid before the party charged.We must handle claims with the principle of on the first grounds,to our advantage and with restra

5、int and settle them amicably to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.1.Readthefollowingtipsformakingcomplaints.TipsforEffectiveComplaints1)Complainassoonaspossible.2)Findoutaboutyourlegalrights.Arethereanylawsorregulationsthatcanhelpyou?3)Payattentiontoallprintedinformationyouhaveaboutthecase,s



8、stions.1)Which do you think are the five most effective complaint tips?Why?2)Which of the tips do you disagree with?Why?3)Can you add more tips as advice for making complaints and claims?4)Discuss in pairs or groups the common causes for complaints and claims in international trade and explain who s

9、hould be held responsible for each case.5)What documents are generally required for making a claim against an insurance company or shipping company?InadequatepackingCausesforComplaints&ClaimsNon-deliveryorpart-deliveryGoodsmissingNon-fulfillmentofthecontractDelayeddeliveryWrongdeliveryDamagetothegoo

10、dsWrongorinferiorqualityShortageofthegoodsDiscrepanciesinspecificationDelayinopeninganL/CCommon causes for complaints and claims in international trade Parties involved in the claim and settlement process:Ship owner;charters;freight forwarders;airlines,inland trucking companies;rail companies;shippe

11、rs;insurance companies Parties involved in insurance:Seller,buyer,carrier and insurer.Documents generally required for making a claim against an insurance company or shipping company1.Survey Report (检验报告)2.Certificate of Inspection (检验证书)3.Mates Receipt (大副收据)4.Invoice (发票)5.Insurance Policy (保险单)6.

12、Weight Certificate (重量证明)7.Marine Protect (海难证明书)8.Packing List (装箱单)9.Shortlanded Certificate(短卸证明书)10.Damage Report(破损证明)11.Weight Note (磅码单)12.Tally-List (理货单)Inthispartyouaregoingtolistentoapassageandadialogue.Nowlistenandtrytofinishtheexerciseswhilelistening.Areyouready?1)What must the buyer do

13、 if he is going to make a claim?The buyer must prove that it is the sellers responsibility for the damage or loss of the goods.2)What are used as evidence when making a claim?The inspection certificate and B/L.3)What is the seller obligated to do if the buyer indeed can prove what he has 4)claimed?T

14、he seller is obligated to compensate the buyer.4)When does the conflict appear between the buyer and the seller?The conflict appears when the goods are found to be damaged or of short weight when reaching the destination.5)What would the seller do when he was negligent in supplying the proper quanti

15、ty at a time 6when he was still responsible for the consignment during shipping on a CIF basis?In that case the seller would most likely seek to find a way to satisfy his customer.12.1.1 Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.12.1.2 Listen to the dialogue.Note down what the problem

16、 is,what caused the problem and how it is settled.Problem Cause of the problem Settlement Wrong delivery Slip-up in the sellers shipping department.The seller will ship a load of Class A1 tomorrow morning and charge the buyer 20%less for the wrong delivery.Inthispartyouaregoingtoreadtwodialogues inpairsandthenyouwillbeaskedtoanswersomequestionsaboutwhatyouhaveread.12.2.1Readthedialogueandthenanswerthefollowingquestions.1)Why did Mr Nelson want to talk to the general manager in person?Because he

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