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1、15.我将成为一名像他一样的篮球运动员。Im going to be a basketball player like him.16. Are you going to join the school rowing club? 你打算加入学校划船俱乐部吗?Yes,I am./ No,Im not. 是的,我参加/不,我不参加。17.星期日我们打算同三班举行一场篮球赛。We are going to have a basketball game against ClassThree on Sunday.18.到达(4种)(1)arrive in+大地点 arrive in Shanghai(2)

2、arrive at+小地点 arrive at school=get to school(3)get to+地点(get home/here=arrive home/here)(4)reach+地点arrive in Beijing=get to Beijing=reach Beijing19 play against 同比赛20. leave for动身去某地They are leaving for Jpapan the day after tomorrow. 后天他们要动身友日本。21.离开A地前往B地leave A for BLeave Beijing for Shanghai离开北京前

3、往上海22. the day after tomorrow后天23. join the party/us加入(某组织/人)24.take part in=join in参加(比赛/活动)25. What a shame/pity! 真遗憾!/多可惜!26 break the Olmpic record 打破奥林匹克纪录27. go cycling去骑自行车28. go mountain climbing去爬山29.她多久骑一次自行车?How often does she go cycling?She goes cycling twice a week. 她一周骑二次自行车.30. relax

4、oneself放松自己31. once/twice a week一周一/两次32. spendon sth花费时间在某事上I spent 10 yuan on the book.33. Spend(in) doing sth=It takes sb some time to do sth某人花费时间做某事上She spends half an hour (in) playing soccer every day.=It takes her half an hour to play soccer every day.34. half an hour半小时35. pretty well相当好36.

5、 be good at (doing) sth=do well in (doing) sth擅长于做某事He is good at jumping.=He does well in jumping.37. this/next weekend这/下周末38. Its too bad that that the players arent going to stay for long. 遗憾的是他们不会停留太久39. There is going to be a school sports meet next weekend. 学校运动会将在下周末举行。40.(1)What are you goi

6、ng to do tomorrow morning? 明天早晨你打算做什么?(2)Im going to play soccer. 我要去踢足球.41.the high jump跳高42.the long jump 跳远43. go skating/skiing/ boating去滑冰/雪/去划船44.使/让make/keep sb+形容词Make me strong使我强壮Keep our classroom clean使我们的教室干净45.保持健康keephealthy46.Because it makes me strong, and it is popular all over the

7、 world. 因为它使我强壮,并且它在全世界都很流行。47.全世界all over the world48.保持健康keep healthy/fit49.它是保持身体健康的一种好方法。Its a good way to keep healthy.50.对有益be good for51.对有害be bad for52.玩得高兴!have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself53.做运动do exercise 54.有助于做某事help to do sth55.帮某人做某事(2 种)help sb with sth=help sb (to) do sth56.赢得

8、一枚金牌win a gold medal57.今后/在将来in the futureUnit 1 Topic 21帮某人忙do sb a favour=help sb=give sb a handdo me a favour=help me=give me a hand 帮我一个忙(1).请你帮我一个忙好吗?Could you please do me a favor?(2).当然,什么事?Sure,What is it?2患病/病倒fall ill3最好的运动员之一 one of the best players4你真好。/太感谢你了。Thats/Its very nice/kind of

9、you.5不用谢。Thats all right.6乐意做某事be glad to do sth7介意做某事mind doing sth8练习做某事practice doing sthPractice running/speaking English9请你好吗?Could you please.?10让某人做某事make sb do sthMake me play soccerMake him watch TV11.别的地方somewhere else12.立刻/马上(4种)at once/right away/right now/in a minute13.整理床铺make ones bed

10、14.上课迟到be late for class15.需要做某事need to do sth16.离远be far from17.离近be close to/be near to18.感觉很好feel well19.你介意吗?/请你好吗?Would you mind doing sth(1)你介意教我吗?Would you mind teaching me?(2)一点也不。/当然不会。Not at all./Of course./Certainly not(3)你介意整理你的床铺吗?would you mind making your bed?(4)对不起。我将马上做它。Sorry.Ill d

11、o it right away.20.你介意不做吗?/请你不要好吗?Do/Would you mind (not) doing sth?(1)请你不要在这儿吸烟好吗?Do you mind not putting your bike here?(2)对不起。我会把它放在别的地方。Sorry.Ill put it somewhere else.(3)请你不要那样大声弹钢琴好吗?Would you mind not playing the piano so loudly?(4)很抱歉。我会轻点弹它。Im sorry about that.Ill play it more quietly.21.玩得

12、高兴/过得愉快have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself22.朝某人大喊shout at sb 23.生某人的气be angry with sb24.尽力去做某事do/try ones best to do sth25.向某人道歉say sorry to sb26.为(做)某事感到报歉be sorry about/for (doing) sthIm sorry for losing your book. 很抱歉把你的书弄丢了。27.坚持/继续做某事keep doing sth28.确信要做某事be sure to do sth=be sure (that)从

13、句29.和某人打架have a fight with sb=fight with sb30.在某人的帮助下(2种)with ones help=with the help of sb31.开/关窗open/close the window32.越来越受欢迎more and more popular33.打开/关闭turn on/off Turn on/off the TV34.把调大turn up35.把调小turn down36.对不起。(2 种)sorry./Im sorry.37.真对不起。(2 种)Im very/really sorry.38.没关系。(5种)Never mind.=

14、It doesnt matter.=Thats OK.=Thats all right.=Its nothing.39.对某人很重要be important to sbThe book is important to me.40.喜欢做某事(3)种like/love/enjoy doing sth41.把放入put into42.把投进throwinto43.遵守规则follow the rules44.一个15岁的男孩a 15-year-old boy45.感到疲劳get tired46.(1)代替/而不是instead of(句中) (2)(相反)instead (句末)47.增强体质/使

