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1、Hello.我给你一块钱你可不可以暂停一下?If I give you $1, will you stop playing for a minute?赛门?Simon?嗯,你在哪里?- Yeah, where are you?在城里,进城来会我,我请你吃晚饭In the city. Come here and meet me. Ill take you out to dinner.你还在生气吗?Youre still mad?我们方案这趟旅行已经这么久了你不去,至少该讲一声Its just weve been planning this trip for months. All you had

2、 to do was tell me.可是我又不能控制社区规划委员会开会的时间.我们会再找到时间的,我保证.你回家就是了,稍晚再谈But I cant control when zoning boards meet .Well get time together, I promise. Just come home tonight, okay? Well talk about it later.好,我先到威堡大楼去一下七点钟到家Sure. Im going by the Williamsburg Building first. Ill be home by 7:00.嘿哇塞!在这里碰到你高伟同

3、Wai Tung! Wow! What a coincidence!住在布鲁克林哪?我住曼哈顿You live in Brooklyn? No, in Manhattan.哇塞!最近忙什么啊?What are you up to?多久没看你呀?搞不好有从我手术以后吧!Last time I saw you was before my operation.看,33条铁丝钢筋在里头They put 33 different wires,连疤都看不到,不赖吧!but you can hardly notice.你看皮肤移植的地方only the skin graft.小罗对不起,我赶时间改天聚聚吧!

4、改天打 到我办公室Sorry, but Im late. Call me sometime. Yeah, lets get together.就像从前一样Just like the old days.你吃得太快了re eating too fast.我紧张啊Im nervous.假设他们准我改建贺逊大楼我就发了If they let me convert the Hudson building, Ill make millions.假设不行我们连去斗六渡假的钱都没了If not, we couldnt even afford a vacation in the Poconos.你连休闲时间都没

5、有还谈什么有没有钱渡假?s the point of being able to afford a vacation. if you wont even take time off to have one?讲到渡假,史提夫和安德鲁刚从比利兹回来.他们恨透了那个旅馆Speaking of which, Steve and Andrew just got back from Belize. They hated the hotel.是不是原来我们也要住的那一家?Was that the one we were going to stay in?是啊,还好我们没有一起去So I guess its

6、great we didnt go.赛门,我真的很抱歉.可是我已经决定了我九月请你到巴黎去玩,就在社区规划的听证会之后.算是你的生日礼物Simon, Im really sorry. But Ive made up my mind. Im taking you to Paris in September, right after the zoning hearing. It will be a birthday present.生日礼物?re such a jerk.喂,兔子,跑到这里来干什么?Hey, you homo! What are you doing in this neighbor

7、hood?史提夫,别乱开玩笑Hello. Dont joke about it.看看那边的威契尔夫妇You know the Witchells down the street? Check them out.好得意!Cute.下午两点要不要跟伟同一起来打篮球?Do you and the mighty Wai want to go shoot伟同要去威堡大楼处理一些房客的问题,我应该可以去.我打 给你吧some hoops later, maybe around 2:00? Wai has to run into Williamsburg and deal with some tenant

8、stuff. I might be able to make it though. Ill call you.一定要来!Just show up.好吧,再见 - See you. 再见- Bye.到十点钟这些垃圾不从路边移开我就要吃罚单了If theyre not off the sidewalk by 10:00, I get a ticket.对不.起!老板Sorry, boss对不起?这些罚单一张一百七十五元.再拿一张,就扣你薪水!re sorry? Those tickets cost me $175. If I get another one, its coming out of y

9、our salary.是谁?收房租的地主Who is it? The nasty landlord.六楼已经被解放了.小伙子,既然你长得那么帅那就进来吧!This floor has been liberated. but since youre so handsome, you may come in. 这个不能当房租This is not rent.赛门说十年后我一幅画值几十万Simon says these will be worth a lot some day.赛门不是你房东,我是我不懂现代艺术Simon is not the landlord, and I dont know mo

