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1、With all my regards!Yours love,Zhang Yu参考范文二A Letter to MotherDear Mom,How are you these days?Ive had a pretty busy semester, taking seven courses, and having spent much time preparing for College English Test Band 4. But l also have had a wonderful time. My roommates and I often play basketball or

2、go out for an outing. These are really beautiful experiences, and offer us good relaxation from the hard work. Besides, Ive made two new friends over the internet, and they are also college students in Beijing. We exchange lots of ideas on study and play. Now that school is coming to an end, we are

3、planning a meeting, which is usually great fun.I will probably stay on campus for the first week of the summer vacation ,to do some job for the students organization. Then I plan to read some novels at home. And of course, I will have a really nice talk with you and Dad.Yours love.Zhang Yu)解析:二、Part

4、 Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、The Ancient Greek Olympics(总题数:10,分数:70.00)2.The earliest Olympic Games started 3,000 years ago at Olympia.7.00)填空项1:_(正确答案:Y)快速阅读一下题干,可以找到可定位的数字3,000。但是文章中并没有3,000的字样。这样就看另一个定位问Olympic Games。我们可以发现在文章的第一句中写着Todays Olympic Games are base

5、d On what took place at Olympia,in Greece,nearly three millennia ago.。在这里,我们要注意millennia是 millennium的复数,意为“千年”。所以three millennia就是3,000了。3.The original purpose of Olympia is to be used as a playground for choosing the best athletes.N)由于Olympia在文章中多次出现,只有通过扫读才能找出答案。我们可以发现在文章的第一个小标题“起源”部分下第一段可以看到But f

6、or several centuries before that date Olympia had been a cult site for the worship of Zeus。即Olympia城的最初目的是为了崇拜宙斯这个神的。4.The original running race is about 192 meters long.NG)通过阅读题干可以知道是关于最初的比赛长度的,即属于第二个小标题下的。我们在第二句中可以知道How long this race was is a matter for conjecture。即总长度是多少还在猜测中,即不能确定是多少。5.There is

7、 a fine for those who cheat in the Games.通过阅读题干可以知道它是关于在比赛中舞弊所做的惩罚。所以应该是属于Religion and Politics标题下的内容。我们发现在第一段最后一句话中有If an athlete was fined for cheating or bribery.。即在比赛中作弊是要罚款的。6.Good athletes would not consult the oracle to know if they will win or not.通过阅读题干可以知道它是关于在比赛前通过神渝知道自己比赛的输赢。即是属于Religion

8、 and Politics部分。通过阅读,发现第二段中有这样的话Some athletes consulted the oracle to learn what their chances in the Games were.,但是文章中并没有写Good athletes会不会去问神谕。所以答案是未给出。7.The Greeks managed to get politics out of the Olympics.快速阅读一下题于,可以找到可定位的名词,The Greeks。再加上本题是围绕着政治这方面的,所以也属于宗教与政治部分。锁定范围之后,快速阅读文章,发现在第三段第一句话里有The

9、Greeks tried to keep some aspects of politics out of the Olympics,but their efforts met then,as such efforts do now,with limited success.。所以,虽然希腊人希望运动与政治分开,但是并没有成功。8.Women could neither participate nor watch at the main Olympic Festival.快速阅读一下题干,发现该题是围绕着女人与奥林匹克运动的,所以将其范围锁定在第四个小标题下。再仔细阅读该部分,发现在第三段中有W

10、omen did not participate at the main Olympic festival和 Whether women could even watch the festival is disputed。该题将一个有争议的问题当作事实是不正确的。9.Xenophanes considered that it wasnt right to judge strength as better than 1.good wisdom)快速阅读一下题干,发现该题有一个明显的定位词,即人名Xenophanes。通过这个明显的人名定位,可以发现在最后一个小标题下的第一段中有此人的一段引文It

11、 isnt right to judge strength as better than good wisdom。通过此段引文我们可以很快找到正确答案good wisdom。10.Galen attacked athletics as 1.unnatural and excessive快速阅读一下题干,可以找到可定位的名词Galen。并且该题是关于其他人对运动员的看法的,自然归属于最后一个小标题下。快速扫读定位,发现在第二段中写到Galen.attacked athletics as unnatural and excessive。所以答案已经一目了然。11.Pindar admires vi

12、ctors greatly, raising them to an almost 1.divine level快速阅读一下题十,可以找到可定位的名词Pindar。同样该题也是关于其他人对运动员的看法的,自然归属于最后一个小标题下。快速扫读定位,发现在第三段中写到Pindarthus raising them to an almost divine level。所以答案为divine level。四、Part Listening Comprehension(总题数:五、Section A(总题数:六、Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation

13、 you have just heard.(总题数:56.00)A.Hed like to come along.B.He knows his way around the harbor.C.The warm weather is quite pleasant.D.The ride will take all day.听力原文W: Would you like to join us for a ride around the harbor?M: What a pleasant way to spend a hot day!Q: What does the man imply?女士询问男士是否愿

