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1、初三英语总复习资料答案 初三英语总复习资料 参考答案编者 王 鹏 周 栋 于丽亚 李惠贤 2006年8月单项选择答案1B 2.B 3.C 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. C11. B 12. D 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. C21.D 22.A 23.B 24. C 25. B 26.B 27. B 28. C 29.C 30.D31. B 32. B 33.C 34.D 35.D 36. D 37.B 38. C 39. B 40.C41.B 42.B 43.B 44. B 45. B 46.

2、 B 47.B 48. C 49. B 50. C51. B 52. B 53. B 54. B 55.B 56. C 57. B 58. C 59.C 60.B61.D 62. C 63.C 64.C 65. D 66.B 67.C 68.C 69.B 70. C71.A 72. B 73.D 74.A 75. D 76.B 77.D 78.C 79.B 80. C 81. C 82. A 83.B 84.B 85.B 86.A 87.A 88.A 89.A 90.B91.C 92. C 93.B 94.B 95.B 96. A 97.B 98.A 99.D 100.C101.A 102.C

3、 103. D 104.C 105. B 106. C 107. C 108.C 109.B 110 C111.C 112. B 113.D 114.C 115.B 116. B 117.B 118.C 119.C 120.D121. C 122.A 123.D 124.B 125.C 126.C 127.B 128.B 129.D 130.B131.D 132.B 133.B 134. D 135.B 136.C 137.B 138.A 139.B 140.C141.B 142. C 143.C 144.C 145.B 146.B 147.A 148.C 149.C 150.D151.B 1

4、52.B 153.C 154.C 155.B 156.C 157.C 158.C 159.C 160.D161.A 162.C 163.B 164.C 165.B 166.A 167.D 168.D 169.C 170.A171.D 172.A 173. B 174.B 175.C 176.B 177.D 178.B 179.A 180.C181.C 182.C 183. A 184.A 185.B 186. D 187.B 188.D 189. 190.C191.C 192.A 193.A 194.C 195.D 196.B 197.C 198.B 199.A 200.D201.C 202.

5、C 203.B 204.C 205.B 206.D 207.C 208. A 209.B 210.D211.A 212.A 213.A 214.A 215.B 216.B 217.D 218.D 219.C 220. A221.D 222.D 223.A 224.B 225.A 226.D 227.D 228.C 229.B 230.C231.B 232.C 233.A 234.B 235.B 236.A 237.C 238.C 239.D 240.B241.A 242.C 243.B 244.D 245. A 246.D 247.D 248.A 249.D 250.B 句型运用答案根据中文意

6、思完成句子。1 通常一放学,我们就回家。We usually go home as soon as school is over. 2 我肯定他每天和他妈妈起的一样早。I am sure that he gets up as early as his mother every morning.3 妈妈让我明天尽可能早点起床。My mother asked me to get up as early as possible tomorrow morning.4 你应该问一问英语老师如何才能学好英语。You should ask your English teacher how to learn

7、English well.5 他们正忙着在山上种树。They are busy planting trees on the hill.6 恐怕今天下午我不能与你去看电影了。I am afraid that I cant go to see the film with you this afternoon.7 杭州以西湖而闻名。Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake. 8 真高兴,我买到了这本英语书。Im glad that I have bought this English book.9 晚会的一切事情已准备妥当。Everything is ready fo

8、r the party.10 妈妈告诉我不要晚上独自外出。My mother told me not to go out alone at night.11 最好不要躺着看书。 Youd better not read in bed.12 我发现真正学好英语太难了。 Ive found it difficult to learn English well.13 爸爸经常给我买些有趣的书。 My father often buys me some interesting books.14 今天下午你要么做作业,要么就修一修你的自行车。 This afternoon, you must eithe

9、r do your homework or repair your bike.15 我想他还没去过美国吧。 I dont think he has ever been to America. 16 她很担心没人能让那个孩子不哭。 Shes afraid that nobody can stop the child from crying.17 李民不想继续在这生活了。 Li Min doesnt want to go on living here. 18 我们一直在英语方面给与她帮助。 Weve kept helping her with English.19 大家都喜欢走着去西藏。 Ever

