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1、它就在我的背包里。我需要你的帮助。你能帮我打开背包吗?这样我就可以给Boots读那本红色的书了!你得说:backpack! Say backpack! 说backpack! Louder!大声一点儿!The song: Backpack, backpack!On the backpack floated with . Anything that you might need I got inside for you. 我是背包背包是我,里面什么都有。装满书本,装满玩具,全都可以给你。Backpack, backpack! I have lots of books.我有许多书。 But Dora

2、 needs to find the big red book. 朵拉想找一本又大又红的书。Lets look for our red books first!我们来看看哪些书是红色的。 Is this the red book? (Pause)Is this the red book? (Pause) Is this the red book? (Pause)是这本红色的书吗?停顿是这本红色的书吗?停顿Great! Now which one is the big red book? (Pause) 太好了!那么现在哪本是又大又红的书呢?You get it! Now Dora can re

3、ad the big red book to Boots. 答对啦!现在朵拉可以读这本又大又红的书给Boots听啦!Yum yum yum yum! The legend of the big red chicken. The book is in Spanish, but I can tell you what it says. Once there was a little red chicken who lived on a big red hill. (Pause) The little red chicken was very very little. He couldnt run

4、as fast as his friends. He was so little that he had to be very careful or his friends would step on him. He didnt like being so little. (Pause) Then one night, when the little chicken went to bed, he saw a group of stars shaped like a big chicken. (Pause) He made a wish on the stars that he would b

5、e big. And guess what happened in the morning. (Pause) When the little chicken woke up, he wasnt little any more. He was a big chicken! He was as big as a house. (Pause) The big chicken was so happy. He danced the chicken dance by slapping his arms and stamping his feet. (Pause) And guess what, if y

6、ou go to the big red hill, maybe you can meet the big red chicken! They say hes still dancing the chicken dance!这本书是大红公鸡的传说。这是一本很有意思的书哦。虽然这是西班牙语,但是我可以告诉你书里写了什么。从前有一只红色的小鸡,住在一座高高的红色山坡上。这只红色的小鸡非常非常的小。他跑的没有其他的朋友那么快。他太小了,所以得非常小心,要不然就会被朋友踩到。他不喜欢自己个子那么小。有一天晚上,当这只小鸡要睡觉的时候,看到天空中的一群星星,围成一只大公鸡的模样。于是,他对着星星许了个心

7、愿,希望自己能够变大。猜猜看,第二天早上发生了什么事儿?这只红色的小鸡一觉醒来,他不再是那只小小的鸡了。他成了一只大大的公鸡。他变得像房子那样大。这只大公鸡非常开心,跳起了公鸡舞。他拍拍翅膀,跺着脚。你知道吗?书上说,如果你到了那座大红山,或许你真能见到那只大红公鸡。听说,他还在跳着小鸡舞呢。 Great story, Dora! I wanna go see the big red chicken on the big red hill!这个故事好好听啊,朵拉!我想去大红山看看那只大红公鸡。 Great idea! Lets go find that chicken!好主意!我们去找那只大红

8、公鸡。 Which way is the chicken?大红公鸡在哪里呢? Remember the book says we might be able to find him on the big red hill! Lets check the map and find how to get to the big red hill! (Pause) I need your help! Could you check the map for us and find out how to get to the big red hill? You have to say: Map! (Pau

9、se) I think you have to say it again.你还记得吗?书上说我们可以在大红山找到他。现在让我们查查地图看怎么去大红山找那只大红公鸡。你能帮我们查查地图,看看大红山怎么去吗?map. 麻烦你们再说一遍。 Say map! If theres somewhere you gotta go, Im the one you need to know. Im the map. Im the map. Im the map. If theres somewhere you should get, I can get you there Im the map! Im the

10、map. Im the map. Im the map. Im the map. Im the map. Im the map. Im the map. Im the map. Im the map. Im the map! (Pause) Dora and Boots need to get to the big red hill to find the big red chicken! Well I know how to get to the big red hill. To get to the big red hill, you need to go over the bridge,

11、 through the gate. And thats how you get to the big red hill! So heres what you tell Dora. Bridge, gate, big red hill. Say it with me: Bridge, gate, big red hill. Bridge, gate, big red hill. Bridge, gate, big red hill.歌曲:如果你想去什么地方,尽管快快来找我。我是地图。因为只要找到我,我就可以带你去。我是地图。朵拉和Boots想去大红山,找到那只大红公鸡。我知道怎么去大红山。要去

12、大红山呢,你得先过一座桥,再过一扇门。这样,你就能够到达大红山。所以你可以和朵拉说,桥,门,大红山。跟我一起说:桥,门,大红山。桥,门,大红山。 How do we get to see the big red chicken on the big red hill? Bridge, gate, big red hill. So we need to go over the bridge, through the gate. Thats how you get to the big red hill to find the big red chicken! (Pause) All right,

13、 Boots. First, we need to go over the bridge. Do you see the bridge? Where?怎么才能去大红山看那只大红公鸡呢?我们先走过一座桥,再走过一扇门,这样我们就能到达大红山看大红公鸡啦。好啦,Boots。首先,我们得一起走过那座桥。你看到那座桥了吗?它在哪里? Theres the bridge!它在那儿! Great! Lets go!太好啦!我们走吧! Bridge, gate, big red hill. Bridge, gate, big red hill. Bridge, gate, big red hill. Bri

