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1、6as long as 只要7as a result (of) (由于的)结果8pay attention to 注意9take . seriously 严肃对待10be devoted to 献身于1Its difficult to judge but we thought they might be in the same class and that they were discussing a problem.很难判断,但我们认为他们可能在同一个班级,并且正在讨论问题。句式分析and连接两个宾语从句,第一个that可省略,第二个不能省略。佳句赏析他说马克思出生在德国,德语是他的母语。H

2、e said Marx was born in Germany and that German was his native language.2Nationalities may influence personalities, but at the end of the day, people are themselves, no matter where they come from.国籍可能会影响到性格,但一天工作结束后,人们都将做回自己,无论他来自哪个国家。句式分析“no matter疑问词”在此引导让步状语从句,表示“无论/不管”。佳句赏析无论你去哪里,你都不要忘记家乡的父母和兄弟

3、。No matter where you go, you mustnt forget your parents and brothers in your hometown.考点1judge vt.& vi.评判,裁判,做评判员,判断;认为;断定 n法官,审判员;裁判员 教材原句It(1)judge from/by .由判断as far as sb. can judge 以某人判断/看Judging from/by根据判断;从上看(2)judgement n. 判断;判断力;审判make a judgement on 对进行评判Judging by the look on his face, t

4、he news must have been terrible.从他脸上的表情判断,这条消息肯定很糟糕。To judge from what he said, he was very disappointed.从他的话判断,他非常失望。As far as I can judge, he should be responsible for it.依我看,他应对此事负责。The judge thought that the evidence was not relevant to the case. 法官认为这个证据和这起案件无关。Can you make a judgement on the g

5、ame?你能对这场比赛做一下评判吗?1单句语法填空Your judgement (judge) plays an important role in solving the problem.Judging (judge) from the book I have read, I think he is a very promising writer.Wearing proper clothes is important too, for locals will judge you by what you wear.2完成句子主裁判对这次失败没作评判。The chief coach made_n

6、o_judgement_on the failure.根据香味来判断,这食物一定很美味。Judging_by/from_the_smell,_the food must be delicious.依我看来,他能实现上大学的梦想。As_far_as_I_can_judge,_he can realize his dream of going to university.考点2devote vt.献身于,专心致志于(常与介词to连用)She devotes a lot of her time to caring the neighbours.她花了很多时间来照顾邻居们。(1)devote ones

7、elf to 献身于,致力于devote ones time/energy/money/life to 把某人的时间、精力、金钱、一生用于(2)devoted adj. 忠诚的(be) devoted to 献身于,致力于(3)devotion n. 奉献;忠诚As I stepped into Senior Three, I had to devote most of my spare time to studying.进入高三后,我不得不把大多数业余时间都用来学习。She devoted her life to helping (help) homeless children.她把一生都用

8、来帮助无家可归的孩子。The librarian is devoted to her tiring job.这位图书管理员致力于她繁重的工作。His devotion to his wife and family is touching.他对妻子和家人的奉献感人至深。He was a devoted (devote) father because he was strict with his daughter and encouraged her when she was in trouble.He is highly thought of because of his devotion (d

9、evote) to work.Devote yourself (you) to your career, but never become its slave.You will never gain success unless you are fully devoted to your work.He has devoted most of his time and energy to finding(find) a cure for the disease.2句式升级The young lady is devoted to teaching the deaf children and ha

10、s little time to care for her own daughter.Devoting_herself_to_teaching_the_deaf_children,_the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.(用现在分词作状语)Devoted_to_teaching_the_deaf_children,_the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.(用过去分词作状语)考点3refer to (指讲话者等)谈及,提及;提称为;参

11、考;查询,查阅you can refer to physical appearance as you make comments评论时你可以参考人的外表(1)refer . to . 将提交/上呈;把归类/归因于; 引去查询/咨询refer to . as 把称为/当作(2)reference n. 参考,查阅;谈到,提及I promised not to refer to the matter again.我答应过再也不提这事了。In order to find the answer to the question he referred to a dictionary.为了找到问题的答案,

12、他查阅了字典。The disagreement was referred (refer) to the United Nations.该项争议已提交联合国处理。English is referred to as a universal language.英语被称为一种世界语言。1写出下列句中refer to的含义As we all know, everyone is not allowed to refer to his notes in the exam.查阅The president spoke at the meeting for nearly an hour without refer

13、ring to his notes.参考My daughter doesnt want anyone to refer to her embarrassing experience. 谈及,提及Some people refer to the color of Apples gold colored iPhone as “tuhao gold”把称为2单句语法填空Johnson referred to the discovery as a major breakthrough in medical science yesterday.You may refer the matter to hi

14、m if necessary.Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future reference (refer)考点4except for .除了She never watches TV except for the news.除了新闻以外,她不看其他的电视节目。Your composition is quite excellent except for several spelling mistakes.你的作文很好,就是有几处拼写错误。The street is empty except for s

15、everal cars.除了几辆车,街上空荡荡的。辨析比较except for主要有两层含义:表示不同类别事物进行比较;表示人或物在总体上是好的,只是其中的某个细节或某个环节不尽人意except表示“从所提到的人或事物中除去,即排除同类中的一分子或从整体中除去一部分”,表示递减的概念,含义是否定的but表示“排除在外,不包含在内”,相当于except,但它通常与某些不定代词如nothing, all, anything, no one, anyone等连用besides表示“除了之外,还有”,指“在整体中加入一部分”,表示递加的概念,含义是肯定的。常与also, else, other等词连用