10、yone enjoys walking to Tibet. 20 天越来越黑,我们打的回家吧。Its getting darker and darker. Lets go home by taxi.21 刘翔是世界上最优秀运动员之一。 LuXiang is one of the best players in the world.22 对于我来说学好数学并非是件容易的事。 It seems to me that it isnt easy to learn math well.23 我们都认为每天一起打一打篮球是个好主意。 We all think it is a good idea to pl

11、ay basketball every day.24 在中国黄河是第二长河。 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.25 她长的很像她的母亲。 She looks like her mother very much.26 在我看来,你最好每天喝牛奶。 It seems to me that youd better drink more milk every day.27 每天我乘车上学需一小时。 It takes me an hour to go to school by bus every day.28 吃太多的肉对你的身

12、体不好。 It isnt good for your health to have more meat.29 别说话了,该上课了。 Stop talking. it is time to have class.30 这歌听起来十分优美。The song sounds very beautiful.31 据说那条路是五米宽左右。 It is said that the road is about five meters wide.32 请保持室内整洁。 Keep the room clean and tidy, please.33 对不起让你久等了。 Im sorry to keep you w

13、aiting for a long time.34 你喜欢听音乐还是喜欢跳舞。 Do you like listening to music or dancing?35 昨天他和我都没去上学。 Neither he nor I went to school yesterday.36 打篮球和游泳这两项运动我更喜欢游泳。 I prefer swimming to playing basketball.37 你知道谁一点都不喜欢这首歌吗。 Do you know who doesnt like the song at all?38 李明每天完成作业后才去睡觉。 Li Ming doesnt go

14、to bed until he finishes doing his homework. 39 老师经常让我们帮助家长做家务。 The teacher often makes us help our parents with the housework.40 他有两个哥哥,一个是医生,一个是教师。He has two brothers. One is a doctor, the other is a teacher.41 我常听见她唱这首歌。 I often hear her sing the song.42 进屋时,我发现他正做作业呢。 I found him doing his homew

15、ork when I came into the room.43 这本书我花四元买的。 I spent four Yuan on the book.44 他们花一天的时间种的这些树。 They spent a day in planting the trees.45 吃的越多,你越胖。 The more meat you have, the fatter you are 46 感谢你邀请我参加这个晚会。 Thank you for inviting me to the party.47 外边下雨呢,你拿着雨衣。 Its raining outside, you should take the

16、raincoat with you.48 我们太累了,停下休息会。 We are so tired that we should stop to have a rest.49 这道数学题太难我做不出来。 The math is so hard that I cant work it out. 50 这是一本如此有趣的书以致大家都喜欢。This is such an interesting book that everyone likes it.51 我的电脑有问题了, 你能帮我修一修吗? There is something wrong with my computer, can you he

17、lp me mend it.52 他还太小做不了这种工作。 He is too young to do this kind of work.53 二十五年前我曾是一名工人。 I used to be a worker twenty-five years ago.54 为什么不和他们一起去学校。 Why dont you go to school with them? 55 请把那本书递给我好吗? Would you please pass me that book?56 你今天怎么了? Whats wrong with you today?57 我兴奋得说不出话来。 I was too exc

18、ited to say a word.58 下午去游泳怎么样? How about going to swim this afternoon.59 这本书我花四元买的。 This book cost me five Yuan.60 这本书我花四元买的。I paid five Yuan for this book.61 休息了十分钟后,我们又继续工作。 After ten minutes rest, we went on working. 62 我想他对体育运动一定感兴趣。 I think he must be interested in sports.63 吸烟有害健康,你最好戒掉。 Its

19、bad for your health. Youd better give it up.64 这两个句子有什么不同。 What is the difference between the two sentences.65 我们过去常常下班后沿着这条路走回家。 We used to go home along the road after work.66 你们经常从图书馆借书吗? Do you often borrow books from the library?67 小王已把字典借给小李了。 Xiao Wang has lent the dictionary to Xiao Li.68 我们

