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1、高考英语书面表达必背范文10篇2012高考英语书面表达必背范文(10篇)(1)2006年4月国际奥委会官员维尔布鲁根先生率团来北京考察北京奥运会环境改善筹备情况。假定你是2008年奥运会筹委会负责人,请你用英语讲话作如下汇报,并恳请官员们指出筹备工作中的不足和提出改进的建议。口 号绿色奥运计划投资122亿美元美化内 容环境保护大面积植树、种草、栽花减少污染源;使用清洁能源;处理和再利用污水目 标花园城市;天再蓝些,水再清些词数:120左右 生词:slogan (口号) Respected Mr. Verbruggen,Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome to Beijin

2、g!Now let me tell you sth. about the beautifying work on Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games. Our slogan is “Green Olympics”. 12.2 billion dollars will be spent on this project. A lot more trees, flowers and grass will be planted in many places, including the Olympic villages, to make Beijing more be

3、autiful. We will try our best to reduce pollution sources, use clean energy, and make waste water clean and reuse it. In 2008, you will see Beijing a garden-like city, with cleaner water and a clearer sky. Thats all about our preparation for the environment improvement for the 2008 Olympics. We sinc

4、erely hope you can point out our shortage and any advice is welcome.Thanks for your attention. (126w)(2)前不久,你校高三某班就“中学生该不该频繁进网吧?”开了一个主题班会。赞成和反对者各半。辩论结果如下:正方观点反方观点1、上网有利于了解更多的电脑知识和熟练诸如下载和浏览等技能;1、上网易让人上瘾而费钱费时,影响学习;2、网上资源丰富,上网能提高学习效率;2、不健康网站易给中学生的心灵坏的影响;3、上网能方便生活,如交友,网上购物,更快地获取信息等;3、长期泡网吧有害身体健康;假如你是校电视

5、台英文台记者应邀列席了这个班会,请用英文写一篇报道,客观地报道这次辩论情况,并呼吁全校同学都来思考这个问题。Should the middle school Ss frequently go to the net bar?Not long ago, a class of Senior Grade III held a class meeting on this topic. Half of the Ss expressed their agreement, while the rest said no.The former half voiced the following reasons:B

6、y often surfing the internet, the Ss can have a better knowledge of the computer and better many skills such as “downloading ” and “browsing”. On the other hand, the net is rich in resources, which may increase the Ss study efficiency. Whats more, the net can make the Ss life more enjoyable. For exa

7、mple, they can make more friends by chatting on the net, go shopping on the net and get more information more quickly.Against the supporters, the objectors held the viewpoint that, compared with its advantage, the middle school Ss getting on the net frequently will do more harm to them. First, it wi

8、ll be very easy for the Ss to get addicted to the bar, as a result of which a lot of their money and time will be wasted there. In that case, undoubtedly, their studies will be affected. Second, with some unhealthful websites on the net, it has an unfavorable influence on their souls. Finally, stayi

9、ng before the screen for too long a time will harm them physically. Boys and girls, whats your opinion about that topic? Welcome to join us. (233w)(3)假如你是一位初中生的家长, 你看到很多其他的家长为了孩子的教育投入了大量的精力和财力-有的对他们进行课余培训,有的自费送他们到国外念书。你不知是否该效仿他们。因此,你决定就如下个人看法写信给你的美国朋友、教育学博士史密士先生,向他请教。流行家教方式好处坏处A.对孩子进行课余培训1、可或多或少地提高孩

10、子的学习成绩;2、可培养孩子良好的时间观:3、可在一定程度上限制孩子的不良行为。1、易使孩子产生依赖感。不培训,成绩就下降;2、孩子自学能力差;3、忽视了孩子的全面发展。B.送孩子到国外念书1、可让孩子较早地接触西方先进文化;2、可锻炼孩子的独立生活能力;3、容易提高外语水平。1、忽视了对孩子的民族文化教育;2、失去了对孩子的家庭教育;3、花钱太多。Model version:135 Heping Road,Wuhan, Hubei, ChinaApril 25th, 2003Dear Mr. Smith,Im a parent of a middle school S. Im writing

11、 in the hope of getting advice from you about the education of my own child.I have noticed that quite a few of the parents in China spending a lot of their money and energy on their childrens education either by sending them to various training classes or by sending them abroad. In my opinion, eithe

12、r of the two ways has its advantages and disadvantages.With the majority of the families, sending children to training classes after class is very popular because of the relatively low cost. It can indeed improve the childrens studies in a way and help them form good sense of time. Besides, since it

13、 takes up their free time, it limits many of the childrens possible bad behaviors. However, some of the children are likely to become too dependent on the trainings that once stopping attending such classes their studies will fall. Thats because they may easily lose their ability of self-teaching. M

14、oreover, the development of the childrens other qualities may be neglected.For a few richer families, sending their children abroad is acceptable. As everybody can see, their children can touch the advanced western culture more directly and earlier. Meanwhile, both their foreign language study and t

15、heir independence in life will be promoted. But therere also problems with it. First, that may result in reduction of the command of their national culture as well as the families control of their childrens behavior cultivation, not to mention the high cost.For all those reasons, I have got puzzled

16、about how I should foster my child. Shall I follow the fashion?Ill appreciate it if you reply soon. (284w) Yours sincerely, Sophia (4)你的英国网友Jason询问关于姚明的情况,请你根据在国内网站上所收集到的有关信息给他回复一封电子邮件,谈谈有关姚明的情况:基本情况生日出生地身高体重1980.9.12上海2.26米134公斤个人喜爱最喜欢的食品最喜欢的颜色最崇拜的人物座右铭肉蓝色周恩来相信自己运动生涯 1997199820003、月球是距离地球最近的星球直径大约是

