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1、does. The verb in the sentence should be advanced with the prototype verb be:Do, you, know, it?Are, you, students?Does, she, have, a, pen?1. the present tense is a sign of habitual or habitual action:We, always, care, for, each, other, and, help, other, each.They, cycle, to, work, every, day.A chara

2、cteristic or state of being 2:He loves sports.Do, you, sing? A little.I major in english.3. times truth:Light, travels, faster, than, sound.Two, and, four, makes, six.The, moon, moves, round, the, earth.Somesaid state and feeling verbs often used are: be, love, like, hate, want, hope, need, prefer,

3、wish, know, understand, remember, believe, recognize, guess, suppose, mean, belong, think, feel, envy (thought), doubt, remain, consist contain, seem, look, see, fit, (look), suit, owe, own, hear, find, suggest, propose, allow, show, prove, mind (description)(care), have (a), sound (sound), taste (t

4、aste), matter, require, possess. Desire and so on.I, feel, a, sharp, pain, in, my, chest.The, soup, contains, too, much, salt.You, see, what, I, mean?The, coat, fits, you, very, well.How, do, you, find, the, book?Someverbs that express actions are sometimes used in this tense to indicate the action

5、of the moment. Because of the short duration of the movement, it is not natural to use it:I, send, you, my, best, wishes.I salute your courage.Now, I, extend, my, heartfelt, thanks, to, you.In spoken language, this tense is used to indicate a situation in accordance with a rule, plan, or arrangement

6、 (which has an adverbial of the future):When, do, the, train, leave (stop, at, Jinan)?The, plane, take, off, at, 11, am.Tomorrow is saturday.Is, there, a, firm, on, tonight?But this is restricted to a few verbs, such as begin, come, go, leave, sail, start, arrive, return, dine, end, be, stop, depart

7、, open, close, etc. In addition, in time or conditional clauses, future actions or states are expressed in this tense:Tell, her, about, that, when, she, come.Turn, off, the, light, before, you, leave.We ll, start, as, soon, as, you, are, ready.In spoken language, this tense can sometimes be used to

8、indicate an action that has already occurred (the time it takes to speak is in a very unimportant position in the human brain):They, say, Xiao, Wu, is, back. Is, that, true?Xiao, Yu, tells, me, you, re, going, abroad.Oh, I, forget, where, he, lives.Yes, you, answer, quite, well.In addition, the gene

9、ral present time is also used in newspapers, movies, TV commentary and so on.Two, the present continuous tenseThe present continuous tense is made up of the auxiliary verb bes personal form and the present participle, and its affirmative, negative and interrogative forms are as follows:I am working.

10、I am not working.Am, I, working?The present continuous tense is the movementof the present or present stage.Where, are, they, having, the, basket-ball, match?They, are, putting, up, the, scaffolding.He s, showing, a, foreign, guest, round, the, city.In many cases, a Chinese sentence that indicates a

11、n ongoing action does not have the word being, but must be used in the progressive tense when it is translated into english:How, are, you, getting, on, with, the, work?The, work, is, going, fairly, smoothly.You, are, making, rapid, progress.It is blowing hard.你在等谁? 我每次见到她时,她正在花园里干活。我每次看到她时,她总是在花 园里干

12、活。在一般现在时所列的表示状态和感觉的动词,一般不能用于进行时 态,因为他们不能表示正在进行的动作。但如果词义转变,能表示一 个正在进行的动作,就能够用于进行时态,试比较下面的句子:你看到那里有什么人吗?你看到有人了吗?你在给谁送行吗?我听见有人唱歌。他们在听一个英语说话吗?他们在听一个英语报告。你认为呢?你觉得这怎么样?你在想什么呢?你在想什么?另外,表示无法持续动作的动词,一般不宜用于进行时态,但有些可 以用于这个时态表示重复、即将等:他跳上跳下。她一上一下地跳着。火车就要进站了。老人快要死了。老头病危了。现在进行时有时可用来表示一个在最近按计划或安安排要进行的动 作(这是多有一个表示未来

13、时间的状语): 我们星期五动身。你明天要去什么地方吗? 今天下午一个外国客人的英语演讲。小红!快来。谁为你翻译?我们下星期一放假。但这仅限于少量动词, 如走,来到,离开,出发, 到达,午餐,返回, 吃饭,工作,睡觉,呆,玩,做,有,穿等。另外,“会 +不定式”这个结构经常用来表示即将发生的事或打算 (准 备)做的事:恐怕要下雨了。明天会相当冷。她不打算在会上发言。在这个结构中过去有许多人不赞成用去和来这两个动词,感到很别 扭,主张不说你要去什么地方吗?而说明天你要去哪里?不说她会来 吗?而说她要来吗?但现在在这种结构中用两个动词的人越来越多, 这种用法基本上被大家接受了。此外,在时间和条件状语

