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1、2. key sth/sb to sth 使某人适合于某事 kick v.踢;n.踢腿;极度兴奋 :1.kick sb ass 击败某人 2.kick the bucket 翘辫子;蹬腿儿 3. a kick in the teeth 极度的失望;沉重的打击 kibosh 态势;胡说 :put the kibosh on sth 组织某事发生;挫败计划kid 小孩 :no kidding 真的kill 杀死 :kill the goose that lays the golden egg 杀鸡取卵;竭泽而渔;自绝财源 killing :make a killing 发大财kilter 平衡 :

2、out of kilter 与.不一致;不同kind n.同类人;种类 adj.慈祥的;友好的 :in kind 以实物支付;以货代款kindly 和蔼的 :look kindly on/upon sb/sth 赞同;接受;认可 king 国王 :a kings ranson 一笔巨款kingdom 王国 :1.blow sb/sth to kingdom come 送.上西天 2. till/until kingdom come 永远 kiss v.亲 ; n.一个吻 :1.kiss sbs ass/arse 谄媚巴结某人 2. the kiss of life 人工呼吸kit 装备 :ge

3、t your kit off 把你的衣服都脱掉kitchen 厨房 :everything but the kitchen sink 过多的东西;大量的东西kith 邻居 :kith and kin 亲戚朋友knee 膝盖 :1. bring sb to there knee 打败某人 2. bring sth to its knee 摧毁某物 3. put sb over your knee 把某人放在膝盖上kitten 小猫 :have kittens 焦虑;烦躁knickers 女式短裤 :get your knickers in a twist 恼火;困惑;烦闷knife 刀 :1.

4、the knives are out 兴师问罪 2. put/stick the knife in / put/stick the knife into sb 对某人怀恨在心 3. turn/twist the knife(in the wound) 落井下石 4. under the knife 接受手术 5. like a knife through butter 轻而易举;毫无困难knifeedge :on a knifeedge 胜负难料knifpoint :at knifpoint 在刀子威胁下knight 骑士;爵士 :a knight in shining armour 英雄救美

5、knob 旋钮 :with knobs on 更是如此;尤其突出knock 敲击 :1. I will knock your block/nead off 我要揍扁你 2. take a (hard,nasty,etc) knock 遭受重大挫折 knot 打结;哽咽;节;缠绕 : get knotted 滚蛋know 知道 :1. before you know where you are 转眼间;一下子2. be not to know 无从知道 3.for all you/they/I know 不知道 4. know sth as well I do 其实完全明白 5. in the

6、know 知情;熟悉内幕knuckle 指节 :1. near the knuckle 近乎下流 2. knuckle down(to sth) 开始努力做 3. knuckle under(to sb/sth) 屈服;认输L labour 劳动;分娩;英国工党 :1. a labour of love 为爱好而做的困难工作 2. labour the point 一再重复 3. labour under sth 为.所蒙蔽 4. labour in tensive 劳动密集型的 5. the Labour Party 英国工党lack : 缺乏 1. lack for nothing 没有欠

7、缺 2. lack daisical 萎靡不振 lady 女士 :1. ladies room 女卫生间 2. our lady 圣母lamb 羔羊 :a lamb to the slaughter (将遇危险而不知道) 羔羊被牵屠宰场land 陆地 :1. in the land of the living 在世;活着 2. land a blow 打中; 击中 3. the land of milk and honey 富饶的乐土 4. land up in/at 最终落到、到达 5. land in sth 使陷入困境 Language 语言 :1.mind/watch your lan

8、guage 谨慎措辞;留神言辞 2. Speak/talk the same language 说得来,有共同语言Lap 大腿部 ;一段旅程 :1. Drop/dump sth in sbs lap 把某事推给他人负责 2. Sth drops/falls into sbs lap 天赐良机 3. In the lap of the gods 由神掌管;难以预料Large 猪油 :1. At large 整个;全部;总地 2. By and large 大体上;总体上 3. Give/have it large 玩得痛快 4. In large part/in large measure 在很

9、大程度上 5. As large as life 本人,本身 6. Large than life 外表行为惹人注目Lark 百灵鸟 ;玩笑 ;不受重视的活动 :1. Be/get up with the lark 清晨早起;鸡鸣即起 2. Blow/sod that for a lark 认为费力而不想干时说 拉他妈的倒吧!Last 最后的 ;最近的 ; 最终的 1. Be on your /its last legs 濒临死亡;奄奄一息 2. The day,week,month,etc,before last 前天;上上星期;上上月;前两天 3. Every last 每一个,全部 4.