16、。另外besides还可用作副词,表示“此外,而且”except that/wh 用来表示理由或细节,修正前面所说的情况,其后需接从句1选词填空: besides, but, exceptWang Yuan is a hardworking student besides a famous singer.All the pregnant mothers desire nothing except/but to deliver a healthy baby.I know nothing about the accident except what I have read in the paper

17、.这个故事美妙极了,只有一个问题:与事实不符。s a wonderful story, except_for one problem: Its not true.我不想去。此外,我太累了。I dont want to go; besides,_Im too tired.除了忙的时候之外,他是愿意帮助人的。Hes ready to offer his help except_when hes busy.我对他一无所知,只是知道他来自日本。I know nothing about him except_that he is from Japan.考点5as long as只要;和一样长As lon

18、g as national types are not taken too seriously, its fun trying to guess a persons nationality from their personality.只要人们不过于严肃地看待民族类型,通过人们的性格猜猜他们的国籍也很有趣。As long as one keeps calm, one doesnt feel the heart too much.(谚)心静自然凉。The new bridge is said to be as long as 100 meters.据说新桥长达100米。联想发散思考一下,引导条件

19、状语从句的连词或词组还有哪些?if,_unless,_only_if,_so_long_as,_on_condition_that,_in_case_(that),_provided/providing_(that),_suppose/supposing_(that),_given_(that)等。完成句子如果你做不完作业,你就不可以看电视。You cant watch TV unless_you_finish_your_homework.只要你事先付款了,我们就不再收你的运费。As_long_as_youve_paid_in_advance,_we wont charge you for d

20、elivery.要是没有人反对,我们就在这里开会。Provided_that/If_there_is_no_opposition,_we shall hold the meeting here.Nationalities may influence personalities, but at the end of the day, people are themselves, no_matter_where they come from.(1)no matter“无论,不管”,后面常跟how, what, who (whom), when, where, which等疑问词,意为“无论如何;无

21、论什么;无论谁;无论何时;无论何处;无论哪一个”。No matter where you go, I will support you.无论你去哪儿,我都支持你。(2) “no matter疑问词”引导让步状语从句时,可分别与however, whatever, whoever (whomever), whenever, wherever, whichever等连接词互换。However ( No matter how) successful he was, it is a pity that he couldnt educate his son well.无论他多么成功,没有把儿子教育好是一

22、种遗憾。No matter which train (Whichever train) you take, you will be there by 5 o无论你乘哪一班火车,5点钟总是可以到达那儿的。No matter where/Wherever you go, I would keep your company.不管你到哪里,我都会陪着你。名师指津“no matter疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,而“疑问词ever” 既可以引导让步状语从句,也可以引导名词性从句。1判断正误(T/F)No matter what you say is of no use now.(F)Whatever y

23、ou say is of no use now.(T)Prisoners have to eat no matter what theyre given.(F)Prisoners have to eat whatever theyre given.(T)2句型转换However ordinary a job is, it plays a part in society.No matter how ordinary a job is, it plays a part in society.Whoever destroys the environment will be punished.Anyo

24、ne who destroys the environment will be punished.如何描写人物技法指导本单元的写作任务是描写人物。人物描写主要是介绍人物的外貌、生平、成就等。人物描写的体裁一般是记叙文,有时也以看图作文、表格、书信、新闻的形式出现。(1)人物描写的一般顺序开头(the beginning):对该人物进行简要地介绍,如身份、职业等。主体(the main body):可以按照时间的顺序或在事件中的主次地位进行描述。结尾(conclusion):对此人的评价或感想。(2)人物描写所涉及的方面总体描写:年龄、性别、出生地、家庭及教育背景等。外表、性格特点和特长爱好等。

25、详细介绍所描述人的特色及生平大事(成就)。评价。黄金表达一、常用词汇1naughty 淘气的2smart 聪明的3confident 自信的4independent 独立的5spend his childhood in . 在度过了他的童年6a man with strong will 意志力坚强的人7be interested in 对感兴趣8be fond of 喜欢9be crazy about . 痴迷于10have a gift for . 有做的天赋11be delighted in doing 高兴做12be strict with 对严格13make up ones mind

26、下定决心14be honoured as . 被授予荣誉15think highly of 高度评价二、常用句式1. was one of the greatest . in the 20th century.是20世纪最伟大的之一。2He/She studied at . and graduated .他/她就读于毕业于3. is the one who impresses me most.是我印象最深的一个。4. is such a learned/strongwilled person that we all admire/respect him/her.是如此一个博学/意志坚强的人,我

27、们都很钦佩/尊敬他/她。5He/She devoted all his/her life to .他/她把毕生都致力于6He/She was highly thought of .他/她受到高度评价7In my opinion .在我看来8He/She will live in the hearts of . forever.他/她会永远活在心中。写作规范题目要求请写一篇关于钱学森的介绍。要求包含下文中的所有内容。词数100左右。钱学森自小就受到家庭和学校良好的教育,立志长大后献身于祖国的科学事业。大学毕业后,赴美留学,获得航空博士学位,成为美国知名的火箭专家。新中国成立后,他急切地盼望回到祖国,但是受到美国当局的百般阻挠。经过他不屈不挠的斗争,终于回到了祖国并一心

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