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1、C. charge your course to 036 D. change your course by 036006A bad separation makes the cargo _ at its destination. 不好的隔票,在目的港卸货会有更多的困难A. easier to discharge B. more difficult to dischargeC. easer to load D. more difficult to load007A man aboard a vessel, signaling by raising and lowering his outstre

2、tched arms to each side, is indicating_.一人在船上,用他伸出的双臂在两边上下挥动示意,这表示一个遇险信号A . danger, stay away B. all is clear, it is safe to passC. the vessel is anchored D. a distress signal008A vessel which is fishing is required to show sidelights and a stern-light only when _正在捕鱼的船被要求显示舷灯和艉灯仅当其在航并对水移动A. anchore

3、d B. underwayC. dead in the water D. underway and making way009A vessel will NOT show sidelights when_船舶失去控制且不对水移动时将不显示舷灯A. underway but not making way B. making way ,not under commandC. not under command, not making way D. trolling underway010A weather map is a synoptic data because it_天气图是气象资料因为它一

4、个大量信息的总结A. summarizes a great deal of information B. can be interpreted accuratelyC . appears dailyD. is prepared by the Weather Bureau011Admiralty Charts are published in _英版海图由英国发行A. U.S.A B. China C.U.K D. Japan012All the expenses are _the ships account. 所有费用由船方支付A. of B. for C. to D. at013At sea

5、, we can use _to fix the ships position. 在海上,我们能够使用Loran来定位A. VHF B. Steering Gear C. Rudder Indicator D. Loran014 It is very kind _ you to help us. 你非常友好的帮助。(Kind of连接人物。 Kind for接物A. Of. B. For. C. To. D. At.015 My ship _ that port next month我船下个月将挂靠那港口A. calls at B. has called at C. call at D. wi

6、ll call at016 Speed must regulated _ no damage is done to the wharf. 速度必须调整为了不给码头造成损坏A. In order. B. So as. C. So that. D. Such that017The Certificate of pratique shall only have effect in _检疫证书将仅在颁发国的所有港口内有效A. all ports of the issuing countryB. all ports of the worldC. all ports other than a issuin

7、g countryD. all ports of ships arrival018The ship is equipped with DF船舶配备有无线电测向仪A. discharging facilities B. direction finderC. log indicator D. a kind of radar019The ships draught forward is same as her draught aft. This condition is named as_船舶的艏吃水与其艉吃水相同。这状态命名为平吃水A. even keel B. even trim C. even

8、 draught D. even float020同上ABCD021The vessel ahead _you is stopped. 在你前面的船已停止A. before B. from C. of D. away022We have finished _and are ready for sailing. 我们已经结束装货并准备好开航A. load B. loading C. will load D. to load023What does the abbreviation SWL stand for? _缩写词SWL代表什么?安全工作负荷A. signal wave letters B.

9、 ship without lightC. safe water line D. safe working load024What weather forecast can do is to give a statement of expected condition in_天气预报能够给出某一确定区域的预期情况的陈述A. every area B. a certain area C. some areas D. many areas025When two vessels are in immediate danger of collision, the stand-on vessel mus

10、t_当两机动船处于碰撞的紧急危险中时,直航船必须采取有助于避免碰撞的一切必要措施A. abandon ship B. assist in taking whatever action is necessary to avoid collisionC. hold course and speed D. sound a distress signal026You are in restricted visibility and hear a fog signal forward of the beam. Nothing appears on your radar screen. You must

11、_你船在航能见度受限水域并听到正横前雾号。雷达荧光屏上没有出现回波。你应减速到维持舵效A. stop your engines B. sound two prolonged blasts of the whistleC. sound the danger signal D. slow to bare steerageway027Your vessel is approaching a bend. You hear a prolonged blast from around the bend. You should _你船正在接近一个湾头。在湾头附近你听到一长声。你应回答一长声A. back y

12、our engines B. stop your engines and driftC. answer with one prolonged blast D. sound the danger signal028Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can_每一船舶应一直用安全航速航行以便她能够采取适当有效的避碰措施和能够在当时环境和局面的合适距离内把船停住A. take proper and effective action to avoid collisionB. be stopped wit

13、hin a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.C. neither A and BD. both A nor B029Forward station, single up forward _ head line and spring. 船艏,用首缆和首倒缆单绑A. in B. on D. by030The though cargo in No.4 hatch square stands _the way. 第四货舱舱口位的过境货物占位挡住了去路A. at B. in C. on 031What

14、 is the position of vessel _distress? 遇险船舶的位置是什么(在哪)A. on B. at C. in 032A vessel using a traffic separation scheme is forbidden to_使用分道通航制区域的船舶被禁止航行通过在不合适的通航分道中A. proceed through an inappropriate traffic laneB. engaged in fishing in the separation zone C. cross a traffic lane D. enter the separatio