15、更强壮build sb/sth upBuild me up=make me strong48.非常开心地做某事have fun doing sthI have great fun running. 我非常快乐地跑步。49.(1)你愿意加入我们吗?Will you join us?(2)我很乐意.Id be glad to.50你总是那样粗心。You are always so careless.51你这么说是什么意思?What do you mean by saying that?52.真抱歉我昨晚没有给你打电话.Im sorry about that. I didnt call you la

16、st night.53.当我7岁的时候我开始玩篮球。I started playing basketball when I was seven years old.Unit1 Topic31.I will take part in the school sports meet .我将要参加学校运动会。2.take part in =join in =be in参加(比赛/活动)Will you take part in it?=Will you join in it?你将参与吗?3.(1)Which sport will you take part in?你会参加什么运动项目?(2)Ill b

17、e in the long jump and the high jump.我会参加跳远和跳高。4.Keep trying.I believe you will win.继续努力。我相信你会赢。5.Its ones first time to do sth是某人第一次做Its my first time to take part in the high jump.这是我第一次参加跳高比赛。6.I dont think I will have lots of fun.我想我将不会从中得到许多乐趣。7.I wont lose.我不会输的。8.Maybe he is a student=He may

18、be a student.或许他是一个学生。9.What shall we take?我们将带什么?Well take some books.10.Shall I take a camera?Good idea./sure/Of course/Certainly.10.(1)When shall we meet?我们将什么时候会面?(2)Lets make it half past six.就定在:30吧。11(1)Where shall we meet? 我们将在哪儿会面?(2)At my house.在我家。12.There is/are going to be=There will be

19、将会有There will/is going to be another exciting relay race this afternoon.今天下午还会有一场激动人心的接力赛。13.What time will it begin?什么时候开始? well/badly in在方面做得好/差He does well in English,but he does badly in math.15.Hello,is that Michael?喂,你是迈克尔吗?16.This is Kangkang speaking.我是康康。17.Congratulations!祝贺你!18.for t

20、he first time第一次19.The Olympic Games take place every four years.奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次。 least至少21.stand for代表/向征22.improve our environment改善我们的环境 sb up增强体质Unit2 Topic11.(1)Whats wrong with you?=Whats the matter with you?=Whats the trouble with you?你怎么啦?(2)I have a cold/a fever/a cough/a tootha

21、che/a backache/a stomachache/a sore throat/sore eyes/the flu.我感冒了/发烧了/咳嗽/牙痛/背痛/胃痛/嗓子痛/眼睛痛/流感2.Whats wrong with him?=Whats the matter with him?他怎么了?He has a cold.他感冒3.Im sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我很难过。4.You should see a dentist.你应该去看牙医。5.I hope youll get well soon.我希望你快点好起来。6.Keep healthy=keep fit保持健康

22、Doing morning exercises can keep us healthy.7.go to see a doctor去看医生8.have/take a rest休息一下9.You should drink plenty of boiled water. 你应该多喝开水。Plenty of=a lot of =lots of 许多10. You should stay in bed and have a good sleep.你应该卧床 睡个好觉。11.You shouldnt drink coffe or tea in the evening.你不应该在晚上喝咖啡或者喝茶。12.a

23、t night在夜晚13.You look pale.你看上去脸色苍白。14.(1)How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎么样?(2)Im feeling terrible.我感觉很难受。15.(1)How long have you been like this?你向这样有多久了?(2)Two days.两天。16.take/have some medicine吃药17.take sb to +地点(带某人去某地)take you to the hospital 带你去医院18.have a terrible/bad cold 患重感冒 and nigh

24、t日日夜夜20.feel like doing sth=want to do sth想要做某事I dont feel like eating.我不想吃东西。21.had better (not) do sth最好不要做某事Youd better not go to school today.今天你最好别去上学。22.Youd better drink hot tea with honey.你最好喝带蜂蜜的热茶。23.Youd better lie down and rest.你最好躺下休息。24.see a dentist看牙医25.You had better not eat too muc

25、h candy.你最好不要吃太多的糖果。26.You should brush your teeth twice a week.你应该一周刷牙两次。27.take (good ) care of=look after照顾/照看28.Dont worry.别担心。29.不定代词+形容词nothing serious没什么严重的something important一些重要的事情30.check over检查正误/身体31.three times a day一天三次32.have an accident发生一场事故33.notuntil 直到才I didnt sleep until my moth

26、er came back直到我的妈妈回来我才睡觉。34.Dont worry about him.=Dont be worried about him .不要为他担心。35.(1)ill只能作表语He is ill .(表语)(2)sick既能做表语用能做定语He is sick. (表语)The sick girl is my friend.(定语)36.Two pills each time,three times a day.每次两片,一天两次。37.I hope Ill get well and return to school soon.我希望我会很快好起来,早点返回学校。Unit

27、2 Topic21.Whats up?=Whats wrong?=Whats the matter?=Whats the trouble?怎么了?2.look tired看上去很累3.have/take a good rest好好休息4.Staying up late is bad for your health.熬夜对你的身体是有害的。5.(1)Is going to bed early good or bad for our health?早睡对我们的身体有害还是有益?(2)Its good.有益。4.get up late晚起 morning exercises做早操 sports=play sports=do exercise做运动7.Wash hands before meals饭前洗手8.go to school without breakfast不吃早饭去上学9.brush teeth twice a day一天刷两次牙10.give up doing sth=stop doing sth放弃做某事I must ask him to give up smoking.我一定让他戒烟。give up watching TV=stop watching TV放弃看电视11.Dont throw litter around.=You mustnt

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