14、dge, gate, big red hill. (Pause) e on with us. Everybody lets go! e lets go do it. I know that we can do it!来吧,朋友们。大家一起来。我们现在就出发。我们一定可以做到。Where are we going?我们要去哪里? To the big red hill!去大红山。(Laughter)Together: Big red hill!一起:大红山!Dora d better watch out for Swiper the fox.你听到那声音了吗?嘿,布茨,我们最好当心捣蛋鬼狐狸。

15、That snigger fox! Always try to swipe us.那个捣蛋鬼狐狸,总想拿我们的东西。 Could you help us look for Swiper? If you see the fox,yell Swiper.(Pause) You see him?你们能帮我们找到捣蛋鬼吗?如果你看到那个狐狸,就大喊,捣蛋鬼!你看见他了吗?在哪?I dont see him.我没看见他。 Wheres he now? () Behind a tree? ()There he is! We need your help to stop Swiper. You have t

16、o say Swiper No Swiping! Say with us. Swiper No Swiping! Swiper No Swiping!他现在在那里?在树的后面?他在那!我们需要你们帮助来阻止捣蛋鬼。你要说,捣蛋鬼别捣蛋!和我们一起说,捣蛋鬼别捣蛋!捣蛋鬼别捣蛋!Swiper the fox: Oh,man!哦,真是的。 Thanks for helping us stop Swiper.谢谢你们帮助阻止捣蛋鬼。 Um,yumm!嗯,好吃。 Delicious! e on,Boots! Lets go to the big red hill and then we can fin

17、d the big red chicken.真好吃。来吧,布茨。让我们一起去大红山这样我们就可以找到大红公鸡。 Do you think hes gonna be there? Do you?你认为他会在那儿吗?会吗? I sure hope so. What do you think? Do you think that big red chicken will be there?我当然希望她在那儿。你们怎么想?你们认为大红公鸡会在那儿吗? Oh, I hope is there. I hope is there.哦!我希望他在那儿,我希望他在那儿。 e on ,Boots. Lets go

18、 see.让我们一起去看看吧。SONG: Bridge! Gate! Big red hill!桥! 门! 大红山!e on with us . Everybody , lets go.和我们一起来吧。每个人一起来。(Boots) e on,lets get to do it.来吧,让我们一起去。(Dora) I know that we can do it!我知道我们可以做到。 Where are we going ?我们现在去哪儿?(Boots) To the big red hill !(Dora) To the big red hill !(Together) Where are we

19、 going ?To the big red hill !Where are we going ? To the big red hill !大红山。Boots : Look ,its a bridge. The bridge. Yeah,we made it to the bridge.看啊,一座桥。那座桥。耶,我们来到了那座桥。TOGETHER:Oh,right!哦,是的。 Big chicken,here I e!大公鸡,我来啦!Dora : Wait, Boots. Careful.等等,布茨,当心! The bridge is breaking some pieces of wood

20、.But I want to go look for the big red chicken. 桥坏了几块木头。但是我想去找大红公鸡。 Well,maybe we can find the missing pieces. Do you see the missing pieces?好吧,也许,我们可以找到那些丢失的木头。你们看到那些丢失的木头了吗?Yeah,there are the missing pieces. Down there.See?是的。那些是丢失的木头。在那。看见了吗?Yeah,but how are we going to get them?但我们怎么样才能拿到它们呢? I

21、dont know.我不知道。 Lets stop and think. Maybe theres someone we could ask for help. Do you see anyone who can help us? The bird. Good thinking. can help us fix the bridge.让我们停下来想想。也许我们可以找人来帮助。你看到可以帮我们的人了吗?那只鸟。好主意。那只鸟可以帮助我们修好桥。 will you help us fix the bridge?你可以帮我们修好桥吗?The bird : (Spanish)好的。 What is h

22、e saying?他说什么? He says . Says Spanish.他说好的。他说西班牙语。 Will you ask him to help us fix the bridge?你可以请他帮我们修好桥吗? Sure. (Spanish)当然。Will you help us fix the bridge?你可以帮助我们修好桥吗? He said yes.他说可以。 Yes!好耶。 Remember. You have to tell which piece will fill the hole in the bridge. If the big piece will fix the

23、bridge, say Grande (Spanish).If the little piece will fix the bridge, you say pequeno (Spanish). Would we say again?Grande for big. pequeno for little.Grandepequeno Grandepequeno Say with me. Grandepequeno Remember, you have to tell which piece will fill the hole in the bridge.记住,你需要告诉他哪一块可以补上桥上的洞。如

24、果那块大的可以,就说,大的。如果是小的,你们就说小的。我们再说一遍好吗?大的,小的。大,小。和我一起说,大,小。记住,你要告诉他哪块能补上桥上的洞。The bird:Grande? Pequeno?大的?小的? Yeah, way to go.耶,对了。 Grande,you pick the big one.大的,你选了大的那一个。Grande?Pequeno? pequeno ,you pick the little one. Oh,right.小的,你选了那个小的。 Thank you for helping us fix the bridge.谢谢你帮助我们修好桥。 Goodbye,再

25、见, So where do we go next? Bridge? Gate? Big red hill? We made it over the bridge. So next we go to 我们下一站去哪?桥?门?大红山?我们已经过了桥,所以我们接下来去?Boots :The gate! The gate!去大门那。 Do you see the gate?你们看见那个大门了吗?在哪? Yeah, theres the gate.对,大门在那。一起来吧。(Boots) e on, lets get to do it.We made it to the gate.大门,大门,我们找到大门啦!Boots &All right!

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