14、从句中, 间或也可用现在进行时表示将来的 情况或一般情况: 不要说你和他谈话时 记住,当你休息,别人总是在工作 如果她还在睡觉,不要吵醒她。 现在进行时有时用来代替一般现在时,表示一个经常性动作或状态,这是或是为了表示一种感情(一)如赞叹、厌烦等,或是为了强调情 况的暂时性( B)。答:你今天感觉怎么样?(比你今天感觉如何?更显亲切) 萧华在学校里表现很好。 (比小华在学校。更富赞美工作做得好) 他总是想着他的工作。表赞许 他经常把他的事。她老是乱扔东西(表不满) 。 他总是吹牛。他老爱说大话(表厌烦) 。他现在正在隔壁房间睡觉。 他现在现在是在隔壁房间睡了 (不再原来 房间睡了)。教授自己打

15、信秘书生病时。 他在哪里工作?他现在在那里工作(可能刚换工作)? 本周我们 7:30 开始工作。他是步行去上班,因为他的自行车在修理。是间或可用于进行时态,表示一时的表现:你不谦虚。他在犯傻。她很友好。 小红今天是个好女孩。谈不 rot.i 很严重。注:在有和这里引起的句子中,continuousdifference:Often used in the present age instead of the present tense:Here comes the bus. (=the, bus, is, coming.)There, goes, the, bell. (=the, bell,

16、is, ringing.)In somecases, two cases are available, with littleI wonder (am wondering) how, I, should, answer, then.Does, your, leg, hurt, is, your, leg, hurting?)It itches (is itching) terribly.My, back, aches (is, aching)I,write (am, writing), to, inform, you.Three, the general future tenseThe gen

17、eral future tense is madeup of the auxiliary or will plus the verb prototype, shall is used in the first person and will is used in the second, third person. The affirmative, negative and interrogative institutions of this tense can be expressed as follows:I shall go.I shall not go.Shall, I, go?In a

18、n English speaking country other than Britain, in the declarative sentence, even in the first person, will is used in general, too. In Britain, this tendency tends to to I ll. in the spoken languageThe general future tense indicates the actions and circumstances to take place:I will (shall) arrive t

19、omorrow.Will, you, be, busy, tonight?The, agreement, will, come, into, force, next, spring.verb shallbe reducedWe, won, t (Shan, t), be, free, tonight.Sometimes it indicates the time adverbial of the future, and sometimes there is no time adverbial. At this point, we should judge from the meaning wh

20、ether the action or situation will be in the future:I, will, think, it, over.Who, will, take, the, chair?Will, she, come?They won , t, object, it.In a question with I or we as the subject, shall is usually used, either by asking for the other persons opinion (a), or by asking a case (B):A., shall, I

21、, make, a, fair, copy, of, it?Which, book, shall, I, read, first?Where, shall, we, meet?B., shall, we, have, any, classes, tomorrow?When, shall, we, have, the, rehearsal?Shall, I, be, able, to, find, them, there?In these questions, manypeople have used will in recent years, especially in the United

22、states.What, will, we, do?How, will, get, there?Which, will, I, take?Note that in the adverbial clauses of time or condition, the present tense cannot be used in the present tense instead of the present tense:I ll, let, you, have, the, book, when, I, m, through.They, ll, fight, till, they, win, comp

23、lete, victory.ll, be, round, to, see, you, if, I, have, time, tomorrow.Note: in the two case, conditional clauses can be used in the general future tense:1. means wishes:If, they, won, t, cooperate, our, plan, will, fall, flat.2.the main predicate table present situation:If, he, won, t, arrive, this

24、, morning, why, should, we, wait, here.The action or situation that will occur, in addition to the general future tense, there are some other structures andtenses: going + infinitive (a plan intended or intended to do or something that is about to happen or sure to happen):re, going, to, put, u

25、p, a, building, here.How, are, you, going, to, spend, your, holiday?Who, is, going, to, speak, first?2. be + infinitive (indicating what is going to happen as planned or used to seek advice from the other party):When, is, the, factory, to, go, into, production?The, line, is (going), to, be, opened,

26、to, traffic, week., nextAm, I, to (=shall, I), go, on, with, the, work?3.the present tense (limited to certain verbs that indicates what is planned or what will happen at any moment):School, finishes, on, January, 18th.We, get, off, at, the, next, stop.When, does, the, winter, vacation, begin?4.pres

27、ent continuous tense (limited to certain verbs that indicates what is going to happen as planned):We, are, having, an, English, evening, tonight.They, are, playing, some, folk, music, next.I, am, talking, the, children, to, the, zoo (on, Sunday)In simply expressing the future, especially in a series

28、 of things, or in a sentence with adverbial clauses of time or condition, the predicate uses the future tense:Next, term, I, will, to, do, better., I, ll, speak, try, more,English, and, do, more, reading-aloud.He, ll, come, to, see, you, when, he, time., has,.He, ll, tell, you, if, you, ask, him.Whe

29、nexpressing, planning, or preparing, use the be, going, and to structures without mentioning time, conditions, etc.,Less often than usual, especially in spoken english:He, is, going, to, buy, a, dictionary. (he, will, buy, a, dictionary.)In talking about what is going to happen, the be going to is more structured. When it comes to planning to do what you wantto do, use be to quite a bit. There is also the future progressive tense, which can also be used to indicate future actions. be,

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