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1、罗杰斯、总统助理亨利?基辛格博士和其他美国官员。 尼克松总统于二月二十一日会见了中国共产党主席毛泽东。两位领导人就中美关系和国际事务认真、坦率地交换了意见。 访问中,尼克松总统和周恩来总理就美利坚合众国和中华人民共和国关系正常化以及双方关心的其他问题进行了广泛、认真和坦率的讨论。此外,国务卿威廉?罗杰斯和外交部长姬鹏飞也以同样精神进行了会谈。 尼克松总统及其一行访问了北京,参观了文化、工业和农业项目,还访问了杭州和上海,在那里继续同中国领导人进行讨论,并参观了类似的项目。 中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国领导人经过这么多年一直没有接触之后,理在有机会坦率地互相介绍彼此对各种问题的观点,对此,双方认

2、为是有益的。他们回顾了经历着重大变化和巨大动荡的国际形势,阐明了各自的立场和态度。 中国方面声明 哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。国家要独立,民族要解放,人民要革命,已成为不可抗拒的历史潮流。国家不分大小,应该一律平等,大国不应欺负小国,强国不应欺负弱国。中国决不做超级大国,并且反对任何霸权主义和强权政治。中国方面表示:坚决支持一切被压迫人民和被压迫民族争取自由、解放的斗争;各国人民有权按照自己的意愿,选择本国的社会制度,有权维护本国独立、主权和领土完整,反对外来侵略、干涉、控制和颠覆。一切外国军队都应撤回本国去。坚决支持越南、老挝、柬埔寨三国人民为实现自己的目标所作的努力,坚决支持越南南方共和临时

3、革命政府的七点建议以及在今年二月对其中两个关键问题的说明和印度支那人民最高级会议联合声明;坚决支持朝鲜民主主义人民共和国政府一九七一年四月十二日提出的朝鲜和平统一的八点方案和取消“联合国韩国统一复兴委员会”的主张;坚决反对日本军国主义的复活和对外扩张,坚决支持日本人民要求建立一个独立、民主、和平和中立的日本的愿望;坚决主张印度和巴基斯坦按照联合国关系印巴问题的决议,立即把自己的军队全部撤回到本国境内以及查谟和克什米尔停火线的各自一方,坚决支持巴基斯坦政府和人民维护独立、主权的斗争以及查谟和克什米尔人民争取自决权的斗争。 美国方面声明 为了亚洲和世界的和平,需要对缓和当前的紧张局势和消除冲突的基



6、 双方声明 中美两国的社会制度和对外政策有着本质的区别。但是,双方同意,各国不论社会制度如何,都应根据尊重各国主权和领土完整、不相互侵犯、不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处的五项原则来处理国与国之间的关系。国际争端应在此基础上予以解决,而不诉诸武力和武力威胁。美国和中华人民共和国准备在他们的相互关系中实行这些原则。 考虑到国际关系的上述这些原则,双方声明: 中美两国关系走向正常化是符合所有国家的利益的; 双方都希望减少国际军事冲突的危险; 任何一方都不应该在亚洲-太平洋地区谋求霸权,每一方都反对任何其他国家或国家集团建立这种霸权的努力; 任何一方都不准备代表任何第三方进行谈判,也不准备同对方达成针

7、对其他国家的协议或谅解。 双方都认为,任何大国与另一大国进行勾结反对其他国家,或者大国在世界上划分利益范围,那都是违背世界各国人民利益的。 双方回顾了中美两国之间长期存在的严重争端。中国方面重申自己的立场:台湾问题是阻碍中美两国关系正常化的关键问题;中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府;台湾是中国的一个省,早已归还祖国;解放台湾是中国内政,别国无权干涉;全部美国武装力量和军事设施必须从台湾撤走。中国政府坚决反对任何旨在制造 “一中一台”、”一个中国、两个政府”、”两个中国”、”台湾独立”和鼓吹 “台湾地位未定”的活动。 美国方面声明:美国认识到,在台湾海峡两边的所有中国人都认为只有一个中国,

8、台湾是中国的一部分。美国政府对这一立场不提出异议。它重申它对由中国人自己和平解决台湾问题的关心。考虑到这一前景,它确认从台湾撤出全部美国武装力量和军事设施的最终目标。在此期间,它将随着这个地区紧张局势的缓和逐步减少它在台湾的武装力量和军事设施。 双方同意,扩大两国人民之间的了解是可取的。为此目的,他们就科学、技术、体育和新闻等方面的具体领域进行了讨论,在这些领域中进行人民之间的联系和交流将会是互相有利的。双方各自承诺对进一步发展这种联系和交流提供便利。 双方把双边贸易看作是另一个可以带来互利的领域,并一致认为平等互利的经济关系是符合两国人民的利益的。他们同意为逐步发展两国间的贸易提供便利。 双

9、方同意,他们将通过不同渠道保持接触,包括不定期地派遣美国高级代表前来北京,就促进两国关系正常化进行具体磋商并继续就共同关心的问题交换意见。 双方希望,这次访问的成果将为两国关系开辟新的前景。双方相信,两国关系正常化不仅符合中美两国人民的利益,而且会对缓和亚洲及世界紧张局势作出贡献。 尼克松总统、尼克松夫人及美方一行对中华人民共和国政府和人民给予他们有礼貌的款待,表示感谢。上海公报由为您整理提供,更多公报范本敬请关注【行政公文网】 government decrees.(a) on the center of focus on supervision. In accordance with th