14、意一起到海边兜风,男士的回答应该与此相关,或答应或拒绝。男士回答中出现了pleasant“令人愉快的”一词,说明男士要跟着一起去。B)是针对harbor设置的干扰项;C)是对 pleasant设置的干扰项;D)是针对ride和a day设置的干扰项,均是对对话内容的曲解。A.In an apartment on University Avenue.B.In an apartment in the city.C.In a house in the city.D.At the university. Where are you living now? I went to see you in yo

15、ur old apartment on University Avenue and it was empty. Im living in the city. Its closer to work. Where did the woman live before she moved?这道题的答案事实上已在对话中明确给出。这里的关键是男士问话中的old“旧的,从前的”一词。男士问女士现在的住所,因为他曾去过女士在大学路的那所公寓,可是公寓是空的(empty),由此可知女士现在已经不住在那里,而是住在城里。in the city是女士现在的住处,所以排除B)、C); D)是针对university设

16、置的干扰。A.He is sick.B.He is fine.C.He is happy.D.He is confused. Hello, Jack. How are you feeling now? Somebody said yoa have been sick. They must have had me confused with my brother, George. He has been sick all the week. I have never felt so good in my life. How is Jack feeling?杰克非常明白地淡到是他兄弟生病一周了,而

17、他身体非常好。选项C)是有关杰克情绪的情况,而不是他身体的情况,因此不正确,可排除。A.She feels small parties are very impersonal.B.She feels big parties are very personal.C.She feels she has to pay much money to hold parties.D.She dislikes many people at home at the same time. I dont think having big parties is a mistake. I like big partie

18、s. I think we should pay back our friends who have invited us to their parties. But big parties are so impersonal. I think we should have several small ones instead. How does the woman feel about parties?理解本题的关键是理解女士所说的But big parties are so impersonal,即她认为大的派对太缺乏人情味,就是说她不喜欢有太多的人同时聚会,所以选择D)。女士认为人的派对

19、太缺乏人情味,所以排除A)和B);对话没有涉及C),所以排除。A.The woman already told him about her holidays.B.Hes surprised to hear what tile woman said.C.The holidays passed quickly for him too.D.The woman speaks too fast. I cant believe the Christmas holidays are almost over, they went by so fast. You said it. I have the same

20、 feeling. What does the man mean?解答这道题的关键在于理解习语you said it说得对,是这样)的意思,通常用You said it来表明非常赞成对方的观点。如果考生不太熟悉这个习语,男士接下来说的话也是很好的提示:I have the same feeling.(我有同感。)由此可知男士和女士的感觉一样,也觉得圣诞节过得太快。A)是针对you said“设置的干扰项,是对该习语的字面理解;B)是对习语you said it的曲解;D)是针对fast设置的干扰项。A.The festival is not worth seeing.B.He would st

21、ay on to see the festival.C.Some of his friends missed the festival last year.D.The woman will miss the festival unless she stays on. You know, if you stayed on a few extra days, youd see the grand festival. Oh, yes, thats well worth seeing. Some friends of ours saw it last year.男士说如果女士再多呆几天就能看到盛大的节

22、日了。话从反面说就是女士如果不再多呆几天就看不到盛大的节日,即D)。A)是针对女士所说的well worth seeing设置的;C)也是针对女士所说的 Some friends of ours saw it last year设置的,答案与题意相反;而从对话中我们其实看不出男士是否会留下来过节,除B)。A.It will be sunny all day.B.It will be raining all day.C.The weatherman is usually inaccurate in his forecast.D.The weatherman is usually very acc

23、urate in his forecast. I heard on the radio that the storm is getting nearer. If the weatherman is as accurate ms usual it will probably be sunny all day. What do we learn from this conversation?本题解题的关键在于综合男士与女士双方的谈话内容,女士说收音机上预报将有一场暴风雨,男士认为如果预报员这次跟以往一样准确的话,整天都会是大晴天。通过两人的对话可得知这名预报员经常预报不准确。A)、B)两项可以被排

24、除,在此更深层的含义不是在说天气,而是在说预报员的预报情况。A.Try to find it in the house.B.Repair the roof.C.Lend his friend a pen.D.Become extremely angry. I borrowed Peters favorite pen; and now Ive lost it. When he finds out, he will really raise the roof. How will Peter react when he hears what the woman did?女士说把Peter最喜欢的钢笔

25、给弄丢了,男士说如果Peter知道了这件事,他真的会raise the roof,字面意思是“举起房顶”,实际上是指Peter会大发雷霆,所以选择D)。A)和B)都是对raise the roof的曲解,所以排除;C)对话没有涉及。七、Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(总题数:28.00)A.Problems with living in an apartment.B.A search for a new apartment.C.The cost of rent near universi

26、ties.D.Furnishing an apartment.听力原文19-22 Hello. Hello, Roger? This is Ann. Oh hi, Ann. How have you been? And hows your new apartment working out? Well, thats what Im calling about. You see, Ive decided to look for a new place. Oh, whats the problem with your place now? I thought you liked the apartment. Oh, I do. Its pretty cozy, the surroundings are perfect and a lot of en

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