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1、C. The forecast calls for more rain tomorrow.D. She wont go to the beach if it rains tomorrow.14. A. Practice his presentation in front of her.B. Watch her make her presentation.C. Find out who will be his audience tomorrow.D. Try not to think about his audience.15. A. Mike is not serious with Joyce

2、.B. Joyce is Mikes second wife.C. Mike loves Joyce heart and soul.D. Mike loves Joyce second to himself.16. A. Her back hurt during the meeting.B. She agreed that the meeting was good.C. The proposal should be sent back.D. The mans support came late.17. A. She has too many dreams.B. She doesnt put h

3、er ideas into practice.C. She likes sleeping in the daytime.D. She doesnt have any good idea.18. A. The woman will see Kates sister in the afternoon.B. The woman has to meet Kate after the interview.C. The woman can tell Kate about the interview in the afternoons meeting.D. The woman must tell Kates

4、 sister about the interview.Section B 4%Listen to the following passage, and then complete the statements.(the passage will be read only once)An 80-year-old couple was having problems remembering things, so they decide to go to their doctor to see what was wrong with them. They explained to the doct

5、or about the problems they were having with their (1)_ memory _. After checking the couple over, the doctor told them that they were physically okay but might need to start writing things down to help them remember. The couple thanked the doctor and left.Later that night while watching TV, the old w

6、oman said to the old man, “Honey, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream”Before the man left, she added, “Why dont you write that (2) down _ so you wont forget” “Nonsense,” said the husband, “I can remember a dish of ice cream!”“Well,” said the wife, “Id like some strawberr

7、ies on it. Youd better write that down because I know your memory is failing.”“Dont be (3)_ silly _,” replied the husband. “Therere only two things: a dish of ice cream and some strawberries. I can surely remember that!With that, he rushed into the kitchen. After about twenty minutes he returned fro

8、m the kitchen and handed her a plate of bacon and eggs.The wife took one look at the plate, (4)_ glanced_ up at her husband, and said, “Hey, you forget the toast!Section C 13%Directions: In this section, you will hear the passage for three times.It is interesting to note how(1) , straight A students

9、 achieve academic excellence. Here, according to education experts and students themselves are the (2)_ secrets _ of super-achievers.First, they know how to set (3) priorities . Top students allow no intrusions on study time. Once the books are open or the computer is turned on, phone calls go unans

10、wered, TV shows unwatched, snacks (4) ignored . Study is business, and business comes before recreation.Also, good students can study anywhere and everywhere. Claudia Hill, an Arizona State University business professor recalls a cross-country runner who worked out every day. Hill(5) persuaded him t

11、o use his spare time to memorize biology term. Then he (6) posted a list of biology terms on the mirror in the bathroom. He learned a few terms every day while brushing his teeth. Eventually, he (7)_ scored_ high on the final examination.Moreover, top students schedule their time well. (8) Study tim

12、es are strictly a matter of personal preference. . Some work late at night when the house is quiet. Others awake early. Still others study as soon as they come home from school when the work is fresh in their minds. All agreed, however, on the need for consistency. A student says, “(9) Whatever I wa

13、s doing, I maintained a certain period of time every day for studying. ”Another important characteristic of super-achievers is that they know how to read, According to a book entitled Getting Straight As, the secret of good reading is to be “(10) , an active reader- one who continually asks question

14、s that lead to a full understanding of the authors message. _”.Quiz Two (unit3-4)Section A 10% In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must c

15、hoose the best answer from the four choices marked A) B) C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet with a single line through the centre. 26 A. The effects of the new drugs.B. The growing demand for the drugs.C. The attack on forged medicines.D. The decreasing quality of the medi

16、cines.27 A. In the poorest regions.B. In the calamitous areas.C. In developing countries.D. In the wealthy countries.28. A. There is no effective system.B. Criminal are producing better methods.C. More and more forged medicines appear in the market.D. An international expert group hasnt been created

17、.Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are based on the conversation you have just heard.29 A. Because there are too many kinds of tax to pay.B. Because the methods of calculating tax are often changing.C. Because there are many factors to consider.D. Because most people are not very familiar with the rule

18、s of taxpaying.30. A. He had paid less tax than he should have.B. He had paid more tax than he should have.C. He had paid as much tax as usual.D. He had paid just enough tax.31. A. To send him a new tax form.B. To return the money overpaid.C. To remind him of paying the tax.D. To explain the rules o

19、f taxpaying.Passage Three Questions 32 to 35 are based on the conversation you have just heard.32. A. They felt regretful.B. They felt depressed.C. They felt disappointed.D. They felt excited.33. A. In the 1360s.B. In the 1795s.C. In the 1950s.D. In the 1960s.34. A. To celebrate the birthday of King

20、 Jean II.B. To celebrate the rebirth of the country.C. To celebrate King Jeans victory in his war with England.D. To celebrate the occasion of King Jean IIs release.35. A. 600 years.B. 620 years.C. 624 years.D. 642 years.Section B 5%Dorothy was the only child of her family, born when her parents wer

21、e mid-aged. They (1)_ her badly. At the age of 33 she still lived at home. Her mother and father treat her like a princess. She seemed perfectly (2)_ with that situation, so her friends were surprised when she announced she would soon get married. People who knew her well said the marriage wouldnt l

22、ast long. But for the present, she and her new husband (3)_ happy.As soon as the newly couple returned from their honeymoon, the bride called her mother.“How does everything go” her mother asked.“Oh, Mom,” she began, “the honeymoon was lovely! So romantic! We had a wonderful time. But on our (4)_, B

23、ob started using terrible language. Stuff Id never heard before. Really awful four-letter words. Youve got to come get me and take me home. Please, Mom!” the new bride sobbed over the telephone. “But, honey,” the mother asked, “What four-letter words”“I cant tell you, Mom. Theyre too awful! Come get

24、 me, please!“Darling, you must tell me what has upset you so much. Tell me what four-letter words he used.”Still sobbing, the bride said, “Mom, words like (5)_, wash, iron, and cook.”Section C 10%There are times that you will be asked a (1)_ hard _ question during a job interview. Dont panic, they j

25、ust want to see how you handle a difficult situation. Being prepared is always the best policy. Here are some samples of questions and some advice on how to handle them (2)_ properly _.Why should we choose you To this question, you can ask yourself why you applied, what makes you (3)_ suitable _ for

26、 this question, what the company can gain from hiring you, what you have to offer, how you would handle this jib, etc.Often they ask you to tell them about yourself. You can (4)_ split_ your answer into two, the professional and the personal level. Both are important, and how you move from one to th

27、e other depends on what you have to say., (5)_ You can give a brief summary of your life, professional and personal_, _with less emphasis on the early past, and more emphasis on the present and the future.When asked “What are your weakness”, dont say, “I dont have any.”, (6)_ Everyone has weakness,

28、and it takes something positive like _. Say something relevant but not hugely important to the specific position and always add something positive like “I havent had a lot of exposure on the on-site work, but Im looking forward to being more involved in dealing with customers directly and learning t

29、heir needs.”Another common question is: (7)_ What are your strengths”_You should customize your answer to meet the position requirement. Keep in mind the things they asked for in the advertisement. Tell them your strengths, but also show them how they how they would apply to this job. To show how your strengths were valuable, use the “Why, where, when

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