20、为她而骄傲。 We are proud of her.69 会议已经开始五分钟了。 The meeting has been on for five minutes.70 你一到那儿就给我打电话。 You will call me as soon as you get there.71 除了我,他们都去过美国了。 All of them have been to America except me.72 别害怕,尽可能下好这盘棋。 Dont be afraid, Please play the chess as well as you can.73 我们都想知道她在哪所中学教数学。 We al

21、l want to know in which school she teaches math.74 她不喜欢打篮球。 She hates playing basketball.75 我把箱子装满了书。 I have filled the box with books.76 箱子装满了书。 The box is full of books.77 他走了已一个多月了。 He has been away for more than a month.78 我不习惯这么早睡觉。 I am not used to going to bed. 79 我们班学生的人数是四十。 The number of t

22、he students in our class is forty.80 作为数学教师他很有名气。 He is famous as a math teacher.81 这把刀子是用金属和木头做成的。 The knife is made of metal and wood.82 我们班的同学有些人喜欢游泳,有些人喜欢打篮球。 Some students in our class like swimming, others like playing basketball.83 据说老李去世已三年了。 It is said that Li has been dead for three years8

23、4 我想尽快地见到他。 I would like to see him as soon as possible.85 在你的帮助下,我按时完成了这件工作。 With his help, I finished doing the work on time.86 我肯定你回来我在走。 Im sure I wont leave until you come back.87 昨天他没去上学, 我也没去。He didnt go to school. I didnt go to school, either.88 不太冷也太不热。 Its neither too hot nor too cold.89 工

24、人们用了多长时间建成了这所学校。 How long did it take the workers to build the school.90 尽可能明天早点来吧。Please come here a little earlier as soon as possible.91 恐怕对于我完成这项工作是十分困难的。 Im afraid that it is difficult for me to finish the work.92 这个问题是所有问题中最难的之一。 Its one of the most difficult questions of all. 93 你能停一下帮我修一修自行车

25、。 Could you stop to help me mend the bike.94 我们对科学越来越感兴趣了。 We are becoming more and more interested in science.95 他从来不怕老师。 He has never been afraid of the teachers.96 现在白天变得越来越短了。 The days are getting shorter and shorter.97 我们应该坚持每天说英语。 We should keep on speaking English every day.98 刚才我看见她和同学们在操场上打

26、篮球。 I saw her playing basketball with the students in the playground.99 我想我妈妈会阻止我做这件事的。 I think my mother will stop me from doing the thing.100 我们还没打扫完教室呢。 We havent finished cleaning the classroom yet. 口语交际答案1.1. Could you tell me where I can get one/ in which shop I can get one?2. How can I get th

27、ere?3. How long does /will it take me there?4. Where is the nearest bus stop? 5.Youll find/see it easily./ You cant miss it.2. 1. Can I help you2. What colour do you want3. How much is it4. its a little expensive5. Ill take it3. 1. Can I help you? (写“What can I do for you?”扣0.5分)2. What colour do yo

28、u like / want? 3. What / How about this one? 4. How much is it? / How much does it cost? 5. Can / May I try it on? 4. 1. Is there a hospital near here?2. Youd better take a bus.3. How long will it take me to get there?4. Where is the bus stop?/ How can I get to the bus stop?5. Youre welcome.5. 1. Ma

29、y I speak to Bill 2. Who is that 3. Can I take a message (for you)4. Whats your (telephone) number 5. Thank you (very much) 6. 1. Whats wrong with you 2. How long have you been like this3. Have you taken your temperature 4. Anything serious 5. Thank you very much7. 1. Ive got a headache. / I have a

30、headache. 2. How long have you been like this? 3. I felt cold. / I felt a little cold last night. 4. Have you had anything for breakfast? / Have you eaten anything this morning? 5. Three times a day. / Twice a day.8. 1. Whats wrong/the matter/the trouble with you2. Have you taken your temperature 3. How long have you been like this4. (Is there) anything serious 5. You will be all right/better9. 1. Ive got a headache / cough. / I feel terrible.2. How long have you been like this? 3. No, not yet. / No, I havent. / No.4. Dont worry. 5. nothing serious.

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