10、 Have the last laugh 笑在最后;取得最后胜利 5. In the last resort 作为最后的一招 6. Last but not least 最后但同样重要的 7. Last in,first out 最后雇佣的人最先被解雇,后来者先走Latch 门闩 ; 插销 :1. On the latch 关着但未锁上 Late 迟到 : 1. Be too late 为时已晚;已关时机 2. Better late than never 迟到总比不到好 3. Late in the day 为时已晚 4. Late for 直至最近工作的地方 5. Of late 最近,新

11、近,近来 6. Too late 过迟,太晚 7.later on 后来;以后 8. Not/no later than 最迟;最晚;以至于Laugh 发笑 :1.dont make me laugh 别让我笑掉大牙了 2.he who laughs langest 别高兴得太早 3.laugh all the way to the bank 发大财而喜笑颜开 4. Laugh in sbs face 当面嘲笑 5. Laugh like a drain 哈哈大笑 6. Laugh on the side of your face 得意变成失意 7. Laugh sb/sth out of c

12、ant 对某人/某主意一笑了之;不屑一顾 8.Laugh till/untill you cry 笑的流泪 9. Laugh up your sleeve (at sb/sth) 暗自发笑;窃笑 10. Laugh your head off 大笑不止;狂笑不以 11. Not know whether to laugh or cry 不知所措;哭笑不得 12. You have/you ve got to laugh 逗趣;开玩笑 13. Do sth for a laugh /for laughs 还是值得一笑 14. Have a (good)laugh (about sth) 觉得可笑

13、 15. Be no laughing matter 不是开玩笑的事Law 法学;法律;法制 a law unto yourself 自行其是;我行我素 2. Go to law 打官司 3. Law and order 法治;遵纪守法 4. The law of overages 平均律 5. The law of the jungle 丛林法则;弱肉强食 6. Lay down the law 发号施令;严格规定7. Take the law into your own hands 不通过法律擅自处理 8. Theres no law against sth 谁也管不着 Lea

14、d 带路;相连 :1.lead sb by nose 牵着某人的鼻子走 2.lead (sb) nowhere 毫无成果 3. Lead sb a (merry) dance 给某人造成很多麻烦 4. Lead sb up/down the garden path 给某人误导的信息Leap 跳跃;冲 :1.look before you leap三思而后行 2.By/in leaps and bounds 非常迅速 3. A leap in the dark 冒险举动Learn 学习 :1. Learn (sth) the hard way 经过挫折才懂得 2. Learn your less

15、on 吸取教训Lease 出租 : A (new) lease of life 延年益寿 least最小的;最少的at the very least至少;最少not in the least一点也不;丝毫不at least至少;不少于leave离开;留下;遗忘;委托leave go (of sth)松手;放开leave it at that别再说了;到此为止leave it cut就这样吧by/with your leave承蒙付出take leave of your senses丧失理智take (your) leave (of sb)告辞;辞别without a by your leave

16、/without so much as a by your leave擅自;未经许可;无理地leeway余地;偏航;落后make uo leeway摆脱逆境left左边的;离开have two left feet非常笨拙;笨手笨脚left,right and centre四面八方;到处都是left-handed compliment/left-hander左撇子leg腿;支柱break a leg祝你好运not have a leg to stand on无法证实leg it逃跑give sb a leg-up帮助某人上马:帮助;援助length长度;时间的长短at length/atleng

17、th长时间;详尽地go to any,some,great.ect length (to do sth)不遗余力;竭尽全力the length and breadth of到处;处处leopard美洲豹A leopard cannot change its spotsless较少的;较小的less and less越来越少no less居然no less than不少于;多达even/much/still less更何况lesser较少的;更小的the lesser of two evils两害相权之轻者let允许;让;出租;妨碍let fall sth无意中提出;脱口而出let sb go释

18、放某人letter信;字母;证书the letter of the law法律的,准确的,字面意义的to the letter丝毫不差;不折不扣level水平;标准on the level/on the up and up诚实;诚恳be level pegging势均力敌;不分胜负do/try your level best(to do sth)竭尽全力a level playing field人人机会均等liberty自由;许可;冒失at liberty不再受渐进licence许可证;执照;特许Artistic/poetic licence艺术上自由发挥的权利A licence to pri