15、n zone, even in an emergency033All of the following are distress signal EXPECT_以下除给出五声或更多短而急的气笛外都是规则规定的遇险信号A. the continuous sounding of any fog signal apparatusB. giving five or more short and rapid blasts of the whistleC. firing a gun at interval of about a minuteD. a barrel with burning oil in it

16、, on deck034Gale warnings are usually issued when winds of _8-9 are expected. 大风警报通常被发布当预计Beaufort风力在89级时A. wind Speed B. Air Force C. wind Velocity D. Beaufort Force035Goods stowed in containers _without notice. 集装箱可装载于甲板上或甲板下而不必预先通知货物所有人A. shall be carried on deck B. shall be carried under deck C.

17、 may be carried on or under deck D. may not be carried on or under deck036In order to obtain early warning of risk of collision, proper use of radar equipment is necessary, including_为了获得碰撞危险的早期警报,适当的使用雷达设备是必要的,包括远距离扫描,雷达标绘,对探测到物标的系统标绘A. long-range scanning B. radar plotting C. equivalent systematic

18、 observation of detected object D. all A, B and C037MAYDAY is to be used to announce_ Mayday被用于通报一个遇险信息A. a distress message B. an urgency message C. a safety message D. a massage of SMCP038My Captain is trying to _ the pilot station before the ebb tide. 我们船长正试图在退潮前到达引水站A. steam B. proceed C. approa

19、ch D. reach039The principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate_ as far as possible. 校正磁罗经的主要目的是尽可能消除自差A variation B. compass errorC. deviation D. earths magnetic force040The tweendecker has _below the main deck. 二层舱类型船舶主甲板下面有另外的甲板A. another deck B. two other deck C. no dec

20、k D. additional deck041The well preparation of stowage plan will_准备好的积载计划将提高工作效率A. increase the ships officers knowledgeB. extend the ships officers knowledgeC. improve the ships cargo-handling equipmentD. raise the working efficiency042 A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel or fair

21、way where other vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction shall navigate with particular alertness and caution and shall _.在接近弯头或狭水道或航道区域的船舶假如他船可能被居间障碍物遮蔽时应特别警惕和谨慎地航行并应鸣放适合的声号A. Take action to permit safe overtaking.B. Sound the appropriate signal.C. Slacken her speed.D. Increase her spe

22、ed.043 A vessel or seaplane on the water is considered to be underway when _.水面上的船筏或水上飞机被认为在航当她的锚爪不抓底时A. She is at anchor. B. She is made fast to shoreC. She is aground. D. Her anchor ceases to hold.044 A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel of fairway shall keep as near to the _ l

23、imit of the channel or fairway, which lies on her_ side as, is safe and practicable. 沿着狭水道航行的船舶,在其安全可行的情况下应保持在靠近其所在航道右侧的外缘航行A. Inner, port. B. Inner, starboard. C. Outer, port. D. Outer, starboard.045 A vessel the passage of which is not to be impeded _ to comply with this Rule when the two vessels

24、are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision 当两船相互接近致有碰撞危险时,其通过不得被妨碍的船舶仍有完全遵守本章各条规定的责任A. remains fully obliged B. has no obligation C. is not necessarily D. is exempted 046 Every vessel shall reduce her speed to the minimum at which she can be kept on her course when hearing appare

25、ntly _ the fog signal of another vessel. 每一艘船舶当显然是在其正横前听到他船的雾号时,应将速度减小到能够维持其航向的最小速度A. Afterward of her beam.B. Forward of her beamC. Abeam on port.D. Abeam on starboard.047 Forecastle deck is located in the ships _.艏楼甲板位于船舶的艏部A. Bow stem. B. Stern. C. Portside. D. Starboard side.048 If it becomes ne

26、cessary for a stand-on vessel to take action to avoid collision,she shall NOT,if possible,_.如果直航船采取避免碰撞的行动变得必要,假如可能,她不应对在她左舷的船舶向左转向A. decrease speed B. increase speed C. turn to port for a vessel on her own port side D. turn to starboard for a vessel on her own port side 049 In determining if risk o

27、f collision exists,if there is any doubt,such risk shall be deemed to _. 在确定是否存在碰撞危险时,假如有任何怀疑,应认为存在这样的危险A. exist B. exists C. existing D. to be existed050 The side of a ship which is farther from the winds is _.船离风更远的一舷叫下风舷A. fairway side B. open sea side C. lee side D. roadstead side052 There is a possibility that small vessel,ice and other floating objects

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