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1、 但羊绒产销也出现了一些新的矛盾和问题,如经营渠道过多,加工能力过剩,盲目竞争,价格起伏过大,质量不稳定等。 However, some new problems have appeared in the production and marketing of cashmere, such as too many channels of management, a superfluous working ability, blind competition, drastic price fluctuations, and fluctuating product quality. 为建立良好的流

2、通秩序,确保我国羊绒在国际市场的独特优势,促进羊绒生产的持续、稳定、健康发展,经国务院批准,现就加强羊绒产销管理的有关问题通知如下 In order to form a better circulation sequence, ensure the unique superiority of Chinese cashmere in the international market, and to promote the stable, sustained and coordinated development of cashmere production, the State Council

3、has ratified the following notice concerning consolidating control on the production and marketing of cashmere: 一、整顿流通渠道,理顺产销关系,控制加工能力,规范经营行为。 1. Rectifying the circulation channels, straightening out relations between production and marketing, controlling processing ability, and standardizing opera

4、tional actions. (一)经营羊绒收购、加工、生产及出口业务企业的基本条件是 (1) Enterprises which engage in purchasing, processing, producing, and exporting cashmere shall be required to abide by the following basic requirements: 1、有固定的经营机构、场所、 仓储设施以及比较高的技术水平和较先进的机器设备,有相对固定的购销渠道;有工商局核发的含有收购或加工、生产、出口羊绒业务的营业执照。 a. Possession of a r

5、egular organ of management, site, storage facilities, fairly high technical level, and quite advanced equipment; possession of relatively regular purchasing and marketing channels and a business license covering the purchasing, processing, producing, and exporting of cashmere, with said license auth

6、orized by an industrial and commercial bureau. 2、经营羊绒收购业务的企业必须已在羊绒主产区设有常设机构,有相对固定的收购网点和经纤检机构确认合格的验质人员、质检设备; b. An enterprise engaging in purchasing cashmere shall set up a permanent agency in the primary production area of cashmere; it shall also have a relatively regular purchasing network, and qua

7、lity-control personnel and equipment which has been certified by a fabric inspection institution. 对羊绒进行初加工,必须有经纤检机构检验合格的羊绒分梳机器。 For preliminary processing of cashmere, the enterprise shall have cashmere combing machines qualified by a fabric inspection institution. 3、有能够保证羊绒收购或加工、生产、出口业务正常进行的资金。 c.

8、An enterprise engaging in purchasing cashmere shall possess capital that can guarantee the normal operation of purchasing, processing, producing, and exporting cashmere. 4、 经营羊绒出口业务企业的其他条件仍参照国务院批转经贸部关于出口商品管理暂行办法的通知(国发199269号)有关规定执行。 d. Other requirements for enterprises engaged in exporting cashmere

9、 can be referred to in related regulations in the Interim Procedures of the Management of Exported Merchandise in the Circular of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Endorsed by the State Council (No. 69, 1992). (二)由羊绒主产省、自治区人民政府指定一个部门牵头并会同其他部门,依照有关和本通知的规定,对现有经营收购或加工、生产、出口羊绒业务的企业进行清

10、理整顿并重新认定经营资格; (2) The people s governments of the primary production provinces and autonomous regions of cashmere shall appoint a leading department which, in conjunction with other departments, shall inventory and reorganize existing enterprises engaging in purchasing, processing, producing, and ex

11、porting cashmere, and reconfirm their operational qualifications. 工商行政管理机关要对羊绒经营企业进行重新登记,坚决取缔不符合羊绒经营条件的单位。 The industrial and commercial administrative departments shall re-register enterprises dealing in cashmere, and resolutely bar the operation of businesses and units without licenses or that do

12、not meet requirements for dealing in cashmere. 要坚决取缔无照经营,对存在不法行为的经营者,要依照有关、严厉打击。 Illegal dealers shall be severely cracked down upon according to relevant laws and regulations. (三)经审查合格的供销合作总社系统、外经贸部系统所属羊绒经营企业以及大中型骨干羊绒制成品企业为羊绒收购、加工、生产、出口业务的主渠道。 (3) The main channels of purchasing, processing, produc

13、ing and exporting cashmere are: qualified members of the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives system, enterprises dealing in cashmere under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, and big- or medium-sized backbone enterprises dealing in finished cashmere products.

