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1、在文章中犯的少量拼写/语法错误;你的论据是不是完美无缺。应计谋略1)五背原那么:背全能框架,背经常使用句型,背重点辞汇,背出色佳句,背经典范文。2)段落展开方式列举法经常使用词语如下:First, second, third,lastFirstly, secondly, thirdly,finallyFirst of all, then, next, in addition, last but not the least importantIn the first place, in the second place, moreover, furthermore, besides举例法经常使用

2、词语如下:For example, for instance, takeas example, such as, like, show, prove, indicate, illustrate, demonstrate比较对照法经常使用词语如下:In comparison with, similarly, likewise, in contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary, even thought/if, unlike, but, however, while, though, in the same way因果法经常使用词语如下:Cause,

3、 result in, lead to, produce, because, since, now that, therefore, thus, consequently, owing to, due to, because of, as a result, as a consequence作文题型分析与应试技术分为三大类型:提纲作文、应用文、记叙文一、提纲作文三要素:起始句、过渡句、总结句起始句第一段第一句:开门见山引出论述的主题,经常使用句型如下:It has been a hot topic for a long time onMany people advocate thatIn re

4、cent years,is becoming more and more popular.There is no denying the fact thatNo one can deny thatToday more and more are seenWhether youor not,pour into your life.With the rapid development of,manyhave realized the important role ofIt is widely believed by many people for some time thatWith the pas

5、sage of time and the development of modern science and technology,more and more affect our lives.Everybody knows thatAs we knowIt can be easily found that过渡句第二段第一句:用具有承接或转折功能的精辟语句过度,自然的引出第二段。经常使用句型如下:On the other hand, there are also who maintain thatUndoubtedly, as “every coin has its two sides,” a

6、 case in point isObviously, different people have got different attitudes towardsMany people maintain/think/argue/advocate thatWhile others argue thatIn general, there are two main reasons leading toThere are some possible reasons for the present situation. First,Second,Finally,As a result,However,

7、the reason for this phenomenon is complicatedHow tothen? First,Second,Finally,To, I suggest thatTo do this, we can总结句第三段第一句,用带有总结性的佳句暗示文章的终止。经常使用以下句型:As far as I am concerned, IAs for me, withIn my opinion,Generally speaking,From what has been discussed above, we may come to the conclusion thatConse

8、quently, we should keep in mind thatTherefore we should realize thatTherefore, I think it is really high time thatFrom this point of view,In a word/ In brief/ In summary/All in all2)提纲作文的分类A “my suggestions/comments”例题:Advantages and disadvantages of the cell phoneOutline:1)有人以为电话给咱们的生活带来很多便利的地方2)有人

9、以为电话有很多坏处3)我的观点Nowadays, more and more people are using the cell phone. They are popular and useful. But like everything else, they both have advantages and disadvantages.Cell phone has brought out lives much convenience. Firstly, its easy and handy to carry wherever one goes. Secondly, its convenie

10、nt. Whenever you meet trouble or something urgent, you can make an immediate call. Thirdly, its a good tool to get real-time information of different fields.However, just as everything has two sides. A cell phone is expensive. And its also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired. Whats more, its

11、not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available.In my point of view, with the rapid development of IT and Chinas entry into the WTO, the expense of the cell phone will be greatly reduced, and it will face a brighter future in the development. And I believe i

12、ts disadvantages will be offset.提纲作文总结(12句作文法)第一段:第一句,开门见山点出文章主题; 第二句,展开主题。 第三句,进一步展开主题或给出一个简短小结。第二段:第一句,用具有承接或转折功能的精辟语句过度,自然引出第二段主旨。 第二句,尽快切入到outline内容,给出第一个展开项或论据。 第三句,进一步说明或论述第二句。 第四句,给出第二个展开项或论据。 第五句,进一步说明或论述第四句。 第六句,给出第二段的小结。第三段:第一句,承先启后,用带有总结性的佳句暗示文章的终止。 第二句,按给定的outline要求总结论述内容。 第三句,总结,并谈论本人的观

13、点。触类旁通练习题1. are prizes a good thing?1)有奖竞猜的益处2)有奖竞猜引发的问题2. on developing tourism1)目前的状况2)是不是该进展旅行业,许多人观点不同3. wealth and health1)有些人说健康确实是一切,而有些人以为财富重于一切2)我的观点4. whether the CCTV spring festival gala should be cancelled1)许多人喜爱在除夕夜观看春节联欢晚会2)但有些人提出取消春节联欢晚会5. is a test of spoken English necessary?1)很多人以

14、为有必要举行口语考试,理由是。2)也有人持不同意见,。3)我的观点和打算6. reading selectively or extensively?1)有人以为念书要有选择2)有人以为应当博学多才7. can computer replace human brain?1)有的人说电脑会代替人脑,有的人说可不能2)你的观点8. which to preferprivate cars or public transportation?1)有人以为私家车好,而有人以为公交车好9. the two-day weekend1)双休日对大学生的益处2)双休日可能带给大学生的问题3)我应该如何过双休日10.