10、dern art.可是你喜欢我呀!But you like me. Its my fate.我命中老是爱上同性恋的美男子I always fall for handsome gay men.你根本不是喜欢我,你是想赖房租Bullshit! Dont try to trade paintings for rent.吵死了!What a racket!对不起,外面太吵了我没法用心画画s to block the noise. I cant concentrate.你喜欢台湾的流行歌曲啊?You like Taiwanese music?这个音乐是用来赶外面噪音的- Anything to bloc

11、k the noise.这画的是什么?s this painting called?热!Heat.这暖气一关整幢大楼的房间都会没热水;不要乱动啊!And if you shut it off, the whole building will be without hot water. Then dont touch it.伟同,能不能花钱修一下,热死了,真不是人住的地方Cant you fix it? Its so hot in here.这儿本来就不该住人我才算你这么廉价啊How am I to live like this? Thats why the rent is so low.我试过

12、一年多了,打不开的s not a living space. Ive tried it for a year. Its stuck这煮什么东西啊?s this?我的沮丧特餐 My depression special.你真的这么穷啊?re really that poor?没有,只是沮丧Just depressed.昨天移民局的人到餐厅来抽查Immigration showed up at work yesterday.还好,我迟到了 Luckily I got there late. 老样子As usual.是啊!可是他们把艾蜜莉带走了.下次他们捉到我我就可以回上海和艾蜜莉见面了Yes. T

13、hey got Emily. If they get me, Ill be meeting Emily in Shanghai.艾蜜莉是我在这儿最要好的朋友.如今我没有了工作,也没有朋友Emily was my best friend. Now Ive lost my job and my friend.对不起你在这儿都没有亲戚吗?m sorry. You have no relatives here?亲戚担保我过来已经是够意思了,我那里还会去费事人家呀?那里像你,有钱又是美国公民They sponsored me. I cant trouble them again. Im not like

14、 you, rich. American citizen.其实我也没有什么钱钱都押在这些烂房子上.m not as rich as you think. All my money is stuck in here.多谢你在这幢大楼里唯一的投资就在我房里Then thanks for the extra investment in my loft.其实我蛮喜欢这张画的,画得不错,可以抵销这个月的房租,连上两月的也一并算了吧Actually, I kind of like this one. Its pretty good. Ill take it as rent. for the last tw

15、o months also.谢谢,伟同Thank you, Wai Tung.好Okay.伟同,什么时候帮我修水管?向赛门问好,他真幸运,有一位又帅又有钱的男朋友,请他帮我也找一个我.就可以付你房租了. 我的理想老婆When will you fix the sink? Say hi to Simon. Simons lucky to have a handsome and rich boyfriend. Ask him to get me one, too, then Ill pay the rent. My perfect woman.什么?又来一份?这些效劳不花钱吗?What? Anot

16、her one?t those things cost a fortune?但你叫我怎么跟他们讲不要再花这些钱?Yes, but how can I tell them to stop paying for them?你为什么不就跟他们讲明?差劲!Why dont you just tell them? Shit.真的,伟同,总有一天我会打 告诉你爸爸,我就跟我爸讲了,看看你,爸妈寄给你一张表格你就吓得屁滚尿流.你是个大人了,知不知道?事实上,你已经步入中年了No, really, Wai. Someday, Im just going to call your father and tell

17、 him myself. I told mine. Look at yourself. Your parents send you a form in the mail. an d you practically pee your pants. You are an adult. As a matter of fact, youre practically middle-aged.去你的!Fuck you!我看看教育,对不对?对!- Let me check this out. Education, right?嗯,她一定要有一个博士学位不对,两个博士- No, two Ph. Ds.一个是物