17、地球的1/4,质量大约是地球的1/80,月球体积大约是地球的1/49,月球引力大约是地球的1/6。20026、二氧化碳气体有什么特点?进入上海队22、光的传播速度是每秒钟30万千米,光年就是光在一年中所走过的距离,它是用来计量恒星间距离的单位。进国家队5、月球在圆缺变化过程中出现的各种形状叫作月相。月相变化是由于月球公转而发生的。它其实是人们从地球上看到的月球被太阳照亮的部分。入选亚洲全明星队19、夏季是观察星座的好季节,天空中有许多亮星,其中人们称之为“夏季大三角”的是天津四、织女星和牛郎星。它们分别属于天鹅座、天琴座、天鹰座。CBA总冠军成员;成为NBA选秀状元并加盟Houston Roc

18、kets现在感受很累今后打算暂无更多计划Hi, Jason,You asked me about Yao Ming. Heres something I got when I searched the websites at home. Yao Ming, who is now 2.26 meters tall and 134kg in weight, was born in Shanghai on the 12th of September, 1980. It is said he likes meat most and his favorite color is blue. The man

19、 he respects most is late Premier Zhou Enlaiand the one he believes in most is himself.4、如何借助大熊座找到北极星?(P58)He joined Shanghai Basketball Team in 1997 and turned member of China national team in 1998. Two years later he was selected as a member of Asian All-Star Basketball Team. In 2002, Shanghai won

20、 the championship of CBA and he was among the top players in the team. In the same year he went to the U.S. and became Number One Overall in NBA draft, which helped him join Houston Rockets. After many matches as well as struggles he now feels a little tired. Up to now he says he still hasnt got any

21、 further definite plan. (150w)6、化学变化伴随的现象有改变颜色、发光发热、产生气体、产生沉淀物。 Yours ever,10、由于人口迅速增长、环境污染和全球气候变暖,世界人均供水量自1970年以来开始减少,而且持续下降。 Victor(5)4、小苏打和白醋混合后,产生了一种新物质二氧化碳气体,这种气体能使燃着的火焰熄灭,这样的变化属于化学变化。假定李明班今天举行了题为“我与西部大开发”的主题班会,班会加深了他对西部和西部大开发的认识。会后他兴奋不已,并在当天的日记中表达了他的感想。请你以李明的口吻写一篇日记。日记中应包含以下要点:1、 西部的过去:祖先创造了古老

22、的华夏文明;2、 西部的现状:生态环境破坏严重,气候恶劣,沙漠、干旱; 人民生活贫穷,科技水平低下;3、 西部的自然环境:,人烟稀少,面积辽阔,资源丰富;4、 西部大开发的意义:有助于提高当地人民的生活水平,改善国家生态环境,平衡发展国家经济,加强民族团结和国防;5、 最大愿望:考上清华大学,毕业后参与西部建设。要求:不得逐句翻译;150词左右May 12th, 2003 Monday RainyToday we held a class meeting, at which we discussed the relationship between us and the great explo

23、itation of West China. The class meeting gave me a deep impression of the strategy and Ive learnt a lot from it.Long, long ago, in West China appeared the old Chinese civilization. But as years rolled by, things changed a lot there. With the forest resources overused and the ecological environment b

24、adly destroyed, the climate there is getting less suitable for us to live and the desert area is expanding. As a result, a prosperous area turned to a barren area and the people there are living a hard life. The low level of science and technology and the small population make it impossible to make

25、full use of the rich natural resources in the vast area of West China.The Great Exploitation of West China means much to us Chinese. Itll help raise the average living level of the people all over the country as well as improve the living condition of the local people. Whats more, it can bring our e

26、conomy to a balance, and that will speed up the development of the economy of our country. At the same time, itll also strengthen the unity of all the nationalities and our national defense in some way.The college entrance examination being in front of us, I hop I can do well in it so as to enter Qi

27、nghua University and then I can devote myself to the great development of the west after my graduation. I believe my dream will come true. (268w)(6)假定你是许晨,请根据下面的图画内容,叙述你和林昊上星期日外出时遇到的一件事。 注意:1、写作必须用第一人称;2、词数在100左右。Last Sunday my classmate, Lin Hao, and I went to the bookstore. At a counter we noticed

28、 a foreigner was asking a man for help, but the man didnt know a word of English. So we went up to him and offered help. After knowing what he really wanted, we took him to the counter where tapes and disks of Chinese folk music are sold and gave him some advice on which to choose. With our help, th

29、e foreign guest got some music tapes. He gave his hearty thanks to us and left.Though it took us some time to help him, we were happy anyway.(106w)(7)假如你是某班班长,在同对方协商后,你明天要带本班学生参观一所高中示范校。请按照图中规定的顺序(从主楼出发),根据以下图表和中文提示,写一个口头通知,向你班里的其他同学用英文介绍你们参观该校时的线路、届时对方的活动安排及提出有关要求。参观地点学生活动实验楼做实验艺术中心练乐器报告厅听报告操场足球赛 M

30、y dear classmates,May I have your attention, please?Tomorrow morning well pay a visit to a model high school. First of all, let me say sth. about our visit.The model school is very big with a beautiful fountain in the center of the schoolyard. Well start our visit from the main building, which stand

31、s right facing the gate. First we will go to the lab building where some students will be doing some experiments. The next place to go to will be the lecture hall behind the lab building and well see many students listening to a lecture given by a professor from a famous university. Opposite to the

32、lecture hall is the art center. There well watch groups of students playing musical instruments following the visit to the lecture hall. Finally well arrive at the playground at the far back of the school. Some boys will be having a football game then and time permitting we can cheer for them.Thats all about our arrangement for the visit.

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