19、nt money不费劲挣大钱;一本万利lick舔;卷过lick sbs boots拍马屁a lick and a promise各个了事at a (fair) lick迅速;高速的lid盖子;限制keep a/the lid on sth守口如瓶lift the lid on sth/take the lid off sth揭露真相put the (tin) lid on sth对最后的一击lie躺;说谎;位于;展现lie a head/in store将要发生的事lie in state供人瞻仰lie in wait伏击;出其不意lie low不露面take sb lying down逆来顺

20、受;甘受屈辱the lie of the land地貌lie through your teeth睁眼说瞎话lie your way into/out of sth由于撒谎而处于某种境地give the lie to sth证实.是虚假的I tell a lie我说错了lieu代替;场所in lieu (of sth)替代life生活be sbs life对某人至关重要的人bring sb/sth to life使更生动有趣come to life变得生动lifetime一生;寿命the chance,ect,of lifetime终身难得的机遇once in a lifetime一生只有一次

21、lightly轻轻地;轻松地get off/be let off lightly只受轻罚;从轻发落lightning闪电的;快速的lightning never striles twice一事不过二like喜欢more like差不多;更接近more like (it)才像话;还差不多what is sb like?某人怎么回事?how would you like it?你会感觉怎么样?If you like如果是你怎么做(as) like as not/like enough/most/very like很可能;大概as,likely as not/most/very likely很可能n

22、ot likely绝不可能liking嗜好;爱好for your liking适合(口味)愿望limb分支;臂cut on a limb无人支持;孤立无援limit限制be the limit极具讨厌within limits在某种程度上line路线;航线along/down the line在某一环节along/on (the)lines按方式become,ect,on line在运务line your (own)/sbs pockets饱私囊link环节;联系a link in the chain链条中的一个环节lip嘴唇;边缘lick/smock your lips舔嘴唇on every

23、ones lips大家都在议论little小的;很少的a little bird told me有人告诉我little by little逐渐地twist/wrop/wind sb around your任意摆布某人live 活的,生动的 随时可用A live wire 生龙活虎的人The live long day 一整天Living 活的, 现存的 ,活跃的 :Be living proof of sth/that证明.属实 Within/in living memory 清晰的记忆Look 瞧,看 :Look and be hold 哎哟,意想不到Load 负载,负荷,工作量 :Get

24、a load of sb/sth (用以让人)看,听Lock 锁,锁上 :Lock horns(with sb)(over sth) 活泼Lock stock and barrel 全部,所有(keep sth/put sth/be)under lock and key把.安全的锁起来,在押Loggerhead 笨蛋 :At loggerheads(with sb)(over sth) (与某人)不和,相争,严重分歧Lone单身的,杜子德 :A lone wolf 好独处的人,喜欢单干的人Long 长的 :As long as your arm很长At long last最后,终于As/so

25、long as 比.For(so)long长久的Be in sth for the long haul愿意坚持到底Over the long haul 长时间,长久look 看,相貌 :If looks could kill 一脸怨气look-in有.样子的 :(not)get/have a look-in(没)有参加的机会look-out 监视,监视哨 :Be on the look-out (for sb/sth)注意,留心Be sbs look-out是某人自己的事Loom织布机,可怕的出现,朦胧的出现 :Loom large 令人惊恐 :Loop环,圈 :In the loop out

26、 of the loop处理要务的Knock/throw sb for a loop使惊悚,使惊讶Loop the loop (使飞机)翻跟头飞行Loose 宽松的 :Break/cut/tear(sb/sth)loose from sb/sth 摆脱,挣脱Hang/stay loose 保持镇定Have a loose tougue 多嘴On the loose 已逃出自由At a loose end 无事可做Loose sbs tougue使无拘无束的活着 Lord 上帝,主 :(Good)lord/oh,lord 天呐Lord knows 众所周知Lord (only)knows(wha

27、t,where,why,etc.) 天知道Lord it over sb 对某人举止霸道 Loss 减少,亏损 :At a loss 不知所措Cut your losses 趁早罢手All is not loss 还有一线希望Be lost for words 不知说什么才好Lot 许多,很多 :All over the lot/a bad lot 骗子By lot 抽奖,抓阄Fall to sbs lot(to do sth)成为某人的任务(求责任)Loud 大声的,高声的 : Loud and clear 清楚明白 Out loud 出事,大事的Love 爱,爱情Just(for)love/just for the love of sth 出于爱的,不收报酬For the love of god 看在上帝的份上Give/send my love to sb 向某人致意(求问候)Love you and leave you 不挥不走Lower减弱,减少 :Lower yourself (by doing sth) 贬低自己Luck幸运 :Any luck? 运气怎么样?As luck woul

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