18、理还要会唱歌剧182公分高别太夸大毕竟她还是中国女孩178公分还要会说五国语言One in Physics. And she should be an opera singer. - And 6 feet tall. Lets not go overboard. Shes Chinese, after all.5 foot 9 inches. - And she should speak five languages.好你说得对Good. Youre right.都是些愚蠢的谎话s kind of stupid, all these lies可是我.已经习惯了But Im used to it

19、.对了,我要送你一个小礼物I got you a little present.给我?为什么?- Me? Why?别罗嗦,翻开就是了Shut up and open it.送给日理万机的企业家For the busy entrepreneur.来,试试看Go ahead, try it.谢谢!- Thanks.不客气- Youre welcome.对,可是假设我卖给他们。他们再重新估价缴税的时候会要我的命!Yeah. But if I sell it to the S-Corporation. and they reappraise the building, itll kill me at

20、tax time.把这个发给赵先生Fax this to Chow.好,假如你这么讲,我就签了Okay, Ill sign it if you say so.可是到时候假如要花钱就扣你薪水!But if it costs me, it老板,刚刚你上一号的时候顾威威小姐打 来说暖气有问题暖气,Boss, Miss Wei Wei called complaining about the heat.什么暖气?Heat? What heat?如今是六月天哪s June.儿子啊你一定没想到妈这么快又寄一卷录音带给你。那是因为妈有好消息告诉你。来电俱乐部果然名不虚传。已经为你找到近乎理想的对象,这个女孩

21、175公分高,不过只有一个生物博士学位原来她是专攻歌剧的所以能说五国语言。爸爸跟我商量的结果我们决定送你一个大礼。我们会出钱安排这个女孩飞到纽约一趟。她的名字叫吴仁仁,大家都叫她的小名,毛妹。她大概再过两个礼拜就会到达纽约。她会住在她表姐的家里我希望无论如何你一定要到机场去接她 糟!儿子,你听到这个消息一定会跟我们一样兴奋,是不是?Son, you must be surprised to get another cassette so soon. I have good news. Your singles club found a near match for you. Shes 5 8

22、tall. and although she only has one doctorate degree. she is also an opera singer. and she speaks five languages. Dad and I are going to give you a surprise. Were flying her to New York so you can meet her. Her name is Wu Ren Ren, but everyone calls her Little Sister Mao. Shell be staying with her c

23、ousin in New York. and will arrive in two weeks. Please pick her up at the airport. Arent you excited? We are.唉!累死了!高哥哥,不好意思,费事你啦!m exhausted. Sorry to put you out.不会.毛妹,毛妈妈不,吴伯伯、吴妈妈如今都好吧?Sister Mao, hows your dad, Mr. Mao. I mean Mr. Wu.很好啊!谢谢Hes fine, thank you你有没有带你表姐家的地址?You have your cousins ad

24、dress?我带了!又不是三岁小孩Of course! Im not a kid.对啊!你不是I know.毛妹啊,你行李这么多为什么不把大件行李寄到你表姐家呢?Sister Mao, your luggage is so heavy! Why didnt you use cargo?我寄了啊!这里有一半是你的东西高妈妈托我带给你的I did! Half the stuff here is for you from your mother.哦!那真的不好意思今天晚上应该好好请你吃一顿这些东西真重 m sorry. Ill buy you dinner tonight for that. So

25、heavy!不会呀你车停在哪儿啊?Wheres your car?你是第一次到美国来吗?First time in America?不是,我在旧金山歌剧院驻唱过两年No. I sang at the San Francisco Opera for two years.哦,对对对,歌剧Opera, yes.你是歌剧迷吗?- Are you a fan?是啊,帕瓦拉蒂!- Yes. Pavarotti.嗯? 什么?没什么Nothing.这儿的效劳怎么这么差!The service here is lousy.那你见过我爸妈了吧So, youve met my parents?只是你妈,你爸别人在医院Your mom.Your dad was still in the hospital.医院?他什么时候住院的?Hospital? When?大概在两个多礼拜前吧!他发心脏病怎么,你不晓得

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