10、e “grasp the overall situation, focused, practical, quantitative refinement“ principle, conscientiously fulfill the supervision function, focusing on the important deployment, major decisions of the party will, secretarys office, department heads meeting agreed matters assigned by the leadership gro

11、up, the book down and do the important matters and the regiment the key work to focus on supervision, to ensure that the inspection item piece is an echo, everything in the bag, to promote the work carried out smoothly.(two) grasp the key special supervision. According to different periods of work n

12、eeds, focus on leadership, social concern, hot and difficult problem of youth reflects the implementation of regular and dynamic supervision of special work assigned by the leadership of the special work of tracking supervision, regularly held the Department responsible for the regular inspection wo

13、rk carried out inspection stage. Check or the implementation of the work, to the work of the special supervision and implementation.(three) innovative ways to promote the supervision. To further improve the effectiveness of supervision and inspection work, really play a role in promoting the impleme

14、ntation work. To further improve and perfect the supervision report system, inspection notification system, regularly carry out random checks of the supervision matters, to highlight the effectiveness of the inspection work, to effectively promote the work carried out.Five, pay close attention to da

15、ily management, efforts to improve logistical support capacityAccording to do great things, do small things, start from the details; General requirements from the overall situation, pay close attention to daily management, enhance the foresight and initiative work, do the work of early preparation,

16、program cost fine plan, artful arrangement, high quality services.(a) further strengthen the authority of hardware construction. Combined with the three hit work, to further promote the party organ culture construction, and actively carry out party building advanced units, units of civilization, to

17、create the homes of the workers, further standardize internal office conditions, perfect decoration authorities canteen, strengthening the Office building management, further improve the authority office environment.(two) to further strengthen the organization system construction. The implementation

18、 of the municipal Party committee of various rules and regulations, in accordance with the norms of management, efficient principle, perfect all kinds of meetings, document processing, logistics system, perfect a set of scientific and reasonable comprehensive coverage, the rules of the system. To st

19、rengthen the day-to-day management work, continuously enhance the rigor and the scientific management, according to the requirements of task decomposition, refinement of quantitative indicators, realize the work determination, work process standardization, work system, to promote the daily work effi

20、cient and orderly operation.(three) to further strengthen the fine financial management authority. Hold on to open source, to further increase funding for efforts, multi-channel for funding, strengthen the overall financial institutions. The authorities adhere to grasp the throttle, vehicle maintena

21、nce, major conference activities, network maintenance and other major expenditure to implement the budget control at the beginning of the year, authorities to strictly implement the financial management system, do a good job the pre final accounts, financial institutions, financial analysis and fina

22、ncial statements related. Adhere to the financial reporting system, improve the efficiency in the use of assets, and the Communist Youth League work continued to develop.(four) to further strengthen security work earnestly. Confidentiality of confidential confidential documents, strict implementatio

23、n of the management system, security system, focus on the secret of the computer and network security management, strict management measures. Actively carry out regular security education, provided security awareness high cadres of workers, to prevent the loss occurred leak phenomenon. To strengthen

24、 the archives management work, conscientiously implement the archives, seal management system, actively carry out the relevant documents, materials, letters and pictures materials collection, registration and filing. The strict safety responsibility system, strictly holidays and night security duty

25、system, strengthen the major work Moving safety work, to ensure safe and orderly.(five) to further strengthen the daily service work. To firmly establish the rules as standard point of view, whether do the text, do, act, or on duty, reception, security in strict accordance with the rules, according

26、to the procedures, to ensure standardized operation. Take care of cadres of workers life, seriously deal with the party to do things for the project for the masses and actively improve the cadres of workers welfare. Strict management of vehicles, official vehicles. To ensure the implementation of of

27、fice smile service system and first asked the first joint service system, the implementation of service complaints system, ensure the quality of service continues to increase.Six, pay close attention to team building, focus on improving the ability to open up innovationIn accordance with the build a

28、 first-class team, with first-class team, a first-class performance, tree class image, the overall requirements, and vigorously strengthen the construction of cadres and workers, and promote the healthy growth of cadres and workers and all-round development.(a) establish the right work ethic. Firmly

29、 establish the concept of office work, have a brilliant future, strengthen the sense of innovation, enhance innovation and courage, to free from old ideas, actively respond to the development requirements of the new situation, actively adapt to the new leadership strictly from the high requirements,

30、 innovation and breakthrough, promote office work the steps in innovation.(two) to strengthen the ideological and political construction. Continue to consolidate communist education on Party membersadvancement activities and enhance awareness of the Communist Youth League education achievements, ser

31、ious ideological and political work of office staff, carry out the dedication in the post work, first-class theme contest activities, and guide the cadres and workers to firmly establish a correct outlook on life. And values, the firm high political consciousness, firm political position, strict pol

32、itical discipline, strengthen the cadres and workers of political awareness, overall awareness, sense of service, efforts to form a diligent, efficient, innovative,Rigorous working atmosphere.(three) to carry out the policy theory of learning. To improve the office of cadres and workers pay close attention to the quality of training and learning, strengthen business knowledge and comprehensive knowledge, constantly optimize the knowledge structure, improve the overall quality of

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