14、收购羊绒以主产区各级供销社为主; The purchase of cashmere shall rely mainly on the supply and marketing cooperatives at all levels in the primary production areas of cashmere. 羊绒原料及制成品加工、生产、出口业务以外经贸部和纺织总会系统大中型重点企业为主。 Raw cashmere material and the purchasing, processing, producing and exporting of finsihed cashmere

15、products shall rely mainly on big- or medium-sized enterprises under the system of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and China National Textile Council. 到羊绒主产区采购羊绒,必须通过当地有羊绒经营资格的企业进行。 Purchasing cashmere in the primary production areas of cashmere must be carried out through local

16、 cashmere enterprises that possess business qualifications. (四)各级计委(计经委)等部门要严格控制羊绒加工能力。 (4) The State Planning Commission at all levels shall strictly control the working ability of cashmere processing. 对不符合调整产业结构要求、无明显产业优势、技术水平较低的重复性新增加工项目,一律不予审批。 It shall not examine or approve new, repetitious pr

17、ocessing projects with low technical levels or which do not meet the requirements of readjusting the industrial make-up, or which do not have obvious industrial superiority. 对国内新办羊绒加工企业,要本着增值、创汇和科技含量高的原则从严把关。 New, internal cashmere processing enterprises shall be examined strictly on the principles

18、of increasing value, earning foreign exchange, and possession of a high technological level. 根据目前国内羊绒产销状况,不再审批外商投资的羊绒加工企业。坚决淘汰、销毁落后和超期服役的羊绒分梳机器。 The State Planning Commission shall not, based on the present internal situation of producing and marketing cashmere, examine or approve foreign-invested c

19、ashmere processing enterprises, and shall resolutely destroy backwards and obsolete cashmere combing machines. 对纺织部门退役羊绒分梳机器设备的处理办法,由国家经贸委会同纺织总会等有关部门另行下达。 The State Economic and Trade Commission, in conjunction with the National Textile Council, shall issue separate circulars on how to dispose of th

20、e textile department s out-of-service cashmere combing machines. (五)银行对不具有羊绒经营资格而经营羊绒的单位,一律不予贷款。 (5) Banks shall not provide loans to any unit that is not qualified to deal in cashmere. 二、加强价格的协调和管理 2. Strengthening price coordination and management. (一)每年由中国食品土畜进出口商会根据国家物价管理部门、外经贸部授权,会同供销合作总社、纺织总会等

21、有关部门及国内从事收购、加工、生产、出口业务的大中型骨干企业,根据羊绒国际需求和国内产销状况,确定羊绒原料及制成品的主要品种(主要包括无毛绒和羊绒衫普通款式、羊绒粗纺面料等)的出口协调价格。 (1) Authorized by the state s price control authority and the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, the China Importers and Exporters of Foodstuffs and Native Produce and Animal By-Products Ch

22、amber of Commerce shall yearly, in conjunction with the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, the China National Textile Council, and other internal large- or medium-sized pillar industries engaging in purchasing, processing, producing, and exporting cashmere, determine a coordi

23、nated export price of raw and finished cashmere products, including ordinary cashmere clothing and cashmere fabric, according to the demand on the international market and the internal production and marketing situation of cashmere. 并及时通知海关总署和主产省、自治区。 The General Administration of Customs and the pr

24、imary production provinces and autonomous regions of cashmere shall be promptly notified of the price. (二)每年由中国畜产品流通协会根据国家物价管理部门、供销合作总社授权,会同农业部、外经贸部、纺织总会等,根据国内外羊绒产销情况,合理制定国内羊绒收购的指导性价格,并定期公布。 (2) Authorized by the state s price control authority and the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Co

25、operatives, the China Association for the Circulation of Animal By-Products shall yearly, in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, and the China National Textile Council, formulate reasonable internal price guidelines for purchasing cashm

26、ere. 三、建立地方储备制度 3. Establishing a local reserve system. 为稳定市场,平抑物价,保护牧民和企业的利益,羊绒主产省、自治区可根据本省、自治区的实际情况建立羊绒储备制度。 To stabilize the market, control prices, and protect the interests of the herdsmen and enterprises, the primary production provinces and autonomous regions of cashmere may establish a cashm

27、ere reserve system as per their own situations. 羊绒储备的收购、动用和管理均由地方人民政府负责。 The local people s governments shall be responsible for the purchasing, employment and administration of the cashmere reserve. 四、加强出口管理 4. Improving export management. (一)国家对羊绒出口实行总量控制; (1) The state shall control the total qua

28、ntity of exported cashmere. 继续调整结构,提倡规模化经营,创造条件,逐步扩大制成品出口数量,减少原料和初级产品出口数量; While continuing to adjust the make-up and advocating scaled operation, the state shall also gradually enlarge the quantity of exported finished products and reduce the quantity of exported raw materials and primary products.

29、 在一定条件下,适当照顾少数民族地区的利益; Under certain conditions, certain consideration shall be given to the interests of an ethnic minority area. 继续改善出口经营秩序,强化出口羊绒质检。 The state shall continue to improve the export order and strengthen quality inspections of exported cashmere. (二)海关要按羊绒出口指导价格对羊绒出口实行审价,并将情况通知有关部门,由有

30、关部门对低价出口者依照有关规定进行处罚。 (2) Customs shall examine prices of exports according to the price guidelines supplied for the export of cashmere, and shall make reports to the relevant departments; the relevant departments shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, punish those who export cashmere at a lower price. 五、搞好市场与质量管理 5. Improving management over the market and quality. 国家计委、国家经贸委、国家工商局、国家技术监督局、国家商检局等部门和

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