15、 internet in our lives1)internet的迅猛进展便利了咱们的生活2)internet所带来的不良阻碍11. positive and negative aspects of sports1)体育运动的益处2)体育运动可能带来的副作用3)我参加体育运动的体会12. can we develop industry?1)工业给咱们人类带来的庞大进展2)工业也给咱们带来污染3)你的观点13. is it good for college students to have a part-time job?1)part-time job带来的益处2)不利的地方3)你的态度14.

16、should the university campus be open to tourist?1)名校校园正成为旅行新热点2)校园是不是应付游客开放,人们观点不同3)我以为。15. student use of computers1)现在电脑愈来愈普及,学生天天平均利用电脑的时刻也慢慢增加2)关于学生是不是能够利用电脑,人们观点不同1. the role of luck in success1)有人以为成功是源于勤奋,完全与运气无关2)论述你的观点并说明理由2. oral Englisha must in university courses1)培育英语口语交际能力十分必要和重要2)自己在英

17、语口语交际方面存在问题Words for reference:pronunciation,habits,mistakes,shy,essential,communication,success3. examination cheating1)现在愈来愈多的学生在考试中作弊2)形成这种现状的缘故4. pirate books1)现在盗版书籍愈来愈多5. computers1)现在电脑越老越普及6. hard work and success1)不劳那么无获(no pains,no gains)2)勤奋令人成功(where there is diligence,there is success)d

18、iligence,goals,efforts,difficulties,overcome1. food safety1)人们对食物的平安愈来愈担忧2)如何才能解决好食物的平安问题worried,polluted,poison,harm,law,punish2. how to succeed in a job interview1)成功面试的重要性2)如何进行成功的面试3. the rush to cities1)大量农人工涌向城市,给城市生活带来了很多便利,但其中也存在一些问题2)如何解决那个问题4. make our cities greener1)城市绿化的现状及绿化的益处(如清洁空气,美

19、化城市,改善气候等)2)如何才能实现绿化Going Abroad to Study. 1.有人以为出国留学有很多益处2.有人以为出国留学有很多不利的地方3.你的观点是where to livein the city or in the country 1)有人以为身居城市好2)有人以为农村好3)我的观点列提纲:第一段conveniences of the city第二段attractions of the country第三段my preference行正文:部份范文:GoingAbroadtoStudySomepeople think that there are a lot of adva

20、ntages to study abroad. Firstly,we can learn the native language more easily and more rapidly while in the country. Secondly,many foreign universities can offer better studying conditions and have more advanced teaching equipment .Thirdly,going abroad can take us to a new environment with different

21、culture and customs。However,some people believe that it isnt worth while to study abroad . For example,the tuition and living expenses are expensive. Moreover,being far away from our mother country, we may feel lonelyMy view is that going abroad has more advantages than disadvantages. So it is advis

22、able to study abroad.On developing tourismRecent years, tourism, a smokeless industry, is becoming more and more popular in China. With the reform and opening-up policy being carried out, hundreds of thousands of foreign visitors come to our country. They are eager to see this mysterious land with a

23、 splendid culture of more than 5,000 years.Obviously, different people have different attitudes towards whether to develop tourism. Many people advocate that as a form of industry tourism brings china a lot of benefits. Firstly, its clear that tourism will contribute a great deal to the friendship a

24、nd the mutual understanding between Chinese people and people all over the world. The foreigners who have visited china are deeply impressed by the development of our country and the hospitality of our people. Secondly, developing tourism will bring some benefits to local cities especially for the c

25、ountry. Tourism has been the biggest income source for many cities. However, there are still other people who maintain that tourism give rise to many problems. For instance, it becomes a great burden to transportation system. Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles to develop tourism.As for me

26、, with the development of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much brighter future for tourism awaits us.The Role of Luck in SuccessIt is widely believed by many people that if someone succeeds, its for his hard work and luck has nothing to do with succe

27、ss. I believe hard work is very important and necessary, however, I must disagree this idea. It can not be denied that luck plays an important role in success.As is known to all, a lot of great discoveries are made by accident. If Newton wasnt sitting under the tree and had been hit by the fallen ap

28、ple, he couldnt have found the gravity of the earth. Furthermore, we can not make sure we can get the right place and the right time. Just like those undergraduates who are looking for a suitable job, some of them are confronted with unemployment just for they never met someone by chance who can off

29、er them a job they liked or good opportunities they needed.From what has been discussed above, we can come to the conclusion that the influence of luck cannot be ignored. We may first prepare ourselves and wait for the lucks coming to us. View on a part-time jobNowadays, more and more college students are busy in doing part-time jobs. They are working as tutors, waiters, salesmen, traveling guides, and so on. And the tendency seems to be on the rise. However, people have some different opinions about it.Some people think of it positively. They believe doing a part-time job can earn the

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